A Summer Wedding and a Disney Trip CANCELLED, HELP DECIDE WHEN WE'LL GO IN 2011

Wedding mail ranks right up there with Mickey mail!:thumbsup2

I know!!!

Oh! Pam it is so exciting! I can't believe you are so close already...seems like just yesterday you started talking about the wedding!
:wave2: Connie

Yeah, it is coming up faster than Disney trips do!

I'm so excited for you!!!! What fun!


I'm excited but slightly stressed out right now!

Sounds like all the plans for the big day are falling into place! SO EXCITING!!:goodvibes

I think they are... sometimes.....other times, I think i'm not going to have enough time to do everything.

Your dress is beautiful! It looks like such a classic, but updated style.
Hope the rest of the planning goes smoothly :goodvibes

Hi, welcome to my pre trip report!!! I love the title of yours, i'll come check it out :goodvibes
Manny's in the shower right now and then we're going to pick out his tux!!!! I called to make an appt the other day, figuring a few of the guys would go, but she said that she likes it to be the bride and groom that come in the first time to pick it out! Ok, so we're going for 4pm. We're dropping the girls off to harass my mom's puppy!

It's such a nice day today, we've been out all day and I really don't feel like doing tuxes today, but no choice really, tomorrow we're meeting with the pastor to go over vows and I picked up tuesday night at work. So,....... I guess it has to be done.
Yay for the tuxes and the loveley weather :lovestruc!!!!!!!! I wish I could say the same- it is soooo overcast here today.

Oh I've been meaning to discuss our "DIS" Autograph books. Any good ideas?
Ok, so our appointment was for 4pm at the tux place! We got there at 5 of! We waited until 4:30, so already I was aggravated! Manny was fooling around with the suit jackets and I just wasn't in the mood to be standing in there:rolleyes1 Anthony was with us and he was just standing with me too. Once Elaine was finally ready for us all went "better" It took us 1 hour to pick out what we wanted and get Manny and Anthony fitted. I got some cute pictures of that on my phone, so I have to try to get them on the computer and then I can post them. Anthony was weirded out by the lady measuring him though. Especially when she had to measure his waist, and then they measure a little lower. He didn't like that! I don't blame him. Manny didn't seem to mind.:rolleyes1 Anyway..... The tuxes are going to look so nice! They looked so handsome when they were trying on the jackets.
So, another thing. Now this place has "connections" if that's what you wanna call it with David's bridal, where I bought my dress. And they are huge, so I was surprised when a customer came in and her tux was late, they were trying to charge her a late fee and she said she didn't have any money on her could she mail it. The manager got very upset and yelled that she knew that there would be a late fee, don't even bother telling me you'll send a payment in, just go, and he waived her off. I was appalled. I work with customers and we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service skills and coming from a manger, I was disgusted. I really wanted to say something. THEN..... a couple comes in asking for a manager because of something that happened with their 16 yr old son when he came in to drop off his tux. They were yelling at this manager and the manager just kept arguing back. He should not work in customer service, let me tell ya that. That couple walked by us on the way out and said, "I hope you guys have better luck than we do" :scared1: It's the most popular tux place around, I don't get it. There were a ton of people in there and my brother just got one 2 weeks ago for friends wedding he was in, they had no problems, so we'll just hope for the best. There weren't any complaints about the tuxes themselves, so that's all I care about. I'd rip that guy a new you know what he if played that card with us. :woohoo: And i'd have a PARTY with him.

What fun wedding updates! Sounds like things are really coming together. I agree with getting the wedding responses back--so exciting to see who is able to celebrate a very special day in your life! :goodvibes:

Goodness, sounds like someone was having a really bad day (hopefully that is all it was and he is not permanently like that--I would not see how he was a manager or had a job there).
Glad to hear that you got the tuxes picked out even if they were late in getting to your appointment. I had to laugh when you said Anthony didn't like the lady measuring him.

Sounds like the manager needs a good "chewing out" himself. Somebody needs to put him in his place.
I never understand why people like that are in customer service-- whenever I get a rude salesperson or waitress, I want to ask-- WHY ARE YOU IN THIS FIELD?? IT"S YOUR JOB TO BE NICE!
I'm glad that you got the tuxes all picked out. Sounds like that Manager needs to start looking for a new job!

What fun wedding updates! Sounds like things are really coming together. I agree with getting the wedding responses back--so exciting to see who is able to celebrate a very special day in your life! :goodvibes:

Goodness, sounds like someone was having a really bad day (hopefully that is all it was and he is not permanently like that--I would not see how he was a manager or had a job there).

Glad to hear that you got the tuxes picked out even if they were late in getting to your appointment. I had to laugh when you said Anthony didn't like the lady measuring him.

Sounds like the manager needs a good "chewing out" himself. Somebody needs to put him in his place.

I never understand why people like that are in customer service-- whenever I get a rude salesperson or waitress, I want to ask-- WHY ARE YOU IN THIS FIELD?? IT"S YOUR JOB TO BE NICE!

