Boycott Provo Craft. the makers of the Cricut

Wow I've been out of the loop!

So I got a new expression and SCAL2 some time ago but didn't use SCAL2 with new expression yet. I'm guessing I should do that pronto? Will it still work?

Got a new gypsy too but assuming that is ok since it is a provo product?
I "liked" the boycott page on FB. I haven't bought a cart in years and actually sold all my font cart's on ebay when I got SCAL. I can't use design studio because I have a Mac and I want to have the ability to weld! Not to mention the TTF cutting being so much better than spending a million dollars on carts. So while they may be losing money on me not buying carts, I am still spending money on mats and blades. And if I were to buy carts, I would buy them on ebay not spend full price at Michaels!!

So for now I will not do any updates so I can continue using my E with my SCAL and if it happens that I can't any longer, I will sell all my cricut stuff on ebay and buy a different cutter!
I guess I am in the minority here. I am behind Provo Craft. Their cutter is for THEIR products. Plain and simple. Why is there a problem with them using that logic?? :confused3

That said, I also have a Pazzles which cuts anything I can imagine/download/draw/etc. Pazzles has been around just as long as cricut so you really should have bought one of those if you didnt like being tied to using carts. :rolleyes1
We can respectfully disagree. :) The machine is now mine, I purchased it. I should be able to use it however I see fit, I am past my 1 year warrantly period.

Maybe I was naive, but I had no idea any other cutter existed, due to PC's "wonderful" marketing and that darn infomercial. I looked longing at the E for a good 6 months before I bought.

And, once I found out about SCAL, I had to have an E.

Now that I have the product, i really don't want to support PC any more. I will continue to use the products I currently own, but I will not be buying any more.

PC is also a corporation, owned partially by Bank of America. I completely understand it is a business, but I chose NOT to support. And that is putting my money where my mouth is, because there are some carts that I really like.

Lettering Delights seems to be behind the boycott. if you have never checked them out, please do. They created some graphics on some of the early cartridges for PC. But they have lots of great fonts, doodlebats and now SVG sets too!

Lettering Delights is having a $1 sale on most things, and $2 for SVG sets.
Pazzles has been around just as long as cricut so you really should have bought one of those if you didnt like being tied to using carts. :rolleyes1

I am another who did not know about other cutters. I only learned of the cricut by walking into Michaels one day when they were first released. I sometimes will read a scrapbooking magazine but not often. I saw the commercials on TV about the cricut and decided I wanted one. I really had no idea that there were other types of cutters around that could do more and not be confined by cartridges.

I agree that Provo Craft can do as they please since it is their product. I don't have plans to boycott anyone at this time. I also agree that I purchased the machine so I should be able to use it as I please. I have purchased many cartridges but I haven't purchased any since last year. Why? was it because of the third party software I use? Absolutely NOT! It is because the price of the cartridge is just too high and with this economy I have to choose between buying gas, buying food or buying cartridges. Cartridges are not a necessity. (they also haven't released any "MUST HAVE" cartridges in a really long time besides the new Disney ones-sorry but I have enough of owls, flourishes, boxes, tags, nature, etc.)

I use SCAL2, MTC AND CDS. I like features of all three of them. I never cut with my cricut without one of those programs. I still use CDS even though I feel the company has abandoned the software for the sake of the Gypsy and has never added features that many have begged for!! If CDS had some of the same features that MTC and SCAL2 had, then I would have never had a reason to use the other programs. I was still buying cartridges when I could afford them even after I had the programs. It didin't make me stop buying cartridges.

I can see why PC filed a lawsuit, I am glad that it was settle, I can understand if they want MTC and SCAL2 to remove the compability with Cricut. But as long as I am able, I will continue to cut with those programs.

Again, PC has the right to do whatever they wish with their product and I don't hold it against them. But it is sad that they couldn't work something out.
I bit the bullet and Bought SCAL. I just won't update the firmware on either.

I'm going to use my machine but I'm limiting the number of Carts I'll buy. But it's because the prices are stupid!!!
The only reason I bought the Cricut was because I could use 3rd party software in addition to cartridges.
I am in support of boycotting Provo Craft.

Check out the facebook page for Boycott Provo Craft.

In two days there are almost 1100 supporters.

PC has filed a recent law suit against SCAL.
Recently PC has settled out of court with MTC.

Enough is enough.
I can't wait to buy a new cutter.

