Amanda's Heading to the Beach Journal! Feedback Welcomed!

Good Morning! The chicken picatta was excellent - although I think I may have had to much garlic. It was super garlic tasting! Whowsa!

I did okay yesterday, I ended up indulging in half a cup of ice cream. Total points were 11. I'm okay with that. One day at a time right? I know I ate the ice cream because DH hurt my feelings yesterday. I'm unusually sensitive at the moment.

Today's plan:
Exercise: Rest Day
Water: 8 glasses (only did 4 yesterday)
Vitamins: W/breakfast
b: either eggs, mushrooms, ham, and peppers (0) or fruit and yogurt. (1.8)
l: leftover chicken picatta. - 1
s: 94% Fat free Popcorn - 0
d: Healthy Choice beef and vegetable soup - 0
s: ?

To do list:
dust the bedroom
clean up a spot in the carpet
straighten up office and guest bedroom
go to the grocery store for some fruit and veggies

Good morning Amanda! :sunny:

WISHing you a wonderful day today! :sunny: The chicken picatta sounds good! :goodvibes

Take care, sweetie! :hug:
I'm really glad you've got a rest day today! You'd better save up some energy for the weekend! ;) Do you think St. Louis is ready for the two of us together???? :banana: :banana:

Tomorrow I'll be packing and Friday we'll be there! Can't believe our trip is finally so close!

Sometime during the weekend, maybe I can have a peek at your new cookbook. Heck, maybe Sunday you'd rather the two of us make dinner instead of going out. Ya never know what we might whip up!

Sorry DH hurt your feelings. :hug: Hope you're feeling better.
The scale is holding steady at 165 lbs. Think maybe if I cut out the ben and jerry's ice cream that it would go down? I've been picture perfect on this program except for the ice cream. Of course now it is all gone and I have no excuses! :)

I had to grab the :umbrella: this morning because it is raining here. The weather is nice and crisp - it actually feels like autumn! I've got on a cute little outfit paired with a denim jacket - I feel HOT! :cool:

Plan for today:
water: 8 glasses (manged 7 yesterday)
vitamins: w/breakfast
exercise: Curves - 1.6APs
b: fruit and yogurt - 1.8 pts.
l: ? Not sure yet. Might be tuna salad.
d: ? Not sure yet. I've got my Rachel Ray cookbook here to flip through and find something. Or I might hit the grocery store on the way home and pick up some soup.
s: ? I need to pick up snacky items.

Hi Amanda,

B&j Can be a diet killer. Have done me in many times.

I hope you are having a relaxing evening. Have a great time this weekend with Doe. We'll want all the gossip.
Take care,
Good morning, Amanda! Today the fun begins for you and Doreen! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I'm sure you guys are going to have a great time!

:hugs: and :love: to you both--
Hi guys! I've done some reflecting and I think I need to take a short break from WISH. This isn't good-bye forever, in fact I plan on still posting in your journals, I just won't be keeping one for myself. All will reveal itself in time, I just didn't want anyone to worry!

Take Care, Love Ya, Mean it!

Well I'm back on the wagon. The reason I needed to take a little break was because I believed I was pregnant. I was 9 days late and counting and thought for sure it was done. But, mother nature gave me a nice surprise this evening when aunt flo showed up. So it was not to be. I'm a little sad, and disappointed - but I know it will happen when it is meant to. I indulged myself a little tonight with some leftover cheesecake and 2 glasses of red wine. I couldn't post in my journal because I so wanted to say - I'm pregnant and the baby wants Ben and Jerrys! ;) I was posting menus and then completely ignoring them. So as I said - I'm back on the wagon!

Going back to the CORE program because it seems to be working when I actually use it. I'm afraid to step on the scale after my week of bad behaviour so we'll avoid that to next week. Yep - just call me chicken little.

