"Are they all yours?"

My sister has 4 kids and she hears this all the time. That and "Don't you know what causes that yet?"

I had my DD and 4 nieces at Target the other day and the lady asked me if they we all mine. I was with my BIL and I said, "No, they're not and HE isn't mine either." :rotfl:
Buckalew11 said:
My sister has 4 kids and she hears this all the time. That and "Don't you know what causes that yet?"

I had my DD and 4 nieces at Target the other day and the lady asked me if they we all mine. I was with my BIL and I said, "No, they're not and HE isn't mine either." :rotfl:

Good one! :rotfl2:
I can do one better when I was pregnant with #3 I actually had an aquaintance say I would slit my wrists if I were pregnant again. Oh and my mother in law who had 3 with first husband and 2 with second asked me if I was going to get my tubes tied. We've never asked this woman for a thing unlike DH's siblings who have used her as their babysitter and borrow money from her yet she wanted to know if we were through having babies.
Ariel Wanna-be said:
I guess that leaves only one logical conclustion...the only "non-commentable" amount of children that one must have is 2! ;) (Or am I wrong...parents of two do you get comments?)

:rotfl2: Well...that would be if the 2 were a girl & boy. If you have 2 boys or 2 girls, I'm sure you will still get comments.

See...I just confused people, we had the girl/boy combo & went ahead and had 2 more kids (and the 4th being a boy much to my DD's dismay! SHE is the one who still says we should have another one to get a girl! :lmao: ).
I have four kids. A boy and three girls. I don't hear that anymore but I did when they were little.

My older two were still young when the twins were born, so I would run errands and go places with a 5 yr old, a 3 yr old, and two newborns.

You wouldn't believe the comments. Most of them were similiar to "Better you than me" or "Heaven help you" or "How on earth do you do it?".

Whatever. I just smiled and went on my way. Can't help some of the rude things that come out of people's mouths.
mrsltg said:
I have two dd's and I get the, "aren't you going to try for a boy?"

I have two boys and I get asked "are you gonna try for a girl?" Yeah, I wished I had a little girl, but if God is gonna bless me with one I'll be happy. If not, I just hope I have some granddaughters I can spoil.

I don't see 3 kids as having a lot. I did see an episode on the Discovery channel about the family that had like 16 kids. She may have had 17 by now. Now that is a large, I mean huge family. People shouldn't judge others by how many children they have. God gives you what ever amount of kids He feels you can handle.
disneymama73 said:
I have 3 little girls ages 2, 5 and 7. Lately, people have been asking me this a lot. "Are they all yours?" There are only 3 of them. Is it really shocking to have 3 children?

Do those of you with 3 or more children get asked this a lot? :confused3

We're almost twins! My 3 girls are 8, 5, and 2 and yes most people stop to tell me I "have my hands full". Gee, really? Thanks.
I didn't think it was all that unusual to have 3 that close in age but who knows? I ignore most of them.
And yes, we get the "aren't you going for the boy?" question a lot. If you don't mind, I'm going to use your Henry VIII response- I love it! My DH is totally content with his 3 girls.
Heck I have 1 child and people have asked me if she is mine.

She looks nothing like me but how rude is that?
I'm not married, I don't have children, but I love to take 3 of my nieces & 1 of my nephews for a shopping trip. I love the looks I get, since my nephew & niece (cousins) are the same age & look enough alike to be twins. And once in a while, the kids will slip & call me "mom" instead of "aunt". So there I am, no ring, and 4 kids! I haven't had questions, but I do get the looks!
mommaU4 said:
I have four kids. A boy and three girls. I don't hear that anymore but I did when they were little.

My older two were still young when the twins were born, so I would run errands and go places with a 5 yr old, a 3 yr old, and two newborns.

You wouldn't believe the comments. Most of them were similiar to "Better you than me" or "Heaven help you" or "How on earth do you do it?".

Whatever. I just smiled and went on my way. Can't help some of the rude things that come out of people's mouths.

I experienced that a little too. My oldest nephews are twins. When they were almost 4, my SIL & brother had a little girl. When she was 15 months old, I went with them to Disneyland. The boys wanted to ride 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea for the 100th time, SIL & bro went to ride something else. So I take the 3 of them on the ride, my niece falls asleep. I climb out while holding her, and the 4 of us are waiting for mom & dad. Someone asked me "how do you do it?". I said "they're not mine! I get to give them back!" :rotfl:
To all of you with more than 2 children - If I ever ask you, "Are they all yours??" please know that I am doing it with envy - I would love love love to have more children!!! And the next thing out of my mouth would be, "It's easy, right?" to which you must answer, "Yes, it's a piece of cake" loud enough for DH to hear!!!!!!!

