This Is Us- Season 3

I didn't understand the idea of stopping the labor since her water had broken. As Kate said, she needed weeks, not hours. The window of time after the water breaks is nowhere near a week. I believe two days is pushing it.

Hours and days are better then no time. It is more time for the lungs to develop. There is a medicine (a shot I think) that will help the lungs develop faster. This was talked about when I went into preterm labor with DD at 25 weeks and again when they wanted to induce me early due to my platelets dropping dangerously low. The hours and days gives time for the meds to work and give the baby a better shot at survival.
Hours and days are better then no time. It is more time for the lungs to develop. There is a medicine (a shot I think) that will help the lungs develop faster. This was talked about when I went into preterm labor with DD at 25 weeks and again when they wanted to induce me early due to my platelets dropping dangerously low. The hours and days gives time for the meds to work and give the baby a better shot at survival.

I believe it is a steroid. I had two of those shots at 26 weeks. IIRC, about 2 days apart. It was "in case" we didn't get much farther than a couple of days. It is correct that you can hold out for quite some time with antibiotics and in hospital monitoring even after a premature rupture of the membranes. They will eek out any hour/day they can get, because it ALL matters.
This episode hit close to home for me.
My grandson was born at 29 weeks last February and this brought me right back to that heaviness in my chest. It was hard for me to watch.
My daughter in law was admitted 3 days before he was born, so he had 3 shot of steroids thankfully, he was born at 3 pounds and breathing on his own.
I knew Kate's baby would survive after living through this nightmare, but like we were told "he will need a lot of hand holding".

The scenario was ridiculous, Rebecca would have been in that room with her up until she went into the OR, but thats "dramatic effect" bugs the crap out of me. Not a good episode.
I didn't understand the idea of stopping the labor since her water had broken. As Kate said, she needed weeks, not hours. The window of time after the water breaks is nowhere near a week. I believe two days is pushing it.

It's just one of those TV tropes where I overlook the nonsense and accept the writers were creating a construct of a pressure cooker for the characters and the episode really wasn't very much about Kate, Toby and the baby overall.

My SIL was in the hospital for 4 WEEKS after her water broke. The baby is 15 years old now, but if my memory is correct, her water broke at 25 weeks. He was 3 pounds at birth but still had heart/lung issues. He is a basketball player now, though!
My SIL was in the hospital for 4 WEEKS after her water broke. The baby is 15 years old now, but if my memory is correct, her water broke at 25 weeks. He was 3 pounds at birth but still had heart/lung issues. He is a basketball player now, though!

I've always heard that once the water breaks the birth needs to happen soon due to infection and other complications. I never realized it is possible to medically delay it like that.
I've always heard that once the water breaks the birth needs to happen soon due to infection and other complications. I never realized it is possible to medically delay it like that.

They will put the mother on antibiotics to reduce the risk of an infection. Which they said they did with Kate. It is amazing what they can do medically now. Without the antibiotics they would need to deliver soon.
My SIL was in the hospital for 4 WEEKS after her water broke. The baby is 15 years old now, but if my memory is correct, her water broke at 25 weeks. He was 3 pounds at birth but still had heart/lung issues. He is a basketball player now, though!

A friend of mine from work had a similar situation. Her water broke really early and she stayed in the hospital for a month or more before the baby was born.
Watching the new episode now. After the message Randall just left Beth on the phone, I'm thinking more and more that they're divorced in the flash forward.
The scenario was ridiculous, Rebecca would have been in that room with her up until she went into the OR, but thats "dramatic effect" bugs the crap out of me. Not a good episode.

The show does veer far from reality for the drama sometimes (Don't get me started on how ridiculous every single thing about that fire was!) but they could definitely have had only the father in the room with Kate, depending on countless different factors.

I went into preterm labor at 26 weeks and it was just DH & I in the room for quite some time. My pregnancy was already high-risk (as was Kate's, although for very different reasons), so the number of people in the room was high at all times. There were times when even my DH had to back off into a corner of the room to be out of the way.
Looks like next week is going to be about young Beth and Randal.

When Randal was leaving that message I thought Beth was going to knock on the window when he hung up. I knew that was going to get him in trouble.

I am pretty sure in that flashback Randal had his wedding ring on...unless he remarries but can’t see that, or hope not.
Haven’t read comments or watched now. Felt like a live watch tonight..

• oh no! This is the song I sing to my daughter, as I’m sure many parents have. My sister has a theory that Baby Jack dies, and Kate is injured or away somewhere. That’s why Toby doesn’t think ‘her’ will want to see him. I swear y’all, if they kill this baby..
But, it would make sense in the storyline. He is early, very early.

• I don’t see a good ending for Kevin and Zoe. Were they even in the flash forward?

• aww More than words. Definitely can remember dancing to this in a gym.

• uh oh, looks like Kate and Toby have different ideas for constantly testing Jack.

• not wanting kids would be a deal breaker for me. I don’t think you should talk someone into a kid, or out of one.

• trouble in paradise...

• maybe Toby decodes he cant handle the responsibility and leaves Kate???

• oh snap. That was he time he should have counted to ten before leaving a message.

• how to delete the message before she gets it? Aye ay ay this could be bad.

• Beth is moving around pretty good for recently having had a c section.

• maybe something happens to Jack while she’s having a shower? That’s not good..

• I had a feeling she’d heard the message.

• omg that baby is so small.

• NO NO NO. You can’t leave it like that.

As a show, it was a meh. They are building up though, with only two episodes left.
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Looks like next week is going to be about young Beth and Randal.

