What kind of snacks do you bring?

The only comment the bag checkers ever had was where were we going to have lunch they'd join us. Each person in our family carries a backpack or in my case a large purse. That's were the snacks go for each person. We also carry rain coats and pants the light nylon type. Great when the wind blows and you start to get cold or when you ride a water ride. My husband carries the camera gear. We start out late for parks like 11 o'clock and stay till the parks close. We are usually their during Thanksgiving or Christmas and come from the West coast which makes for a three hour time differance. It also puts us at a diffrent time for wanting to eat. I have seen them take beer and glass bottles.
:jester: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :smooth: :p :earsgirl: :earsboy: :wave: :tongue:

I've went to Sams club and brought
rice crispie treats
bags of chex mix
cheese and crackers
fruit roll ups
animal crackers
granola bars
bags of mini oreos or cookies

for room
jar peanut butter
tea bags for iced tea
jar jelly
cream cheese
fruitwater water
Are they really that picky about what you take into the parks? I hate to take a backpack and then not be able to take it in.
Alot of our snack items is for room snacking. We usually take a bottle of water with us in the morning and a baggy of snack crackers or fruit chews. Just in case we get hungry before our lunch PS.

I have in the past been on a very limited budget. Yes we have taken carotes, PB and J sandwiches, and juice boxes. Nothing was ever said to us. This was pre 9-11-01 though. Security checkers has never said anything to me about our snack that we take in post 9-11-01.
We had our bags checked. It wasn't any big deal. The CM just grinned and shook his head. If I ever run into a problem, I'll just list my DD's food allergies. That will make them dizzy.
We take camel paks (which is certainly lighter than can or bottle drinks. I use snack size zip lock bags and before leaving home...I measure out enough pre sweetened lemonade and zip up the bag. When our camel pack runs low....we take out a baggie and put the lemonade mix in, add water from the park and ice from a vendor....(they give you free ice-water....and ice if you ask). There are 4 of us....DH, DS 16, DS 14. Which mean two of us carry camel packs and share...usually one with water, one with lemonade. EVERYONE HAS A TURN CARRING THE PACKS TOO!!! Our camel packs are also small backpacks, in those we carry rain ponchos (Blue ones from Wal-Mart..which makes it easier to find your party among the yellow Mickey rain gear =0), extra film, travel size baby wipes, camera, ETC. ......AND SNACKS.....usually fruit roll-ups, the individual packages of cookies...like oreos, Nutri-grain bars, etc. We stay onsite and we make the 16 hour journey by car...with usually a week stay at a beach either before or after disney. So we bring an ice chest and lots of sodas, snacks, and sandwich making items..which is wonderful in the room for a late night snack or for lunch.
I bring S'mores flavored Pop-Tarts for breakfast.

Then I always buy a refillable mug at the resort so I don't have to bring cans of soda along with me.

After reading some of these posts I also have more respect for parents with kids along.
Don't forget that the restaurants will give you water with extra ice so that you can hit the water fountain later. Bring some lemon in a ziploc bag if you hate the taste. (I also put some ice from that cup in a ziploc with some baby washclothes for my neck when it is hot)
We always bring these packet from Wal mart by Jack Links that have 2 beef sticks, 2 pretzel sticks and 2 cheese sticks. One for each person and you can skip any meal if needed. We also take lollipops for long lines. All of this can be carried in a small pouch.
It's just Stephen and I, but I must take snacks to the park. I must eat some protein every two hours or so due to a low blood sugar problem. I always take jerky, packaged cheese and crackers, and maybe a lunchable (small). I also take a Nutrigrain bar in case my sugar gets too low and I need a boost.

For the room I take instant oatmeal, egg bagels, pop tarts (for Stephen) and granola bars (which I take to the parks on occasion.)

We also take a Brita water bottle in an insulated bottle carrier and fill it with ice and water all day.

We don't usually take a back pack. Stephen always has shorts with cargo pockets, so we fill them up. It's a lot faster through the check points. Ponchos, food, camera all go in his pockets. Big guy, big pockets. ;)
We're taking:
Ind Bags Gold-n-Cheese Crackers
Ind Bags Chips
Slim-Jim Beef Sticks
Beef Jerky
Chewy Choc Chip Granola Bars
Bottled Water

Of course, not all of this at one time. I usually just bring one water and refill it in the park. We just take a few snacks each time we go into a park. When we take an afternoon break, we refill the backpack. My goal is to eat a big breakfast, snack around lunch time in the parks, and eat a nice dinner out of the parks. Then I can budget to get a few Character Meals in while we are there. :)
the heat! I'm going in Dec., so won't be a problem. But I was just at SixFlags here in TX and let me tell you what NOT to bring in the heat!! (If you're keeping it in a belly bag/backpack):
anything chocolate
gummy anything (they turn to goo)
anything with a creamy center (Ritz bits, Oreos, etc.)
of course anything that HAS to be cold like meat, mayo, etc.

And anything that CAN be crunched WILL be--in a child's belly bag. So that individual bag of chips your child brought is now powdery oil!

What does that leave? I guess granola bars, dried fruits (but they will gum together), cookies w/o chocolate or cream centers, hard candy, chex mix, dry cereal, some kinds of fruit, carrot and celery sticks (sorry, no PB!)...
I just bought a Kolkraft stroller for $30 at Target because it was lightweight and had a large basket for all of our stuff!

That said, these are the snacks that will be making an appearance in our basket:
dried fruit
granola bars
ind. bags of pretzels (from Sam's Club)
Winnie the Pooh juice boxes (by Minute Maid -- no added sugar)
Tootsie Pops (couldn't find individual small lollipops in DisneyLand)
Bottled Water

We usually stop every day or so to share a large icecream between the three of us. DH and Ethan are lactose intollerant, so I usually end up getting the better end of that deal. DH does take the lactose pills, which help, but they don't seem to help our toddler, so may be packing a mug of Soy milk at times also.



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