
Ugh. . .I've decided to just stop, wait and see if anyone gets a GC anytime soon. I'm not going to waste my time gathering the max 1500 daily points if I'm not going to be rewarded for my efforts. At least there are lots of recipes and informative articles to go through!
I've rarely gotten 1500 pts per day - lately, I just use the site for fun and get about 400-700 pts.
a lot of discussion on the chat rooms about the gift cards. Anyone know anything or is it just paranoia?
a lot of discussion on the chat rooms about the gift cards. Anyone know anything or is it just paranoia?
No gc here. 10+ weeks and still waiting.
I found the following blog at This is kinda what I was expecting and I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop. I don't like that some forum posts are being deleted. This whole thing is very reminiscent of the whole Netloser debacle. Disappointing.

Boomertowne GCs Backlogged

July 30, 2008 9:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) members have been contacting me, asking for information on the growing wait times for gift card redemptions. This is something that's concerned me as well: my first redemption, on 4/25, shipped 4 weeks later...but my second cashout, ten days after the first, took 7-and-a-half weeks! My next redemption was made over 11 weeks ago and is still not showing as being shipped. :(
A week ago, I sent an email to BTVoice, the program's owner, as well as an email to support. I told them I was in the process of writing an article on the delayed gift cards, and I said that I felt most people would be understanding of the delay if it was just explained. The lack of communication from management was really worrying the membership. I asked BT to please reply with some kind of reassurance for their members. They did not respond.
From the messages I've gotten from members, as well as from what I've read on BT's discussion board and chat rooms, the last GCs sent out were requested on May 8th. I think it's no coincidence that this is about the same date when the points were credited for the April referral bonus promotion. I saw my referral bonus show up in my account on 5/9 and promptly cashed out. Obviously, I'm still waiting for my GCs.
It's purely conjecture on my part, but I think the referral bonuses for April exceeded their expectations. Combine this with the TV advertising at around the same time, and I can see where there would be both a financial and a staffing hangup.
On 5/19, about ten days after the referral points were credited, BTVoice announced that GCs were going to be delayed but would go out within a 6 to 8 week timeframe. He blamed this on the TV commercials creating a need for more staff.
Then on 5/28, BTVoice made his announcement that starting on 6/1, new members would need twice the points to cash out.
This happens ALL THE TIME with points programs: they start out with unbelievable, unsustainable earnings as a promotional gimmick, then when the membership reaches a certain tipping point, the owners scale back by either increasing the number of points to cash out or by decreasing the number of points you can earn. I thought it was very fair of BT to "grandfather in" existing members so they wouldn't need double the points for redemptions. Sometimes, though, being fair is too costly. That's the concern that I have with BoomerTowne at this point.
With a promise of 6 to 8 weeks, now going on 12 weeks, for redemptions...what's BoomerTowne management telling members? Little to nothing. Some forum posts about the GC delays have been deleted without explanation. Chat moderators say they're as in the dark as we are (bless Cherbear's heart, she's handled the flurry of inquiries with infinite patience and politeness). Those who have (unlike me) received an email response from support, were told the following: "Your rewards have not shipped yet. We are shipping based on work flow and cannot provide an exact ship date for your order. Once your rewards ship, you will recieve an email notification accordingly. Your inquiry and patience is appreciated."
At this point, I think it's wise that BoomerTowne members give serious consideration to the amount of time they're spending on the site, and don't spend time there that you don't mind going unpaid. BTVoice has said repeatedly that the site was intended for social networking, with points/rewards being a nice little side bonus. If the points become too costly, don't be surprised if they're phased out. In fact, it's been rumored that some kind of announcement regarding BT and/or BT Points is coming out soon.
I hope that the site gets its financial affairs in order. Until then, I can't in good conscience recommend BoomerTowne as a points program to new members. I do think it's still a nice site for pure social networking, but as far as receiving rewards for activity there -- my feeling is that big changes are ahead, and they may be disappointing.
That's what I thought would happen and it's very unfortunate. :sad2: Since I already network with MySpace and Facebook, I'm done with BT.

Kycha, thank you for the informative heads up! :)
very disappointing BUT I in no way feel as mad at them as I was/AM with netwinner. I just didn't put that much time into Boomertowne as Netwinner. It always irritated me when people said that netwinner was for fun so we shouldn't be upset about losing all that money we earned. REALLY? Because I found it quite boring. I was there for the money. Now with Boomertowne I am there also for the money but at least this one was a lot more informative and worthwhile.
Once I hit 100k again, which will be in a few days, I'm done with them. I cashed out on May 28th and I'm not holding my breath anymore. The silence from the BT people is bad enough. If there wasn't a problem you think they would come out and say so.
I'm not even wasting my time on the site until I get the gift card I ordered. It's a good site, but not enough to spend that much time on.
I'm not even wasting my time on the site until I get the gift card I ordered. It's a good site, but not enough to spend that much time on.

