Cancelled 7 day Magic cruiser, still no responce from Disney, anyone else??

Great post, LAMPSKIES! Sounds like good advice, and not just for this situation.
Doctor P ,

Very well said. I too am a Disney shareholder, Disney Vacation Club member, and memebr of the elite "11/30 Cancelled Cruise Club" ( 11/30 triple C for short). As I have stated before, my biggest issue with this entire situation was DCL's not recognizing specific circumstances, namely that we had already arrived in Fla before they cancelled the cruise. Had I been sitting on my couch watching the Macy's parade when they cancelled, I would have been just as upset but my expectations of their response would hae been quite different.. and the impacts on me and the family quite different...

It would be virtually impossible to treat every single passenger exactly the same, unless they did very little for anyone. I believe that some recognition of unique, specific circumstances is warranted. As others have posted, there were potential once-in-a-lifetime gatherings that were affected. While not Disney's OBLLIGATION, some recognition is not asking too much..

Will I cruise DCL again ... probably..... Has this event slightly altered my perception of DCL and TWDC .. probably.... Is this the most pressing thing in my life right now......not by a long shot!

As a mesure of proper response, I was extremely pleased with DVC's recognition and accomodation to my plight. While we did not use points to book the cruise, there was a future vacation impact ... which they quickly ( within 6 days of my writing) called me to discuss and accomodated with not so much as a question.... Excellent response.....

Well said. Please understand that my concern about consistency does not mean that everyone gets treated the same across the board. Unique circumstances should be assessed in determining an appropriate response. Consistency means that people in LIKE circumstances get treated the same, though.
Is there ANY insurance which would have covered the expenses involved with non-refundable tickets, cancelled cruise, etc.?

We always buy the Disney Insurance and thankfully, haven't had to use it BUT I'd sure like to know in "plain English" whats covered.

(Not stupid, just naive - a trainable sort of idiot!) ; )

Here is how I take the whole thing. Disney is "Wonderland". It's a place where "kids", from newborns to 100 year olds go forget about the real world. Every time I have been there all cast members always went the "extra mile" to make sure we were happy. Every person you saw had a smile, vacationers and castmembers alike. It was an escape from the real ups and downs of every-day life. There were no wars, no mortgage payments due, no school lunches to make, no time to wake up or go to sleep. The sun always seemed to shine. Even if it wasn't, the cast members seemed to have a knack to make us not notice. Yes, I'm 37 years old but the other times I was there I felt like it was summer break when I was a kid again. Everything was taken care of. Just like having Mom around to make sure my summer vacation would be a good one.
When Disney tried to accomadate all of those families on such a short notice they were not prepared. Reality somehow snuck into my carry-on bag and followed me for the next 10 days. Reality and fantacy crossed pathes and they didn't get along. I saw it rain, it was cold, my food was greasy, the lines in the park were too long and I noticed everytime I put my hand in my pocket to take out $$$$. Disney never had this problem before, they work real hard for it not to happen. But it did.
That is how I felt from my gut the whole time I was there, I didn't like the feeling and maybe some of the "bad times" were brought on by myself but we all have paid, are paying and will pay once again to have that "special feeling".
For all of you whom this cruise that was cancelled was your "first time" do yourself a favor, use your 50% off coupon book it with a Disney Resourt give them your credit card get your key to the world card and forget about Iraq, the stock market, your job and all the other things we all do all day everyday over and over and let Disney do what they do best HELP YOU FORGET!
well said and I totally agree. I kept waiting for the Magic to happen. We had a wonderful vacation to the Wilderness Lodge Oct 01 where we added on another 3 nights after our original 6 were up. It was the vacation that made us want to become Disney Vacation Members. However, our first time ever using these points was for the cruise - which didnt happen. Well where was the Magic at Disney with all of us cancelled cruisers?

and moderators - I cant believe you have let this thread get to 6pages - my posts have been deleted !! Is it because now Im not alone in the way Im feeling?!
Lampskies, I totally agree with your post. We were on the Nov 16th sailing and 3 people out of our party of 9 got sick with the virus. When we arrived home I called Disney and gave them a detailed verbal report-both the good and the bad. I ended my call with "please include in my report that we still love Disney, we just think that things could have been handled better". I then faxed a written letter detailing the events on our cruise. At the end of the fax I made it clear that I only expected Disney to "act fairly" as far as compensation was concerned. I never demanded anything. All three families in our party rec'd 50% discount for a future cruise, even though two of the families didn't have anyone sick. I found everyone I spoke to during the initial call, rebooking, etc. to be very helpful. I was amazed, and told them so, that they were able to keep their sense of humor and good manners during such trying times. One man I spoke to almost cried when telling me about some of the phone calls he'd received. I really feel sorry for the folks in customer service, some people treated them as if they were the ones who caused the problem. Anyway, just my two cents worth.
I agree with the good doctor.

