~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

THat was such a huge relief - not to have to go in to Target, because I knew - once I got there - they wouldn't let me leave/I wouldn't be able to work. So, glad I took the day off.
Oh yes, I know what you mean, as the same thing would happen at the supermarket I work at when I'm home from school. Also who wants to be standing all day taking care of customers at a register when your feeling lousy lol?
It is almost identical... The only exception - at the moment - is that she is paying for us to go to MNSSHP and Allison paid for us to go to Cirque. Otherwise - plans are the same. Should be an easy trip to plan and budget for. :scratchin
That's great since you'll be able to go to two different fun/new things! :thumbsup2
Again - I am going to complain - sorry.... I am just as sick or sicker than I was yesterday. Sigh. Therefore, I have no idea what my plans are for today. If BMTL don't want me near the kids - I'll totally understand. Where we are going though - I can totally be "with them" but stay back a bit. I took a dose of ibuprofen last night before bed - and boy did that help a lot! I try not to take too many meds when I am sick - as I just don't enjoy taking them... but the ibuprofen took care of my gigantic headache and eye pain - so when I coughed, I could actually cough - instead of wincing and crying in pain. So, if I do go out today - I will dose up. And be very aware of not touching anyone/anything and use liberal hand sanitizer - not only do I not want the kiddos getting sick - but I don't want anyone else to either. I honestly couldn't be sick at a worse time, and I am so annoyed by it!
Really hoping the medicine makes you feel better! Also, I hope you are able to go through with the plans today... I truly hope you feel better soon:lovestruc
I was able to cancel Allison's Dr appointment yesterday - she woke up yesterday morning and the cyst was almost completely gone. Phew! She finally got a break! :woohoo:
Nice! So happy for her!!:goodvibes
I'm so sorry you've been feeling crappy and with people visiting. I hope things are looking up....your pics are great though!!
Hey Dorine - so horrible to hear how bad you are feeling, especially when you have so looked forward to spending time with the BIL and family and those precious littles; bronchitis and stuff is really going around; if you don't start to feeling better soon I think a check up should be in the works. Take care of yourself and rest and just get better! I have been really enjoying seeing Thomas and Lara - the pictures are wonderful. The sledding looked like loads of fun.

I was excited to hear you will be Thomas and Lara's WDW tour guide when they get older:) I know that is quite a stretch down the road but something to really look forward to! You get to see WDW through a little one's eyes again.

Glad to hear Allison is on her road to recovery!

Excited to see V's mother/daughter trip shaping up! So she decided to do a Universal trip as well? Is she wanting to duplicate the dining as well?

Take care Dorine - hope to see you are feeling better soon!
So sorry you are feeling sick at the worst time possible. I hope today is the worse of it and you start feeling better soon.

I know - it's really a bummer... I think the only other really bad time would be during a Disney trip - thankfully I escaped that one. Thanks though - I am working on it. ::yes::

Hope you feel better soon !

Thank you! :lovestruc

I'm so sorry you still aren't feeling well! Perhaps it's bronchitis...? My younger daughter is just getting over a bout of bronchitis...and then this morning she sliced her finger open and had to get stitches and now she'll have to sit out the conference and region basketball tournaments (she's on the varsity basketball team). *Sigh* Not how I wanted her season to end. I'm so glad that Allison's cyst is doing so much better!

Sending hugs, prayers, and pixie dust your way!

Not sure yet - I am going to give it through the weekend for sure.

Oh no!!! That is just terrible - it sounds like her and Allison would get along quite well together these days? Poor kid - I hope she is doing better now and such a bummer about the end of the basketball season. :hug:

Thank you! :lovestruc Same to your dd!

So sorry to read about all of the sickies happening there. Hope you are on the mend very soon and can spend more time with BMTL. Looks like so much fun.

Can't wait to hear more about the planning for your next trip too!

Can't believe how brave you are letting Victoria drive in the snow! Our DS15 got his learner's permit in January. I've been in the car with him once or twice...and that was when the decision was made that we had to purchase something for him to drive because my vehicle (a 2008 Honda Pilot) is the only one we are comfortable with him driving...and I'm not that comfortable with it being my vehicle at risk of any damage. We ended up biting the bullet and taking out a small loan to purchase a nice 2006 Honda Civic which will eventually become "his" car when he is officially licensed to drive, which won't happen until the end of October at the EARLIEST. He is more comfortable driving that and this way he gets used to something that he drives all of the time, and we use it sometimes as a commuter car for work because it gets great gas mileage above and beyond our other vehicles. I haven't had the chance to be a passenger in the Civic as he drives it, but DH has taken him out on the roads a few times so far, only in NON-SNOW conditions and says he's doing very well. Such a scary thing to do as a parent for sure though!

