Beach Club Resort Manager

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There was only 1/2 roll of paper towels.
I usually have to search for the spare roll of paper towels. We usually stay in a 1BR and lately the extra roll has been in the small cabinet above the refrigerator. I often find the extra dishwasher detergent there too and it's nearly impossible to see those little packets up there, or sometimes one or both items are on top of the refrigerator. I've never stayed at BCV so I don't know if the BCV housekeepers have their own unique hiding place for these things.

The phone in the family room did not work as it was plugged in to the outlet that works off the wall switch. I called and they plugged it in to the correct outlet...
I don't understand this comment unless they changed the phones to cordless models that require power. It makes me wonder, was your post meant to be a joke?
Wow, had no idea. Is that for cash guests or point guests or both?
We've only stayed in DVC rooms a couple of times and always gotten ours via cash through Disney directly. I more or less treated the stay just like a regular room and called for anything we needed (not knowing any better)
I'd feel bad if I've been asking for something I'm not supposed to have been asking for
It applies to members and their guests staying on points (that includes renters). Guests who pay cash get the same daily housekeeping that all hotel guests get, including fresh towels, replenished toiletries as needed, replacement of coffee and coffee supplies, etc.
DVC may not be the best option for those who enjoy perfection. I understand your frustration but housekeeping and maintenance, though generally not horrible, does leave much room for improvement.

Pretty much. I'm afraid, Eddie, that you are destined for disappointment. I'm going on 20 years of ownership and I've never had a "perfect" stay. I think you should consider either lowering your expectations or just selling your points. Unless you are the type of person that enjoys disappointment, in which case you'll be relatively happy and I hope on your next trip the room isn't ready until 7pm, when you get up there, you discover it wasn't cleaned and the beds are still unmade from the last guest, the curtains are torn, and the mattress is well overdue for replacement ;)
Nothing major except the weather, as it rained every day. I stayed at the Villas as I am a DVC member. I expect things to work when I walk into the room. There was only 1/2 roll of paper towels. The phone in the family room did not work as it was plugged in to the outlet that works off the wall switch. I called and they plugged it in to the correct outlet and left me a note how to make a call. Which sounded like are you really to stupid to make a call. I paid a lot for the points and annual maintenance and expect profection.

As a DVC owner I would be extremely dissatisfied and upset if a half role of paper towels was thrown out. My dues pay for these supplies. I can use a half role and ask for more if needed.
I too paid a lot for my DVC ownership.
I do NOT expect perfection.
I wonder if DVC is for you
Nothing major except the weather, as it rained every day. I stayed at the Villas as I am a DVC member. I expect things to work when I walk into the room. There was only 1/2 roll of paper towels. The phone in the family room did not work as it was plugged in to the outlet that works off the wall switch. I called and they plugged it in to the correct outlet and left me a note how to make a call. Which sounded like are you really to stupid to make a call. I paid a lot for the points and annual maintenance and expect profection.

It's no fun to be left a note that seems condescending (how to make a call) when apparently there was an issue with the phone being plugged in to the wrong outlet. But like Lisa I'm also confused by that as we've never run across a wireless phone and traditional phones power off the phone line itself - nothing more to plug into. But maybe someone tried to plug it back into the old Cat5 wiring for the internet instead of the telephone line.

I'd just let this go though. The person may genuinely have been trying to help you use the phone without issue the next time you tried. And a half roll of paper towels is likely enough to last many visitors - it would have us but usually there is another roll stored in the villa - under the sink. Once you could call more would have been brought up if needed. The paper towels were about expectations of a certain amount, not about perfection, and about learning where extras might be stored.
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It's always best to deal with the issues when you are actually on the property. Is there something in particular that you hope to accomplish by reaching out to a Manager after the fact? Maybe I'm missing something . . .
I'm unclear on the reference to the point protection plan here. Nothing happened that would constitute a claim against that...
Sorry I posted anything on this site, as all I am getting is more comments about how dumb I sound. Don't you think I would have looked under the counter to find another roll? I did use the half roll, so I saved the planet.

Actually your issues are very minor compared to what usually happens. Missing light bulbs, broken dish washer, water leak, chipped furniture, heck at BWV we went through 3 refrigerators that wouldn't get cold in one vacation. You may be staying at a deluxe resort but we no longer expect a deluxe room. Maybe a 3 star room if we are lucky.

:earsboy: Bill

I don,t see how not having a brand new roll of paper towels is a major issue.
As for the phone.
We have not used a hotel /timeshare hard line in a while.

I don't have any idea why a phone could be plugged into a outlet that is controlled by a light switch.

Honestly for all I know the phones in the rooms we have stayed in may not of worked for years.

I don't know what is expected regarding the phone.

Is mousekeeping required to check to see if the phone works?

As for the paper towels a call to mousekeeping would have been sufficient.

