Change in DAS at Disneyland

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This actually makes sense that more people are using DAS with Genie+ than they did before, as I said with DH and MaxPass (and to a lesser extent FP+), there would be many visits he wouldn't even get a DAS, as he could do the same ride multiple times with those services. He can't do that with Genie+/Lightning Lane and doesn't do all the attractions, which means he needs the DAS more often.
Which is part of the problem. Like others put it "just in case", the rides didn't change, the queues didn't change. MP is similar to Genie+, what changes for your situation between MP and Genie+ that means you'd need to use DAS more? The fact that you are only allowed to ride once? Why would that mean you use DAS because of that. Seems like an example of why Disney would be looking to tweak DAS
I'll do some math to show you where I'm coming from. I will be making a couple of assumptions.
1. DAS and the Bathroom Pass both work as intended and both times we board the ride at exactly 60 min.
2. My family tours the park as normal, which means we are together unless we are in the bathroom or in line for the bathroom.
3. I only have to make 1 run to the bathroom in either scenario.
4. DAS is obtained for my bathroom issues.
5 Assuming the bathroom pass is where you leave the line and rejoin your family on the loading platform.

I have a DAS and obtain a return time for RoRT, and we go off together, to wait for our return time. We find the nearest bathroom and we hang in that area. At the 15min mark I need to run to the bathroom. As in your example, above there is no line for the bathroom. I take 10min in the bathroom and rejoin my family. We finish our wait and return to RoRT, join the line, and board right at the 60min wait time that was posted when I obtained the return time.

Total time waited for the ride 60min.
Total time away from my family 10 min.

I obtain and bathroom pass and join the same 60min line for RoRT. Again at the 15 min mark I have to run to the bathroom. I take 10min in the bathroom and return to the ride to wait for my family to meet me on the loading platform. At the 60 min mark, I am reunited with my family on the loading platform and we board the ride.

Total time waited for the ride 60 min.
Total time away from my family 45min.
Total time in the bathroom 10min.

In both cases my whole family waits the 60 min. to board, just like anyone else with a DAS. We are together for 50min of that 60min wait, we just wait outside of the actual queue. With the bathroom pass we are only together for 15mins of the 60min wait. The remaining 45 min, my family is in the actual queue and I am waiting somewhere else. Of those 45 min, only 10 are spent with me in the bathroom. So I am separated from my family for an additional 35 mins with the bathroom pass that doesn't happen with the DAS. While 35 mins may not seem like a lot of time, that is just for 1 ride. The additional time spent away from my family increases each time I have to use the bathroom pass. Over the course of a week long vacation that can add up to a significant amount of time away from my family that those with the DAS don't have to experience.
But again what would have done before. I think that's the point trying to be made. Disney isn't making you miss family time. If you need to use the bathroom unpredictably you'd be leaving the queue on and off. It would seem a better overall situation where your family isn't losing a place in line, you aren't either, to allow the usage of a separate area for this specific issue if you need to leave. You are the one with the bathroom issues and presumably don't need aid (I trust Disney has a protocol in place for the bathroom pass when the person in need does need aid) so it sounds like they are trying to narrow this down.

No place exists where all are ideal. If the situation is such that you cannot be apart then a choice would be made. I know for some it's the mere concept of not having many included in DAS so a thought that wasn't a thought in the past now suddenly is there but DAS is always meant for those who have needs that is it's concept. Solutions for different situations can be done at the discretion of the business. I completely agree a situation at the moment if the bathroom pass is being consistently given out as the solution is not ideal for traveling parties that have another present qualifying DAS need, unfortunately Disney or any company can't always accommodate for that to everyone's preference or in this case way of park touring.
We were at WDW when there was no FP+ and accessed the queues using DAS. While the lines were moving, the waits were still over 45 minutes for the main attractions. Some were still over an hour long. Not sure what your CM friend was trying to say?
I think all they were saying is, for the most part the only people in the LL/Genie+ line at that time were DAS users...which made it very easy to see how many people were using that specific pass, and gave the CM friend a better perception of how much abuse of the system could be happening.
But again what would have done before. I think that's the point trying to be made. Disney isn't making you miss family time. If you need to use the bathroom unpredictably you'd be leaving the queue on and off. It would seem a better overall situation where your family isn't losing a place in line, you aren't either, to allow the usage of a separate area for this specific issue if you need to leave. You are the one with the bathroom issues and presumably don't need aid (I trust Disney has a protocol in place for the bathroom pass when the person in need does need aid) so it sounds like they are trying to narrow this down.
Same thing that all people did before a disability pass was available, they had to make choices on if they should get in line and risk having an issue. I would have had to decide if I can get in line and not need to leave for the bathroom. The person or family of someone with autism would have had to decide if they could make it through the line without a meltdown. In both cases only 1 person has the medical issue. While I understand I don't need aid and the person with autism probably does, neither one needs the whole family to wait with them. So why is Disney making the decision that someone needing to leave the line for a medically related bathroom issue is less deserving of waiting out of the line with their whole family than someone who has autism.
Same thing that all people did before a disability pass was available, they had to make choices on if they should get in line and risk having an issue. I would have had to decide if I can get in line and not need to leave for the bathroom. The person or family of someone with autism would have had to decide if they could make it through the line without a meltdown. In both cases only 1 person has the medical issue. While I understand I don't need aid and the person with autism probably does, neither one needs the whole family to wait with them. So why is Disney making the decision that someone needing to leave the line for a medically related bathroom issue is less deserving of waiting out of the line with their whole family than someone who has autism.
DAS is not designed to accommodate people who need to leave the line. It is designed to accommodate people who can't wait in line. I know it sounds like I'm splitting hairs but there really is a difference. If your diagnosis means you may unpredictably have to leave a line that is not what they designed DAS to handle (not saying that is right or wrong, just how it is). If waiting in line is causing a worsening of your diagnosis or potentially triggering your diagnosis, then DAS is designed in such a way that you can wait elsewhere before you ride.