Thank you - I hope so too.

Hehehe.... Well, we are working on it now... I'll share what I know below.

Well - I am a firm believer, if we don't teach them how to drive in bad road conditions - then they won't learn, or will have to learn on their own - which can be super dangerous. So, every single time it snows or roads get bad (the worse they are, the more likely I am to get them out - and even better if it's dark) - I have my girls out there - because I would rather I take the time to teach them properly, than have them try to learn on their own - and kill someone or themselves because they don't know how to drive. If I were you - I would get your ds out there as much as possible when roads are bad (or not optimal anyways) so he can learn, these are some of your only opportunities. :scratchin I completely understand about them driving the vehicle, and learning on the vehicle they are going to drive once they are licensed... Since both girls will likely drive my car - because they have to save up to buy their own - for a while after they are licensed, it's best that they learn to drive on my car... However - once they are a bit further along in the learning process, I do make them drive other vehicles... Josh's truck... The manual transmission on the Jeep... Even last year, over 4th of July - we made Allison tow a boat behind the truck (back roads)... Not only do we make them drive a variety of cars - but we also make them drive on a variety of roads - from dirt and back roads (which is what they start on) to highways and eventually freeways and metro areas. V won't get the opportunity to even take the license exam until I feel she is proficient and safe in all of the above circumstances... Allison was a very good and observant driver almost from the very beginning - but she had a lot more experience to start with than V did... So, it's a bit different with V. Because both of the girls took their permit tests in Jan/Feb... I only have a few weeks time to teach them how to drive in the ice/snow - so I take any opportunity I can to get them out there to learn, and in MN - it's something that must be learned... Other states may be able to get away with not learning - but here, it's a survival skill. :lovestruc <----- Sorry - something I am super passionate about.

Ugh, I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. Maybe it's time to go see a doctor (I know you hate to take meds though). I'm just worried that whatever you have may progress into something worse.

Thanks... I will go see a Dr. if I am not better over the weekend. I was feeling better last night - headaches and eye pain were gone, but I still have the sneezing/coughing/congestion going on. I'll be watchful if it progresses into anything worse. Thank you! :lovestruc

Oh yes, I know what you mean, as the same thing would happen at the supermarket I work at when I'm home from school. Also who wants to be standing all day taking care of customers at a register when your feeling lousy lol?

That's great since you'll be able to go to two different fun/new things! :thumbsup2

Really hoping the medicine makes you feel better! Also, I hope you are able to go through with the plans today... I truly hope you feel better soon

Nice! So happy for her!!

Exactly... It's just easier to call in and not have to worry about if they will even let you come home. You would think though - that they wouldn't want their entire employee population to be exposed? :scratchin I never understand retail for that reason.

Thanks... I was able to go through plans yesterday - which made me incredibly happy. Thank you! :hug:

I'm so sorry you've been feeling crappy and with people visiting. I hope things are looking up....your pics are great though!!

Thank you! :lovestruc I hope to feel better soon too.

Hey Dorine - so horrible to hear how bad you are feeling, especially when you have so looked forward to spending time with the BIL and family and those precious littles; bronchitis and stuff is really going around; if you don't start to feeling better soon I think a check up should be in the works. Take care of yourself and rest and just get better! I have been really enjoying seeing Thomas and Lara - the pictures are wonderful. The sledding looked like loads of fun.

I was excited to hear you will be Thomas and Lara's WDW tour guide when they get older:) I know that is quite a stretch down the road but something to really look forward to! You get to see WDW through a little one's eyes again.

Glad to hear Allison is on her road to recovery!

Excited to see V's mother/daughter trip shaping up! So she decided to do a Universal trip as well? Is she wanting to duplicate the dining as well?

Take care Dorine - hope to see you are feeling better soon!

Thanks Carol... I will be watching for any of this to get worse... I seem to be doing a bit better this morning - so I will see how my day goes.

Yay!!! I know! Exciting right???? It's still several years away - but I am really looking forward to it!

Yup - i will talk about V's trip - or what I know - below. :thumbsup2

Thanks Carol! :hug: It's great to see you here!


OK - first things first...