Don't see how either of these issues rises to ..
I need to speak to the manager.
While eddie123's complaints may seem petty to most of you I can understand why they want to file a complaint with management. The prevailing attitude lately among many of our fellow DVC members seems to be that we shouldn't bother to complain about "trivial" things. The problem is many trivial things add up to be ongoing poor housekeeping, maintenance, etc. And too many of you seem to be OK with it. I expect my villa to be properly stocked with supplies & to be clean when I check in. I also expect that everything be resupplied & replenished at the appropriate intervals of Full Housekeeping or Trash & Towel Service. Most of my visits over the last few years have had major and/or minor issues. I phone Maintenance when necessary and I have to call Housekeeping for supplies they are supposed to replenish or restock repeatedly. My latest visit last month they never once left me a spare roll of toilet paper. It was a nine night stay so I had a Trash & Towel Service & Full Housekeeping scheduled during my stay. No toilet paper was left for me either time. I was in a studio but they never once replenished the paper plates or bowls either. On one of my service days they did not leave me any soap or any of the other toiletries they are supposed to supply. These same issues occur pretty much every time I visit at every DVC resort I've stayed at. I had a visit a few years ago at BWV where there was mold & mildew throughout the bathroom when I checked in. There was black mildew and pink slime mold all over the place on the tub tiles, on the door & door frame & even the ceiling of the bathroom. I dragged a manager up to the room to show him. He was appalled & promised a thorough cleaning. They did clean but it certainly wasn't thorough, there were still some spots they missed. When I stayed at PVB in February my scheduled full cleaning was not done properly. I could tell that the bathroom sink & shower definitely were not cleaned by the housekeeping staff.

For those of you who seem to be okay with all of this I guess you enjoy getting nothing more than a door with a lock on it and a bed or two and a toilet for all of the money we pay for dues & maintenance fees. If that's all I wanted that I would stay at a Motel 6. So please stop bashing those of us who want to inform management when we find something unacceptable.
There are two things Kerrit - it has gotten better over the past 20 years, but I'd hate to see anyone be continually disappointed because it isn't perfect. It would be a real bummer to be continually disappointed in the quality of your stay. To a large extent, DVC is what it is - it works for you or it doesn't and the membership doesn't actually have much control over that. It isn't perfect and it won't be. Getting to perfect would be a situation of diminishing returns, i.e. every additional step on the path to perfection costs a little more than the last one. And we all pay for that. So between the damage that an individual who expects too much does to their vacation every year through disappointment, and the economics of timeshare ownership - the expectations here aren't realistic.

(There is a third, lesser problem I haven't seen posted about in a while - apparently DVC members have something of a reputation with CMs - and it isn't good. Apparently, many of us feel we are entitled. "I paid a lot for this" tends to come with abuse to some poor college student or maid, who is then expected to treat the next guest with all the pixie dust they can muster. I don't know if Eddie expressed his displeasure to a CM, but some poor maintenance guy is going to get written up for not just plugging the phone in and walking away without any note at all (in which case, the complaint would be "the phone got fixed, but we had no way of knowing that it was fixed") - at Disney, that's a big deal. Usually, I hear the excuse for this behavior as "its their job" - but we have no idea if staffing levels are adequate for our expectations, if their parts inventory of lightbulbs is actually sufficient. Maintenance and housekeeping have no control over someone in central resorts buying furniture that breaks - and the resort budget doesn't support pulling it all out and replacing it until the refresh cycle hits - that would be our budgets)
Having a half roll of paper towels may be sufficient for some. Did you ask for more and were denied?
I usually have to search for the spare roll of paper towels. We usually stay in a 1BR and lately the extra roll has been in the small cabinet above the refrigerator. I often find the extra dishwasher detergent there too and it's nearly impossible to see those little packets up there, or sometimes one or both items are on top of the refrigerator. I've never stayed at BCV so I don't know if the BCV housekeepers have their own unique hiding place for these things.

The first thing involved in any DVC stay in a unit with a kitchen for us is the "lets see where they stuck things!" scavenger hunt - along with a quick inventory - do we have the pan needed for eggs in the morning, a functional coffee maker? Anything else we are going to want? I honestly wouldn't notice if some of the kitchen stuff was missing - I don't really even know for sure what is supposed to be there - but we will be looking for some things come 7am the next morning.
While some DVC owners may feel entitled and give CM's a bad time, most CM's feel that DVC members are different from other guests because they know what should be expected, they have seen behind the curtain, and sometimes they know more than the CM and want things corrected when needed. Many guests don't bother, they are on vacation, won't be coming back for several years, don't like to be confrontational, and feel that Disney can do no wrong.

:earsboy: Bill

I wanted one person to give me the name of the manager, that was all. I did not want or need all the other comments. I really don't care what any of you think. I have been a member since 1994, longer than any of you who made comments.
I wanted one person to give me the name of the manager, that was all. I did not want or need all the other comments. I really don't care what any of you think. I have been a member since 1994, longer than any of you who made comments.
There's a lot that I could say in response to that but I'll just leave it at "Bless your heart".
I wanted one person to give me the name of the manager, that was all. I did not want or need all the other comments. I really don't care what any of you think. I have been a member since 1994, longer than any of you who made comments.

But you see, you haven't paid a lot of money for our advice and help and we are not Burger King where you can "have it your way."
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