3 Grannies, Disney Dancing & Deviltry! Oh, my!!

Have to share my interesting phone conversation with Independent Health my Health insurance co. She called and asked how I was after my hospital stay !! I said I was fine and back to work !!She then said "I see you were admitted for Anemia " Really I say I thought it was my Rapid Heart beat and Chest pain !!:rotfl2:She says Hospitals often send in wrong info !!! Oh this makes me fell sooo reassured !!!:rotfl2:But she straightened it out and I am NOT anemic :rotfl2::rotfl2: Also had to call billing to make sure they had my Medicare Part A info which they didn't . Next call is to HR as I do believe the company pays $500 towards the co pay for admission and maybe with medicare I could end up ahead :cool1::cool1:
My first walk was very painful but the 2nd one was better. My PT friend is concerned that I'm losing a lot of my strength. For someone who has always been able to walk 7 miles without a thought having trouble with 1/2 mile is troubling. It's really not that I'm getting too tired it's that it hurts. I'm now worried .....

Linda, seems like you need a warm up walk first. :hug: I'm sure it must be so frustrating to not be at the physical level you thought you would be by now. And of course dealing with the pain. Hoping that you might see a doctor for prescribed PT to see if that might help. So sorry my friend.. :hug:

This was my predicament exactly, Linda. At home I walked 6 miles a day...when I tried to get back to that here, I injured my ankle by doing too much too soon. The trip seemed so far away then but as the days/weeks past I had to face I'd be taking a big chance of setting myself back by going. Even now, I am doing much better...but too much walking and the pain and burning returns.

The other day when I was seriously considering going again I went out the next day to walk...still cannot walk more than about 2500 steps before the pain returns. I don't mean lite pain either.

So please do be careful and extra wise. We do not heal as quickly as 5 or 10 years ago. I certainly do not mean this as negative...rather supportive of whatever decision you make.

I wore that boot from July until early November - only going without for short periods to test my ankle. Your back is even more serious than an ankle injury.

Still sending super positive and healing thoughts ...and loads of ISPD! :hug:

Christine, So sorry too that you have been experiencing pain (you must of been so happy when that darn boot got the boot!! :goodvibes). Hoping you see big improvement in the next few weeks! The ankle/foot is so troublesome... still feel twinges now and then from my bad ankle sprain a few years ago.(not pain though). Didn;t you mention you had pain on your Cape Cod trip? :hug:

I think if you look at menus and what you would reslistically order, you'll find the DDP not worth the cost. :thumbsup2

Agree. For the most part it's just not that worth it anymore. FD and depending on the resort/people in the room - yes. And how you like to eat certainly comes into play, but I am finding I enjoy the flexibility of not having the DP. :)

Linda we are all praying for you !!:goodvibespixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:

Praying for Linda (and Christine :)) for them both to cover fully. :flower3:

Have to share my interesting phone conversation with Independent Health my Health insurance co. She called and asked how I was after my hospital stay !! I said I was fine and back to work !!She then said "I see you were admitted for Anemia " Really I say I thought it was my Rapid Heart beat and Chest pain !!:rotfl2:She says Hospitals often send in wrong info !!! Oh this makes me fell sooo reassured !!!:rotfl2:But she straightened it out and I am NOT anemic :rotfl2::rotfl2: Also had to call billing to make sure they had my Medicare Part A info which they didn't . Next call is to HR as I do believe the company pays $500 towards the co pay for admission and maybe with medicare I could end up ahead :cool1::cool1:

Rosie... oh my dear!! :) are you SURE you have the right meds? :goodvibes Thankful it's alll been straightened out (and your not anemic) :hug: hoping that you end up paying zero for the ER visit!! Having the wrong coding happened to me too with a mammogram... my doctor called and said it was fine, then next day rec'd a letter telling me the scan found something suspicous and I was to reschedule another mammo! Neededles to say I was very thankful to have rec'd my doctor's call first. ::yes::
It is all getting soooo close !!I look at all I have to do at work, plus the 4 day catch up !! I have to work the evening before we leave but not for long !!The Aktion Club is singing Carols at the Church where we hold our meetings and they have christmas cards to hand out to the parishioners . So really not work , but still consumes my time . I am glad I used my days off to pack. I just need to do a final check. I am bringing laundry soap so I can wash clothes if needed . As I am so confused as whether to bring jeans or capris , so I brought some of each, plus a couple of long sleeve Tees
It is all getting soooo close !!I look at all I have to do at work, plus the 4 day catch up !! I have to work the evening before we leave but not for long !!The Aktion Club is singing Carols at the Church where we hold our meetings and they have christmas cards to hand out to the parishioners . So really not work , but still consumes my time . I am glad I used my days off to pack. I just need to do a final check. I am bringing laundry soap so I can wash clothes if needed . As I am so confused as whether to bring jeans or capris , so I brought some of each, plus a couple of long sleeve Tees

Rosie, you are ALREADY packed?? :) wow! Its not even on my radar yet! I'm impressed!

