Why are you a single parent?

I'm a single dad, divorced since my daughter was about 5 (she's almost 11 now)... The circumstances of that don't matter anymore - I'm long over all that nonsense...

We took our first 1-on-1 trip to DisneyWorld shortly after my ex & I separated - it was a rough trip b/c my daughter got sick while we were there, so we had a lot of down time in our room, but we still had fun when we could. Since then, we've been back to DisneyWorld again, and also took a Disney Cruise (and became totally spoiled by it). Looking forward to our stay next week at the Wilderness Lodge, and then another cruise on the Fantasy right after that :)
Glad to see there are some dads joining us!! It's great to hear about everyone's adventures and activities with their kids. My DS is currently on a trip with our Church Youth (left Monday; will return Monday). Unlike his last adventure a few weeks ago (river rafting out of state) when I took a vacation, myself; I am working all this week. It IS good to have the house to myself; but I also miss him. We've been very lucky to have so many wonderful groups (scouts, Church, TAPS, band, etc) that keeps him involved and helps him to become the independent young adult that he will need to be within a few short years. We are just a day short of 4 months until our next Disney trip....Fantasy Cruise (Western Caribbean) followed by 9 days in the parks. It's funny as I work on planning our ADRs and activities...I am finding that, when you're used to 14 days in the parks, it's HARD to only plan for 9 and do all the things you want to do. We will always have our 'must dos', but we also like to do new things each trip. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to fit everything into only 9 days!! What a problem to have!! :) Keep the stories coming everyone!! I love reading all!!
Another Single Mom by Choice here through the use of a donor. After thoroughly enjoying my twenties, I felt I was ready to settle down and start a family. I've always been the outgoing, fearless, independent type, so I thought since I haven't found the love of my life, why not have a child by myself? Best decision I've ever made. My son is three years old and is just as outgoing and his mother. I just love being a mom and I'm looking forward to expanding the family next year, through foster-to-adopt or using my son's donor again. I have to admit, it would be nice to finally meet someone to share all the great moments I have with my little guy but if it never happened I would still have no regrets.
Shortly after getting out of a relationship I found out I was pregnant. The ex didn't care and to be honest, I had ended things because he had started to become abusive and controlling. Not someone I wanted around my child. He left the state and has never met my daughter.

While there have certainly been hard times single parenting, I wouldn't change a thing. She's grown into a smart independent young woman - landed a full ride to a top tier college and I'm so proud of her. Disney was a huge part of her childhood. She had some health issues and Disney was an escape for us, as well as something that made us closer.
Hi - another single mom by choice. I have two girls, 8 and almost 5 (we will be celebrating on the DVC Cruise!). I am sorry to hear that so many of you are struggling with the end of a relationship but can guarantee you that life as a single parent is wonderful. I love vacationing with my kids and letting the day just unfold. I agree that there are times that a second adult would be a blessing (long work weeks that just drain everything) and that there are days the kids want a dad (the week around Father's day can be tough) but we look for someone together. My 'Mr. Right' has to be theirs as well. In the meantime, we are having a blast as a family of three. Hope to meet some of you fine folks in my Disney travels. Hang in there!
Single mom divorced for 4.5 years with one DS6. I'm so glad to have found this forum. Going through more custody stuff in court right now so I can't risk posting much but I want everyone to know that I am right here with you all. And those of you entrusting the courts to decide what's best for your child-- I'm sorry that you have to do this but sometimes it's just what you have to do. I'm scared too. Praying for all of you.

And so happy to be taking a break with my little one next week at Disney!
I made the choice to be a single parent. I adopted my DS and DD from foster care a little less than 4 years ago. This wasn't how I pictured my life, but I have no regrets and I am thrilled that I get to be their mom. Is it hard? Yep. Are there days I wish there was a dad in the picture? Sure. But, I have my brother and my parents and I am happy with my choice.
I'm both - my older son was with an ex partner (oh god, the neverending drama), and he's now 4.5. My younger son was via a donor, and he's almost 2. So, so much easier. It's funny, because a lot of people are always thinking that having a kid on your own is plan B, when really, it was my plan A originally, but things didn't work out that way. My boys are so much fun.
Single mom, not by choice, my wonderful DH passed away suddenly last December leaving us with a huge hole in our family. We have made 6 trips to DLP, one to WDW and one to DL, DH & I had planned another WDW trip for 2016 and though it feels impossible at times I have bitten the bullet and booked for me and my 2 sons (14 and 9) to go ahead as planned. I know its going to be really tough to be there without him, but my boys deserve the trip of a lifetime.
Single mom, not by choice, my wonderful DH passed away suddenly last December leaving us with a huge hole in our family. We have made 6 trips to DLP, one to WDW and one to DL, DH & I had planned another WDW trip for 2016 and though it feels impossible at times I have bitten the bullet and booked for me and my 2 sons (14 and 9) to go ahead as planned. I know its going to be really tough to be there without him, but my boys deserve the trip of a lifetime.

