CDC says cancel any events with 50+ people for the NEXT EIGHT WEEKS

I think it's important to individually keep the eye on the ball even when governments or organizations drop it in confusion. The reality is that we can't judge today by today. What I mean is that, without testing, the situation today only reflects about how many people were infected 2 weeks ago. We will know in two weeks about how many people are infected today. This virus can spread like a wildfire in 2 weeks and we have no idea how effectively it has spread as of today. That's why we need to take social distancing, etc today more seriously than we think.

Isolate as much as is reasonable. Skip places we'd like to be, but don't need to be, whether 50 or 1000 people are there. About 60% of us would have to contract the virus to develop any kind of herd immunity. Increase the odds now, that by isolating as much as possible now, we can spread out the time it takes for that to happen rather than stressing the health care system far beyond capacity all at once. It's the difference between some people dying and huge numbers dying.

No one can even say with certainty that this particular coronavirus will die back when we get into warmer weather and come back in the fall. Some die back for awhile and some never do. No one can promise that if you have the virus once, you won't get it again. No one can promise that it won't mutate. So it's better to assume that this is a marathon rather than a sprint, and be relieved if it turns out to be easier than the worst case scenarios. We're already way past the time when we should be thinking about going to a crowded restaurant. It isn't going to be fun or remotely convenient, but we just have be as patient and responsible as we can be while we wait the probable 12 - 18 months for a vaccine.
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Cause 50 people in a bar is so much worse than 500 people crushing into a Costco or 100 people on a plane.

Be ready for grounded airlines very soon.

I saw the latest CDC statement & don’t get why it doesn’t also apply to schools & universities.

I’m half afraid my kids’ college is going to try to go back to in person classes in April.
My daughters college is done- they notified them Friday they need to clean out dorms and be gone by Tuesday. Right now bars and restaurants in Boston are closed (you can get take out but no dine in) here in NY schools closed in city till April 20 and maybe till the end of the school year.
Do you think post offices will close? What about banks?

There's certain things that just can't close. Certain businesses are essential to keep society functioning. Those, food, supplies, distribution of goods, etc, have to keep going or things will break down. They may need to change how they do business, but they have to keep going.

I wonder why they don't just do it all at once instead of each day tightening the reigns.

Somewhere between the people making decisions coming to grips with it, and the amount you can get the GP to take in a short period of time. If they just came out weeks ago and said no public gathering, no bars, no restaurants, etc effective immediately, people would have just ignored it en masse.
The CDC recommendation is useless if it doesn't apply to Costco, Target, Walmart, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, & other supermarkets where all the panic buying and stockpiling is happening. I was in Whole Foods to pick up a few things and it was overwhelmed with customers.

If people are going to infect each other, it will be while everyone is piled, in close proximity, into the stores stocking up. :rolleyes: Why isn't there a crowd capacity cap on the stores where all the people are? There is no "social distancing" or spacing going on as people are grabbing for the same items and passing by each other in close proximity.

I saw many elderly people in there because no one is shopping for them. They don't go hang out in bars or most sporting events. But they do have to shop for food. So the most vulnerable of our population will be out in those crowds possibly getting infected. Or since their immunity is compromised, they may already have the virus, and may infect others around them.

I checked online at Target, Walmart & Amazon for the items I want. Target was out of stock on most items. Walmart is instituting bulk buying. They pretty much won't fulfill an item unless one buys $20 worth of EACH item. Amazon is making people join Prime to get food, or the price gougers are listing the items without going through Prime. Most elderly people are on a fixed income. So they can't shop online at Walmart & Amazon because of the high prices or needing to pay for the Prime membership. So they will have to be in the supermarkets with all the panic buyers and stockpilers. :sad2:

So this 50 people limit recommendation is really doing nothing to protect our weakest & most vulnerable when it leaves out the very places they MUST go. :sad2:

Here is a news story, in Oregon, of a couple in their 80's having to rely on the kindness of a stranger, who could have, instead, run off with their money, but went it and did the shopping for them. But, here in NYC, the majority of the elderly don't have cars to sit in. If there's no one to help them, they have to go in themselves.

It’s the logical conclusion from statements made by govt officials

I would not go anywhere that required me to fly home. Especially not after seeing JFK and O’Hare yesterday. If they implemented some sort of screening similar to what they have at customs I’d never make it
It’s all great to close everything down until you realize that your paycheck isn’t coming, your employer no longer exists, your 401k has been decimated and your mortgage is still due.

Yeah, I'm scared for my job too. While I get why these actions are being taken, sometimes I think people who have money dont quite understand the fear of being without as much as others.

We were flat broke years ago. I never, ever want to experience that again.


Stop! The all caps isn’t helping people who are afraid. Not afraid of dying, afraid of feeding their kids, having a roof over their heads, their livelihoods. Consider yourself incredibly fortunate if you’re not terrified of these issues.

This is unprecedented, and it will take time to grasp what this is going to mean for all of us and our families.

This is the time to be a kind neighbor (or fellow poster) to show an ounce of compassion for a major life change.
Stop! The all caps isn’t helping people who are afraid. Not afraid of dying, afraid of feeding their kids, having a roof over their heads, their livelihoods. Consider yourself incredibly fortunate if you’re not terrified of these issues.

This is unprecedented, and it will take time to grasp what this is going to mean for all of us and our families.

This is the time to be a kind neighbor (or fellow poster) to show an ounce of compassion for a major life change.
I have a feeling she is expressing her feelings and trying to make lite of a bad situation. I didn't take it like she was being nasty.


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