Will probably throw in a pair of shorts and capris, the rest jeans. (I love my jeans) Oh and a bathing suit just in case. ... the hot tub might feel real nice (especially to you Linda:))
Rosie, you are ALREADY packed?? :) wow! Its not even on my radar yet! I'm impressed!

Will probably throw in a pair of shorts and capris, the rest jeans. (I love my jeans) Oh and a bathing suit just in case. ... the hot tub might feel real nice (especially to you Linda:))

Oh I forgot swimsuit!! A hot Tub sounds wonderful, do they have one at POR or CSR??? I will recheck what I packed many times before I go !!! I aways pack early for my trips as I have to do it when I have a spare minute and that can be hard to find !! Especially since I was off 4 days and so am that far behind I have a lot of catching up to do :crazy2::crazy2:
Oh I forgot swimsuit!! A hot Tub sounds wonderful, do they have one at POR or CSR??? I will recheck what I packed many times before I go !!! I aways pack early for my trips as I have to do it when I have a spare minute and that can be hard to find !! Especially since I was off 4 days and so am that far behind I have a lot of catching up to do :crazy2::crazy2:

Yes, both POR and CSR have hot tubs (all the mods/deluxes do, except for the Poly).

Well I think about what I need to bring but don't actually start packing the suitcase until the night before. :)

You are so organized!
Yes, both POR and CSR have hot tubs (all the mods/deluxes do, except for the Poly). Well I think about what I need to bring but don't actually start packing the suitcase until the night before. :) You are so organized!
don't have a clue what I'll pack! Most of my Florida summer wear is the lightest spaghetti type strapped tops I can find! I don't really layer clothes, not my thing especially when I don't want to make myself look any bigger! Trying to find a tshirt here now is like looking for a needle in a haystack! I am off work officially at 1:45 pm Fri. Nov 29! I'll use that weekend to get my packing started, but it's stressing me out some, lol -- I'll definitely be packing a bathing suit in my carry on for that hot tub :)
don't have a clue what I'll pack! Most of my Florida summer wear is the lightest spaghetti type strapped tops I can find! I don't really layer clothes, not my thing especially when I don't want to make myself look any bigger! Trying to find a tshirt here now is like looking for a needle in a haystack! I am off work officially at 1:45 pm Fri. Nov 29! I'll use that weekend to get my packing started, but it's stressing me out some, lol -- I'll definitely be packing a bathing suit in my carry on for that hot tub :)

Marie, no talk about weight (I tell Christine the same too) :flower3:

and btw, there are PLENTY of T-shirts in a place called Disney :upsidedow

Ps... Where you guys able to snag FP+ for BOG lunch on the 6th?

Haven't tried as yet, but isn't your FP fairly early? With Kona at 9:30, don't think we would be hungry before 1pm. :)
Marie, no talk about weight (I tell Christine the same too) :flower3: and btw, there are PLENTY of T-shirts in a place called Disney :upsidedow Haven't tried as yet, but isn't your FP fairly early? With Kona at 9:30, don't think we would be hungry before 1pm. :)
Oh, ok my friend ... Lol! I find the Disney T's cut so small though, but hopefully I can find a few new ones for me :) I never thought of that -- so we went with the 9:40 Kona ADR? I definitely won't be using my bog lunch in that case :p and with dinner at Shula's at 5:15 I'll definitely not need lunch in between!
I a soooo excited Kathy as in KatMark is joining us at Piano Bob;s with MaryAZ and her 2 adorable girls !! I have waited so long to meet Kathy and this is the first time our trips have overlapped !!! I know you all will love her and her husband Mark !! He is to HATS as I am to Poles !!!:rotfl2:
Yes, both POR and CSR have hot tubs (all the mods/deluxes do, except for the Poly).

Well I think about what I need to bring but don't actually start packing the suitcase until the night before. :)

You are so organized!

From necessity !!! I had a huge pile of mail to go thru work , Bank ledgers to do, case reviews to correct and the list goes on !! But I am all reay for my monthly staff meeting tomorrow ,where a brand new supervisor is coming to observe :rotfl2:Our staff meetings are a lot of FUN , unlike most staff meetings , we really cut up !! Everyone gets along so it is not the usual boring staff meeting :rolleyes1:rotfl2: I will fine tune what I am packing but will it be okay if I do aload of wash ???