I always used to get asked that alot when they were little. DH and I waited quite a while before we had the 3 ds and we had them 2 years apart and then 22 months apart, had a lot of time to make up for!! Alot of people would say stuff like, well God Bless you, glad its you and not me etc. You look like you have a baseball team there etc. But it was helpful passing down all those clothes and it really saved alot of money. They are now teens and get along for the most part.
We have 3 too and have had a few people ask if they were ours but the worst for me was when I was pregnant with #2. My oldest was 10 months old when I was showing with baby #2 *yep they are 16 mos apart* and this man and his wife actually handed me a box of condoms and told me next time to make sure to add these into foreplay. I was so shocked I just stood there.

Another time I had my 3 kids, my bil and sil's 4 kids and my bro and sil's 3 kids *10 kids* under the age of 10 with me at the movies and had a man ask me if I knew what caused "them" and I looked him right in the eye and said with a straight face

Yep....3 different fathers in 10 years. :teeth:
I had someone say something very shocking to me as well. My kids were 10,8,6,4,3,1 at the time. I had a younger girl come up to me and ask me if I realized it was because of families like mine there was a food shortage in the world. Being my clever and sarcastic self just replied..by the looks of you I think you should be worried about whats being eaten at your house.

Interesting-we were just discussing the other day that three seems more common now than it did, 15 or so years ago when I was young.
However, I have six half siblings, and dear lord, people have no manners about that.
I really don't get offended when people ask me questions like that. I don't think they are trying to be rude or disrespectful or asking too personal a question. I see it more as someone trying to make casual conversation.

I am comfortable with my family size, and comfortable with the spacing of my children. Yse, #2 came along less than a year after #1, and she was (and still is) a pleasant surprise. I love to talk about it. Sometimes people ask me if we are going to try for a boy. I like to talk about that, too.

yup, get it all the time. Ds13 and dd's7, fraternal twins, followed by dd3. I just tell them we got a buy 2 get 1 free sale with the girls. Ds is now telling them he begged for a brother and we got another girl just to annoy him! My personal favorite is when I'm informed my older dd's can't possibly be twins because one is 4 inches taller then the other. I just say "trust me, I was there". Even more fun when we mix in a few foster kids who may not be the same race as we are. You should see the heads turn when they see stairstep age kids who are: ds13 blond, fds11 blond, fds9 hispanic, fds8 biracial, dd's 7 blond, and dd3 brunette! Smart alec ds13 informed one women that I cheated on dh twice before he caught on!
The comment that really got to me when I was pregnant with DD3 and even since then has been "I really hope you got fixed." My reply is "why would I do that???? I'm not broken!!!!!"

DH and I have 8 kids between us, yours, mine and ours. There is a set of twins in there and our kids range in age from 24 to 3. After Christmas, we'll have 2 grandbabies also! He started really young and I waited a while. They are spread out....DD24, DD18, DS15, DS15, DS12, DD10, DD7 and DD3.

Relatives can be the worst! We've been offered several VCRs over the years! :rotfl:
Hedy said:
However, I have six half siblings, and dear lord, people have no manners about that.

I am the 5th of 8. Mom had 7 in 9 years, then had a miscarriage and my younger 2 sisters are 7 years apart. When my youngest sister was in college, the class was talking about families. When my sister said how many siblings she had, a classmates said "I hope they have different fathers?" :confused3 We still can't figure out why that was ok.

When I was growing up large families were the norm in my neighborhood. My siblings and I went to school with families who had 11 and 18 children.

I have 2 dd's. They both go to dance. The owner of the studio just had her 5th child. I'm not amazed by the family size but by the fact that she has her figure back within a month!
People are peculiar, aren't they?

I've been a nanny for the past 13 years, so most of the time I DO have children with me that AREN'T mine! But everyone always assumes they are all mine. My current charges are gorgeous dark haired, brown eyed little ones. DS is so blond and fair he is nearly transparent. Everybody just figures they are all siblings. :confused3 DS is 10 and my charges are 5 and 3, so maybe they think I switched out the dads in the middle?


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