Yesterday - I didn't work out - just like I said I wasn't going to. Guilt is setting in big time - and I feel like I've lost all of the progress I made while I was doing my Whole30. Sigh. It's always an endless battle with me - it seems like there is never such a thing as "maintaining" - it's a constant gain/lose battle to stay the same. :scratchin

Myrthe also said I could join them at the Mall of America. I was so happy about this... The Dutch feel that kids are going to get sick no matter what - so no need to protect them constantly... I agree - especially when there are so few opportunities to spend time together as it is. So, Josh dropped me off at the MOA yesterday - and we spent some time there... We went to the Disney Store (I got Lara a big Eeyore to go with Thomas' Pooh and Tigger... We had lunch at Bubba Gump - I had my favorite salmon and veggies.... We went to the American Girl store (I haven't set foot in there in ages) to get the kids' cousin Elvie her first AG doll. Then we did a bit more shopping. Can you believe that Gymboree at the MOA is completely closed and isn't even in the mall anymore? This totally shocked me! Gymboree was a required store visit yesterday - so we ended up going to a different mall to get that one store accomplished. It was a lot of fun - and I was able to spoil the kids a little bit.... It's so fun to have little ones to spoil again! :woohoo: I was able to hold Lara a little bit here and there yesterday - I was very careful to stay sanitized - hopefully I didn't pass too many germs along to anyone.

Thomas' Pooh and Tigger coming home with us in 2014...



Then Josh and I came home, Josh let Thomas and Brian have the day off yesterday - as neither of them were feeling very well. Thomas is still sick with something similar to what I have. And Brian is having stomach issues from the difference in food here vs. back home.

I've been needing comfort foods - so Josh had the idea to make chicken dumpling soup... I was feeling well enough to make it - so I made it when I got home and it really hit the spot. Josh also is planning to make his home made chili tonight - which will definitely clean out my sinuses/stuffiness. LOL

I went to bed early last night, and slept hard all night long. It felt good! :woohoo:

Today... I will be working all day - I don't think we will be meeting up with BMTL at all today - unless we do it this evening? I really have to work today - and hopefully finish this week's applique.

I am also going to try to do my WATP today - just so I can do *something* to feel competent. ::yes::

What I know about V's trip... Well, she has her 2 allowed Character meals narrowed down to 3... Tusker House, Crystal Palace and 'Ohana. Sadly - these are ALL breakfasts... So, we may be having ADRs every single morning - which will really cut into park time for us... I plan on using my 2 sit down meals I allow myself to choose - both of them at The Wave. LOL V also gets to choose 2 sit down meals that aren't character meals... Right now - she just has 50's... I might be a nice mom and let her do the 4 she has decided on - rather than giving up one of her character meals for a plain sit down meal. :scratchin We'll see? Victoria is planning on doing a day at Universal - she loved hearing about Allison's HP experience, and Josh really wants her to experience it too... So - I guess I am going back to US? :scratchin Since US is her "one extra thing" she gets to choose for her grad trip - if she wants to do MNSSHP (her extra thing she initially wanted) - she will have to find a way to earn the $$ to pay for both of us to go to that... She is brainstorming that now. ::yes:: We will be staying at SoG again... And we will be there for the same amount of days. So, I will likely follow the same pattern of 2 park days on, 1 day off... That seemed to work well for Allison and I. However - 1 of our days off will have to be MNSSHP if that's what V wants to do? :scratchin

I hope you all have a marvelous weekend! Prayers and Pixie Dust to all! :lovestruc

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So glad you are feeling better today! Such hard decisions when it comes to Disney food. That is usually the hardest part of any trip that I plan. Just too many awesome options to choose from. Hope you accomplish what you want in your sewing room today!
I'm glad you're feeling better. I never understood retail's thinking. They'd rather have us there sick than not at all even when we can't do our jobs properily. I called off yesterday. I had a bad reaction to some food from the local Italian place. I'm highly allergic to onions and we think my grilled chicken was cooked near something with onions.
I totally agree about learning to drive in the winter. We get a lot of snow around here and you have to learn to drive in it the proper way.
Today I have to go to Aldi before I go to work. It's a short day there.
Have a good day and get well.
One of the good things about MNSSHP is you get into MK at 4pm with your MNSSHP ticket. We used the morning as a rest & play at the resort day & were well rested for the party that night.
Thanks... I was able to go through plans yesterday - which made me incredibly happy.
That is great you were able to participate in the plans. Sounds like you all had fun shopping!
What I know about V's trip... Well, she has her 2 allowed Character meals narrowed down to 3... Tusker House, Crystal Palace and 'Ohana. Sadly - these are ALL breakfasts... So, we may be having ADRs every single morning - which will really cut into park time for us... I plan on using my 2 sit down meals I allow myself to choose - both of them at The Wave. LOL V also gets to choose 2 sit down meals that aren't character meals... Right now - she just has 50's... I might be a nice mom and let her do the 4 she has decided on - rather than giving up one of her character meals for a plain sit down meal. :scratchin We'll see? Victoria is planning on doing a day at Universal - she loved hearing about Allison's HP experience, and Josh really wants her to experience it too... So - I guess I am going back to US? :scratchin Since US is her "one extra thing" she gets to choose for her grad trip - if she wants to do MNSSHP (her extra thing she initially wanted) - she will have to find a way to earn the $$ to pay for both of us to go to that... She is brainstorming that now. ::yes:: We will be staying at SoG again... And we will be there for the same amount of days. So, I will likely follow the same pattern of 2 park days on, 1 day off... That seemed to work well for Allison and I. However - 1 of our days off will have to be MNSSHP if that's what V wants to do? :scratchin
These plans sound great! I love the character meal choices, even though character meals can be a bit pricey - they are just so much fun!:goodvibes I am happy you are going to be eating at the Wave, not once but twice! From your TRs you seem to like it more and more each time!!:thumbsup2
I hope V is able to save enough for MNSSHP! Looking forward to hearing more plans in the future!:thumbsup2
The girls and I have been taking girls trips together for several years now, with PTRs and TRs to document each of them – links in my siggy if you are interested.

