This Is Us- Season 3

I agree, Kevin has been ignored by his family pretty much his whole life, mostly because he does seem to have it together, but by now his family should know that is all a façade.

What was it, two or three episodes ago where Rebecca specifically told Uncle Nicky that Kevin may appear to be altogether but he has his struggles? I hope her instincts are tingling, because he's in serious trouble.
What was it, two or three episodes ago where Rebecca specifically told Uncle Nicky that Kevin may appear to be altogether but he has his struggles? I hope her instincts are tingling, because he's in serious trouble.

Exactly, but I have a feeling now that Kate and Randall are having issues, I think unfortunately Kevin will be put on the back burner again.
LOL I feel so lost sometimes with this show. All the flashing forward and back etc. But "her" is Rebecca. I can't remember when they revealed this or how, I just remember it's Rebecca. LOL!!

Well there we go, I simply don't pay attention or I missed an entire episode. :drinking1 I had no clue Rebecca was confirmed as the character from that scene.

Thanks! :goodvibes

It's not possible. It's scary to think that the situation is incredibly dire and it's highly unlikely anyone in the family has the capacity

Of course, agreed. :thumbsup2 I was being completely facetious about how tv shows clean up addiction stories in two seconds flat.
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How about they sell the suburban New York McMansion and move to the lower-income New Jersey neighbourhood that Randall fought so hard to convince everyone he was actually interested in being a part of? Beth could start a dance program at the community centre and nurture talent in less-privileged kids. They could all be home for supper every night. Problem solved. :rolleyes1

The main problem with that is that pulling the girls (especially Deja) out of their current school would completely run counter to the "stability" that Beth and Randall are trying to bring them.

Of course, I find the concept of "stability" to often be overrated. I can't imagine that there are ZERO extended family/friends whom would be willing to help Randall & Beth out, when available.
And when Madison joined the game of saying a food. She thinks hard then..toothpaste. I laughed hard at that.
. I was thinking about how that tied in to her struggle with an eating disorder. She probably has counted the calories in toothpaste and gum.

How about they sell the suburban New York McMansion and move to the lower-income New Jersey neighbourhood that Randall fought so hard to convince everyone he was actually interested in being a part of? Beth could start a dance program at the community centre and nurture talent in less-privileged kids. They could all be home for supper every night. Problem solved. :rolleyes1
That would make too much sense! Ha!
. I was thinking about how that tied in to her struggle with an eating disorder. She probably has counted the calories in toothpaste and gum.

That would make too much sense! Ha!
I thought the same thing about the toothpaste. ::yes::
That was the worst episode ever. Nobody sits for hours wondering what is going on with a PREGNANCY down the hall. They could have been in the room with her, at least a couple of them. Toby or Kate would have been texting them updates if they didn't want them in the room. Toby would not tell someone else to contact his parents. That was BIZARRE. I totally even missed him actually saying the baby had been born, I must have been zoned out by that point. I thought I heard him just say that Kate was ok or something like that. I hated this episode it just dragged on and on. And Kevin being mean to his sister's friend was stupid and unnecessary and strange.
That was the worst episode ever. Nobody sits for hours wondering what is going on with a PREGNANCY down the hall. They could have been in the room with her, at least a couple of them. Toby or Kate would have been texting them updates if they didn't want them in the room. Toby would not tell someone else to contact his parents. That was BIZARRE. I totally even missed him actually saying the baby had been born, I must have been zoned out by that point. I thought I heard him just say that Kate was ok or something like that. I hated this episode it just dragged on and on. And Kevin being mean to his sister's friend was stupid and unnecessary and strange.

This comment may get you banned from this thread LOL

(totally just kidding)

I get what you’re saying but Toby and Kate could have been so freaked out and only focused on the baby that it may not heave even crossed their minds to update anyone. When Toby did come out he looked like he was in a daze.
This comment may get you banned from this thread LOL

(totally just kidding)

I get what you’re saying but Toby and Kate could have been so freaked out and only focused on the baby that it may not heave even crossed their minds to update anyone. When Toby did come out he looked like he was in a daze.
:scratchin Well that's possible, given that they're pretend people and not prone to behaving like real ones do. I agree totally with @Kellydelly about how it more typically goes when you're waiting for a baby to be born. And fortunately, IRL I can't imagine anyone being as rude, mean and ridiculous to a caring friend as Kevin was to Madison. (I know, I know, I'm banned from the thread...;) )
:scratchin Well that's possible, given that they're pretend people and not prone to behaving like real ones do. I agree totally with @Kellydelly about how it more typically goes when you're waiting for a baby to be born. And fortunately, IRL I can't imagine anyone being as rude, mean and ridiculous to a caring friend as Kevin was to Madison. (I know, I know, I'm banned from the thread...;) )

