Disney Divas Getaway!!

The meet was the day before you arrived because it was the day before we left. You missed it by one day. Wish you could have been there with us but I fear had we tried to pack two more people on that boat (even if they were emaciated) we would have sunk for sure. lol
The meet was the day before you arrived because it was the day before we left. You missed it by one day. Wish you could have been there with us but I fear had we tried to pack two more people on that boat (even if they were emaciated) we would have sunk for sure. lol

OK...I guess, as long as I wasn't blatantly excluded...:rolleyes:
Hey SG, bet the wee one (diva) would have fit! :laughing:
Diva K, :lmao: Poor Missy, you pick on her so much. :rotfl: I fear that, even with her diminutive size, she might have been the last straw and all the DISers might still be stuck on the ride and fighting for who got the lone bed in the jail.

How I got the free cruise is that refunding was using coupons to buy products at deep discounts (sometimes free or even getting money back), use the ones I could and sell the extras, after taking off the proof of purchases. Send the proofs off to get more money back and end up with free groceries, etc. and cash as well as many free items in exchange. Since I traded far more in value than the cost of the cruise it ended up being free. It was a full time job and is how I fed my family for free for many years as well as provided other luxuries. They changed the rules and made it impossible to do anymore a few years back.:headache: I miss the people I met almost as much as the money.

Just another reason I get agitated when my dh tells people that I never worked.

Diva K, :lmao: Poor Missy, you pick on her so much. :rotfl:
I know...its wrong...:guilty:
but she is so easy to make fun of! :rotfl:

How I got the free cruise is that refunding was using coupons to buy products at deep discounts (sometimes free or even getting money back), use the ones I could and sell the extras, after taking off the proof of purchases. Send the proofs off to get more money back and end up with free groceries, etc. and cash as well as many free items in exchange. Since I traded far more in value than the cost of the cruise it ended up being free. It was a full time job and is how I fed my family for free for many years as well as provided other luxuries. .
Good for you! :cheer2:

Just another reason I get agitated when my dh tells people that I never worked.
I thought your DH never wanted you to work :confused:
The meet was the day before you arrived because it was the day before we left. You missed it by one day. Wish you could have been there with us but I fear had we tried to pack two more people on that boat (even if they were emaciated) we would have sunk for sure. lol

:headache: I can't believe we missed this one! Dh's favorite ride is POTC. Though we certainly would have needed a second boat, as we would have sunk it for sure!

Kristin--Sounds like Austin may be back on our radar. I'm kind of scared of the sprayed green Christmas trees, though. :scared1: Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for the last 15 years, we've been spoiled in that department.

Linda--free cruises! I knew there was a reason we got along so well! Unfortunately, the work of sahm's is only noticed when it doesn't get done. Much like when the NYC sanitation workers went on strike many years ago! :scared1: :scared1:
Kristin--Sounds like Austin may be back on our radar. I'm kind of scared of the sprayed green Christmas trees, though. :scared1: Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for the last 15 years, we've been spoiled in that department.

Cool! :cool2:
Keep me posted...let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
Sorry to scare you with the sprayed green Christmas trees...but Texas can make up for it in other departments (Chuy's margaritas for example!) I have to tell you when we landed in Seattle it was gray and overcast but I kept commenting on the cab ride to our hotel how green it was (later found out it was called the Emerald City!) Even stuff thats green in Texas has a brownish hue :sad2:
Cool! :cool2:
Keep me posted...let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
Sorry to scare you with the sprayed green Christmas trees...but Texas can make up for it in other departments (Chuy's margaritas for example!) I have to tell you when we landed in Seattle it was gray and overcast but I kept commenting on the cab ride to our hotel how green it was (later found out it was called the Emerald City!) Even stuff thats green in Texas has a brownish hue :sad2:

Chuy's margaritas. . . I could go for one of those right now!

Visitors do always comment on how green everything is up here, and I always have to remind them that's because of all the rain. It doesn't bother us any more; in fact, it makes it much easier to go to WDW during hurricane season!

Just saw your ticker, and thought you might like this photo from our last trip:


And I've never posted a photo before so wanted to test out my skills (or lack thereof!). Did it work? Did I really do it? Is it freakishly huge, or was I able to figure out how to shrink it down?
Diva Kristin and Thunder, I have lived many places in my life, between leaving home and getting married the first time, and I can tell you that each and every place has something special about it. No matter where you go you take yourself and either of you would bloom any old where. :hug:

Diva K, it is true that my husband did not want me to work outside the home. Heck, he did not want me to leave the home. I guess I was just THAT beautiful. :lmao: I have slowly broken every rule he had and do not pay much attention to him anymore. He lives in an alternate reality. Must be a great place though. :cool1:

I drove home with dilated eyes today. TWO pairs of sunglasses made it possible. :3dglasses

Diva Kristin and Thunder, I have lived many places in my life, between leaving home and getting married the first time, and I can tell you that each and every place has something special about it. No matter where you go you take yourself and either of you would bloom any old where. :hug:

Aw, shucks. :blush: That's one of the things we like about the idea of moving to TX. We've lived all over the country, separately and together, and have enjoyed them all, so the change sounds exciting.

