Worst ride to get stuck on.

Although most people on this thread hated it, I loved when we got stuck in HM. We got stuck during the backwards decline. It was dark and cool. I have no idea how long we were stuck: I took a nap! :lmao:
last trip i got stuck on SPACE MOUTAIN ...this was going to be my last ride before i went back to my resort & got ready to make the terriblly sad journey back home. :sad2: we had just gotten into the main room where the track is at ... all the lights went on .. and my image of my favorite ride has been different ever since! its a wonder that no one has had their head chopped off on that ride! :wizard: its really gross inside! i cant wait to see it after the refurb is done!
Last trip there was a problem with POTC. The gates at the load area weren't opening and the boats weren't lining up. BF and myself had been some of the first to walk onto the ride - and where the queue splits up, we went in the opposite direction to everyone else, and our side ended up being the side where the gates DID open, so we loaded onto the ride - JUST me and BF. And we were stuck waiting there for a while, while they tried getting the boats to line up. It was a no go, so they just sent me and BF. It was pitch black right up until the two boats that are firing at eachother after the drop. I'm so glad it wasn't my first time on it - at least we *knew* the drop was coming even though we couldn't see a thing (and it was *still* terrifying!!).

I've also been on Dinosaur! (back when it was countdown to extinction), and there was a family with young (terrified) children in our vehicle, and right after the part where the voice says 'asteroid impact' the car came to a halt :rotfl:

And obviously, SSE :goodvibes:
last trip i got stuck on SPACE MOUTAIN ...this was going to be my last ride before i went back to my resort & got ready to make the terriblly sad journey back home. :sad2: we had just gotten into the main room where the track is at ... all the lights went on .. and my image of my favorite ride has been different ever since! its a wonder that no one has had their head chopped off on that ride! :wizard: its really gross inside! i cant wait to see it after the refurb is done!
I hate to say it but I'd rather have my head chopped than have it refurbed.
The new one has an annoying little screen and I HATE it. Next time I come, I'm definatley bringing duck tape in my pockets to cover up the speakers and screen. UGH.

I hate to say it but I'd rather have my head chopped than have it refurbed.
The new one has an annoying little screen and I HATE it. Next time I come, I'm definatley bringing duck tape in my pockets to cover up the speakers and screen. UGH.

How do you know this? Space Mountain's still closed; what's the source of your information?
Space Mountain IS in the middle of another refurb....I think it is supposed to open up sometime in November (? - could be wrong on the exact date - I just know it won't be open when we are there in early October)
I hate to say it but I'd rather have my head chopped than have it refurbed.
The new one has an annoying little screen and I HATE it. Next time I come, I'm definatley bringing duck tape in my pockets to cover up the speakers and screen. UGH.


Are you thinking about spaceship earth?
Carosel of Progress... 20 minutes of "it's a great big beautiful tomorrow..."

Right after that we were stuck on the incline of Space Mtn. for 45 min. but that one was kinda fun once all the blood ran out of my legs and into my butt. HAHAHA!
I have 2 that jump to mind that have personally happened to us:

HM: when The Host says "...hot & cold running....chillllllllls" and theres the blast of cold air. That wasn't too bad...for the first 5 minutes. After that, even I was a bit chilly for the remaining 15-20 minutes of our wait.

Splash: There is a really loud section right before the roller-coastery drop into the Laughing Place that we were stuck with nothing fun to look at and just the same loud noises. The lights came on, so we could even see the structure of the ride.
Ummm, I went there.
Unless they are doing ANOTHER refurb.
But that couldn't be possible; I mean they JUST did one.
You must be thinking of another ride (maybe in DisneyLAND?). Space Mountain in Florida hadn't been refurbished in years. When I rode it in January, 2009, there were no screens and no speakers. It went down for refurbishment in mid-April (the date was announced while we were still there) and is scheduled to reopen in late November.
The worst happened in January with our 2 nieces...Dinosaur ride in AK..the end of the ride and it was pitch black in there and the roar of the dinos was making us nuts...the 6 year old was crying and getting all worked up..thank goodness the guy in front of us had a pen light and that helped a bit but she was so upset after 10 minutes...we got off the ride and DH was carrying her and she said "Never want to go on that again, Ok Uncle Todd?"