Chronologically, Allison’s graduation trip is next… Taking place sometime in the spring of 2016. We have not settled on an exact date for this trip, as her spring break falls over Easter – and we are not sure we want to take a trip during the craziness of Easter. So, the exact dates have yet to be determined.

My oldest dd is Allison, but I call her Alli when I am typing fast (she hates the name Alli – so shhh… we won’t tell her). Allison is 16, but she will be 17 when we take this trip… She is ready to take on the world with all of her planned adventures. Allison is currently in 11th grade, but she will be a senior when she takes this trip... She is one of those people that you just can't take your eyes off of - she carries with her a vibrant love of life and laughter – not to mention, she is a fabulous photographer. Allison’s favorite Disney movie is Up! And she loves many rides, food and the atmosphere of WDW.




Allison will be planning this trip on her own, my only job is to pay for it all. Sigh. I will be inserting her plans here, as I get them. I know where she wants to stay… but I know I can’t afford it – so it will likely be a Mod resort… Unless I can get some crazy awesome bounceback deal while I am down there in November.

Allison will be picking all of our meals… All of our Fastpasses… Everything. After all, this is HER trip.

Update April 25, 2015...

I booked our resort for this trip last night! I am super excited! :woohoo: As of now (unless Disney comes out with a better deal for us) - we will be staying at Shades of Green, January 2016. I happened to sign on to their website last night, and they were running a discount promo for our dates - 35% off of rooms... I just couldn't pass it up. As I was initially planning this trip, with keeping to our budget - I was only able to afford 5 or 6 nights - I was so upset about this, because I really want to make the girls' graduation trips memorable and also relaxing... Having that short of trip just wasn't going to cut it. So, I've been watching for SoG to release some sort of discount we could use. I was so thrilled to sign on last night and find one! So, not only are we able to go for 8 nights/9days, but we are still saving almost $250 off of our initial budget. :woohoo:

So, next up, will be planning our ADRs... Allison has already given me her list - so I am trying to plug it all in and make it work. ::yes::

Update August 5, 2015

ADRs are done... :woohoo:

We are not staying at a Disney resort this trip - so I had to be up early on many days to secure the ADRs we wanted. I am happy to say that we have everything! Sadly - since there is no DDP for this trip, we had to scale back our normal Disney Dining experience, and choose only the favorite of the favorites.

On the agenda is...

Tusker House breakfast - Before AK opens.
Crystal Palace breakfast - before MK opens
50's Prime Time - Dinner
Kona Cafe - a late breakfast on one of our off days
Beaches & Cream - I've always wanted to try the "kitchen sink"
Liberty Tree Tavern - Lunch

And yes - the above is the "scaled back version" LOL

I've been stalking airfare every single morning for weeks now... No luck.... Well, if I want to pay lots of $$... But you know me - I have a budget in mind for airfare, and hopefully I won't go over it. ::yes::

Update October 27, 2015

Finally - I was able to get airfare for this trip. After stalking every airfare website since July, we are FINALLY going to Disney World! :woohoo: On the dates we are booked - which is a bonus. The flights are not great flights, we have a layover both directions... A 3+ hour layover in Chicago on the way down and a 1.5 hour layover in Chicago on the way back... Buuuut - we are going to Disney and that's what's important. Thankfully the girls and I are pretty seasoned travelers, so doing a layover won't be a huge issue.

We land in Orlando a little later than I would have liked - but still earlier than some of the other flights that were in my budget. So, we will live with it. Our arrival time will still give us some time to swim and stroll around SoG and the Poly on arrival day.

