Disney Magic Kingdoms

Lynnwood area is our stomping ground.
And that’s exactly where I live.

Right now, I’m working on EC to get Eddie to Level 4…this is going to be a long process. I have sent characters out on the 60 min tasks that have them, and now I just need to remember to collect every hour.
Crash is at 5, Eddie at 3. I need 7 common tokens for Eddie at 4. Attractions at either 2 or 3. Weekly tasks all done and should be in Level 121 by the end of the day.

Jaq, Gus and Anxiety are all ready for leveling, but they get to wait until after I have Buck.
Eddie just upgraded to 4. New attraction at 2. Weekly tasks done. Will hit Level 100 today.

Working on tokens and EC for Eddie to go to 5. With needing 40 common tokens and 7K, this will take a while.

And need 2 more teddy bears to welcome Michael Darling.
Reached the Welcome Buck , so will just be working on EC and tokens for next few days. Don’t have a lot of EC left after leveling Eddie to 5. Believe I had to do two more quests after leveling to reach the Welcome Bucky!
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I feel like I am slow to collect EC as I am only in the next couple of hours going to be able to level Eddie to 3. I did buy Crash with gems, but he doesn't seem to help much. I feel like I am missing something (I do have the Dino slide). They are sucking any joy out of this game.
Anya - I am having similar thoughts on how they are sucking all the joy out of the game. With the terrible LC odds, the impossible drops of the final characters in events, to high EC requirements that I'm struggling with, as a very devoted player who is collecting on an hourly basis during the day (but with only one Turning Red character because of the crappy odds in the LCs, even though I've opened a lot of them).

This month has been a drag in the game. Since I started keeping track 13 months ago, this has been the worst month for getting new characters, and mind you I have over 200 characters yet to get. And I'm not even really complaining about the drag to get the Peter Pan characters or some of the other Act 5 MSL characters. I'm mainly talking about how impossible it is to get past event characters, after the change in the LC odds. And does it really result in that much more money for them? I wonder.
Anya - I am having similar thoughts on how they are sucking all the joy out of the game. With the terrible LC odds, the impossible drops of the final characters in events, to high EC requirements that I'm struggling with, as a very devoted player who is collecting on an hourly basis during the day (but with only one Turning Red character because of the crappy odds in the LCs, even though I've opened a lot of them).

This month has been a drag in the game. Since I started keeping track 13 months ago, this has been the worst month for getting new characters, and mind you I have over 200 characters yet to get. And I'm not even really complaining about the drag to get the Peter Pan characters or some of the other Act 5 MSL characters. I'm mainly talking about how impossible it is to get past event characters, after the change in the LC odds. And does it really result in that much more money for them? I wonder.
I can't even imagine having to had to start over. In comparison to your first round, does it seem like their overall drop rate and LC odd changes have slowed things down for you the second time around? It sounds like it has. I am so sorry. I am way down the line, but I find it frustrating that with even with VERY consistent play that the odds are not in my favor and I can't help but feel like it's a money grab for them. This EC issue in a few of the past events really makes my blood boil, and it really seems that the only help would be to purchase EC. That's a blatant money grab to me.
I mean, when I decided to start over, I knew it would be challenging. But it truly is amazing how different the new player experience is now, compared to when I started the first time (Lion King was my first event, the first time). And get this, as a 2 week player or something like that, I was able to complete the Lion King event WITHOUT any premium content. Think about that? Now 7 year players (with all of the resources that comes with that) who bought the premium content for the event may not get the last character, even with consistent play (or gemming out at the end).

And it is just so much harder for new players. And not just because there are so many more characters that they are missing. New characters don't have anything to put in the cauldron to get elixer - because they didn't get a bench or a flower with years' worth of gold chests like you did. I barely had enough benches to get one zone to level 1, even after a year of playing because now you only get them in decoration chests (and you get maybe 2 of those a week) or LCs.

And most of you likely got like 5 or more attractions out of the pink chests. Well, now they all cost a crapload of elixer (that again, is very hard to get). And even before these were removed from the pink chest, I didn't get any attractions out of them.

