"Are they all yours?"

Been there, done that, wish I had the t-shirt!! We've heard every single comment you guys have listed for big families. We also use the "Buy 4 get one free" because we got surprised with Samantha.

My favorite is when people say "God bless you" (I hear a tone of "better you than me"...is it just my imagination?). I always reply, "He has!"
Mom of 2-1 girl, 1 boy-checking in.
You're right-I have never heard any rude comment about my children, number of children anyway. ;) LOL

I have heard many many comments about having the "perfect" family though and that makes me uncomfortable because I always think what if there's another family around with all boys or all girls, that isn't very nice for them to hear. :guilty:

When I was pregnant with DS we were at WDW and a CM asked if I knew what I was having, and I said yes, a boy and she said Ohh you have a king's family. :confused3

Don't get me wrong, I so was the girl in the u/s room praying for a boy since we already had a girl.
I LOVE having one of each, can't imagine not being able to raise both a girl and a boy-but I would have gotten used to the idea of 2 of the same sex in about 5 seconds and would have thought that that was a pretty perfect family too!

I *do* think 3 kids is a lot because just my two make me CRAZY- I think my brain would explode with 3, but that is just me. :rotfl2:
Never would I say anything and I really don't think 3 is truly a lot, I think 5 or more is a lot-but a lot doesn't mean bad.
On one of our trips to WDW, my DH, myself and my two DS' went along with my very DGF, her DH and her three DS'!

Mine were 14 & 11
DGF's were 15, 13, & 3!!

All the boys were blonde. My DGF seemed to always be holding her 3yo as we would go in and out of attractions at the World, and it also seemed that the 4 other boys would crowd around her. DH, myself and her DH would walk behind them chatting up a storm.

We saw more people come up to DGF and ask her repeatedly..."are they all yours?"....BTW DGF also had blonde hair. She really did look like she was the mom of 5 sons. She thought it was hysterical!!! :teeth:
mrszrw said:
I'm on my way to 3 kids and some people act like I'm crazy for being preg. again. My SIL's sister even told me " I don't know if I should say congrats or just start praying for you!

This reminds me of when I was pregnant with my third. I wasn't too sure I was excited about this unplanned pregnancy, and not feeling real great and when we told DFIL (tact is something he's never understood!) his response was "What did you do that for?" Boy, what a way to welcome a grandchild into the family!
well, thats better than this past summer. Woman i was talking to at the local beach says out of the blue, "So, are they all adopted?" I was stunned! Didn't know what to say so i just said no, their all mine. I had 3 of the 4 kids with me.


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