Marie, no talk about weight (I tell Christine the same too) :flower3:

and btw, there are PLENTY of T-shirts in a place called Disney :upsidedow

Haven't tried as yet, but isn't your FP fairly early? With Kona at 9:30, don't think we would be hungry before 1pm. :)

I need to loose weight , the woman from Independent health said I wasn't bad but 10-15 lbs off would be perfect :rotfl2:Oh yea that's gonna happen Thanksgiving , then Disney then Christmas :rotfl2:
I stashed away all my Disney Tee shirts only thing I can't find is all my capris other than the jean ones , so I am bringing mainly jeans and jean capris I will toss in 1 pair of shorts for in case !!

On, ok my friend ... Lol! I find the Disney T's cut so small though, but hopefully I can find a few new ones for me :) I never thought of that -- so we went with the 9:40 Kona ADR? I definitely won't be using my bog lunch in that case :p and with dinner at Shula's at 5:15 I'll definitely not need lunch in between!

I am okay with No BOG lunch , I need to have stuff on my to do list anyway !!! It's another reason for th next trip!!!
I a soooo excited Kathy as in KatMark is joining us at Piano Bob;s with MaryAZ and her 2 adorable girls !! I have waited so long to meet Kathy and this is the first time our trips have overlapped !!! I know you all will love her and her husband Mark !! He is to HATS as I am to Poles !!!:rotfl2:

You are going to laugh Kathy! How cool that your trips are overlapping. Sounds like so much fun!!!!!! :cool1:
I a soooo excited Kathy as in KatMark is joining us at Piano Bob;s with MaryAZ and her 2 adorable girls !! I have waited so long to meet Kathy and this is the first time our trips have overlapped !!! I know you all will love her and her husband Mark !! He is to HATS as I am to Poles !!!:rotfl2:
Ohhhhhhh!!!! I so wish I could say Hi to Kathy! That's Dawn and my La Nouba night. Do you think you all might still be around at piano bobs around 8 pm??? La Nouba should be done then we could take the boat back to join you all!
That's Thur dec 5, right?
Ohhhhhhh!!!! I so wish I could say Hi to Kathy! That's our la Nouba night. Do you think you all might still be around at piano bobs around 8 pm??? La Nouba should be done then we could take the boat back to join you all!

I have no idea when Bob starts or ends !!!!I am so excited I get to seePiano Bob and have a Dis Meet!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1:
I have no idea when Bob starts or ends !!!!I am so excited I get to seePiano Bob and have a Dis Meet!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1:
Dec 5 right?
Ps... Hopefully la Nouba may be done in time for us to get back to see you all -- our show is a 6'oclock one should be done by 7:30
I a soooo excited Kathy as in KatMark is joining us at Piano Bob;s with MaryAZ and her 2 adorable girls !! I have waited so long to meet Kathy and this is the first time our trips have overlapped !!! I know you all will love her and her husband Mark !! He is to HATS as I am to Poles !!!:rotfl2:

:yay: SO happy Kathy, Mark, with Mary and the girls (whom I have seen and read about on Kathy's TRS) will be at Piano Bob! :cool1: What a great place to meet up for our DISmeet! :thumbsup2

Rosie is this Friday? (I know that is our "tentative" Piano Bob night. :) But I'm good with both thursday and Friday too. :goodvibes

From necessity !!! I had a huge pile of mail to go thru work , Bank ledgers to do, case reviews to correct and the list goes on !! But I am all reay for my monthly staff meeting tomorrow ,where a brand new supervisor is coming to observe :rotfl2:Our staff meetings are a lot of FUN , unlike most staff meetings , we really cut up !! Everyone gets along so it is not the usual boring staff meeting :rolleyes1:rotfl2: I will fine tune what I am packing but will it be okay if I do aload of wash ???

Rosie I just bet you guys have plenty of laughs at your staff meetings. It's so nice to have great relationships with people you work with.

Of course you can do a load of wash. I have some travel Tide which I will bring.

Ohhhhhhh!!!! I so wish I could say Hi to Kathy! That's Dawn and my La Nouba night. Do you think you all might still be around at piano bobs around 8 pm??? La Nouba should be done then we could take the boat back to join you all!
That's Thur dec 5, right?

Marie, We planned on Friday for Piano Bob, so waiting for Rosie to tell me. We can do Thursday night, but assumed we were staying to park closing as that is our Osbourne Lights night. I'm flexible though!

I have no idea when Bob starts or ends !!!!I am so excited I get to seePiano Bob and have a Dis Meet!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1:

Rosie? What day is Kathy planning?

Ps ... That's awesome! I've been Dis friends with Kathy since 2008 'ish!!!

Me as well... and I was very fortunate to meet up with Kathy and Mark in 2009. :goodvibes
If Thursday, I may be able to swing back and meet up, if Friday, no way I can because I'm planning on seeing Osbourne lights with the special appreciation event and I think it's from 8-11. Loving the opportunity for so many dis meets though! It sounds wonderful!


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