BDRog, what are you gonna do now that Mardi Gras......I GOT A CART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOMTOM is unbelievable!!!! We go out of town all the time....camping, outlet mall shopping for her, "lets get out the house" roadtrips...........but we have NEVER NOT gotten lost.....we ALWAYS take a wrong turn or miss an exit, or whatever...once we reserved a lodge for our extended family(16 ppl) for thanksgiving in northern LA, we ended up at the furthest point south of LA.....dont ask me how......a 12 hour mistake. By todays TOMTOM performance.....I can safely say that I dont think we'll ever get lost again....I have no idea what took me so long to finally get one(PRICE????), but I dont know how we've gone this long with out one. Hell, I could have bought one with all the money we've wasted on gas being lost for years!!!!! I downloaded the OZZY SWEARING voice...that was funny for about 200 miles....I now hate Ozzy Osbourne!!! I had to switch to one of the default voices.....much easier to understand and drive with.

Ozzy, that would definitely get on my nerves...cursing you to turn left or right!! haha We are "newish" to the Atlanta area and we have successfully navigated more back roads since Christmas than the entire time we lived here (1.5 years). I love the POI feature too. While out looking for carts, we used that feature to find local golf courses. Also, scouting campsites is fun too using the POI feature.

Glad you're back safely! Now, lets here about that cart! :goodvibes

I'm going to Cumming next week. Talk about an oxymoron.

I think I want a tom tom.
I think I want a tom tom.

Here's some:

I have a TomTom. I really like the sexy female voice telling me where to go.
Do the rules apply to privately owned carts or just to rented, because the mouse patrol will surely pull her over for dirving. LOL
I don't know. Give her a fake ID. They'd believe she was 16.

I'm kidding!!! Don't close down the thread for criminal activity!
I was caught where it said no carts in my own cart:rolleyes1 and they told me I could not be back there. So rules apply to all carts.
No..................but it aint because I havent begged yet!!!! It WILL be painted and chromed up before May 20th.....WITH GOD AS MY WITNESS,

She thinks that just because all these kids still live here and wont move out that Im supposed to feed, EVERYDAY!!!!!!!....Cant they get JOBS??? Somebody's gonna wanna hire a 5 year old!!! Start em young like that and mold them into a life-long, loyal employee!!!!

One of my bathroom floors on the second floor actually ROTTED from the kids splashing in the tub so bad and never drying a drop of it up for 4years, so I have to literally CUT THE BATHTUB OUT(because the bathroom was apparently built around the tub!!!) and yank all the tiles up in order to beable to replace the plywood underneath....nothing wrong with the tub....but because of the genius that designed this house, I had to buy a new tub today....It has to be the same size tub so that the plumbing will match up, except the surrounding tub walls have to be separate (old tub and walls were one piece) but no one carries this size locally because theirs not a high enough demand for it (42"x60"x72"), so I had to go into the next state to get one unless I wanted to wait 4 weeks for delivery.

Last week I told ya'll about my kid wrecking , not one, but TWO of my vehicles!!!!

Week before that I must have worked 90 hours!!!!

Now...I have my golf cart, that Ive been jonesing to get for months now......and Im not allowed to hotrod it up yet!!!!!

I remember why I was such a drunk for so many years now!!!! Look at all the horrible things that happen in sober peoples lives!!!! Given....they may have happened in my drunken state too...but I didnt really care, but now...Im forced to pay attention to all of this!!!!!!! How do grown ups do it????

Sorry for the raging vent....Id like to say I feel better now, but actually, I feel guilty for whining like a little drama queen. CALGONE, TAKE ME AWAY........oh, wait,......cant take a bath yet....foiled again!!!! I feel a drinkin binge coming on!!!!!

yes, I DO have another bathroom, but it only has a shower
Man rog sorry for all your problems but the way you tell us about them sure makes me laugh. At least you got the cart. There are still alot of mods I want to do to our cart.

OMG....I've never heard a MAN use that phrase :rotfl: :rotfl2:

My girlfriends and I are having a girls night out on Friday....wanna tag along ?? I think you NEED it !! :laughing: :thumbsup2

:lmao: Man just kick him while he is down
hmmm....a night out drinking with some hot broads......THAT JUST MAY DO IT!!!


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