My own issues are actually in my opinion outside of the purvey of DAS. Having the DAS lessens the burden of my issues and I'm thankful I get approved for it but by a strict reading of the regulations around the DAS, if I were the CM, I would not grant my DAS pass. They are using their best judgement to grant it where it is applicable but they are not required to grant it to anyone. The bathroom pass may not be ideal but in my opinion it should be viewed separate from DAS as it is a different accommodation for a different reason.
DAS is not designed to accommodate people who need to leave the line. It is designed to accommodate people who can't wait in line. I know it sounds like I'm splitting hairs but there really is a difference. If your diagnosis means you may unpredictably have to leave a line that is not what they designed DAS to handle (not saying that is right or wrong, just how it is). If waiting in line is causing a worsening of your diagnosis or potentially triggering your diagnosis, then DAS is designed in such a way that you can wait elsewhere before you ride.
But the person with Autism still has to wait in a line. They still have to wait through the lightning lane. So they are capable of waiting in a short line, just not a 60min line. During a flare, I too can probably wait in a short line but a line of 60 min would be an issue.
But the person with Autism still has to wait in a line. They still have to wait through the lightning lane. So they are capable of waiting in a short line, just not a 60min line. During a flare, I too can probably wait in a short line but a line of 60 min would be an issue.
If that is the case, I suspect an adjustment in how you present your request for accommodations could very well end in getting a DAS issued.
So why is Disney making the decision that someone needing to leave the line for a medically related bathroom issue is less deserving of waiting out of the line with their whole family than someone who has autism.
Less deserving is an emotional response and while understandable it it literally impossible to make that distinction as just about everyone is going to say they are all deserving of the same. It's hard not to take it like a personal affront from Disney but they really aren't trying to make it personal towards you. They aren't telling you that you are less deserving.

The fact that they are even testing this at both parks in some fashion means something IMO.

If Disney decided that only 1 person along with the qualifying person was allowed through would you think that was an issue? I'm guessing so. Because then you would say well then I can't go with my family.
If that is the case, I suspect an adjustment in how you present your request for accommodations could very well end in getting a DAS issued.
From what I've read about WDW's adjustment they appear to be more stringent when a person is just changing how they describe their situation. I think that's why they've gone to be more wide approach of bathroom issues. That's what would happen in the past that people would just change how they said things and get it from another CM. There are reasons why that would appropriately need to be re-done but if Disney is adjusting how they are choosing to handle what they call bathroom issues it means they are probably going to pay more attention to how someone "hangs up and calls again" kind of thing. That doesn't mean the PP may not still qualify for DAS by some other means but they do seem to be paying attention to what the issue may fall under. I suspect if they have too many people just calling again and again they may go an even stricter route (total speculation on my part).
If that is the case, I suspect an adjustment in how you present your request for accommodations could very well end in getting a DAS issued.
It very well could for me. But what about all the other people with bathroom issues? I'm not the only one who can't wait in long lines due to a bathroom related medical disability. The fact is both disabilities make waiting in a typical line impossible for 1 person, not the whole family. So why are those with bathroom disabilities being singled out and told they can't wait outside of the line with their whole family, but those with autism can wait with their whole family.
I do understand the impact of autism on families and traveling, I have a son on the spectrum.
DAS is not designed to accommodate people who need to leave the line. It is designed to accommodate people who can't wait in line. I know it sounds like I'm splitting hairs but there really is a difference. If your diagnosis means you may unpredictably have to leave a line that is not what they designed DAS to handle (not saying that is right or wrong, just how it is). If waiting in line is causing a worsening of your diagnosis or potentially triggering your diagnosis, then DAS is designed in such a way that you can wait elsewhere before you ride.

