Change in DAS at Disneyland

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The reality is that there is no accommodation for any urgent bathroom issues that is going make it better for people suffering from them. Whether it is IBD or bladder incontinence or anything else. I don’t understand why having free rein to leave the line and meet up with your party at the loading area is not a reasonable choice. We have never used a DAS but my understanding is that you often have a wait, even if it’s just short. When urgency hits - you have very little time to get to a bathroom. It doesn’t matter where in line you are.
Just talking from experience, there is usually a trip right before we redeem a DAS pass and pretty much directly right after whatever ride it is. That is close enough to manage, but standing in a 45 minute queue to then have to go through whatever time loading and riding adds isn't feasible.
I think Disneyland is letting them queue together, and if a guest needs to leave for a bathroom issue they can meet up at the loading area. The entire family wouldn't be going into the bathroom, would they? The only time they would be apart would be if the guest needed to leave the queue to go the bathroom.
That does make sense, and I hope it's how it works.
When the GAC changed to a DAS, many guests lost their disability pass because their needs were being handled at each attraction based on their needs.

Or not handled at all, depending on the whims and prejudices of whatever individual CM happens to be stationed at the attraction when the guest arrives there.
Honestly, this. Ppl seem to be upset because they aren't getting front-of-the-line access anymore. But that isn't a realistic accommodation for ppl with urgent bathroom issues at all, it just makes it more comfortable for their companions. Which is not what the DAS is for imo.

I don't even know if there are like cast member bathrooms they could potential use to accommodate that type of emergency but maybe that would be a better accommodation :confused3
This is nothing to do with “making it more comfortable for their companions” Such a shame you have no understanding of the severity of some disabilities and that you think everyone should stand in line regardless. Very shallow and naive attitude!
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The gaslighting is disgusting.

How is the argument you are all making against bathroom issues not the same for most other disabilities? Wait in normal queue and IF your disability that causes you to not be able to wait starts to set it than you just leave the queue and meet up with your party at the load station.
The gaslighting is disgusting.

How is the argument you are all making against bathroom issues not the same for most other disabilities? Wait in normal queue and IF your disability that causes you to not be able to wait starts to set it than you just leave the queue and meet up with your party at the load station.
My disability acts up in long queues, and builds over time. DAS allows me to use first aid to do some PT to relieve the physical aspects of my condition. Bathroom issues are not the same, are they? Do they get worse as the day goes on, because of issues in the queues? Or is it more of a "need to get to restroom right now" that happens a half dozen times a day or so? I'm trying to understand how DAS is going to work but leaving the queue and returning would not. Does the issues not happen even in the LL, or on the attraction?
My disability acts up in long queues, and builds over time. DAS allows me to use first aid to do some PT to relieve the physical aspects of my condition. Bathroom issues are not the same, are they? Do they get worse as the day goes on, because of issues in the queues? Or is it more of a "need to get to restroom right now" that happens a half dozen times a day or so? I'm trying to understand how DAS is going to work but leaving the queue and returning would not. Does the issues not happen even in the LL, or on the attraction?
I'm not talking about bathroom issues. Im asking how this "solution" wouldn't work for most other disabilities.

Couldn't Disney say in your case wait in line with your party and if at any time you feel like it's too much standing than leave the queue do your PT and meet them at the loading station.
Not all bathroom issues are the same even under the same diagnosis umbrella, think more like a spectrum. I've had UC for 20 years and every flare can be different. I can start a vacation in remission and end in a major flare. For me there is no rescue med, once a flare stars I require medical intervention to end it.
For me a flare starts with stomach pain and progresses to an urgent need to us the bathroom. At my worse I can need to use the bathroom 20+ times a day. If I'm lucky I might only need to use the bathroom 5-6 times a day. I have found that movement makes the urgent needs more frequent so a wheelchair can help, but then I need someone to push me.
One thing that isn't being talked about is the mental aspect of having urgent bathroom needs. As soon as my stomach starts hurting, the anxiety starts. Can I wait in this line or will I need to leave? If I leave can I make it to the bathroom in time and will there be a line at the bathroom. Because I look healthy, it is hard to get people to let you skip the line. If I have to find an CM to get a bathroom pass that adds more stress because it adds time to getting to the bathroom, not mention the embarrassment of having to tell multiple CMs a day of my bathroom issues.
For me a waiting in a separate area, with my family wouldn't lessen the urgent need to use the bathroom. But it would help lessen the anxiety related to the flare and one of my main triggers is stress/anxiety.
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If one adult in a party of 6 has trouble waiting in lines due to bathroom or anxiety issues, surely it’s a fair and reasonable accommodation to allow that adult to meet up with the 5 others where the ride boards (perhaps by entering via the ride exit). If it’s a child with the issues, it is reasonable to allow the same accommodation for the child and one adult. Why should the entire party get to avoid the wait in line when only one person has the medical issue?
This is true for all disabilities. There is NO disability, NONE, that requires FIVE other people to wait with the disabled person. That is simple a courtesy Disney has offered.
Not all bathroom issues are the same even under the same diagnosis umbrella, think more like a spectrum. I've had UC for 20 years and every flare can be different. I can start a vacation in remission and end in a major flare. For me there is no rescue med, once a flare stars I require medical intervention to end it.
For me a flare starts with stomach pain and progresses to an urgent need to us the bathroom. At my worse I can need to use the bathroom 20+ times a day. If I'm lucky I might only need to use the bathroom 5-6 times a day. I have found that movement makes the urgent needs more frequent so a wheelchair can help, but then I need someone to push me.
One thing that isn't being talked about is the mental aspect of having urgent bathroom needs. As soon as my stomach starts hurting, the anxiety starts. Can I wait in this line or will I need to leave? If I leave can I make it to the bathroom in time and will there be a line at the bathroom. Because I look healthy, it is hard to get people to let you skip the line. If I have to find an CM to get a bathroom pass that adds more stress because it adds time to getting to the bathroom, not mention the embarrassment of having to tell multiple CMs a day of my bathroom issues.
For me a waiting in a separate area, with my family wouldn't lessen the urgent need to use the bathroom. But it would help lessen the anxiety related to the flare and one of my main triggers is stress/anxiety.
Absolutely agree with everything you have said. UC affects people in different ways and what you have described is pretty much what most people with the condition go through on a daily basis. UC is for life, there is no cure or a quick fix solution. It can be controlled by taking a ton of medication (eg biologics being one) which is trial and error as there are a number of options but could potentially result in having your bowel removed. Taking biologics then leads to other complications as well as being immunosuppressed vulnerable to other illnesses. Medication in itself also has horrendous side effects which can be unbearably painful. High doses of steroids over a long period of time can lead to steroid induced Diabetes which is very common, on top of other symptoms that come with taking steroids.

