Bouncy, Trouncy, Flouncy, Pouncy-MAY PTR-*5/9 - FRUSTRATIONS & 6 days left*

Seriously ... you ALL are so awesome - thank you ... what great advice!!

I have been to both and never managed to experience much fun.
But, WCC has kid activities going on, so there even if the server does not make fun of you, there will at least be something for them to do.

I personally prefer the resort restaurants over the in park restaurants. I think in the parks it is a very hectic affair and they try to send you out as soon as possible. At the resorts the meal becomes much more of an event.

Great thoughts - I agree the activities would keep them happy even if a stellar server wasn't assigned. This also reminds me to take a look at our touring schedule for that day!! Thank YOU:worship:

I would agree that it depends on your touring plan. We had a fabulous time at PTC last year, but we had a great great CM and the food was really really good.
I love resort dining but it does take you out of park for longer and can require a little more planning, however WCC is an easy boat ride from the MK on a MK day.
I think it also depends on the kids. At 9 and 10 I am less sure about my kids being into the types of activities at WCC.
Personally I prefer the menu at PTC but kids will often choose show over food so....I dunno!
I do have a dining review and a touring review of PTC from our trip last year.
Again - great reminders about the touring plans ... and I tend to overlook the fact that my kiddos are indeed getting older - they would laugh HARD at someone making fun of/punishing either them or their daddy ... and this may be the year I'd take them to WCC only to have one of them look at me and say, "Daddy, we're too old for that :confused3
Thanks for the link to the helpful and excellent dining report.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting the response from Emily regrading the POFQ rooms!! We'll be there before you and I started to worry after reading that thread too! We have always LOVED POFQ and I hated to think it was that horrible. I'll try to leave some beignets for you! ;)
You're Welcome - I was feeling the same concerns and hesitations as you and was just happy to be able to pass the info along. Just a warning - if the beignets are gone I'm comin' after you!!:moped:

Hmmm... I think you might have a better shot at Prime Time. Especially if you make your request for the right server when you check in.

Great advice - I'm going to get in touch with the restaurant in advance so they know the kind of server that would really make the meal magical.

I agree that you should ask for the "full service" when you check in at PTC. And remember to be rude - Put your elbows on the table, don't say please, shoot the straw wrapper at you server, and you should get things primed for a good time. Demand a refill on your drink, and you may get walked up to the fountain to do it yourself.

WOW - thank you SO MUCH - I'd not heard some of the "tips" before on what will get me (or the kiddos cause I'll have to encourage some of this) in trouble at PTC ... I'm smiling now just thinking about it!:earsboy:

Rob, I haven't been to either one, but I can totally see your trepidation!! I mean if the draw is mostly show, and you don't luck out with a spot on CM, it will be a huge let down- either place.

I hear that by your body langauge or comments, sometimes THE PATRON needs to be the initiator. But even then it can be hit or miss. But that's only from the Dining Review threads that I've read.

So given that, I'd say the theming and the food needs to be the bottom line.

Thanks Liesa ... I think I can lose sight of some of the basics when I begin planning. I am leaning toward PTC at this point - and that "lean" was not there before all this help!!

Haven't been to PTC, but WCC is the one place (out of seven table service meals) from last year that my boys have insisted we go to again this year. Of course, they think ice cream should have its own national holiday, so maybe the bottomless milkshakes are the culprit. :)

Our server was so funny...she told us a little of her history, then proceeded to tell us it was all a lie and not to expect her to answer when we called her name since it was fake too. ha!

The boys participated in stick horse races, the hokey pokey, and--of course--they asked for ketchup, which set the place off. It was a lot of fun!

We all had the all-you-can-eat skillet and it was yummy, the lodge is beautiful, and you can take a quick boat ride to the Contemporary and catch the monorail. (If your kids are like mine, the monorail itself makes this trip worth it! Okay, I'm totally lying...I feel the same way.) :thumbsup2

However, if your kids are all about you being punished, WCC may not provide enough humiliation to make them happy...but it is a lot of fun. Good luck in your quest to please your children by being the willing butt of many a joke. (I almost said eager butt, but that just sounded wrong.)
Like the "God from the Machine" in the Greek tragedy - inexplicably dropping from the sky to rescue the moment ... so is my plan for snacks at Disney World!!