That's how I feel. I haven't touched BT in a couple of weeks and even when I was, it was just a couple days a week. It's so disappointing.
I figured we would hear something at the beginning of this week at least. Its not looking good. If nothing by the end of the week I'm finished with them.
I figured we would hear something at the beginning of this week at least. Its not looking good. If nothing by the end of the week I'm finished with them.
I'm curious...Why would you think we'd hear something this week? Was there some sort of deadline or something this week?
I'm done with them, too. I cashed out for $50 visa a week or so ago and I have a feeling I will never see it. The site is okay but nothing I want to spend 45 minutes doing if I'm not going to get rewarded for it. The recipes are kind of neat but you know the rating is just random ratings and don't mean anything. The jokes and quotes are worthless to me and I could care less if I have 1000 friends. They are there for the points just like I am.
I still do a few things on the site but don't worry much about the gcs or how many pts I'm getting. DISappointing, isn't it? Who knows, maybe they'll come through for us and surprise us all!
Anyone get their cards from Boomertowne???

Just hoping, i guess.:confused3
Anyone get their cards from Boomertowne???

Just hoping, i guess.:confused3

Nope not yet. I just read that one person had thiers changed from pending. And everyone got excited. I'm not sure if this person is just getting a laugh out of people. Because this is the ONLY one that has been confirmed so far. So many are still waiting.
I had a dream last night that I got all 4 cards I have cashed out for together in the mail. :) What a wonderful dream. I was shocked even in my dream that they came. :rotfl:

I guess I most be holding out hope in my subconscious.;)
Interesting post from For those of you waiting for GC's I hope BT considers this advice....

Boomertowne Newsletter Omits Mention of Points
August 13, 2008 10:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (5)
Update 8/20: Again this week, no mention of points in Boomertowne's newsletter.

A sign of what's to come? I would certainly think so.

Two weeks ago, I posted about the growing backlog of GCs at Boomertowne. Nothing appears to have changed since then -- my 5/9 redemption is still listed as "pending" despite the fact the site says that "BoomerTowne Points orders may take 6-8 weeks for delivery based on availability." It has now been a month and a half since BTVoice, the site's owner, has posted on the site.

I noticed something quite conspicuously absent from yesterday's Boomertowne Community News email: any mention of "points."

Going back a few emails, all of the BT Community News mails I saved had at least some mention of points:

8/5: "...submit your video to the BoomerVision Videos Contest, and you may just win some bonus BoomerTowne Points."

7/29: "...starting August 1st, submit your photos and videos for the August contests. Your entry may just earn you some bonus BoomerTowne Points."
"...To be eligible for the Gold/Platinum Citizen drawing, all you need to do is earn BoomerTowne Points."
"Learn more about becoming a Gold/Platinum Citizen | Login and start earning points."

7/8: "If your video is voted as one of the top three winning videos for July, you’ll earn bonus BT points."

I didn't save any newsletters between 7/8 and 5/27, but points discussion was all throughout the 5/27 newsletter (that's when they announced that new members after 6/1 would have to pay double the points for redemptions).

Out of curiosity, I logged out of BT then visited its home page to see how it would look to non-members. There's no mention of points there, either (except for the menu option to go to BT Points).

You don't have to be a genius to see what's coming. The only question is how BoomerTowne will go about phasing out their points and to what extent they will honor redemptions in progress. I don't know if BTVoice or his employees visit here, but if they do, I'd like to give them some advice:

Don't pull a NetWinner.

Don't take the easy route out and say, "We don't do GCs anymore and too bad if you've been waiting on one." That may seem like an "easy" way out, but you will pay such a high price in lost goodwill, in terribly negative PR, that you will wish you had just paid what you owed. People will understand if points have to be phased out. Businesses do promotional gimmicks to get people in the door, then pull them when they get popular and no longer need the gimmick, or when they can't afford to continue it. That's business; we get it. Some people will complain. Those are the ones who weren't at BT for the content. You didn't need them anyway. The others will applaud you for "doing the right thing," and for being honest and openly communicating the decision and the reasons why.

You have an incredible opportunity here to take advantage of the lessons NW taught us on how NOT to handle this. Handle it differently.

You did good by scaling back (or stopping) the promoting of the points aspect of the site. Now you need to go all the way and ditch them altogether. It's irresponsible to continue allowing members to earn points when you're in doubt about when (or if) their redemptions can be sent.

Go ahead and make the announcement. Be prepared for the initial firestorm caused by the shock and disappointment. But honor the points in the pipe now. Earn bonus goodwill by allowing members who are THISCLOSE to redemption to get SOMETHING for their points, if not going ahead and bumping up to the cashout.

What you'll lose in money and in "fair-weather friends" type members, you'll regain exponentially in loyalty and respect from those who feel you communicated honestly and treated them fairly. If I can help or advise further, email me. I'll even waive my consulting fees. Your decisions will impact a lot of people and I'd be happy to help however I can.
Bumping this up.

Just wondering if anything's changed.

Has anyone gotten anything from BT?

(Wishful thinking on my part, probably....":confused3 )


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