~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Hey D! I am glad you are feeling better!
They are so pricey... I may try to give in on 3 character meals, if she is willing to give up one of her regular sit down meals... It's just going to be a LOT of early mornings for my little girl who is NOT a morning person... I will have to explain that to her and see if it changes her mind at all? And since we have 3 possible resort breakfasts ('Ohana, and The Wave twice) with only 2 days off of the parks... One Wave breakfast will have to be on a park day... So, I am thinking of scheduling it as the latest breakfast? It will have to be done on a DHS or Epcot day... Logistics might be a nightmare for this one? :scratchin
Yeah maybe actually realizing that she will have to get up early so many days might help with her decision! And a late breakfast doesn't sound like a bad idea! Maybe 10-10:30 would work for you and V?:scratchin
I am sure she will save enough - she is a determined girl when she wants to be. ::yes:: Plus - she will either be able to use my AP discount on them, or we can likely use the military discount on them too? Depending on the dates that are offered for these discounts?
Oh yes that's great!:thumbsup2
Sadly - while we were trying to work out a schedule to see them... We came to the realization that V won't see them again before they leave. :( Sigh. It's so frustrating! We thought that the girls would have time with them today, but we didn't know about their other plans. Tomorrow - there is a family party, but V had committed to babysitting long before the family party was planned or announced... So she can't go tomorrow. Then they are in school all next week... Due to the little's schedules - evenings don't work out well for them, and they aren't easy for us either. BMTL fly out on Saturday morning. So, I will end up pulling the girls out of school for a day this week - so they can spend one more day with them... I hate for them to miss school - especially when they've both missed so much already this year - but I don't see another option. :scratchin My girls are very sad that they haven't had as much time with them as they wanted... It's just so difficult when there is work/school to work around. So, hopefully we can make something work out.
Aw - that's too bad that V won't be able to go to the family party. It's always hard to plan things when everyone has busy schedules.
I talked to my dad last night - he had his appointment with Wound Therapy, it went well... They are to continue the regime that he is currently doing... His leg sores seem to be improving - VERY SLOWLY. Hopefully they continue to improve. He is in very good spirits though - so that helps.
That is good to hear that your dad is improving.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I hope the weather is a bit nicer by you today! Here in NY, its in the 50s which is so strange, but it feels wonderful!:goodvibes
I keep coming back here hoping to see that you are feeling all better...seems like you are almost there! Love the trip plans so far...all those ADR's sound so awesome...despite the cost lol. So sorry about not having as much visiting time as you had hoped..it's so hard when regular life gets in the way!
How good that you are feeling better.

What a bummer that V can't go to the family party.

How great that you have an app to keep track of V's driving.

I'm so glad to hear your Dad's leg sores are improving even if it's very slowly.

My current car is holding up for the time being and I think it will hold up until I get my new car. Knock on wood.
I will show you pictures of it as soon as I get it in my driveway.

I am feeling much better - thankfully... Now it's just a cold - and annoying. LOL

Hopefully she will get to go for a little bit. Allison and I are going - Josh is waiting for V to finish babysitting, and will come later... Hopefully they will get there in time to spend a little time with BMTL.

Yes - it's awesome! And so much easier than carrying the folder and a pen - not that it's hard to do that - but I always have my phone with me, and the app is more accurate than my rough estimates... And I don't have to add up all of her hours by calculator - the app does all of that for me. :thumbsup2

Me too - it's a relief for sure!

I sure hope so!!! ::yes::

Hey D! I am glad you are feeling better!

Yeah maybe actually realizing that she will have to get up early so many days might help with her decision! And a late breakfast doesn't sound like a bad idea! Maybe 10-10:30 would work for you and V?

Oh yes that's great!

Aw - that's too bad that V won't be able to go to the family party. It's always hard to plan things when everyone has busy schedules.

That is good to hear that your dad is improving.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I hope the weather is a bit nicer by you today! Here in NY, its in the 50s which is so strange, but it feels wonderful!

Hehehehe... Well... So - at the moment, this is how I understand the plan... This is not exactly how it will go - the actual days we do the parks won't be like this - but I think it will be very similar... I liked the whole - 2 park days on - 1 day off... It was very nice.