The day turns hot ... the feet get tired ... the mood changes (you've all been there) - that sweet little boy who arrived at the park with Mr. Blue Bird on his shoulder has suddenly become Grumplestilskin!! The lovely princess in her sweeping dress bit into a rancid apple and could pose outside Disney Villains.

SO when those pursed lips appear and happiness exists as a fringe in the wake of a Dyson ... here are the SNACK strategies (Why that snack, why now, and how to make it more "DIS'ney")

As the heat settles into a long afternoon at Magic Kingdom ... there's nothing better than pairing Dole Whip's and Dungeons (ok, please don't draw too deep a connection on that alliteration :confused3) ... Grabbing an icy, tropical, fruity Pineapple Dole Whip with a mid-length wait meandering through the catacombs of Pirates of the Caribbean ... talking about the movies ... pointing out the unique sights in the queue ... its guaranteed to chase the grumpies away!!

You've just finished a rousing day at the Kingdom ... the LINE for the busses is waiting and the flood of humanity is wearing you down. Into view comes The Main Street Bakery ... beeline for the doors and grab the fam a seat. Be the hero!! Go through the line and create a cornucopia of crazy confections Rocky Road Brownies, Strawberry Shortcake, Creamy Cheesecake, Key Lime Pie ... arrive at the table to cheers and happy-joy-joys. Sit down, relax, and relive everyone's favorite memories as the sweet treats do their thang!!

There's an under appreciated wonder at the center of Future World ... the heat of the day doesn't daunt it (nay, it makes it better) ... to pause, to enjoy, to appreciate could very well define a new memory and tradition into your "World tour". To elevate the whole experience, how 'bout a hand-dipped scoop of 'Dulce De Leche', or 'Mint Chocolate Chip' from the Fountainview Cafe (heck, make it a waffle cone on that snack credit), then go and take pictures, laugh, and LOVE seeing your kids rapt in wonder over the Fountain show that runs roughly every 30 minutes.

:offtopic: my kids have been asking me, "Daddy can we go try the gross soda again" ... I had no idea what they were talking about, then I realized they LOVED (even though some were 'gross') laughing over the unusual sodas at "Club Cool". Please - for the sake of all that is good in the world - take your children into this awesome little stop and laugh as you make them try the horrible Italian soda, "Beverly" - yes, I'm a little evil like that :darth:

Adult Enjoyment .... Please, take a moment to your "selves" and venture into Boulangerie Patisserie to blow a snack credit on a chocolate eclair, yes - those are your children setting fire to the mini Eiffel Tower - but don't worry, the CM's will take care of it ... and you're too busy being whisked away to a chocolate, pate a choux, and custard Xanadu ... this is your moment ... Live it!!

Step #1 - grab a Kaki Gori (preferably Rainbow & bonus points if you've taught your kids to say it in an aggressive cool voice), Step 2 - walk to China (hope you wore comfortable shoes), Step 3 - let your kiddos (and you) bask in the wonder of the young acrobats as you build yet one more multi-sensory memory!!

Getting a little tummy craving ... the reservations are a couple of hours away and you know misery lies just around the corner!! Burn a snack credit at Kringla Bakery ... School Bread, a Sweet Pretzel, and (my FAVE addiction) Rice Cream are on the menu ... THANK YOU NORWAY

It's Jungly and Steamy!! Don't try to be the hero on this one ... something healthy (believe it or not) is the BEST choice .... grab some fresh fruit at Harambe Fruit Market and feel good about it!! (oh, walk around the corner to the path by the water and look for the actor dressed as moving leaves .... it will entertain your kids much more than you can)

It's Hollywood Studios time ... you're heading for Fantasmic to get in line 10 hours before the show ... make the time go by quicker by bringin' some snacks to the party. My suggestion? Bounce into 'Starring Rolls' and play the "Cupcake King" (don't worry, I won't promote this as your nickname back home) ... Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Butterfinger, White Chocolate ... need I say more? ... suddenly the line is nothing more than a snack break!!

And LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST ... a treat, my favorite ... a little Disney "kiss" for you:
The cool of the evening is setting in ... you find some way (any way, I don't CARE how you do it - just do it) to get to Port Orleans French Quarter Resort. With Snack Credit in hand, you approach the food court counter saying with reserved glee, "Three Beignets (pronounced 'Ben YAY's') please" ... you are handed three hot, puffed, delicate, sugar-coated wonders!!! Walk out the door, find a bench by the canal (or hop on the boat to Downtown Disney) and experience the reason why I will never ever ever say a negative word about this resort.

So what's my goal ... and what should be yours? Don't take snacks lightly. They are to be enjoyed ... they can be a break ... they can honestly mean the difference between a meltdown and a memory. I hope these words give you some ideas - but moreso serve to invite your own muse to create some new, snack-centered memories

You have me in stitches! I am laughing pretty hard over your quite nicely described snack strategies!

Rice cream.... AHHHHHHHHHHH how I love thee!! Norway has a corner on the greatest snacks market, for sure!

You missed one... Casey's corn dog nuggets!! Please DO NOT miss out on these tasty little numbers. You won't be sorry. They biffed it on the dogs when they went with crapola bun and even crappy-ola-er mystery meat weinies, but the nuggets remain perfect. Dipped in the FREE cheese sauce... how can you go wrong??!!! :confused3
You have me in stitches! I am laughing pretty hard over your quite nicely described snack strategies!

Rice cream.... AHHHHHHHHHHH how I love thee!! Norway has a corner on the greatest snacks market, for sure!

You missed one... Casey's corn dog nuggets!! Please DO NOT miss out on these tasty little numbers. You won't be sorry. They biffed it on the dogs when they went with crapola bun and even crappy-ola-er mystery meat weinies, but the nuggets remain perfect. Dipped in the FREE cheese sauce... how can you go wrong??!!! :confused3

ok ... my confession for the day ... I am a corn dog nugget virgin *gasp* ... yes, you read it right. But as I sit here sipping my coffee, typing this reply, :surfweb: I solemnly promise to remedy this depravity in May.

Seriously Liesa ... I saw they were on the menu - but knowing that things had declined at Casey's; I wasn't focusing on it ... till now :banana: ... thank you for giving me this recommendation.

I am a crazy nut for the rice cream ... I tried to "recreate" this awesome dessert at home after our last trip ... much like the alcoholic beverages in tribal communities around New Guinea - there is some secret ingredient in that Rice Cream which simply can't be replicated (for the tribes, it's the saliva of the elders which they add to the fruit juice to encourage quicker fermentation ... ewwwwwww ... but true).

I'm glad my snack strategies elicited some smiles ... hope all my DIS'friends have a wondrous day!!:thumbsup2

But then again, I've indulged in boiled sheep's head, horsemeat sausage, "hind-end" muscle of the horse (called Kazuh here), fermented camel's milk and salted dried milk curds (called kort).

Makes saliva-fermented juice sound downright tasty!

I've googled rice cream, and it sounds somewhat complicated; for me even more so, since I can't get cream in any shape or form.

But then again, I've indulged in boiled sheep's head, horsemeat sausage, "hind-end" muscle of the horse (called Kazuh here), fermented camel's milk and salted dried milk curds (called kort).

Makes saliva-fermented juice sound downright tasty!

I've googled rice cream, and it sounds somewhat complicated; for me even more so, since I can't get cream in any shape or form.

YIKES Liesa ... you all must have iron stomach's by now. I'll plan on including some memorable trips to the DR and Mexico in my PTR (both of which prove I have a candy tummy) ... you would make even Andrew Zimmerman envious!! :scared:
I was able to get some of my 2008 Disney trip Pics from my old laptop ... so now I'm inspired ... and I want to share some of my favorites with my DIS' Friends!!

I LOVE the POP resort ... where else in the world does a "value" resort feel this amazing??