The norwalk virus was not the creation of disney. They, like you, had to suffer because of it.

However, if one were to make disney give 50% off a more expensive voyage (not all dates have equal demand and therefore equal price), some might take advantage and then DCL is punished twice.

Disney will not be making any more money off of anyone, because on the prime weeks DCL is only charging what they would have gotten for those weeks.

This is no different than if I had a category 9 cabin, had my cruise cancelled and then asked for 50% off the price of a category 1 cabin.

I think when these things happen DCL has the responsibility to respond as promptly as possible to all communications, but to provide equivalent accomodations.

No one wants their vacation ruined, either by sickness or by cancellation or other factors.

I would HATE to be in your shoes, or anyone else who has a death, injury, accident or other event that interferes with a vacation. But in life, things we can't control happen.

This is my 1.5 cents. Anyone can feel free to express their own opinion and I respect that.

This is just mine.
From what I understand, if more than 2% of people on a cruise ship get sick it must be reported. 3000 people(which is high, they only include passengers) that is 60 people. I went back to my reports from Monday Nov. 25th; CNN reported 185 people sick. Why not bring THAT ship back? It's Monday, 2 days out at sea, and 3 times the reporting minimum are sick. Why risk the rest of the passengers? Let's stay at sea 2 more days and then cancell the cruise for next Saturday!! If 3 of 9 were sick I'm not a real smart guy but that is 33%. And that is 11 days before I was cacelled. I know there were people sick and said nothing on our Wonder Dec 1, 2002 so they wouldn't be quarenteened.
Hello all....I guess the point I am really trying to make is I totally understand what DCL did and why they did chose to cancel the 11/30 cruise....and it was great of them to offer the 50% off a future cruise....but it seems like there are many offers being made out there be it by letter or people negotiating with Disney. When we found out our cruise was cancelled...I was kind of trapped....we had 2 airline tickets that were non-refundable....if we did not use them they would have been worthless...and we had booked 5 nights in Disney World after our if we did not cruise we would be forced to spend 12 nights in Disney World and 7 of those nights we had no room we scrambled on the day before Thanksgiving to at least go on the 12/1 sailing of the Wonder.....and it was kaos....called Disney....put on hold for 15 minutes...spoke to a DCL disconnected...called again and the whole thing started again....but the best was when I finally got someone to help me and she gave me a quote for the 4 night Wonder sailing....4 nights....$1600.00....and I balked because I paid $2000.00 for the 7 night...and her reply...."but you have to understand Mr. are booking this very late"....very late...DCL cancelled my cruise....and when all was said and done...they worked out the week for us at Port Orleans Riverside for the 3 nights we were not on the ship....did not get passes since we have meal vouchers for the three days on property.....was I happy....not really....but we made the best of it....but when I hear people getting letters with upgrades attached....I wonder where my letter is. We have cruised 3 times...booked the 4th for May 10th....would it hurt Disney to bend over for some people who cannot sail off peak and make sure they are happy.....I think they should.....I am not a vacation club member....but we vacation in Disney twice a year and cruise once a year....I spend a lot of money in Disney as do a lot of other people.....I am not the exception.....I am also not a Disney stockholder....but good business is to keep the people happy....and they will come back these posts on the boards and you will find a lot of people who have soured on DCL....although I feel I will never sail anyone else....I also feel that Disney has to do the right thing for the people who had there vacation plans ruined.....and last but not least....Disney is one of if not the most expensive out there....I feel it is worth paying a little more for the special treatment and great service....but some where along the line the ball was dropped....and waiting for 4 to 6 weeks for responses to letters that are critical is wrong.....Disney is a big company and this should be a priority...keeping the people happy.
It has been almost 2 months since we got "the cancellation" notice. It's over. The way I look at it is if we are complaining over $$$ amounts we shouldn't go back to Disney. I don't know about the rest of you but if I don't bring 500.00 a day to blow for the 4 of us I shouldn't go. Food has to be 300.00 a day alone. Price increases, on or off peak, yata,yata,yata---again take your 50% off and run.
If you don't want to go back on the Magic I hear if you present your voucher to another cruise line they will honor it----off peak and last minute booking only. Hint, Hint, They will accept a copy--you don't need the origional.
There is a difference between reporting to the CDC and cancelling a cruise.