Unless you have UC or know someone close who does there is no amount of explaining that will make people understand how serious a disease it is and what you have to live with every day of your life. It is not as simple as needing a “Bathroom Pass”, that’s an insult, a lack of understanding and empathy to this dreadful disease.

It is extremely arrogant of people who think they know about a “disability“ especially a “hidden disability” or how it affects people in the many different ways. It’s best to ignore these naive individuals who continually make stupid suggestions or comment on something they have no knowledge about.

My heart goes out to you RF536 and wish you well 🤗
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Where does it say on the IBCCES site that a medically qualified person is making decisions about medical conditions? BTW, not all disabilities are medical conditions. And the business that does this side job of the ibcces card is a training/certification business for cognitive disorders - not a medical facility.

How would someone deal with the urgent issue if it happened right before the ride vehicle, or on the ride? What would the rest of the family do then?
Have a look at the IBCCES website - it’s not difficult to see their accreditations/qualifications and why they can make medical or other decisions on accessibility needs!
Imagine the uproar if a group whose stated purpose was GI medical issues and promoting accommodations for GI sufferers was tasked with certifying accommodations for Autistic or other neurodivergent people.
I wouldn't have a problem with that, why should you?
This is true for all disabilities. There is NO disability, NONE, that requires FIVE other people to wait with the disabled person. That is simple a courtesy Disney has offered.
Agreed. And if Disney changed the rules so only the person with the disability (plus one parent, guardian or caregiver if necessary) was allowed to bypass the line, meeting the rest of the party at the boarding area, that would probably be the single most effective way to reduce abuse of the system.
Agreed. And if Disney changed the rules so only the person with the disability (plus one parent, guardian or caregiver if necessary) was allowed to bypass the line, meeting the rest of the party at the boarding area, that would probably be the single most effective way to reduce abuse of the system.
It may be a way to reduce abuse of the system but would be unfair on the people with genuine disabilities to be separated from their family. Living with a disability on a day to day basis is bad enough without depriving them of being with their family on vacation. As per the original posters experience when applying for a DAS Pass, was told that the arrangement would be for the person with the disability to sit in a holding area until the family reach the front of the ride. This would be sole destroying and totally unfair to have them separated from their family in a holding area. Having a disability should be treated with respect not shoved aside and penalised for having a disability. If the current system is open to abuse then Disney should create a system that is fair for the disabled and weed out the scammers/abusers.
It may be a way to reduce abuse of the system but would be unfair on the people with genuine disabilities to be separated from their family. Living with a disability on a day to day basis is bad enough without depriving them of being with their family on vacation. As per the original posters experience when applying for a DAS Pass, was told that the arrangement would be for the person with the disability to sit in a holding area until the family reach the front of the ride. This would be sole destroying and totally unfair to have them separated from their family in a holding area. Having a disability should be treated with respect not shoved aside and penalised for having a disability. If the current system is open to abuse then Disney should create a system that is fair for the disabled and weed out the scammers/abusers.
I agree, but this is true whether the person's disability is autism related or GI related, or a slew of other disabilities that are also none of my business. I'm not sure why people on this board are splitting hairs arguing which disabilities are more deserving of accommodation. People should be supporting one another.
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