OK Seriously ... when THIS is what Disney does to my kiddos ... how can I NOT want to go back :littleangel:


A little blurred .... but something about that sphere at night is so deeply inspiring!!:wizard:


We didn't stay at POFQ last time ... but anyone wanna guess, based on my previous posts, what we were doing there?:confused3

OK ... the following two pictures I ended up using as a background (the top one) and a feature pic (the bottom one) in the book I created after the trip. I don't know why but I absolutely fell in love with these two simple photos I took ... feel free to use them if they inspire you too!!


Well, let's see, you're not there to go in the pool, that would be "poooool hopping... ", so you must be there for


I like the artsy shots! I plan on doing some artsy stuff too this trip.
great pictures! I love the EE picture!

And Liesa was faster than me, but I would have guessed the same! ;)
Your kids are too cute!!!

Love the pics!! :goodvibes

Thank You!! They definitely make my world wonderful!!

Well, let's see, you're not there to go in the pool, that would be "poooool hopping... ", so you must be there for


I like the artsy shots! I plan on doing some artsy stuff too this trip.

I've made it that obvious huh :rolleyes1 ... thanks for the compliment - some of the oddest pics made such great backgrounds in my photo book - so that has become my challenge this trip - to find more Disney backgrounds!

Just wanted to say hi :wave2: as a former Pennsyvanian, and tell you that your kids are so cute. :cutie: (Ok maybe this pirate: for the boys.)

Thanks for saying Hi :wave2: ... and my boys say "thank you" for not relegating them to :cutie:

great pictures! I love the EE picture!

And Liesa was faster than me, but I would have guessed the same! ;)

:rotfl: ... I knew you and Liesa would be all over that!! ... the EE pic is my personal favorite - thanks for adding the compliment!
DIS friends ... a crunchy neck injury (yes, it's as nasty as it sounds) is keeping me from spilling out prose (basically, I'm not supposed to sit in a 'typing-type' posture for too long) ... so I've relegated myself to posting some pics ... like my last post and the pic below ... and doing some strater'gizing. So with that in mind, following the pic - I have a question for ANYONE who might weigh in with the ways you go "Park to Park to Park"

Here's a few details about the kind of Dis'family we tend to be
  • My kiddos are early birds - usually not too good as late owls
  • They have amazing endurance - usually I'm looking to sit down long before they are
  • They LOVE spending about an hour in the Disney playgrounds (the Boneyard & HIStK)
  • We've never done a parade or a show at any of the parks :scared1: - we'll change that this time around
In trips past, my kids just weren't interested in sitting through the parades or the shows (except Fantasmic which they love) ... this time around they've told me they want to see some parades and shows ... sooo
- Tell me your strategies
- What are the parades I MUST get them to?
- Which parks, which days, which times?
- Which shows are not to be missed?

Thank You Friends!!!:thumbsup2
Hey Rob-

My thoughts are: (and PLEASE- everyone reading! These are just my personal opinions..... not right, not wrong, just my tastes)

I'm (we're) not such showy/parade-y types either. We'd rather hit the rides with the benefit of shorter lines.

Now, having said that.... I do think Spectro might be good enough to watch if it's anything like MSEP. I haven't actually seen it, but intend to this Sept.

I don't think Illuminations is really great for kids. NOT that it's not entertaining in its own right, but the message of world peace/let's all work together etc.... frankly went over ALL of my kids heads and it kinda drags when the ball thing (which I still don't "get") comes out.

F!- not seen it- but will try in Sept.

Wishes! EXcellent! Saw it twice in 2008, and bawled.

Now, as for touring... we are the opposite. We did make it to several Rope Drops, but found that we got a nice 2nd wind around 8:00. We never took breaks, and didn't feel like we needed them either. But we did have a no-park day in the middle and a half day in there as well. I think we did fine this way. But YOU know your kids best, and know their limits.

