Baltimore BOT-Fest

Awesome Dave, is that the first weekend in May?
No, it's more towards the end of May. Friday, May 20th is the official public opening to Star Tours, and Disney's having a media event on Thursday, May 19th. Rumor has it that George Lucas will be in attendance for that event. Strange, my invitation seems to have gotten lost in the mail... :confused3 ;)

We're all staying for Star Wars Weekend, and coming home on Monday, May 23rd. I'm also planning a special breakfast on Sunday, May 22nd to raise money for GKTW. I've arranged for a private breakfast, inside Hollywood Studios at the Backlot Express (right next to Star Tours), before park opening. We'll be able to get into the park before the crowd, have breakfast, and be the first to line up for Star Tours once the park opens. Should be fun... :thumbsup2
I'm rescuing this from the second page. :scared1: I guess we're all just really busy running, training and working out -- RIGHT? :lmao::rotfl:

HELLO!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Passover/Easter holiday! I had a great weekend. I wanted to give an update on a 5K that I ran this weekend.

22nd Annual Ronald McDonald House 5K, Wilmington Riverfront, Saturday, April 23, 9:00 AM (Cold and Raining).

Miles: 3.14
Time: 23:31
Pace: 7:29

This is a new PR for me. :banana::cool1::woohoo::cheer2: My previous PR was 24:23 from August 13, 2008. I think the 100 Day Challenge I've been working at since January 1-April 10 (and since), the twice weekly Boot Camp class and running on weekends has helped strengthen my legs, cardio and core.

I was going to sign up for the Delaware Marathon or Half, but it appears it is sold out. :headache: I'll look for something else in the interim. Cam and I did sign up for the Providence RnR Half in August. I hope to see some (or all) of you there! :thumbsup2

Have a great week! Let's chat it up in here!


I'm rescuing this from the second page. :scared1: I guess we're all just really busy running, training and working out -- RIGHT? :lmao::rotfl:


Page 2 GASP!!!!!!!!:scared1:

Congrats on your new PR Howard, that's awesome!!:banana:

Jen, saw your cruise pictures on facebook, so cool! Looks like your family had a great time!

Wanted to say hi, write more later, dinner's ready!
It is probably not news, but I didn't get into the New York City Marathon through the lottery earlier today. All of the waiting and hubb-ub was for naught. :headache:

I'll definitely be in it next year. Charlie didn't make it either and it was his 3rd year. So, we'll be in it together for sure. Let's hope Judy gets in next year too!

Chester~ Sorry you didn't get in.

I think I'll be adding the Philadelphia Marathon to my list for this fall -- November 20.

Have a great day everyone!


Chester~ Sorry you didn't get in.


Ditto. But, maybe I'll make it in next year. If not, then I'll be eligible for 2012. Meanwhile, I'm all registered for Wine and Dine, Baltimore and Savannah. Is the "Keener Casa" invitation still valid? See you in October.

I'll definitely be in it next year. Charlie didn't make it either and it was his 3rd year. So, we'll be in it together for sure. Let's hope Judy gets in next year too!


Wow, it's been three years? Well at least you know it will be on your fall schedule for 2013. Thinking I should toss my name in the ring next year too.:idea:

So I also just learned about the Disney marathon Relay thing. That's interesting too, does anyone know if the official half marathon times are given to the two runners? DH said he may be interested in running again. OMGosh! I think we may have Disney Marathon on our calendar again next year.:banana::banana::dance3::dance3::dance3:
Colleen: The relay does sound like fun. I'm not sure how they do the times. You might want to check how the Wine and Dine relay was reported to give you an idea.

Sorry to all of the NYC lottery entrants.

Howard: Are you planning the full in Philia? I'm thinking of doing the full this year myself.

Chester: I loved the muddy Buddy pictures! Looks like fun.

We had a great time on the Disney Dream and are already thinking of booking for next year's spring break.

I'm kind of bummed that I won't be doing Broad Street this year. It sold out too fast.
Howard Meanwhile, I'm all registered for Wine and Dine, Baltimore and Savannah. Is the "Keener Casa" invitation still valid? See you in October.


Chester~ I am now signed up for the Providence RnR Half (8/7), Wine & Dine Half (10/1) and Baltimore Marathon (10/15). I want to run the Philadelphia Marathon (11/20) too, but haven't signed up yet. I haven't run that one since the DEEP FREEZE run with some BOTS a few years ago. I've decided not to run the Phila. RnR Half since I've decided to run the Wine & Dine Half. They are just too close together.

As for the BOT Love Fest in October (for Baltimore), Casa Keener will be available for a "Carb Loading Party" and possibly some roomies. Andrew should be away at University of Delaware and our guest room will be available. We also have a pull-out sofa in the basement for anyone that's desperate. Potentially we could house 6 BOTs or BOTs and spouse. The Carb Loading Party would be Friday evening (10/14) because the race is on Saturday, not Sunday.