You're not banned, and I agree with you about Kevin - but I'm sure it was the booze talking (or rather, the really wanting more booze at the moment than he could hide in a water bottle) not that he actually hates Madison.
That was the worst episode ever. Nobody sits for hours wondering what is going on with a PREGNANCY down the hall. They could have been in the room with her, at least a couple of them. Toby or Kate would have been texting them updates if they didn't want them in the room. Toby would not tell someone else to contact his parents. That was BIZARRE. I totally even missed him actually saying the baby had been born, I must have been zoned out by that point. I thought I heard him just say that Kate was ok or something like that. I hated this episode it just dragged on and on. And Kevin being mean to his sister's friend was stupid and unnecessary and strange.

I thought it was super weird that the doctor came out to give the update when Toby was back there. I didn’t really care for this episode either.
I think Kevin being mean to Madison was more about the alcohol. At that point we didn't know he had been drinking the whole time he was in the waiting room. I found it more strange that they all sat there and didn't scold Kevin for being so rude or that they didn't speak up and insist Madison stay.
:scratchin Well that's possible, given that they're pretend people and not prone to behaving like real ones do. I agree totally with @Kellydelly about how it more typically goes when you're waiting for a baby to be born. And fortunately, IRL I can't imagine anyone being as rude, mean and ridiculous to a caring friend as Kevin was to Madison. (I know, I know, I'm banned from the thread...;) )

They weren't waiting for the baby to be born. They were hoping like heck that the baby WOULDN'T be born. They were trying to stop labor. I was in pre term labor for (almost) 17 weeks. I was in the hospital for 53 fun filled days as they struggled to KEEP me pregnant. Now, of course, I had family visitors during the time, but no one was "waiting" for my twins to be born. They were hoping, as I was, that the efforts to stall the progression of my labor would work, and thank goodness it did. My twins were born at 36 weeks into my pregnancy, which is considered nearly full term for twins. Not bad work. And, they used the precise drug Kate and Toby talked about, terbutaline. Which, if I have a bone to pick, would be that it is NO LONGER ALLOWED to be used to stop labor because of the high incidence of issues which have arisen in babies born to mothers on terbutaline. It was always an "off label" use, but is now banned. So, that part is not correct. Impossible unless a doctor was willing to risk a malpractice suit. Seems unlikely. In any event, more than any of you wanted to know I'm sure. LOL
They weren't waiting for the baby to be born. They were hoping like heck that the baby WOULDN'T be born. They were trying to stop labor. I was in pre term labor for (almost) 17 weeks. I was in the hospital for 53 fun filled days as they struggled to KEEP me pregnant. Now, of course, I had family visitors during the time, but no one was "waiting" for my twins to be born. They were hoping, as I was, that the efforts to stall the progression of my labor would work, and thank goodness it did. My twins were born at 36 weeks into my pregnancy, which is considered nearly full term for twins. Not bad work. And, they used the precise drug Kate and Toby talked about, terbutaline. Which, if I have a bone to pick, would be that it is NO LONGER ALLOWED to be used to stop labor because of the high incidence of issues which have arisen in babies born to mothers on terbutaline. It was always an "off label" use, but is now banned. So, that part is not correct. Impossible unless a doctor was willing to risk a malpractice suit. Seems unlikely. In any event, more than any of you wanted to know I'm sure. LOL

Exactly. They were waiting to hear if things had slowed down..the exact opposite of what most people are waiting to hear.
I agree. No doctor is going to update the extended family. He or she will update the parents who can pass information along to extended family. Really a stupid episode.

I can see this happening. If i was in the same situation I would not have let my husband leave my side and if my family was waiting I would ask the dr. to update the family. When DS was born he had to go in the special care unit (a step below NICU) and I refused to be left alone. Also, if I remember correctly I told my mom and she told DH's family for us. It is a very scary time not knowing what will happen with your baby.

And, they used the precise drug Kate and Toby talked about, terbutaline. Which, if I have a bone to pick, would be that it is NO LONGER ALLOWED to be used to stop labor because of the high incidence of issues which have arisen in babies born to mothers on terbutaline.

This might explain why I was not prescribed this. I started with preterm labor with DD at 25 weeks. They put me on a blood pressure lowering medicine that stopped the contractions. I already have low BP so I would almost pass out after I would take each dose.
I didn't understand the idea of stopping the labor since her water had broken. As Kate said, she needed weeks, not hours. The window of time after the water breaks is nowhere near a week. I believe two days is pushing it.

It's just one of those TV tropes where I overlook the nonsense and accept the writers were creating a construct of a pressure cooker for the characters and the episode really wasn't very much about Kate, Toby and the baby overall.


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