Poor baby...If the ride goes out I wish they would shut down the animatronics and turn on emergency lights or something.
I am a Mytho/Rue/Ahiru fan. I am going to cosplay either Rue or Ahiru at an anime con next year. XD

Princess Tutu! :thumbsup2

I think Rue/Kraehe would be a sweet costume.

I don't know about the hair,though....:confused3
Haha funny thread. For me... the worst ride(s) to get stuck on would be...

IASW!!! :scared1:
TOT :scared1: especially in one of the dark rooms!! OMG.

I've gotten stuck on HM, and that was scary :eek::laughing:.
We've had to evacuate Ellen...
We've gotten stuck on SE (who hasn't? :lmao:) but I LOVE that ride so I could sit there all day.
We gotten caught in a boat jam on Three Caballeros (right at the end of the last scene). :eek:
HM in the graveyard where the heads pop up over the grave-stones! over and over and over again
I got evacuated off BTTR. The ride stopped about halfway up the final hill. I was actually glad because I was riding with my nephew and he was scared and starting to cry. We had a long walk out under the mountain.

The other time we got stuck was on Rock n Roller Coaster. The ride went off fine, but when we came to the tunnel before the offloading platform the car stopped for about 10 minutes. It made me nervous because I kept thinking that another car was coming to come and smash into us. I knew logically that it would not happen, but I could not stop thinking about it.
its a wonder that no one has had their head chopped off on that ride! :wizard: its really gross inside! i cant wait to see it after the refurb is done!

YES!! I used to hate going on Space Mountain with my Dad because I was positive he was going to get his head chopped off! (He's 6' 2".) I always had to yell at him to squish down so he would be shorter.

We got stuck on HM during MNSSHP. I think it was in Madame Leota's room for us too. It got BEYOND creepy after a while.
My mom and I got stuck on Pirates for about 50 minutes before we got evacuated. :scared1: We were right next to the well at the beginning, a little bit after the drop. And this is what we heard for 1/2 an hour (they turned it off then).

"I am no chicken! I will not duck!"
*drowning noises*
*annoying pirate flute whistle*

Sometimes my mom and I whistle the tune and then start cracking up. It was a nightmare! Pirates is really cool with the lights on though. So many little things you don't see. ;)

Dh and I got stuck on POTC where it says 'Dead men tell no tales' over and over and over, we always crack up when we say that now. Sucked at the time.
Since the original question is "what is the worst ride to get stuck in", I'd have to agree that Small World would be pretty torturous - and I make it a point to ride it 1/2 dozen times each time I'm there. But for personal experiences, the only ride that I've ever been stuck on for an extended period was Pirates. It was the last day of our trip, and we were feeling a little worn out and decided to hit our favorites one last time before calling it a trip. We got stuck right under the bridge where the guy is swinging his dirty feet above you. For 20 long minutes I had to look at those feet and the repeated announcement "please stay seated -- your journey will continue in a moment".
A few I can recall:

SE - Next to the boat scene. Waited a good 10-15 min then they evacuated us out. We thought those guys on the boat must be awfully seasick with all that rocking....:sick:

EE - One of the times when we got the front row we were stopped for just a short period at the broken track section and had a great view.:)

Mexico boat ride - Near the end when you are next to the platforms before the actual unloading station. We watched as people would get up and climb out, getting told to stay in the boat, then someone else, repeat.....

I'm a little jealous of all the stories of being stopped on TOT before the drop! Over the past few years it's gotten kind of tame for me but that would put some suspense back in it. :yay:


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