My own issues are actually in my opinion outside of the purvey of DAS. Having the DAS lessens the burden of my issues and I'm thankful I get approved for it but by a strict reading of the regulations around the DAS, if I were the CM, I would not grant my DAS pass. They are using their best judgement to grant it where it is applicable but they are not required to grant it to anyone. The bathroom pass may not be ideal but in my opinion it should be viewed separate from DAS as it is a different accommodation for a different reason.
I agree with you but I think it's also fair to say it's hard to necessarily use the reasoning it was not designed to accommodate such and such even though that's the part I agree with you. If Disney in the past lumped it all in there abruptly not having it included would certainly put someone off. For all we know Disney did design it as an more broad program but still stricter than GAC but then just like GAC found things needed to be adjusted (and we don't know if this is a permanent change other than we know Universal is going a documentation route which sounds more permanent to me).
If Disney decided that only 1 person along with the qualifying person was allowed through would you think that was an issue? I'm guessing so. Because then you would say well then I can't go with my family.
If they made that decision across the board, that anyone getting a DAS could only have 1 person plus the person with the medical need wait outside the line, that would be fair. The person with the medical need receives the accommodation that they need, plus they have someone with them. What isn't fair is that Disney is saying if you have autism you can wait with your whole family. If you have a medically related bathroom issue you have to separate from your family and wait by yourself if you can't wait the full time in a regular line.

If Disney made the change to only 1 person along with the qualifying need were allowed through with the DAS, how much push back would they receive from families with autism? Look at all the push back when the change was made from GAC to DAS from families with autism.
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Which is part of the problem. Like others put it "just in case", the rides didn't change, the queues didn't change. MP is similar to Genie+, what changes for your situation between MP and Genie+ that means you'd need to use DAS more? The fact that you are only allowed to ride once? Why would that mean you use DAS because of that. Seems like an example of why Disney would be looking to tweak DAS
As I said, DH doesn't do all of the rides that have Genie+/Lightning Lanes, so he would gladly do say two rides on Grizzly instead of one on Grizzly and one on Goofys Sky School (which he can't handle). This was allowed under Maxpass, but not under Genie+. This means to make the same accomodations, he now needs the DAS when he might not have bothered before. Now granted that opens up additional attractions, so maybe now he won't do a second Grizzly ride, but instead park hop to DL and go on Peter Pan. The point is he is now more likely to get a DAS than under the old MaxPass system and there are likely a lot more like him, so with the new restricted Genie+/Lightning Lane system, it makes sense there are a lot more DAS users and they are likely mostly legitimate needs.
If they made that decision across the board, that anyone getting a DAS could only have 1 person plus the person with the medical need wait outside the line, that would be fair. The person with the medical need receives the accommodation that they need, plus they have someone with them. What isn't fair is that Disney is saying if you have autism you can wait with your whole family. If you have a medically related bathroom issue you have to separate from your family and wait by yourself if you can't wait the full time in a regular line.
You can't really tell someone with autism they can't wait with their entire family, that could cause a meltdown in and of itself.
It very well could for me. But what about all the other people with bathroom issues? I'm not the only one who can't wait in long lines due to a bathroom related medical disability. The fact is both disabilities make waiting in a typical line impossible for 1 person, not the whole family. So why are those with bathroom disabilities being singled out and told they can't wait outside of the line with their whole family, but those with autism can wait with their whole family.
I do understand the impact of autism on families and traveling, I have a son on the spectrum.
I have several family members (between my family and my husband's family) with autism with varying degrees of it from high functioning to non-verbal. It is not impossible to wait in long lines for my aunt nor for the non-verbal person, it would be an issue for the one who is verbal but lower functioning, he's a lot better than he used to be but it would be an issue for him still, although a toy train or a tablet with trains going on on a video would help.

I have a family member with a cognitive disorder with high anxiety and DAS is very much needed for her but not impossible for her to wait in a typical line, it depends on if triggers occurred and how bad was it, did she start off the day with some anxiety or was it a really good day for her. She's also a lot better than she used to be but for her if anxiety happens in a bad enough form she's done for the day.

