What kind of snacks do you bring?


Earning My Ears
Feb 6, 2000
I would love to hear what kind of snacks you bring to the parks, and just for around the hotels. We bring:

Kraft Cheese and Crackers
Ritz Bitz
Granola Bars

Mickey Mouse, Buzz Lightyear, and Pooh fruit chews.
Mickey Mouse drink boxes.
Little Debbie oatmeal snack cake.
Box of cereal or two.
20oz. Soda.
Tea bags (you can make hot tea instead of coffee and pour it over ice)
Cubbed cheese.
Cheese singles.
Carrots and celery.
Assorted candy.
Instant oatmeal.
Anything that I dont usually allow my children to have at home!!!!!

That way they dont nag me for all the expensive park snacks....with 4 of them those snacks really add up on a regular basis!

Chewy things that are bad for their teeth....chocolatey things that are bad on their clothes...you name it.

We are on vacation!
Granola Bars
Individual boxes of dried fruit (raisins, apricots, etc)
Fiddle-Faddle / Crunch-n-Munch
Snack Crackers (Wheat Thins, Triskets, etc)

I try to bring items that are packaged so they won't get crushed in the backpack.

Like others, a lot of these items are those I don't usually buy at home.
Pria bars.
Laughing cow cheese

Everything else I buy there.
licorice, jerky, granola bars, dried fruit mix from Costco, and rice cracker mix also from Costco, gummy bears, sour worm type of candy, Capri Sun fruit drink
What to have in the park. ice thing in Epcot, Dole Whip in Magic Kingdom also ice cream cookie sandwich from bakery, baked potatoe at MGM, turkey leg, and Mickey ice cream
We brought granola bars and dries fruit bars. Every once in a while (though not that often) we wanted healthy snacks. Believe it or not we got tired of junk food. (I know, I didn't believe it could happen either.:p )
individual packed cheese & crackers
individual packed pretzels & cheese
mini muffins
mickey fruit snacks
chex mix (bold party blend)
instant oatmeal
instant grits
candy for the kids
6pack sprite
6pack root beer
6pack gatorade
box of mickey extreme coolers
12pack of water
and last but not least beer!!!

anything else we will have to buy
In the parks:
- Mini Ritz crackers
- Nutter Butter and Chips Ahoy cookies
- Sliced Apple
- Many, many, many frozen bottles of water
- Granola or Fruit bars

In the room (we usually have a kitchen):
- Instant Oatmeal
- Assorted pack of 'junkie' cereals **
- Milk, OJ
- Wine
- Sandwich meat
- Bagels
- Goober PB & J **
- Frozen pizza or some easy-oven thing
- Pringles chips
- Brown Sugar and Cinammon Pop-Tarts **
- Krispy Kreme donuts **

Emphasis at parks is on 'keep going' food. We always stop for full lunches.

Emphasis in room is 'easy' and 'stuff we don't get at home' (the ** stuff is not available in Canada!!! :confused: )
Originally posted by jjohns
In the parks:
- Mini Ritz crackers
- Nutter Butter and Chips Ahoy cookies
- Sliced Apple
- Many, many, many frozen bottles of water
- Granola or Fruit bars

In the room (we usually have a kitchen):
- Instant Oatmeal
- Assorted pack of 'junkie' cereals **
- Milk, OJ
- Wine
- Sandwich meat
- Bagels
- Goober PB & J **
- Frozen pizza or some easy-oven thing
- Pringles chips
- Brown Sugar and Cinammon Pop-Tarts **

Emphasis at parks is on 'keep going' food. We always stop for full lunches.

Emphasis in room is 'easy' and 'stuff we don't get at home' (the ** stuff is not available in Canada!!! :confused: )

yummy!! I love brown sugar & cinammon pop-tarts (kids love them too:p ) Thx for that lil reminder...i have to get some before we leave!!!
We stop at Publix on the way from the airport. Last time we got:

Entenmann's Chocolate Donuts
8-pack of Kelloggs cereal
Peanut butter
juice boxes

The only thing we really brought to the parks was the Goldfish. We kept them for between meal grazing.
Since I just did a run to Costco for trip snack food. We were joking health food run. We got two types of jellied fruit in packets, two types of jerky, rice krispie treats and the things I mentioned before.
Raisins were a life saver! They can go into backpacks and never come out in crumbs!

We also took (despite the crumbs):
graham cracker sticks
animal crackers
fruit loops
lunchables (room/road trip)
cereal bars

Towards the end of the trip, it was just a bag of animal crackers and raisins. I also bought a baggie of Mickey pretzels to snack on during a rain storm and one of those mini lunch boxes (from Mouse Gear at Epcot) that had letter shaped gummies in it.
Disney allows snacks to be brought into the parks? (I'm sorry, I know it was a dumb question.) :)

I had not even thought about snacks for the park until I read this thread. If this is true then off to Sam's I go.
At the moment I am so glad not to have children. I didn't realize that you had to lug around so much stuff just to keep the kids happy. I am respecting parents that take their kids to Disney more and more every day!!! :smooth:
We almost always have one back-pack for snacks and other minor things. Our two kids are now 17 & 18 and they still like to have snacks in the park ... especially when we get stuck in line for any length of time.

The official word is no food to be brought in the parks, but unless you go overboard I don't think it is questioned. Never had any of the bag checkers say a word except -- Yum!
When money was tight, I always bought a bottled water when I first arrived. Then when I finished it, I put it in my fanny pack and refilled it at the fountains throughout the day for free.

Years ago, my parents would take me to MK and would bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches which Mom would keep in her purse. They would be slightly smashed but tasted wonderful.

The best value at the parks is the turkey legs. They have a lot of meat for the money and taste wonderful.
Do all of you who haven't said otherwise bring this stuff into the park with you? I can just see myself now as self-appointed backpack carrier lugging around a six pack of Coke all day.


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