However - our flight out of Orlando is EARLY - E A R L Y.... So there will be NOTHING on departure day, aside from waking up and going directly to the airport... But our arrival day was more important to me than our departure day - so, again, we will live with it. And we will get home early enough for Allison to recoup and go to school the next day.

Next up... I just need to pay for it all.... I am about half way there, and I am pinching pennies like crazy. Thankfully - the only thing that has to be purchased in advance is Allison's Military Salute ticket - which I will be purchasing on my November trip. Everything else can be paid for upon arrival - so I have until that time to save up enough $$ to pay for this trip. It's going to be close - and rough. I am just thankful that I have an additional 10 months to pay off V's trip - I am going to need all of that time to save enough $$ for her's.

Update January 8, 2016

This trip is paid for! :woohoo: As you see above - the airline tickets were purchased. Right before Christmas - Target ran a GC promo on the $25 Disney GCs, buy 2 and get a $5 Target GC... So, I stocked up - in the end, I ended up with an additional $100 in Disney GCs than what I had budgeted. :woohoo: So, we should have pleanty of $$ for food!

I have not physically paid for our hotel room yet - I do that at check-in.

I still have not called the town car company to pay off our reservation - I will do that soon. It just has to be done before we get there.

I also have to purchase our Universal Studios tickets - those have to be purchased in person at Shades of Green, so I will do that the first day we get there, and also reserve our shuttle for the day we intend to go.

I still have to pay for luggage fees... Sad that we are not flying SW, but oh well - it will still be a fun trip!

I think that's it? :scratchin I am hoping I didn't forget anything?

We are coming into the home stretch here... I have my outfits all planned out, and even though we leave very soon - I have thrown my stuff into my "packing pile", but I have not actually packed. :eek: I am hoping to start some of that today? :scratchin Here's a sneak peek at some of my outfit planning:









So, that's about it... We are down to mere days! And I am about as done as I can be with planning and sewing.

LOVE that Donald bag!!!
Well, she has her 2 allowed Character meals narrowed down to 3... Tusker House, Crystal Palace and 'Ohana. Sadly - these are ALL breakfasts... So, we may be having ADRs every single morning - which will really cut into park time for us... I plan on using my 2 sit down meals I allow myself to choose - both of them at The Wave. LOL
Those are all good choices, too. Will both of your Wave meals be for breakfast?

We have booked a trip from October 1st to 5th. Let me know if those dates overlap your trip at all. Since I purposely plan our trips to avoid the popular holidays, I have a feeling that I may miss you again. :( But we got a great deal from a TA and these dates work out better with my work schedule than the later in October dates.
I'm so sorry you have been sick now that you have had visitors from overseas. It sounds like you are feeling a little better since you managed to go to MOA with them.
Get well soon :hug:

How great that V is practicing driving.
How great that V has managed to narrow her character meals down to 3. I can't wait to hear more about her plans for her trip.

I got a call from the car company that has ordered my new car. My car is coming to Tromsø 1 month earlier than they first said. That's amazing. But the sad part is that the garage that is getting the elevator and the other stuff I need built in the car originally didn't have time to start on my car until 9th May :( It's very long until May. The man at the car company told me he would call the garage and tell them that the car is coming now and maybe they will be able to start on my car earlier than planned. I'm really crossing my fingers that the garage have time to start on my car sooner than first planned.

I called NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) about my electric wheelchair wheel. Of course the right person wasn't able to talk to me the day I called, but the person I talked to was able to see that NAV has sent a message to the company with the wheel to get a new price offer on the wheel. Crossing my finger that doesn't take too long so they can order the wheel for me soon.

I'm so glad that finally something is happening with all the aids I need.
Good to hear you are feeling some better. And SO glad you are still getting to spend time with your family while they are here!

You didn't give us a picture of Eyore! ;-) But, your MOA day sounds like it was a ton of fun!

Can't wait to see how V chooses to earn the ticket money for MNSSHP! She is just as creative as you are!
Needless to say - I have totally tanked on my Whole30... I am soooo disappointed in myself right now. It's just too difficult to do meal prep when I am not feeling well. I am doing the best I can - but definitely not fabulous. I will try again when I am feeling better - until then, well... :scratchin I am really down on myself that I will lose the little progress I've made since being home. This wears heavy on me a lot.

Don't be so down on yourself! When you are so sick, you are extremely limited in what you can do. It isn't like you are just bailing on it - you have a good excuse for not doing the Whole30. Besides, you will get back to it when you are feeling better. DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF!!!