:hug: Amanda,

I had suspicions when you posted. I'm sorry that it didn't work ut as you hoped. You are right, it will happen for you. As for the cheesecake and wine, you enjoyed it, and that is ok. Congrats on getting right baack onto a program that works for you.
Hey, Amanda. Here's a :hug:. Like you said, it'll happen. . .and if a little medicinal cheesecake helps in the meantime, so be it. Try to pamper yourself today if you can.

Good morning! Thanks Beth and Erin for your kind words they made me :)
I'm feeling better today then I was yesterday. I'll be the first to admitt that this possible pregnancy had me totally shocked and stunned. I didn't know if I was happy or what! LOL! What really aggravated me was the not knowing! Now that I know I feel like I'm back in control - or as much as I can be.

Plan for today:
Exercise: Curves after work - 1.6APs
Water: 8 glasses (only got in 4 yesterday)
vitamins: already taken :)
b: coffee - 1.5, bannana, yogurt-1.3
l: salad - 0
s: fruit
d: spaghetti - no points for noodles but I need to figure the points for the sauce.

Okay so my menu didn't go quite as expected yesterday - but it also wasn't horrible either!

It was sort of a stressful evening. My SIL and her family came over and that always stresses me out. I had 2 glasses of wine to soothe my nerves ;)

Plan for today:
Exercise: Rest Day - I've gone to Curves 2 days in a row though!
Vitamins - Dang, forgot to take them this morning!
Water: only 4 glasses again yesterday, I need to increase this.
b: eggs, ham, greenpeppers, mushrooms, and 1 slice of cheese - 1pt
l: leftover Caribbean Jerk Chicken, veggies. - 0
s: Pears - 0
d: I think it will be an everyone fends for themselves night.
s: Popcorn because I'll be watching 2 hours of Lost tonight!

Ok, Amanda,

Who do you think is hotter, Jack or Sawyer? We would have a great time together, WdW, Harry Potter, and Lost.

I hope you throughly enjoy your evening.
Take care,
Lost? Did someone say Lost? We LOVE Lost :Pinkbounc My oldest actually put it on the calendar :goodvibes
Can I be in the "Lost" club? I have to admit I'm a newbie--last night was the first episode I've seen--but I'm trying to make up for it. DH's got the entire first season coming from Blockbuster! :) Hopefully it'll start arriving this weekend. . .it could be a Lost Marathon for me!

Amanda, have a great day! I see the light of the weekend peeking out of Friday's tunnel!

Beth - what a silly question, Sawyer all the way! Although I use to lust over Matthew Fox (jack) when he was on Party of 5. I swear no other actor can cry as good as he can. :)

Yesterday was okay - got 4.5 glasses of water in, instead of just 4 :rolleyes: Oh well. - BABY STEPS!
It was nice to come straight home after work and relax. We sort of did the snacky thing last night. Which means grazing. But I'm okay with that. I've been brutally honest in my food journal the last couple of days ;)

I have not so relaxing evening ahead of me tonight. We have dinner plans with friends, a run by the office to get some paperwork, and then over to a friends house to drop off some info. I'm hoping to be home by 9pm.

b: bannana and low fat chocolate milk.
l: spaghetti
d: Cobb Salad
Exercise: Rest Day
Water: trying for more then 4.5 glasses ;)

:hug: for your stressful day yesterday. :( Sure wish I could be there to help cheer you up. I'm going through Amanda Withdrawal. ;)

Todd and I sure had a wonderful time with you and Brian last weekend. :cloud9: Thank you so much for all you did to show us your beautiful city. :flower: I also came home with lots of Disney decorating ideas! :teeth: Did your neighbors find that Mickey bathroom sink yet? ;) If not, I'll send you a link to pass on to them.

Now we're back to reality and it sure is busy!! Your schedule always amazes me. I'm very happy to see that you've gotten some down time to hang out and watch TV. I've never watched Lost but know several people who eagerly wait to watch every episode.

The weekend is almost here. Please tell me you'll spend some time just relaxing. You know I can't resist using my Mom-voice! :teeth: I worry because I care. :love:


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