5 Minute Chocolate Cake


DIS Veteran
Feb 8, 2005
A friend of mine sent me this recipe swears it works when you need a little chocolate and don't want to bake a whole cake!

This is a wonderful little treat when you want something sweet but don't want to "bake" - you will either love me or hate me for this!

in a large coffee mug:

4 Tbl flour
4 Tbl sugar
2 Tbl cococa powder

mix with fork


1 egg
3 Tbl milk
3 Tbl oil
splash of vanilla extract

blend well and add about 3 Tbl chocolate chips

cook on HI 3 minutes in the microwave. It may puff over top of mug but it will go down. Top with a spritz of whipped cream and ENJOY. It is supposed to serve 2 but good luck with THAT!
Have you tried this yet? I tried a very similar recipe about a year ago. It was easy, smelled great while baking, but had a very rubber like texture. I threw away the recipe, so I can't compare. Please post how it turns out, maybe I need to try this recipe.
I'll have to try this!

My daughter is having a "Sweets" themed birthday party and this could be a cool item for them to make.

They are 11, so we are away from the put candy on a string and call it a necklace stage. We bought the Wilton pretzel molds and tons of the different candy colors to melt down. And we bought really cool beads with cupcakes and ice cream cones on them. And we were going to do an icing thing with either cookies, cup cakes, or mini cakes.

Thanks for posting this!
Can't wait to find out if it works - is it a large or medium egg?
Okay...cake was made by my 12 yo DD and it was easy, except for me trying to do a splash of vanilla, it was more like a big pour...

Anyway, it came out kind of rubbery, but tasted okay. It reminds me of the Nutri-system desserts my DH makes... I don't think I would be making this again anytime soon.
Oh, too bad. It sounded like a great easy dessert. I guess I'll stick to double chocolate chip cookies for my chocolate fix!
I tried this a while back too. The microwave is what casues the very rubber like texture. :p

I wonder if baking one in a little ramekin in the toaster oven would work instead? :scratchin


lewdyan1, you want to give it a try in the toaster oven, if you have some type of cup size ovenproof container?
The Pioneer Woman posted this recipe on her web site today and you may like to try it. Takes a little longer, requires a couple more ingredients, but sounds worth it!
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread!

Molten Chocolate Cake

Added by brandielle on July 28, 2009 in Desserts, Special Occasion
Prep Time 15 Minutes
Cook Time 13 Minutes Servings 4 Difficulty Easy

* 4 pieces (squares) Semi-sweet Baking Chocolate
* ½ cups Butter
* 1 cup Powdered Sugar
* 2 whole Eggs
* 2 whole Egg Yolks
* 6 tablespoons Flour
* 2 cups Real Whipping Cream (seriously It's So Much Better!!!)
* 2 tablespoons Sugar

Preparation Instructions

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Spray 4 custard cups with Pam and place on cookie sheet.

Microwave chocolate and butter in large bowl on high for about 1 minute, until butter is melted. whisk until chocolate is also melted.

Stir in sugar until well blended. Whisk in eggs and egg yolks. Stir in flour.

Divide between cups.

Bake 13-14 minutes until sides are firm and center is soft. Let stand 1 minute.

Combine sugar and heavy cream and whip until stiff.

Invert cakes on dishes and top with whipped cream.


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