Just because you must report to the CDC doesn't mean you have to cancel or call back the cruise.

Just a response, I think you misunderstood, Disney IS offering 50% off of ANY future cruise taken before the end of 2003. Even if you want to sail in Peal season, you can, but then you are getting 50% off of Peak rates. Also, they are allowing you 50% off of any cabin you wish, even if you were originally booked in a cat 11, you can take your 50% off of a cat 4 if you wish. The only thing they will not allow is 50% off the total room, such as say you were traveling with just your spouse on 11/30 and now you want to bring your kids and Mom, well, you can and book a cat 4 but you will only receive 50% off for anyone that was originally booked on the cancelled cruise.


I also got that line of crap from DCL the night before Thanksgiving sayon that "we were booking very, very late". I said to her, I'm not just some fly by night person that decided to take my family on a cruise in 4 days, my ship was cancelled. Still, we had to pay top dollar for the Wonder and I know that others paid a whole lot less for the same vacation.

Okay, at first I was astonished that some post'rs were commenting on how great DCL was for offering full refund on a cruise DCL cancelled in the first place and thinking that's is the very LEAST DCL could do. However, I just read the fine print of the cruise brochure which states:
"Disney Cruise Line may in its sole discretion and without prior notice change, substitute, postpone, cancel or deviate from any scheduled sailing, itinerary or call at any port, and may substitute another vessel for the ship, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by a Guest as a result of any such change, substitution, postponement, cancellation or deviation. The Guest shall pay any and all expenses incurred if a Guest is detained on board ship or elsewhere at any stage of a voyage because of quarantine, port regulations, prevailing applicable law, illness or other cause."
Well, now I have to say "Holy Cow" - I didn't know that. Guess I'll have to pay for that trip insurance in the future after all. I was under the impression if DCL cancels, then DCL coughs up the refund. I also assumed those of you who thought DCL was so generous in the offering of a refund were *Disney-Crazy Fanatics*, but here you are being correct. Thanks for opening my eyes to the fine print. I still think DCL should cough up the $$ for 50% of the original price paid, though.
I believe that the rules are that a cruise line MUST report sickness on the ship if it exceedes 2% of the passengers and crew. That is reported illnesses. I din't kmow if I got sick on the ship I would have "reported it". Risk quarenteen for 48 or 72 hours? I did fall ill on the Fri. after our Dec. 1 Wonder cruise. It was a 12 hour flue- like-bug. I said nothing. I would the it is safe to say if 185 people reported illness there were more. But, I also believe some of the 185 unfortunately may have been "sea sick" or just looking for something for nothing. As I stated in an earlier post, if it was that bad why not bring THAT cruise back on Monday when people started to get sick? Why risk all the other passengers on THAT cruise. Simple, they had no place to put THOSE people. That ship would have been back at port on Tues. or Wed. before Thanksgivig. Peak time if I'm not mistaken. Those people paid peak rates. Our Nov. 30th was not "peak". Thus 50 off for us for non-peak can be justified. I'm not saying this was on DCLs mind and they didn't cancell because of that, but it is still a buisness. And buisnesness are in buisness to make money.
There are people replying to this post and camplaining about a 3-5% price increase, which with your 50% off is 1 1/2 -2 1/2% realized increase. Imagine if that ship came back and they all wanted to book Christmas, New Years or Easter. I don't know if you have checked but Xmas cruises are sold out way in advance and is about double of what my booking was. Sorry to ramble but these posts make me think a little more than I probably should.
I've been watching this thread for awhile and since I was not one of those affected by the cancellation of the 11/30 cruise, I can only observe and hope that all who were hurt by it are properly taken care of.

I was, however, on the cruise on 11/23 and feel like I need to say something about this:

... it is safe to say if 185 people reported illness there were more. But, I also believe some of the 185 unfortunately may have been "sea sick" or just looking for something for nothing. As I stated in an earlier post, if it was that bad why not bring THAT cruise back on Monday when people started to get sick?

First of all, it was not that bad. Yes, there were 185 people sick, but my understanding was that nearly 25% of that number was crew. If I had not gotten frequent communications from DCL under my door, I would not have noticed anyone sick. You would not have known from the dining rooms or pools or anyplace else that there were people missing. Everyone out & about was having a great time. The only thing we really noticed were the enhanced sanitation measures, or the Bleach Brigade as we called them. While it is true that people began getting sick pretty quickly, there were apparently more cases toward the end so it was neither warranted nor practical to bring the ship back to port.