I was able to cancel Allison's Dr appointment yesterday - she woke up yesterday morning and the cyst was almost completely gone. Phew! She finally got a break!

FINALLY! She deserves a break.

Josh went down to the local bar/restaurant for dinner last night and brought me home some of their home-made soup - it was heavenly. Normally when my throat is sore - I like cold bubbly things (like soda, but I don't drink that anymore) - this time around, warm is feeling better to me. It was so nice of him to take care of me yesterday. :lovestruc

What a nice guy! He's so sweet.

Well - I am a firm believer, if we don't teach them how to drive in bad road conditions - then they won't learn, or will have to learn on their own - which can be super dangerous. So, every single time it snows or roads get bad (the worse they are, the more likely I am to get them out - and even better if it's dark) - I have my girls out there - because I would rather I take the time to teach them properly, than have them try to learn on their own - and kill someone or themselves because they don't know how to drive. If I were you - I would get your ds out there as much as possible when roads are bad (or not optimal anyways) so he can learn, these are some of your only opportunities

I TOTALLY agree with you. If they don't have proper instruction, how are they suppose to learn? And driving a car is serious business - you don't want them trying to learn that on their own. We did the same thing with our kids and **knock on wood** none of them has had an accident and among the 3 of them, there has only been 1 speeding ticket and they are 32, 28 and 27 years old!

I really hope you are back to 100% soon. Sending lots and lots of pixie dust your way!
Don't be too hard on yourself not being able to stick to you Whole30 and working out. You are sick and your body is just telling you it just needs a little break/rest.

So glad you were able to do the MOA with the family. Gymboree closed in our mall too. I am so disappointed. Actually, several of our favorite stores closed at the mall. We were told we can only shop online. Which I don't always like to do. I like to see/touch what I am purchasing.

Feel better and have a great weekend!
Glad you are feeling better! C and I discussed restaurants for our September trip this evening. I will have to make our ADRS soon. We want to try a couple of new places again. He really wants to do Victoria and Alberts this trip, so I think I'll opt for my birthday evening!
So glad you are feeling better today! Such hard decisions when it comes to Disney food. That is usually the hardest part of any trip that I plan. Just too many awesome options to choose from. Hope you accomplish what you want in your sewing room today!

Thanks! I am doing much better - still not 100%, but better than I was.

I know - dining is my favorite part... but I had to put some sort of limit on their dining. LOL Or I'd never be able to pay for these trips. LOL

Thanks - I did nothing up there yesterday, we had a change in plans - I'll explain below. :thumbsup2

I'm glad you're feeling better. I never understood retail's thinking. They'd rather have us there sick than not at all even when we can't do our jobs properily. I called off yesterday. I had a bad reaction to some food from the local Italian place. I'm highly allergic to onions and we think my grilled chicken was cooked near something with onions.
I totally agree about learning to drive in the winter. We get a lot of snow around here and you have to learn to drive in it the proper way.
Today I have to go to Aldi before I go to work. It's a short day there.
Have a good day and get well.

I know - it makes no sense to me?

I sure hope you are doing better Liz! Wow - onions... That must be a hard one to avoid?

Yes - it's not something I gave much thought to until Allison started to drive, but then I started doing the math and panicking... If I didn't teach her while she had her permit for those few weeks that were left of winter - she'd be stuck having to learn on her own, and i didn't want that.

Thank you - same to you! :hug:

One of the good things about MNSSHP is you get into MK at 4pm with your MNSSHP ticket. We used the morning as a rest & play at the resort day & were well rested for the party that night.

Yes - that is true... But... I am going to have to schedule it on one of our days off - which means we will only *technically* have 1 day off during the entire trip. :scratchin It might be rough?

That is great you were able to participate in the plans. Sounds like you all had fun shopping!

These plans sound great! I love the character meal choices, even though character meals can be a bit pricey - they are just so much fun!:goodvibes I am happy you are going to be eating at the Wave, not once but twice! From your TRs you seem to like it more and more each time!!:thumbsup2
I hope V is able to save enough for MNSSHP! Looking forward to hearing more plans in the future!

We did - it was a lot of fun! :lovestruc

They are so pricey... I may try to give in on 3 character meals, if she is willing to give up one of her regular sit down meals... It's just going to be a LOT of early mornings for my little girl who is NOT a morning person... I will have to explain that to her and see if it changes her mind at all? And since we have 3 possible resort breakfasts ('Ohana, and The Wave twice) with only 2 days off of the parks... One Wave breakfast will have to be on a park day... So, I am thinking of scheduling it as the latest breakfast? It will have to be done on a DHS or Epcot day... Logistics might be a nightmare for this one? :scratchin

I am sure she will save enough - she is a determined girl when she wants to be. ::yes:: Plus - she will either be able to use my AP discount on them, or we can likely use the military discount on them too? Depending on the dates that are offered for these discounts?

