DIS Digi-Scrappers Challenge #22 (09/10 to 09/16)

Then what about the swaps where you are making just page toppers or just Epcot-related items? I never asked to join those and asked to have them changed because "I" wanted something different. If I didn't need page toppers or Epcot items, then I just watched and cheered from the sidelines.

We've been doing this challenge for 22 weeks with no complaints. Some of us have participated in each challenge and others in just a few.

Let's be realistic and just go with two challenges each week, one for non-Disney and one for Disney pages. Can we just go with that and drop this?

ETA: I'm sorry Bernie-Ann for putting this on the challenge post. I only saw this response from the moderators, but I see now they posted this on a lot of posts.
The moderators would like to remind you to be respectful when talking to or about other posters. Also, please bear in mind that the Creative Community is a place of INclusion, not EXclusion. Just as cooking discussions do not need to be only about Disney recipes or gardening discussions do not need to be only about Disney gardens, the scrapping board is not just about scrapping Disney photos.

While we like to have people go to other sites to visit, we hope this is home to many, if not all of you. Sticking to just Disney may lead to people go elsewhere and we don't want that! We have become a family here over the years and every year our family photo gets larger as we incorporate new sisters and brothers into the clan. Yes it gets a little squishy at times when you get stuck between Uncle Earl and Aunt B, but don't worry we'll make room for everyone. So please just have a little patience and respect as we work out the kinks for a new family photo for Grandpa Pete.


The Creative Community Moderating Team
Then what about the swaps where you are making just page toppers or just Epcot-related items? I never asked to join those and asked to have them changed because "I" wanted something different. If I didn't need page toppers or Epcot items, then I just watched and cheered from the sidelines.

We've been doing this challenge for 22 weeks with no complaints. Some of us have participated in each challenge and others in just a few.

Let's be realistic and just go with two challenges each week, one for non-Disney and one for Disney pages. Can we just go with that and drop this?

ETA: I'm sorry Bernie-Ann for putting this on the challenge post. I only saw this response from the moderators, but I see now they posted this on a lot of posts.

ITA. I thought the issue was solved with having 2 challenges? I don't know why this whole thing started in the first place. ;)

I feel bad that Bernie-Ann's thread has been hijacked so many times over this isssue. Since I'm going away soon, I didn't know if I would get a chance to enter this week. But since I feel so bad, I'm going to definitely work on something for her. :)
Here is my entry:

Thank you for the AWESOME template Bernie-Ann!!! This was a fun challenge. :)
Here is mine! I flipped and altered the template a little! Hope that's ok Bernie! Thanks so much for the inspiration!! It was just what I needed! :lovestruc


click here for credits! :)
loveGoofy - I love it! Those photos are so cute.

Yzerbear19 - WOW! Look s like a fantastic show.

designerbrittney - Love it! The changes look fab. (P.S. we've also had "nap-time" on our trips!)

Thanks for playing everyone!:thumbsup2

I've sent you a PM with a link to your prize.​
Here's my entry. Awesome template, Bernie! I'm so glad I was able to work on something before leaving. :)

Click for credits
kswm30b - Love the colours!

Thanks for playing and have a great holiday! I'm so jealous - I wish I was going. Oh, well only another 57wks and 5 days I think!!!

You're prize is on it way too​
Bernie-Ann, this is just the best template ever. I keep on saying that, but it's true!

Love Goofy - your DS is just too cute. And those faces! The LO is perfect for showing a snapshot of a part of a day. And just remember, one page at a time, then the album will get done.

Yzerbear - cool colors, and I love that golden Aladdin font! The sprinkling of gold dust behind your journaling box is a fun addition.

DesignerBrittney - Snarf!!! What pics! Too funny. I keep on forgetting to add humor to my pages, I'm so busy just trying to get them done. Maybe I'll be brave someday and use white for a LO background. And I was sad to see the train tracks are PhotoShop - I've been trying to find some non-kid train stuff for ages. Oh well...

kswm - have fun on your trip! I'm jealous. Oh well. The sunburst paper just makes the LO jump off the page. A very fun ToonTown page.
KSWM Mine is toontown also. Great minds think alike! By the way, what does KSWM stand for? Actually, never mind -- just have a fantastic trip and you better return with at least 1001 pictures!

Bernie-Ann Thank you so much for this template! I will be using it again and again. I tend to scrap multiple pics on a page and this one is great. Here is my entry; I promise it is your template. I just changed a few things along the way as the moment hit me: made the main photo vertical, but left the mat horizontal and enlarged it, enlarged all the little photos/mats. Anyway, thanks again!


template: Bernie-Ann
papers: Ear Papers by Nicole Perry
Mickey Heads (recolored): Happiest Kit on Earth by Brittish Designs
Hanging clips: Space Ranger by Brittish Designs
KSWM Mine is toontown also. Great minds think alike! By the way, what does KSWM stand for? Actually, never mind -- just have a fantastic trip and you better return with at least 1001 pictures!

LOL, it actually doesn't stand for anything! It was the username given to me over 15 years ago when I joined prodigy. I'm so uncreative that I use it to sign up at different places. When I first joined the DIS, I thought I would only be lurking, and only wanted to ask one question about a day trip we were taking, so I used it here. I've since wished that I used a different username since now I'm obviously posting a lot. ;) You can just call me Heather (I should add that to my sig, especially since I finally finished my trip report from LAST year, and added that to my sig, haha.)

I can take 1001 pics in a day at Disney. :P
I've been lurking in these challenges for a few months now, but this is the first digi layout I've ever done (much less posted.) I have to admit I never thought I'd go digital, but this fun to make.


Fonts: Chaucer, Arizona
Papers from Dreams Do Come True by Britt-ish Designs
Black Clip from Leave the World Behind by Britt-ish Designs
Sequin embellishment from Dreams Do Come True by Britt-ish Designs
Template by Bernie-Ann
Welcome Robin! :goodvibes I can't BELIEVE that is your first digi LO! Wow! You are a natural. It's adorable! I love the colors and the sparkles. That Figment character looks so cool! I can't wait to make it to Epcot with my family someday!

Background- AFS Zoo Collab
Butterfly- J&J Scrapper
Alpha- The Maltese Scrapper
Ribbon- Albyscraps
Journal & white buttons- Digi Design by Nicole
Golf Button- Scrappin Cop
kohla21, that is a nice layout. :) the golf button mickey cracks me up. :) maggie
Robin- I am SO excited to see a Figment layout. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Figment.
I have shirts, hoodies and stuffed animals with Figment on it. I adore this layout- and can not believe it's your first. Awesome job and awesome subject.

P.S- I LOVE the shirts!
Kohla -- LOVE your page! I love everything about it -- the colors, the swirl, but my FAVORITE thing is the Mickey with the golf ball! Super Cute!
:wave2: Hi Robin! I love your layout; welcome to digital. I'm started trying a few things hopefully I'll be able to get my Mom's book done.

Doesn't suprise me that you are a natural; I love your traditional books.

I've considered trying to find a PSE class at one of the JR colleges; would you be interested.


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