Praying for you and your boys.
I left my daughter's "father" about 18 hours before I found out that I was pregnant. He was abusive and I stayed longer than I should have (2 1/2 years) but was fearful of what he would do if I left. One night he went out the front door to leave for work, and a powerful feeling of "I need to leave" came over me. And I left and never looked back. I did let him know of the pregnancy, as well as her birth, and never heard a word back. My daughter's now 6 and thankfully we're surrounded by loving, supportive family members. The "why don't I have a dad?" question hasn't surfaced yet, but I know it will, and I'll travel down that road when we get to it.
This is a very poignant subject for me as I'm newly single as well...the logistics aren't important but I've recently repatriated back to the USA from Scotland where I lived for 8 years which has been a process full of challenges. My 5 year old is my life force and she certainly keeps me going through it all...and the love we share of Disney. We've already been there twice this year and are returning for our 3rd visit in August. Its comforting to see so many of you on here and to know that we are all working tirelessly to make the dreams of our wee ones come true regardless of the difficulties we face.

Another single mom by choice. I dated but never found the right guy and had always wanted to be a mom so began praying about it. In January of 2005 God placed adoption on my heart and in November of 2009 I became the mom of the most amazing, wonderful, awesome, delightful baby girl in China!! SO, so blessed!!
I left my daughter's "father" about 18 hours before I found out that I was pregnant. He was abusive and I stayed longer than I should have (2 1/2 years) but was fearful of what he would do if I left. One night he went out the front door to leave for work, and a powerful feeling of "I need to leave" came over me. And I left and never looked back. I did let him know of the pregnancy, as well as her birth, and never heard a word back. My daughter's now 6 and thankfully we're surrounded by loving, supportive family members. The "why don't I have a dad?" question hasn't surfaced yet, but I know it will, and I'll travel down that road when we get to it.

I'm glad you and DD are safe.
My husband died almost 5 years ago when my kids were 7, 10 and 12. We had several fun Disney vacations prior to that and since then I've sort of gone Disney crazy but it's the one thing that my very different kids all enjoy and we can go and just relax and make new memories whether it's a few days at WDW or a cruise - it's what we all look forward to.
Single Dad. Been Divorced for 3 years now. My Ex was in the Military and met her current husband on her last deployment while we were married. Needless to say, I didn't feel like being a 3rd wheel in my own marriage. lol

The old sayings are true. It gets much better over time and being divorced is much better than being in a bad marriage. :) I have split custody of my two kids (now 10 and 13), lots of family nearby and am pretty content with where I am in my life.

I haven't been able to make a DL trip with my kids since before the divorce (Did manage to do 1 day in the park last year though when I was in L.A. for another reason and had a free day. My kids still don't know I went without them. I know, bad dad ;) ). Working on finally planning a trip with my kids next summer to celebrate my oldest finishing Middle School.
Single Dad. Been Divorced for 3 years now. My Ex was in the Military and met her current husband on her last deployment while we were married. Needless to say, I didn't feel like being a 3rd wheel in my own marriage. lol

The old sayings are true. It gets much better over time and being divorced is much better than being in a bad marriage. :) I have split custody of my two kids (now 10 and 13), lots of family nearby and am pretty content with where I am in my life.

I haven't been able to make a DL trip with my kids since before the divorce (Did manage to do 1 day in the park last year though when I was in L.A. for another reason and had a free day. My kids still don't know I went without them. I know, bad dad ;) ). Working on finally planning a trip with my kids next summer to celebrate my oldest finishing Middle School.

Wow! (Regarding deployment/current husband). That's dirty.

Encouraging! (Regarding things getting better with time). Although I know this is true, it's encouraging to hear it over and over again, until it becomes my reality.

I've never been to Disneyland. Looking forward to seeing it for the first time with my DS (1) some day.
Wow! (Regarding deployment/current husband). That's dirty.
It is what it is. Would rather put my energy into mine and my kids' future then lament over the past and things that can't be changed.
Encouraging! (Regarding things getting better with time). Although I know this is true, it's encouraging to hear it over and over again, until it becomes my reality.
On good days, be good to yourself. On your bad days, be extra good. :)
I've never been to Disneyland. Looking forward to seeing it for the first time with my DS (1) some day.
It's like a 2nd home to me. :) The two times I've been to WDW were fun, but everything seemed out of place. Like I was home, but someone else had rearranged the furniture and put New Orleans Square somewhere I couldn't find it LOL. I assume WDW regulars feel the same at DLR.
On good days, be good to yourself. On your bad days, be extra good. :)

It's like a 2nd home to me. :) The two times I've been to WDW were fun, but everything seemed out of place. Like I was home, but someone else had rearranged the furniture and put New Orleans Square somewhere I couldn't find it LOL. I assume WDW regulars feel the same at DLR.

Will do. I definitely take advantage of the good days. I have to start taking better care of myself when things are bad. :)

I grew up on WDW (been more times as a kid than I can count), but I'm definitely not a die hard fan. I don't know where anything is in WDW. I haven't been in over a decade. Now that I have a child, I'll resume Disney vacations. After reading all the posts on here, trips to the parks have definitely gotten a lot more sophisticated. The folks at Disney are geniuses.
I grew up on WDW (been more times as a kid than I can count), but I'm definitely not a die hard fan. I don't know where anything is in WDW. I haven't been in over a decade. Now that I have a child, I'll resume Disney vacations. After reading all the posts on here, trips to the parks have definitely gotten a lot more sophisticated. The folks at Disney are geniuses.

I can remember my first trip to WDW with my DS and we were sitting down for dinner and a CM saw I was alone and offered to cut my DS food for me. I said you don't have to do that and the response I got was you are on vacation please let me take care of him while you eat your food hot. I have never forgot this. Disney will go above your wildest thoughts to make your stay easer.


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