We LOVE EMHs- AM and PM. We didn't have hoppers, and never missed them. I've always been of the opinion that there's enough to keep everyone happy at one park for a whole day. Hidden Mickey hunts, TS meals, finding hidden gems- all that can eat up hours! Slow down and don't make it your aim just to hit rides. YOu already know that there's so much more to see and hear and smell. (the roses for example near WS!) ;)

I'd say for little one
We skip the parades but from a show standpoint these were hits with my kids.

FOLK (didn't see last time but loved it prior, will see this summer)
LMA (same as above)
Indiana Jones Stunt Show
Beauty and the Beast
American Idol

For us a big part of DHS is the shows but there are lot we haven't seen elsewhere that I hope to rectify this year!

We are hoppers, in a big way. I don't think they are needed but I admit I do like them!
Hey Rob-

My thoughts are:
I'm (we're) not such showy/parade-y types either. We'd rather hit the rides with the benefit of shorter lines.

Now, having said that.... I do think Spectro might be good enough to watch if it's anything like MSEP.

F!- not seen it- but will try in Sept.

Wishes! EXcellent! Saw it twice in 2008, and bawled.

Now, as for touring... we are the opposite.
Slow down and don't make it your aim just to hit rides. YOu already know that there's so much more to see and hear and smell. (the roses for example near WS!) ;)

Thanks once again for taking the thoughtful time to respond.

On several occasions last trip, having made rope drop, my kiddos wanted to beeline for the playgrounds ... they thought it was AWESOME to be the ONLY kids at the Boneyard for 45 minutes. We did the same thing (same results) at DHS.

One morning, we got into MK right after rope drop and one of the Princess shows was happening at the castle. I thought my daughter would be transfixed and that all three of them would want to stay glued to this spectacle ... instead, they looked to me and said, "Daddy, are there any rides open right now?"

"You BET their are kids" ... and we proceeded to walk on Splash Mountain and BTM.

So even though our "pre-plans" say we'll hit some of the extras ... when we actually get there, I think you're right - the best plan is to simply know my own kids!! (though planning Spectro is on the top of my list).

We skip the parades but from a show standpoint these were hits with my kids.

FOLK (didn't see last time but loved it prior, will see this summer)
LMA (same as above)
Indiana Jones Stunt Show
Beauty and the Beast
American Idol

For us a big part of DHS is the shows but there are lot we haven't seen elsewhere that I hope to rectify this year!

We are hoppers, in a big way. I don't think they are needed but I admit I do like them!

I really appreciate that you took the time to respond. As you've said, with most of the parades, I can see my kids pausing for a few minutes then tugging on my shirt to go grab a ride.

Thanks for the recommendation on the shows. I want to arm myself with an idea of the showtimes and the best to see. Admittedly, I'm so ignorant about the shows that I don't even know what you mean by LMA???:sad2:
Back to that very first trip to the World!! River Country still looms in my mind and I'd fallen in love with this place ... but offsetting it were the apathetic flamingos and stifling smell of Discovery Island. It was a trip of dichotomous moments - Dad losing his hat in the bay ... but discovering that greasy bananas wrapped in bread, fried, and coated in cinnamon sugar had been created by the gods.


My FAVORITE ride!!
Somewhere in the midst of that trip we did our first of many boat trips "across the pond" to Magic Kingdom. Now remember, this was pre-Epcot, pre-DHS, pre-AK, pre-Typhoon Lagoon ... you get the idea!! SO Magic Kingdom was THE focus ... and I LOVED it!!:banana:

What ride had the biggest impact on me back then?? Well I remember vividly the wonder that gripped me as I entered a building (no outter queue, what was this place?) and the air conditioned glory enveloped me. The smell reminded me of some ancient time - as though the catacombs we began to meander through had long been forgotten. Singing and merriment were aloft in the air ... old metal cannons, jail cells, and booty (which was a word Dad used and it made me laugh ... he had to explain). Yes - Disney and it's awesome "Pirates of the Caribbean" had me hooked!!