Yup, he was absolutely ridiculous. I'd be glad to be the one to chew him out. Let one thing go wrong with our tuxes and i'll run right up there!!!!
I got my first response card back!! Everyone called me yesterday to let me know that they got my invitations! We had to meet with the minister and his wife (who is my mom's good friend) last night to go over our vows. She had the invite in her van, so she filled it out and gave it to me. I mean, I obviously knew they were coming, but, it was still exciting to get one back. I'm going to start an organized pile and list.

Last night me and the girls also worked on their birthday party invitations. I have never purchased so many stamps in my life. It's back to the post office today for some more. We made them with a picture from walmart.com and went to pick them up last night. I'll take a pic of them, they are really cute. So i'm filling all of the envelopes out right now. Emily's bday is June 29 and Lizzie's is June 20th, we usually do their party the sunday before 4th of July weekend, but with the wedding I figured that would be too much. The weekend before that is father's day, so that was out, so we had to go with 2 weeks before we usually do it, but the girls are excited of course. The sooner the better, right!!
We're having their party at the lake/state park right around the corner from our house. We rent a few sites and they enjoy it. They get to invite all of their friends from school.

Also on memorial day there is a huge parade that comes right by our street. We have everyone come over and walk up the street a bit and get some lemonade and hang out. We like to get there early. There is this one nice shady spot that we always get. Nicole, Makenzie and Jordyn come, and my brother and friend Brianne. So we are getting ready for that. They just came by on the trucks yesterday and put all of the flags up on every telephone pole.

ALSO....... Thursday is my birthday!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!
Oh by the way!!!! There are 116 days until disney world if we fly, if we drive, we leave in 115 days!!! We're almost in double digits.... That's huge!!!
OMG!!! Things are getting so busy for you now and yeah on the first response card!!! :thumbsup2 My envelopes are ready with the rsvp cards and registry cards, now I just need to print the invites and stuff those. Are you having a theme for the birthday party???
Congrats on getting your first response card back. Doesn't matter who it came from, just that you got one back.:thumbsup2

I am sure the girls don't mind that you are having their birthday party early. Like you said, who can complain about an early birthday party?:laughing:

The Memorial Day parade sounds like so much fun. I wish we had something like that around our house. All we have are small Mardi Gras and Christmas parades.
Hooray for the invitations being received and your 1st repsonse card.
It sounds like you have lots going on!

How exciting about the girls' birthdays coming up. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do for my DD's birthday. With traveling over it this year I am not sure when to do her party. We usually do it one of the weekends surrounding her birthday. Not this year.

:yay: for your first response back!!
OMG!!! Things are getting so busy for you now and yeah on the first response card!!! :thumbsup2 My envelopes are ready with the rsvp cards and registry cards, now I just need to print the invites and stuff those. Are you having a theme for the birthday party???

It was quite a relief to finally get the invites all done and sent out. I'm working with the girls on picking a cool theme. They are not sure. We're going to the party store this weekend to do all of their shopping. Probably on saturday seeing how sunday is dress shopping day for the girls.

Congrats on getting your first response card back. Doesn't matter who it came from, just that you got one back.:thumbsup2

I am sure the girls don't mind that you are having their birthday party early. Like you said, who can complain about an early birthday party?:laughing:

The Memorial Day parade sounds like so much fun. I wish we had something like that around our house. All we have are small Mardi Gras and Christmas parades.

We do love and look forward to that parade every year. Actually when I was growing up we lived on the parade route too. We actually could sit on our porch and watch it, so it's something i've always done. And the girls definitely do not mind an early party! They are excited.

Hooray for the invitations being received and your 1st repsonse card.
It sounds like you have lots going on!


Oh, yes, we do have so much going on from now until July 4th. After that we'll get to relax. Until the trip gets a little closer that is. We have bday parties coming out the you know where this month. I got my nephew's, my niece's and Nicole's daughter, Jordyn's. Plus MINE is tomorrow, and Nicole's is next week!

How exciting about the girls' birthdays coming up. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do for my DD's birthday. With traveling over it this year I am not sure when to do her party. We usually do it one of the weekends surrounding her birthday. Not this year.

:yay: for your first response back!!

Yeah, I was late in deciding on thiers too. With everything going on, I lose track of time.
I just came back from the post office for MORE stamps. I never want to hear the word stamp again........ until I need to send out thank you cards again after the wedding! I needed more for the girls bday party invites. They took the ones for their friends to school and I just stamped all of the rest of them and will drop them in the mail box in a few minutes. We're going to go shopping on saturday to let them pick out all of their party supplies. I'm trying to get them to go with a Hawaiian theme. They're thinking about it. We'll see. I kind of freaked out this week. Everyone was calling me and asking me when i'm having the girls party. It needs to be planned out because everyone has so much going on in June. So, I knew the date, but also knew all of these invites needed to go out. So, yay, that's done! And I figure i'll get all of the party stuff bought this weekend, so i'll now be ahead of the game where a few days ago I was behind. :laughing: I feel better now!

I felt kind of crappy at work last night, and today I have a headache. BUT, me and Nicole are on our way over to the lake as soon as I pick up Sam at 11:30. I hope I can find a shady spot! Which, I guess we'll have to because Makenzie can't go in the water.

Have a nice day all!!! It's like 90 here today. It was already 80 when I brought the girls to school at 9am.


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