LOVE that Donald bag!!!

Thank you - it's one of my favorite! :lovestruc

Those are all good choices, too. Will both of your Wave meals be for breakfast?

We have booked a trip from October 1st to 5th. Let me know if those dates overlap your trip at all. Since I purposely plan our trips to avoid the popular holidays, I have a feeling that I may miss you again. :( But we got a great deal from a TA and these dates work out better with my work schedule than the later in October dates.

Yes - both Wave meals will be breakfast... I guess I could look at other menus there? :scratchin But there's so much there that I love for breakfiast - I do feel like I'd like to do it twice. LOL

Sorry - we don't overlap this time Sue... :( I was hoping that one day we would - but I am glad you were able to get a great deal on a trip! :woohoo: That is awesome!!! So - where are you staying for this trip?

I'm so sorry you have been sick now that you have had visitors from overseas. It sounds like you are feeling a little better since you managed to go to MOA with them.
Get well soon

How great that V is practicing driving.
How great that V has managed to narrow her character meals down to 3. I can't wait to hear more about her plans for her trip.

I got a call from the car company that has ordered my new car. My car is coming to Tromsø 1 month earlier than they first said. That's amazing. But the sad part is that the garage that is getting the elevator and the other stuff I need built in the car originally didn't have time to start on my car until 9th May :( It's very long until May. The man at the car company told me he would call the garage and tell them that the car is coming now and maybe they will be able to start on my car earlier than planned. I'm really crossing my fingers that the garage have time to start on my car sooner than first planned.

I called NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) about my electric wheelchair wheel. Of course the right person wasn't able to talk to me the day I called, but the person I talked to was able to see that NAV has sent a message to the company with the wheel to get a new price offer on the wheel. Crossing my finger that doesn't take too long so they can order the wheel for me soon.

I'm so glad that finally something is happening with all the aids I need.

Thanks Lillian - I am doing much better - still not 100%, but much better. :lovestruc

It's a little nerve wracking having her driving - but she is learning and doing well. The state of MN now has an app to track drive time - it's quite handy and much more accurate than just a paper and a pen with Allison. I am enjoying the ease of a permitted driver this time. ::yes::

This is good news!!! :woohoo: I sure hope that they are able to start on your car sooner rather than later! I am very excited for you to have it and get to use it! And I hope you'll post pictures when you get it - so we can see how it turns out! Keep me updated my friend. Your current car is holding up for the time being right?

Good to hear you are feeling some better. And SO glad you are still getting to spend time with your family while they are here!

You didn't give us a picture of Eyore! ;-) But, your MOA day sounds like it was a ton of fun!

Can't wait to see how V chooses to earn the ticket money for MNSSHP! She is just as creative as you are!

Yes - I am doing much better... Still not 100%, but getting there. Definitely better than I was earlier this week. :thumbsup2

I know - I am sorry... I hadn't technically given Eeyore to Lara yet... We gave Eeyore to her yesterday - but he was in a bag of other items, so no pictures yet - maybe later. :lovestruc

Hahaha... I am sure she will come up with something? :scratchin

Don't be so down on yourself! When you are so sick, you are extremely limited in what you can do. It isn't like you are just bailing on it - you have a good excuse for not doing the Whole30. Besides, you will get back to it when you are feeling better. DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF!!!

FINALLY! She deserves a break.

What a nice guy! He's so sweet.

I TOTALLY agree with you. If they don't have proper instruction, how are they suppose to learn? And driving a car is serious business - you don't want them trying to learn that on their own. We did the same thing with our kids and **knock on wood** none of them has had an accident and among the 3 of them, there has only been 1 speeding ticket and they are 32, 28 and 27 years old!

I really hope you are back to 100% soon. Sending lots and lots of pixie dust your way!

Thank you Debora... I really needed to hear that yesterday... It's been a rough few days here, and I've just been so stressed about it. :hug:

Yes - it's hard and very scary to get them out there and learning in bad road conditions - but I feel like it's so important. That's a pretty good statistic for your kids. :lovestruc I know there is nothing we can do to prevent accidents - but I do try hard to give them every possible driving scenario that I can... And thankfully we have a lot of back roads available to us - so it's pretty easy to get them practice when road conditions aren't great.

Thank you - I am getting there... Still not 100%, but getting close. :thumbsup2

Don't be too hard on yourself not being able to stick to you Whole30 and working out. You are sick and your body is just telling you it just needs a little break/rest.