When Randal was leaving that message I thought Beth was going to knock on the window when he hung up. I knew that was going to get him in trouble.

I am pretty sure in that flashback Randal had his wedding ring on...unless he remarries but can’t see that, or hope not.

It has been confirmed in one interview or magazine article that they are still married In the flash forward.
Oh my gosh, I am so mad at Randall!!!!! You do not belittle your partner's job like that! It will take her a loooooooong time to ever forgive him for that.

And while I do think they've probably taken on too much as a couple right now, I think Randall running (in the first place) for councilman was the bigger mistake. He'd already gotten to chase his dreams of adopting a foster kid and buying that building. It should have been her turn to do something.

P.S. - I think the baby is going to make it, but wow is he small!!
I couldn't believe the message Randall left for Beth. I do understand he is under immense pressure with his position and I think he is in waaaaaaay over his head. I don't think he should have run for that position. I knew the second beth pulled her hand away that she had heard the message.

Not sure about Kevin and Zoe. I don't know why they brought Sophie back, just to prove that Kevin always gets what he wants and things always have come easy for him I guess.
I thought this was a really good episode. I like the jumping around to the different families/past more than I liked the format of last week.

I was so mad at Randall when he left that message, but I have to say, I've probably said things that horrible to my husband when I was as mad at him as Randall was at Beth when the thought he had stood her up. Luckily my husband is very forgiving, and I think Beth will be too.

I loved that Kevin met up with Sophie. I wonder if it was just a guest appearance or if she will be back to being a regular. I don't know that I actually like Zoe that much - I think I like Sophie better.
Actually watched the episode live for the first time in a while. Ugh, Randall, you're killing me. Initially I thought Beth was going to be at his car window or had actually arrived before him. Definitely knew she knew when she showed up and made the point of saying her phone had died. So classy the way she handled herself at the dinner, the ideal impression that Randall knew everyone would see of her. I hurt in the pit of my stomach watching because I realized how angry she was. I could not imagine being Randall, sitting there and knowing how angry my spouse was going to be at me for making (yet another) huge sacrifice for me and I had blasted her like that. I've been married 30 years this year and can't imagine the situation where my husband would be that angry at me, the thought of it is actually terrifying to me. Not that my husband is at all a scary guy, not in the least. I can't imagine that kind of a blow to our relationship, that kind of anger between us. We don't get along perfectly by any means, but when we disagree or argue it doesn't reach that kind of depth or that kind of anger. That absolutely chilled my blood.

They're definitely trying to lead us to the idea that Kevin and Sophie will reunite. Jack and Rebecca at one point are talking about their past, their childhoods, would they have liked each other as children and how their children have such vastly different childhoods from their own and what kind of potential that suggested for them. I cannot remember the dialogue, but it was still finishing when they cut the shot from the flashback to Kevin and Sophie sitting at the coffee shop. Of course right after the reveal of all of Zoe's great qualities we weren't expecting based on Beth's initial fears about Kevin being involved with her, we finally get down to the actual reason Kevin and Zoe won't fit as life partners. Ultimately Kevin is going to want, and need, not only a mate but children as well. That they're biologically his or not won't be important to him, but he ultimately will want a family.
Oh my gosh, I am so mad at Randall!!!!! You do not belittle your partner's job like that! It will take her a loooooooong time to ever forgive him for that.

And while I do think they've probably taken on too much as a couple right now, I think Randall running (in the first place) for councilman was the bigger mistake. He'd already gotten to chase his dreams of adopting a foster kid and buying that building. It should have been her turn to do something.

P.S. - I think the baby is going to make it, but wow is he small!!

I too think the kid makes it. But, I'm more than willing to bet that the child will have lifelong issues as a result of being born early....perhaps CP. That would be pretty common. I have a good friend whose twin daughters were born at about this same time (28 weeks), and one of them is perfectly fine. The other has CP (and autism, but the autism probably has nothing to do with early birth). The CP definitely does. It was quite a struggle when they were first born, with lots of ups and downs. A long, long road. I'll also say that while the baby was "small", the weight Toby said (2.5 pounds) is actually quite good for that gestational age. My twins were in the NICU when they were born, and my son was tiny for an almost 37 week baby (3.9 pounds), but looked HUGE compared to another baby in the NICU, whose weight was barely over a pound. That was one really, really tiny looking baby.

I thought the NICU scenes were particularly well done. And, brought me straight back to that place where I was in November 1999. I will also say that Kate was moving way.too.good for having just had major abdominal surgery. I was wheeled places in the hospital while I was still a patient. Also, I was "kicked' out by day 4. If that was supposed to be day 6, she likely would have been discharged too....but was still wearing a hospital gown. This, to me, is one of the hard struggles of having a child in the don't get to stay. You are evicted when "your" need for hospital care is over. Of course, you get to visit, but it's super hard when you are still post partum (and in my case, with one other twin at home).
A couple of things about the voicemail I’m not sure about:

When did Beth hear the message? She walked in and did ask for a phone charger....she must have plugged it in while in the bathroom and proceeded to check her messages. That’s the only time I can think of.

I do find it hard to believe she has no charger in the car, too.

If I recall correctly she basically hung up on Randall earlier, barely agreeing to go to the the dinner. I can understand why he truly believed he was being stood up and that it never occurred to him that something could have actually happened to her. I’m not defending him for what he said, though - he was out of line. He was angry but also exhausted which didn’t help. I actually thought he might have another breakdown. Typical Randall,trying to do it all and be the best at it.

I was waiting for Randall to try and find her phone to erase the message.


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