And then, they also require you to buy something with elixer every day for the season - so building up elixer is super hard.

All in all, stop telling new players to just use elixer to buy tokens that they need - because they don't have elixer or stuff to get elixer.

And that is just one of the ways that the new player experience is soooo different now.

Oh, and remember the days of having concession farms to get magic? Well, very hard to do now, as concessions are nearly impossible to come by. (You can't buy any with magic like we could at the beginning.) Now, you maybe get one a week.
Kind of what I thought you might convey. I can't imagine trying to go through again without the events as they came out. It must be very difficult all around.
Kind of what I thought you might convey. I can't imagine trying to go through again without the events as they came out. It must be very difficult all around.
I would agree. I started playing about 6 months from the start of Disney Magic Kingdoms and it was hard then to get thru all the Peter Pan characters and Jungle Book characters and can’t imagine it with the lack of Token drops now and the 8 and 12 hour time frames. Over the year I have collected most characters I missed that first Six months.
I would agree. I started playing about 6 months from the start of Disney Magic Kingdoms and it was hard then to get thru all the Peter Pan characters and Jungle Book characters and can’t imagine it with the lack of Token drops now and the 8 and 12 hour time frames. Over the year I have collected most characters I missed that first Six months.
I believe I started at Beauty and the Beast? But, I didn't play regularly for several months because I REALLY needed a new phone at that time. But I don't think I got that far behind by not playing constantly during that period. Now, you practically have to set an alarm in the middle of the night to keep things going or else you miss out on the last character of an event (which still can easily happen).
Yep, it is just very different than it used to be.

And obviously, newer players aren't going to finish events without spending a lot of money (or gems, if they have them). But this was NOT the case before the Cri-kee event, and it has gotten noticably worse every now and again since that event. But I always think it is so crappy of TL to have a mini-event with a common character (or attraction) from a few events ago as the main prize, that only newer players need, and them make it IMPOSSIBLE for them to get it. Just a total money grab.

And don't get me started on balancing changes - I think that maybe 1 in 20 changes is favorable to players. The rest flat out harm players, particularly new players. Sort of death by a 1000 cuts. The two worst, in my opinion lately at least, for newer players is the removal of character tokens from the gold and silver chests and the changes to how the odds work in the LCs. Well let's add the hundreds of relics to get attractions up to 3 or higher to the list. (Also, please stop telling new players to level up an attraction to 3 or 4 to get a token that they otherwise can't get - again, they don't have the relics or the elixir to get the relics. I see this as a suggestion on other boards all the time.))

But, on the upside, I welcomed Michael Darling to my kingdom this morning. Now working on getting 4 more teddy bears to get him to level two and to be able to FINALLY move on from the Peter Pan storyline after starting on it mid-May of 2024.
To welcome Buck, you will need 65 Glacier Chunks, 15 Fang Blades, 12 Buck Ears Hats and a whopping 20,000 event currency. In the U.S., you can purchase a Buck Bundle for a meager $29.99. I was fortunate that during my collection, after Buck was available to get, a Buck Ears Hat dropped. Additionally, if you have Crash, if he is Level 5, he can try for Buck's Ears Hat. It was only 200 Event Currency to level up Crash to 5. So the big issue is the Glacier Chunks needing 40.
I’m good with Glacier chunks right now for Buck, so I’m really debating leveling up Crash to 5. He’s at 4 now. The drops seem to always be slow for the relics, so I may leave Crash where he is. I’m at about 8k in melons, so the characters not collecting relics, are being sent out as often as possible for the melons.
8/15 Fang Blades, 11/12 Buck Ears, 24K Event Currency. It still amazes me the drop rates between players. Hopefully by posting this, we don't jinx things.
8/15 Fang Blades, 11/12 Buck Ears, 24K Event Currency. It still amazes me the drop rates between players. Hopefully by posting this, we don't jinx things.
Holy crap.....the Ears refuse to drop for me. I don't have Crash or Jaq or the 3rd Enhancement so that doesn't help
I wonder why the update this morning?

I have 2 ears and 5 blades. And not enough EC, or even the ability to get it. Not surprised, given how the past few events have gone.

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