So glad you were able to do the MOA with the family. Gymboree closed in our mall too. I am so disappointed. Actually, several of our favorite stores closed at the mall. We were told we can only shop online. Which I don't always like to do. I like to see/touch what I am purchasing.

Feel better and have a great weekend!

Thank you Lynee... Sometimes I really need to hear that. It helps me a lot that so many people understand. It's not easy to be forgiving with yourself sometimes.

Such a bummer about Gymboree - and I am convinced that they Gymboree Outlet does NOT sell the same quality of stuff as the regular store does - which is a huge disappointment... And the deals aren't that fabulous either. When it's time to redeem Gymbucks - I will go to the regular mall and make sure I am able to get the good stuff. ::yes::

I totally agree on that too - I like to touch, feel and see the colors... It's not the same shopping online.

Thank you - I am getting there. :lovestruc

Glad you are feeling better! C and I discussed restaurants for our September trip this evening. I will have to make our ADRS soon. We want to try a couple of new places again. He really wants to do Victoria and Alberts this trip, so I think I'll opt for my birthday evening!

Yay!!! We still have some time for our ADRs - but I will have to make them each morning that we want them... So, that means a lot of early mornings for me coming up. :woohoo:

That will be fun for your birthday - I hope you are able to get what you want! :lovestruc

does anyone have a seat for v&a from 14th-17th of May. I know stupid to leave it this late. Happy to pay in advance a second seat would also be great if possible. Full amount will be paid.

Hi there - I think you posted this in the wrong thread? This is the Trip Report section... I think there is a section for this sort of thing in the Restaurant area? Best of luck to you. :D


Well... First things first... I did manage to work out yesterday... Just my WATP - so nothing too strenuous. My lungs weren't too happy with me though, but I pushed through. I am feeling better and better as the days go on. Still not 100%, but I am getting closer.

We had a change of plans yesterday - I talked to Myrthe about their plans for the weekend... As it turns out - they are busy today with no hope of us seeing them... So, Josh and I drove up there yesterday for a little bit to see the kids instead. Poor Thomas is still sick. Brian is coming down with it. Myrthe and Little Lara are doing fine. So, we played with Lara for a couple of hours, while Thomas napped, and then we came home.

Sadly - while we were trying to work out a schedule to see them... We came to the realization that V won't see them again before they leave. :( Sigh. It's so frustrating! We thought that the girls would have time with them today, but we didn't know about their other plans. Tomorrow - there is a family party, but V had committed to babysitting long before the family party was planned or announced... So she can't go tomorrow. Then they are in school all next week... Due to the little's schedules - evenings don't work out well for them, and they aren't easy for us either. BMTL fly out on Saturday morning. So, I will end up pulling the girls out of school for a day this week - so they can spend one more day with them... I hate for them to miss school - especially when they've both missed so much already this year - but I don't see another option. :scratchin My girls are very sad that they haven't had as much time with them as they wanted... It's just so difficult when there is work/school to work around. So, hopefully we can make something work out.

Victoria was able to get a lot of drive time in yesterday though - so that was good. She is doing better and better each time she goes out.

Josh made an amazing batch of chili last night for dinner... He could have made it a bit more spicy for my tastes - but it was delicious and really helped my craving for "soup" type meals while I've been sick. :lovestruc

I talked to my dad last night - he had his appointment with Wound Therapy, it went well... They are to continue the regime that he is currently doing... His leg sores seem to be improving - VERY SLOWLY. Hopefully they continue to improve. He is in very good spirits though - so that helps.

Today - since I didn't work at all yesterday... I will be in my sewing room all day long, trying to get as much accomplished as I can. It's so hard to stay caught up with BMTL here... but I am doing the best I can. I hope to finish stitching out the applique today, and hopefully start some pre-assembly work too. :scratchin

I might do a WATP video too... Just because I had so many days off this week. Typically I don't work out on weekends... I'll see how ambitious I am? LOL

I hope you all have a marvelous day! :lovestruc

Lois! Hi, when are you going in September? Charlie and I are going at the beginning of the month, staying at Beach Club. We hope to see you and Dan again!
(Sorry for the hijack D...)

Oh I would love to see you and Charlie again! We are going Sept 12. Hope we overlap!
How good that you are feeling better.

What a bummer that V can't go to the family party.

How great that you have an app to keep track of V's driving.

I'm so glad to hear your Dad's leg sores are improving even if it's very slowly.

My current car is holding up for the time being and I think it will hold up until I get my new car. Knock on wood.
I will show you pictures of it as soon as I get it in my driveway.


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