What do you remember being able to see out of the windows from one of your school classrooms?

Our school was a single room/building and you could see farmland, trees, grass, a gravel road, and nature. Not much else.
Cows, farms. Much like Tippy. It's what you get growing up in a rural county. It's also what you smell, cow manure that is being used as fertilizer on the fields.
Boy, I remember that cow manure smell! We used to have an agriculture building in our small, rural high school. I was there for home room, but most there were from farms. What a smell every morning!

But what I remember seeing from a school classroom window was the boys doing calisthenics during PE. The girls took home economics while the boys took PE, and because we were at the age of "discovering" boys, we all clustered at the windows, giggling and pointing at their short-short uniforms (yes, uniforms in PE then).
Usually just a hallway and another row of classrooms.
Some classes looked out on the playground, others looked out on a cemetery. Small town life
And yes, we had indoor recess whenever there was a funeral.
Grade school and junior high it was just neighborhood houses or woods. High school it was either houses or stores.
Elementary school: Playground area
Middle: The courtyard area
High school: We were in a new high school and were surrounded by fields/grassy areas.


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