Diva K, it is true that my husband did not want me to work outside the home. Heck, he did not want me to leave the home. I guess I was just THAT beautiful. :lmao: I have slowly broken every rule he had and do not pay much attention to him anymore. He lives in an alternate reality. Must be a great place though. :cool1:

I drove home with dilated eyes today. TWO pairs of sunglasses made it possible. :3dglasses


Kristin's right--be careful. I heard you had a rough last day at POP, and we don't want any repeats!

Be careful! We don't want anything to happen to you!:car:
Had PTK @2 years ago...best thing I ever did! :woohoo:
(Besides marry my DH of course! :lovestruc )

Hey--it's Friday night--don't you gals have lives? Wait a minute--don't I have a life? That's right--I don't. Oh well, disboarding is better than :laundy:, right?
Diva K and Thunder, you should know that I would not have driven if it might have meant hurting someone. I pulled over into a parking lot a couple of times when I needed to and took roads without much traffic that I know very well.

Remember that I am an old woman :rotfl: so it is cataract surgery that I will be having. After I pay a certain amount out of pocket, which I definitely have done this year, everything else is paid 100% so I am having everything possible done before the end of the year. I get new glasses for free too! I are cheap. They offered to fix me to be able to do without glasses, for a mere $1300 an eye, but it did not seem worth it to me and besides I have read that it has to be redone every so often.

Thunder, the Diva's came to my rescue along with another wonderful DISer that day. The last time I fell was over ten years ago. I am a very careful lady. Thanks though. This is the time of your life to take chances and try new things. Go for it! You regret the things you did not do far more than those you did. Trust me, I know these things. :banana:

Just saw your ticker, and thought you might like this photo from our last trip:


And I've never posted a photo before so wanted to test out my skills (or lack thereof!). Did it work? Did I really do it? Is it freakishly huge, or was I able to figure out how to shrink it down?
Looks good! :thumbsup2

Hey--it's Friday night--don't you gals have lives? Wait a minute--don't I have a life? That's right--I don't. Oh well, disboarding is better than :laundy:, right?
Friday night is pizza & wine night at our house...while we watch the shows we've DVRed all week...BTW be prepared, I don't know what kind of pizza your used to the northwest but we haven't found any good pizza in Texas yet (thats why we drink the wine with it!) :laughing:
Diva K, have you ever tried out Di Giornio's frozen pizza from the grocery? You bake it at home so it is fresh and hot and you can add some extras if so inclined AND it is much cheaper than delivered AND you do not have to pay a tip. Sounds like a commercial but I used to love that stuff, too much.

Sounds like you have a good life. Sometimes the folks who report running around from fancy thing to fancy thing are hunting for something you have already found. :love: It is my idea of a 'life' anyway. Snuggled up with the ones you love. I miss those days but have the memories.

Diva K, have you ever tried out Di Giornio's frozen pizza from the grocery? You bake it at home so it is fresh and hot and you can add some extras if so inclined AND it is much cheaper than delivered AND you do not have to pay a tip. Sounds like a commercial but I used to love that stuff, too much.
Your kidding right?!?!? We love Di Giornio!!! After being disappointed by pizza down here so many times...we felt like we were wasting $$$.
We usually get two: a spinach or ultimate cheese that DH & I share and then a meat one for DH & DS to share! :cutie:
BTW The pizza @COSTCO isn't bad either and its huge...we only need one and its $9.99! :woohoo:
Sounds like you have a good life. Sometimes the folks who report running around from fancy thing to fancy thing are hunting for something you have already found. :love: It is my idea of a 'life' anyway. Snuggled up with the ones you love. I miss those days but have the memories.
Sometimes DH says we should be doing more (ie volunteering, activities) because our friends seem to always be running around...for one thing we only have one child so thats cuts down on our commitments (except when he plays two sports in the same season!)
But DH isn't the one to become involved its me :rolleyes:
Diva K, I believe you might be my long lost daughter. I love the one I have very, very much but she is nothing like me. Well, she tries not to be but I see traces. :rotfl: I have no need of a clone, just an upgraded and improved version of me would be good. :lmao: :banana:

Life is all about balance and only you can decide where that middle line is. It is good to volunteer and do for others but not at the expense of your family. I kept most of my volunteering to things that involved my children when they were growing up. Why have kids if others are going to raise them? :confused3 I was a 4-H leader, volunteered in the schools, and did the playground concession stand for years. It seems that many families do not spend any down time together nowadays and I find that very sad. Not that any of this "sage" advice worked for me but I did the best I could. :flower3:

One of the best things about DiGiornio' is the fact that you can have them waiting in the freezer for when you want them. Use coupons, buy them on sale and they are really a cheap meal.