I have to ask you to please refrain from insinuating that people were faking illness to "get something for nothing" as you call it. It's like you think that people were walking around saying "oh, if you go down to the medical center and pretend that you have the NLV, DCL will compensate you." For goodness sakes, please use your common sense here, and realize that you are insulting the people who were legitimately ill and whose cruises were ruined by a terrible and unfortunate virus.

I know you are upset, and rightly so, but just as I cannot exactly know what it's like to be in your shoes, neither can you know what it was like to have been on one of the affected sailings or to have been taken hostage by this rotten virus on your vacation.

I was constantly talking to DCL for almost two weeks prior to our cancelled sailing. There was an insinuation on their part, even the night of the cancellation when I rebooked, that they thought there were "some people looking for something for free" on the ship. If it wasn't that bad why cancell Wed. for a Sat. sailing? Why not cancell a latter sailing so people had time to make new arrangements? Remember Wed was the night before Thanksgiving changing plans weren't an option, my flight was to leave 12 hours after I got the call. Have you ever tried to call an airline the night before Thanksgiving???/
Also, on our Dec 1, Wonder sailing we were held up in Freeport for 6 hours to fly in new crew. I guess they were ill. Castaway Cay had no excursions because they were limited on cast members, so we were told.
Hello all....again...but I have to respond to the latest posts.....and I guess I will repeat some of the past things I have said so please bear with me.....Disney is in the entertainment business and looks to make people happy....and my humble opinion they do a job.....but....that said....I feel that this whole fiasco was just a nightmare both for Disney....but also the 2500 people that should have been on the Magic on 11/30....when the illness started to pop up on the cruise ships my wife and I started to follow it a little more closely since it was getting closer to our the anticipation for us was building since we had booked the cruise a full year to the day of the sailing.....I called DCL on the Monday before Thanksgiving....which was 11/25......and I spoke to a DCL representative....she reported that about 25 people were reported sick, but they felt that was not out of the ordinary....and there were absolutely no plans on cancelling any cruise...they never have before.....and then the call came on Tuesday that we should call before we leave someone was thinking of cancelling....and then everyone knows what happened Wednesday......personally....I do not think DCL was prepared for what would happen if they cancelled the cruise....people called on Wednesday and were told different things....first time I called I was told there was no availability on the 12/1 sailing of the Wonder.....then after 3 or 4 more phone calls of getting through and then disconnected finally I got a supervisor who seemed like he really wanted to assist me.....we finally did end up on the Wonder...and I got to meet a lot of people who were supposed to be on the Magic....and each and every one actually got there own deal....I think they were trying to make people happy if they could.....and I do believe that everyone was thrilled with the 50% off a future cruise....and people have stated before....Disney is a business and making money is a big part of it...lets be realistic...Disney does very well with the cruise line and the parks....and it would not have hurt them by allowing people the 50% off there origional booking price and allowed any open week....maybe they could have made 10 cabins available for the peak weeks....would it have cost Disney a bunch of money....yes...but it would have made a lot of other people who had there vacation plans squashed happy also....some people will never be happy...and maybe a couple of people did take advantage of the previous cruise to get a discount on a future cruise...there always will be a couple of people looking for something for nothing....I have read all the posts and have seen a lot of people heading to other cruise lines because they are unhappy with DCL....personally....DCL is the best out there as far as treating there guests special and have great kid programs...but I would hope they will sit back...get back to people who wrote letters...and I am sure they got a lot of them because they gave anyone who was unhappy or pleased a card to write to guest communications...big company...have a meeting and get this thing done once and for all....I paid $1900. for a 7 day in November I am paying $1950.00 for a week in May....and that is with 50% far as I am concerned I paid top dollar for my week I was not allowed to take....they should have had a better plan....they have a lot of suits....maybe a couple of them should have stepped up to the plate and really taken care of the people who had there vacation shattered. Come one and all...flame me if you wish....but I really feel that the whole thing was handled poorly.
I paid 4800.00 plus air fare because I booked a couple of extra days prior. I also booked a state room with virandah. Yes I got my $$$ back and rebooked at a lower price, but it was 6 agrevating hours on the phone the night before while my kids were tucked in their beds thinking I was going to wake them at 3 a.m to go to Disney. I didn't get a verandah but I knew that when I rebooked.
As I posted earlier, I carbon copied my last trip, two days before the cruise, Thanksgiving and Friday after at Disney and the 7 day Eastern cruise. I paid 200.00 more because my eldest will be 13 (a new pricing change I guess), booked a catagory 8 and took my free upgrage to a "6 or better" and my bill is under 4700.00. Maybe I paid too much origionally, but I don't see a big difference in pricing.


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