There is no fact here only individual differences.
If they made that decision across the board, that anyone getting a DAS could only have 1 person plus the person with the medical need wait outside the line, that would be fair. The person with the medical need receives the accommodation that they need, plus they have someone with them. What isn't fair is that Disney is saying if you have autism you can wait with your whole family. If you have a medically related bathroom issue you have to separate from your family and wait by yourself if you can't wait the full time in a regular line.
You're thinking about it from your own particular situation but what about others? Are you always just traveling with your son? What about the person that has 3 in their party or 4 in their party. If your whole point is you are separated from your family then it only works in your favor what I hypothesized with only having 1 go in if you are a party of 2. I was, in effect, being slightly hyperbolic there. People would absolutely complain if they only allowed one other person irrespective of one's reasoning for qualifying for DAS because then they would use what you said that you don't get time with your family, it would become advantageous for a party of two and only that, which was my point in bringing it up. More or less because you kept making the point you felt Disney was saying you were less deserving or singling you out.
You can't really tell someone with autism they can't wait with their entire family, that could cause a meltdown in and of itself.
Again people are individuals too, one person with autism isn't the same as another. My aunt could wait with just my mom, or just my aunt or even just me. The person I know who is non-verbal would be better off with at least his mom and dad. The person who is lower functioning but verbal could do well with either his mom or his sister. In this case the whole family is not required for any of them with the exception that one would likely need both parents.

We shouldn't need a reminder here that those with disabilities aren't all the same
I suspect this is mostly related to someone posting a “hack” on TikTok saying that if you have a bathroom issue you can get a DAS and your whole party gets to skip the lines, causing a big increase in demand for DAS from fakers (people probably find it easier to lie about having a bathroom issue than about having something like autism). And Disney has figured out that telling the fakers that all they can get is a “bathroom pass” and the rest of the party has to wait in the regular line, that significantly reduces the incentive to lie. Sad for those who genuinely suffer from the disorder and used to be able to get a DAS for their whole party, of course, but this is not the first or the last time that horrible people spoil things for everyone else.
As I said, DH doesn't do all of the rides that have Genie+/Lightning Lanes, so he would gladly do say two rides on Grizzly instead of one on Grizzly and one on Goofys Sky School (which he can't handle). This was allowed under Maxpass, but not under Genie+. This means to make the same accomodations, he now needs the DAS when he might not have bothered before. Now granted that opens up additional attractions, so maybe now he won't do a second Grizzly ride, but instead park hop to DL and go on Peter Pan. The point is he is now more likely to get a DAS than under the old MaxPass system and there are likely a lot more like him, so with the new restricted Genie+/Lightning Lane system, it makes sense there are a lot more DAS users and they are likely mostly legitimate needs.
I would gladly take going on rides multiple times myself :) actually that's one of the reasons Genie+/ILL is a bummer, at least with MP, Legacy FP and FP+ you could ride multiple times by just selecting the attraction again should the attraction/time be available. But what about that means your husband needs to use DAS more than before? Because DAS is need based, you are in essence saying you need to be able to ride multiple times when no one gets that opportunity unless they pay for it. Without any hint of being disrespectful that could make a case on an abuse of the DAS system ethically speaking and would be an example of an increase in DAS usage without the true need for it. Is riding a ride more than once a legitimate need? Like I said I'd like to ride multiple times myself like the olden days and not have to pay for it

I wasn't asking why there would be more users as I think most of us can hypothesize why, I was just rebutting the "internet makes it seem like there's a lot of abuse" because while I can only give one CM's perspective I do trust his experience working in the parks day in and day out.
Regarding an accommodation not including the whole family...there already are a number of situations where that occurs. The fact that some accommodations do allow for the whole party is more an exception, though WDW does try to include the family when possible. A few off the top of my head:
  • Reserved wheelchair/accessible sections for parades is one very common place where parties need to split -- and yes, often for an hour or more before those spots fill.
  • Accessible ride vehicles -- many (most? all?) do not hold as many guests as a regular ride vehicle so the party needs to split to enjoy the attraction. This can include splitting from the party at some point in the queue and not meeting up again until after the ride.
  • Wheelchair/ECV/accessible seating in theaters is limited to 1 companion seated beside and others in the party need to sit in a different row. Sometimes they can sit right in front of the wheelchair spot, but other times it is a couple of rows down and/or a few seats to the side.
  • When using DAS -- depending on the individual's needs, often that person (or a child plus a parent) splits from the family. That may be to deal with disability-related needs, or to allow the rest of the family to do more attractions and the DAS-holder will only join for the occasional ride.
We all tend to view disabilities from our own personal perspective. It's important to realize that how things work for one may be entirely different for another. That includes touring the parks and accommodations.
The increase in DAS after the retirement of fastpass is logical, I never needed DAS with fastpass as we could book the 3 rides and then pickup whatever we could after the fact. That alone probably took care of a large amount of people with DAS needs.

Genie+ not only took away those 3 rides but just in the way it functions doesn't work well to experience the parks when you have an issue you have to plan around. You may get one or two rides and then the waits get out of control and the day gets away from you. At least with DAS you know you'll be able to get through a handful of rides. IMO DAS is a superior product to the way Genie+ works.

The cost of Genie+ also fueled the fakers I'm sure - I also wish they would get rid of the advance selections as people are already using the online system... That incentive isn't needed anymore.
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