If people just kept a list of what all they spend money on and find substitutes, sort of like a diet, they could save so much money without much effort.

Have a great weekend! SG/Linda
Life is all about balance and only you can decide where that middle line is. It is good to volunteer and do for others but not at the expense of your family. I kept most of my volunteering to things that involved my children when they were growing up. Why have kids if others are going to raise them? :confused3 I was a 4-H leader, volunteered in the schools, and did the playground concession stand for years. It seems that many families do not spend any down time together nowadays and I find that very sad. Not that any of this "sage" advice worked for me but I did the best I could. :flower3:
I teach CCD Sundays after church, was a cub scout den leader, work concession stand @sporting events and PTC. Its just frustrating when you see the same handful of people who volunteer for everything...I know I am lucky b/c I don't work and have the luxury of time...
We are very grateful for the volunteer coaches our son has had over the years because coaching is not something my DH or I feel comfortable doing (although I have been Team Mom more than once!)
10% of people do 90% of the work. We have a woman at TOPS who, no matter what we ask her to do, says she will not. She is willing to enjoy the work of others though. It is usually the busiest people who do the work also. Just because you do not work outside the home, for money, does not mean you do not work and we sure do get folks who think we should do it ALL because we do not WORK! :scared1:

BTW, how old is your son? You might want to consider working a bit part time just to get your quarters in for SS. If you do not have the quarters and get sick you will not qualify for disability and that is an important benefit. I am in that category myself. I know a fellow DISer who works part time for a friend a few months a year, here and there, to get her quarters in. Wish I had been able to do such. A SAHM is great for the family but not so good for the SAHM.:scared1:

BTW, how old is your son? You might want to consider working a bit part time just to get your quarters in for SS. If you do not have the quarters and get sick you will not qualify for disability and that is an important benefit. I am in that category myself. I know a fellow DISer who works part time for a friend a few months a year, here and there, to get her quarters in. Wish I had been able to do such. A SAHM is great for the family but not so good for the SAHM.:scared1:
Ds is 10yo. I taught full time for four years and now I substitute teach....
held various part time jobs in college...DH would love for me to do something part time but he also loves the house being clean, his clothes washed and ironed, food in the fridge....:rolleyes:
Duh! Like I knew you substitute teach. I swear my brain used to be better. HAD to be better. It is the drugs, not senility, it is the drugs NOT the senility! If said often enough it becomes true, right?:rotfl:

Your son and my grandson are nearly the same age. You are young enough to be able to go do something once you get him reared right. :love:

As long as your dh is smart enough to realize that you are making it possible for him to earn a living while you make the living worthwhile all is good.

I can actually see clean spots on my desk today. Not often that is true. Hopefully that means I will be able to do some fun work this week like getting the dvd's done for some special friends. :cheer2:

I was just watching Samantha at DW and DL. It is so much fun seeing places that are so familar to me and some that are not. She gave me one hint that I need to write down in my agendas that I do for friends and family. Take your kids to EPCOT for character meet and greets, fewer crowds, more characters. :yay:

Diva K and Thunder, you should know that I would not have driven if it might have meant hurting someone. I pulled over into a parking lot a couple of times when I needed to and took roads without much traffic that I know very well.

Remember that I am an old woman :rotfl: so it is cataract surgery that I will be having. After I pay a certain amount out of pocket, which I definitely have done this year, everything else is paid 100% so I am having everything possible done before the end of the year. I get new glasses for free too! I are cheap. They offered to fix me to be able to do without glasses, for a mere $1300 an eye, but it did not seem worth it to me and besides I have read that it has to be redone every so often.

Thunder, the Diva's came to my rescue along with another wonderful DISer that day. The last time I fell was over ten years ago. I am a very careful lady. Thanks though. This is the time of your life to take chances and try new things. Go for it! You regret the things you did not do far more than those you did. Trust me, I know these things. :banana:


Slightlygoofy, these words helped me today more than you can possibly know. Thank you.

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