As for the NYC Marathon, I'll register again and definitely be running it November 2012. I look forward to getting this one under my belt. I've always wanted to do three "Holy Grail" type races: Marine Corps Marathon (3 times now), New York City Marathon and the Boston Marathon. Maybe someday I'll buck up and go through a charity to get in.

So, Chester --- I'll see you at the end of September for Wine & Dine and then again a few weeks later.

Hope everyone is enjoying the Spring weather and staying away from funnel clouds and water spouts. :scared:


I got my room for Baltimore - won't be needing the Keener hospitality, thank you very much though!! Still haven't registered... ;)
I got my room for Baltimore - won't be needing the Keener hospitality, thank you very much though!! Still haven't registered... ;)

That settles it! We're all staying in Jodi's room!!! :cool1::thumbsup2

Get with it wench... register!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful Moms that count themselves amongst the BOTS! You too Jodi! :laughing::rolleyes1


I'm starting to kick off my training for Princess 2012 :scared1: I went and got a new pair of shoes so spacing it out enough, I won't have to get the next new pair right before the race. Problem is I liked the New Balance style, but a couple days later, my feet didn't. I had this constant, dull pain in both my heels and finally cried "Uncle" two weeks later. Now I'm back with trusty Asics and everything is right with the world.

Now if I could get this darn hip flexor to fully recover...
Leslie: I hope the hip flexor feels better soon. I am loving my new pair of New Balance shoes. I've been trading them off with vibram five fingers and getting used to a new running style. Still not quite ready to do a race in the 5's.. anything more than about 4 miles and my feet start to really protest.

Jodi: Congrats on your tri!!!! I want a fuul report.

Chester: Congrats on EE, nice showing :cool1:

We are getting ready for the new half in Williamsburg in 2 weeks. I realized I accidentally signed up for 2 races in the same weekend so had to give up the ODDyssey in Philia. If any of you locals want a bib, we have 2 extra for Oddyssey half in Philia on the 22nd of May. Doing tons of spring cleaning and yardwork in addition to trying to train otherwise not much going on here.
Hi Everyone! :rolleyes1

I thought I'd report on a race that I ran this weekend about 30 minutes from here in Kennett Square, PA (The Mushroom Capital of the World!) :thumbsup2
It was the Kennett Run 10K. It was threatening rain most of the morning but it was mild and it didn't get worse than a misty rain the whole time. It was just enough to be a nuisance. :headache: The race was held on roads mainly with the last half mile on a crushed cinder trail through the woods. I didn't expect that, but it wasn't bad to run on. I had some trouble/issues with the rolling hills, but I managed to make up for it on the downhill and flat parts of the course.

Here are the results:

Miles: 6.2
Time: 50:23
Pace: 8:09
Spilts: 7:39, 7:47, 8:20, 8:29, 8:15, 8:18 and 8:19

This is a NEW PR for me at this distance. I've only run one other 10K which was The Race for the Taste at Disney World in October 2009. My old PR was 58:32 / 9:20 Pace. So I am really happy that I've lowered my time by over 8 minutes! :cool1::yay::dance3:

I don't have anything organized on my schedule until August (Providence).

I hope everyone is well, happy and healthy! Check in and let us know what's up!!! I'm looking forward to the BOT-Jubilation in Providence and then the BIG one in Baltimore!!!


ONE one thousand TWO one thousand THREE one thousand :thumbsup2

Performing CPR on our thread. Damn you Facebook!!!

Signing up for Baltimore today.....or maybe tomorrow.

Trying to earn more money so I can sign up for more triathlons.

Signed up for an Olympic distance in August.

Think I'll wait 'til next year to attempt a 1/2 Iron Man....too afraid this year....I think......;) I could just wing it like I do everything else......
I have been the ultimate lurker for the last 6 or so months. Sorry! Hi!

So I just signed up for my first Tri. I'll be doing the SheROX Tri here in Philly on August 7. I'm really excited to do it. I need to get my bike tuned up and start getting in the pool and getting to spinning classes. NOW!
I did a 5K yesterday on the treadmill and the hip flexor held up :goodvibes Please tell me this thing is healing. I don't have a patient bone in my body and I'm awful with injuries.
I did a 5K yesterday on the treadmill and the hip flexor held up :goodvibes Please tell me this thing is healing. I don't have a patient bone in my body and I'm awful with injuries.

Leslie, that's great!!:cool1::banana: Keep nursing that hip flexor to health.

OK, you tri far is an Olympic distance. A friend of mine is doing one this weekend and I was too embarassed to say I didn't know.:confused3
OK, you tri far is an Olympic distance. A friend of mine is doing one this weekend and I was too embarassed to say I didn't know.:confused3

Well I'm not a tri person - but I've signed up for an Olympic distance @ the end of the summer & I think it goes something like this:

.93 mile swim; 26.something mile bike; and a 6.2 mile run :sad2:.

I was having thoughts of signing up for a 1/2 tri at the end of the summer, but figured I'd better just be happy with an Olympic distance...maybe next year for that half??? :scared1:


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