I believe we went on that ride three times that trip ... each time I couldn't wait for that little skeleton overhead to pine "Arrgggh - there be rough waters ahead" (ok, I might not have that exactly right - feel free to correct me). Yes - we did Space Mountain and I loved it ... the Jungle Cruise was novel (this is before it had become what is now just a CLASSIC ride), and It's a Small World" was pure and amazing Disney. But for a boy at age 9, having cannonballs lofted over your head between a fort and a ship ... simply AWESOME!! (for my dad, this was his favorite ride because of the drunk pirates realistic, hair-covered leg hanging over the bridge).

Closing the Kingdom
We tripped the light fantastic at Magic Kingdom ... taking in "The Main Street Electrical Parade" and the Fireworks show. As it all ended on that first day in the Kingdom, we stopped off at the Sara Lee bakeshop for some danish and discussion.

Reflecting on the day - the mood was buoyant and we wouldn't shut down. The only down spots we could target were that (1) It was HOT!!! and (2) for the LIFE of us we couldn't figure out how so many people thought it was just fine to line jump. Seriously, it was a dilemma back then. One person would stand in line and as they got to a certain pre-designated spot; their WHOLE group would join in (this sometimes entailed 5 or more people. Now the Howers (that's my family) could get a little irritated but laugh at it. However, there were others for whom this antic seemed to ruin the whole day ... they'd clamor over it, argue about it, become confrontational, speak ill-words under their breath, and ruminate through the line and after. We decided (as we stuffed our faces with warm cinnamon roles and cheese danish ... which puts the world in a "right-perspective" I might add) that we would not internalize any of that ... and so to this day ... though it often mystifies me ... I just "let it be".

A Walk in the Dark
We waited, ate our wonderful late night pastries, and watched the ending "stuff" happen at MK. Boarding the little boat back across the water I vividly remember we were the ONLY people on the boat (hmmmm). As we disembarked, Fort Wilderness had been enveloped in an eerie quiet. And it was DARK :confused3 ... we looked at the sign for the tram (keep in mind "back in the day" there was a tram service that ran from the circle near the lagoon to stops throughout the campground). It said service stopped at Midnight ... we were getting back around 12:20am as I recall. We began to walk ... and it was EERIE ... the place was miserably dark and we hadn't thought to include a flashlight in our list of needs for a day in the park :mad:

Snakes and Armadillos
Now it was about this time ... on a precarious trek back to our camper (were we EVEN traveling in the right direction) that I remembered the dead snake we'd seen on the path that day. Black, orange, yellow reticulations (no, I don't recall the order and at age 9 any kid will convince anyone who'll listen that it WAS a poisonous snake) ... and where there was a dead one in the path ... there were sure to be live ones at night!! Fear began to grip me ... to claw at my brother, and mom and dad knew this was moving toward a memory-shattering moment.

Just as critical mass was setting in, the wonder of Disney took over. Around the bend came a tram ... off-duty and headed in the other direction to park for the night. Seeing our family; the driver stopped and with as much enthusiasm and warmth as a CM just starting his day; he asked if we wanted a lift (he added that it can be a little dangerous walking so late at night ... nice :scared1:) ... he headed back to the circle, did a spin-around, and we were off in safe comfort to our stop.

As we arrived, just a few steps to our camper, mom and dad talked to the CM a bit as he was concerned that they had missed anyone coming back from MK (apparently somebody had missed a cue by not radioing our arrival on the boat). As we said good night, he said "Watch out for the Armadillo" :eek: ... sure enough, just a couple of shuffles from my feet was a little gray critter scuttling along the road side ... thank you Mr. CM :worship:

So a few takeways and a question:

  1. Skip the late night Sara Lee ... it lends itself to panic attacks and concerns of snakes
  2. Do not walk around at night ... in the dark ... at Fort Wilderness
  3. Don't line jump
  4. If a Line-Jumper jumps ... don't react ... let it pass. When there ride is over, they won't remember you - they're headed to their next line jump. Don't give them that control over your day.
I leave you all with this ... as I close this post, to this day given all the wonder and all the amazement of the Disney rides that have been added since back then ... I can STILL ride PoTC and remember, with wonder, the reason I fell in love with it so many years ago.

So I'd love to know this one thing ... what is the "story" behind your favorite ride ... please share!!popcorn::


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