Do you have a link to the FB page? I can't find it.
So if I have SCAL and MTC, which I do, but I have not updated my Cricut firmware recently, is it safe to do it now, or is it already set up to block these programs. I got a new E for Christmas - one of the ones from WM - so I am thinking I will keep my old E for working with 3rd party software and my new one for cartridge/gypsy/CDS. So in my thinking this will work - I just need to know if I can still safely update, or is it already too late. TIA
Question...I have SCAL and my regular Cricut (original). I think I want to buy the E that ACM has on sale this week for $199. I got tons of gc's for my b-day!! :banana: Will I be able to use my SCAL with that or will it not work since this is going on and / or it is connected to my other machine? I honestly don't want to get it if I won't be able to use SCAL with it. I have tons of carts but probably still do at least 60% of my work with SCAL between SVG cuts and especially fonts.
I would get it now. As of now there has been no judgement/settlement against SCAL. It WILL work with a new E and will continue to work as long as you don't make any updates to your E or the SCAL software.
Question...I have SCAL and my regular Cricut (original). I think I want to buy the E that ACM has on sale this week for $199. I got tons of gc's for my b-day!! :banana: Will I be able to use my SCAL with that or will it not work since this is going on and / or it is connected to my other machine? I honestly don't want to get it if I won't be able to use SCAL with it. I have tons of carts but probably still do at least 60% of my work with SCAL between SVG cuts and especially fonts.

No one knows what the litigation will bring.

If the MTC settlement is any indication, MTC can not support the Circut products with their software. SO, if you currently have MTC and you cut with a cricut, you do not want to do any future updates to MTC, because the newest versions of MTC will not work with the Circuts. You will still be able to cut with the current version on your computer.

IMO, I don't think the Cricut firmware updates can stop the third party softwares. IMO, if PC could have come up with a way, they would have by now, but again, that is just my opinion.

If you can "get by" with the baby bug, that's what I would do, and save for a different bigger cutter, if you want to go that route.

A link to the FB page can be found here:!/BoycottProvoCraft
I would get it now. As of now there has been no judgement/settlement against SCAL. It WILL work with a new E and will continue to work as long as you don't make any updates to your E or the SCAL software.

If I have already updated my E (I got the Gypsy and had to) will SCAL work with my E?
I was going to sell my baby bug to a friend and just use my E, but now with all this drama I am going to keep the baby just to run SCAL on. That way I have a machine that I can do updates too if I need to. It is a bummer that I will not be able to do 12x12 SCAL cuts, but buying another machine is not an option for me.
for me, the decision to Boycott Provo Craft came down to 2 simples issues
1) the quality of the merchandise
2) poor customer service

Maybe Disney's stellar customer service has just spoiled me.
I completely understand that PC has proprietary rights to their machines, and that they would want to be the only ones to make a profit from Cricut. However, I think they take advantage of their consumer and their products are very overpriced. $69 for a cartridge? Are they serious?

FWIW, I don't see how they can sue SCAL for designing a program that overwrites their system. Unless there's copyright infringement (not sure, I only know little bits about patent law.)

Yes, I own SCAL and yes I find it very useful for the TTF. I also have some PC cartridges, but I haven't spent more than $30 on anyone of them (thank you, Ebay and Ohmycrafts.) I'd buy SCAL again with no regrets.
I think it would be in Provo Craft's best interested to work with either the makers of MTC or SCAL to design software very similar to MTC/SCAL that can be used with the Cricut. The designers would get a cut of profits, as would PC, end-users would be happy they have the freedom to design and cut as they please. Win-Win-Win all around. It's not that hard!

For those of you who ARE going to ditch the Cricut and get another machine, I'd recommend the Bosskut Gazelle. It's a good price, not cartridge based, and unlike the Pazzles, you do not have to pay a monthly fee for the tech support/customer support forum. It's free for forum use and fantastic support all the way around. I love my Gazelle, and now with all the hoopla over the Cricut, I am REALLY glad I got it instead. Plus, it cuts true 12x12 pages, and does laser guided print and cut.
Here's the thing... Provo Craft MUST protect their product design and function. Allowing 3rd party software to be run on the machine will only cause the prices of Cricut to go UP.

If more people invest in SCAL and the other one, they won't sell cartridges, which is where they make their money. If they don't sell carties, they don't make money, which drives the price up.

As much as it sucks that it came down to this, it had to be done so PC didn't go bankrupt and shut down. Look at the case between Barbie and Bratz!

The older machines will still support the 3rd party software. The only changes will be made on newly produced machines. If you just invested in SCAL and want to get an E, chances are you'll be able to grab one that hasn't been modified to block outside software.

ITA it is in Provo's best interest to cut a deal, but it's not likely to happen.


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