Day 1 - arrival - no park
Day 2 - Park (AK)- Breakfast at TH
Day 3 - Park - Breakfast at The Wave
Day 4 - off - Breakfast at 'Ohana
Day 5 - Park (MK)- Breakfast at CP
Day 6 - Park - Universal
Day 7 - Mnsshp - Breakfast at The Wave
Day 8 - Park - Phew - no breakfast scheduled
Day 9 - departure - no park

So - we will only have 2 days where there will be no breakfast... LOL It will depend on park hours, whether we will do a PPO ADR or if we will go into the park, get a few rides done at opening - then leave and head to a later breakfast ADR. :scratchin It's the 2nd Wave breakfast that is throwing us off - if we don't do that one right away in the morning - we will have to be at a park where it's easy to get back to the Contemporary. I may have to just deal with one Wave breakfast... :( IMO - there is just too many breakfasts in this plan. LOL It's going to mean a lot of early mornings for V - whether it's because we have to be at breakfast, or if it's because we have to get to a park, so we can then get to our late breakfast. :scratchin

It will be interesting for sure! :scratchin

I keep coming back here hoping to see that you are feeling all better...seems like you are almost there! Love the trip plans so far...all those ADR's sound so awesome...despite the cost lol. So sorry about not having as much visiting time as you had hoped..it's so hard when regular life gets in the way!

Thank you - yes - I am getting there... Slowly. Now it seems to just be an annoying cold. I woke this morning with a killer headache though - I am hoping this cup of coffee with the caffeine will take care of it?

Yes - it will be interesting... Just waking V up on time and getting her out the door - in a non-crabby mood will be a feat unto itself. LOL I will talk to her about it. Yes - the cost... :eek: It's never cheap to eat at Disney. It shouldn't be too much more than Allison's trip though - It will be the cost difference of one sit down meal vs. one character meal... So maybe $20 more overall? Since if V does do the 3rd character meal - I'll make her give up one of her non-character sit down meals. ::yes::

Yes - it's such a bummer... But we will make something work out... It will just be a little bit inconvenient and a bummer that the girls will have to miss school to do it.


OK - so I did work out yesterday... I needed it. Both for my physical and mental state. LOL It's been such a rough few weeks. Shorts season is right around the corner - and I am terrified to try on my shorts... It's not going to be pretty. For the most part - I am feeling better - it's downgraded to an annoying cold right now... The fever and aches are mostly gone.

I went straight up to my sewing room yesterday... I knocked out the applique for this week's custom order... And on top of that - I also finished the applique for a custom order I did on the side - which is due to be mailed out in less than 10 days. It felt really good to get both of those appliques done. :woohoo: I still have a lot of work to do on both bags, but I shouldn't be as far behind as I thought I would be at this point. I hope. As most of you know - I am VERY strict with my work schedule.... So falling behind like this rarely happens... But being sick and having BMTL here has been really crazy.

So - I worked until almost 4pm yesterday, with barely taking time for lunch.

Today - V and I are going to church this morning...

Then I am dropping her off to babysit.

I am coming home, grabbing Allison - then we are headed to BMTL's open house. It should be a lot of fun seeing much of Josh's family.

We should be home in time for dinner - or shortly after.

My upcoming week should be pretty crazy - as we will be fitting in as much time with BMTL as we possibly can. ::yes::

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Prayers and Pixie Dust to all!!! :hug:


Then tomorrow - it's back to being serious about my size loss again...
I'm glad you're feeling better. Have fun at the family party. It's too bad the V. will miss part of it since she's babysitting.
Yea, an onion allergy is no fun. Almost everything seems to have onions in it. One of the problems is that sometimes when I order and tell them that it's an allergy the don't believe me. I've had to have a lot of orders remade because of it. Disney is very good as we all know but up here I have to fight all the time. They seems to think that I just don't like onions. Surprizingily, Sheetz gas station gets my orders right everytime.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. It got to almost 70 but of course I worked a mid and didn't got off till 7.
Have a good day and have fun at the party.
Day 1 - arrival - no park
Day 2 - Park (AK)- Breakfast at TH
Day 3 - Park - Breakfast at The Wave
Day 4 - off - Breakfast at 'Ohana
Day 5 - Park (MK)- Breakfast at CP
Day 6 - Park - Universal
Day 7 - Mnsshp - Breakfast at The Wave
Day 8 - Park - Phew - no breakfast scheduled
Day 9 - departure - no park

Your plans look very good so far. It's nice you have so much planned out already!

Have a nice time at the family party today!
Bummer, :sad::sad1::sad2:, we are going to miss you again. We will get there August 30.
Shoot! We both go often enough, hopefully we'll be there again at the same time soon. Meanwhile, I know you're getting all excited about Spring Training for your boys!

Do you have a PTR going?
D~, so glad you're feeling better. It seems to take so long to get back to 100%! Dan and I have been so fortunate to have stayed clear of illness. I've had some hip bursitis, but other than that, we're good.

I've never eaten at the Wave. Maybe we'll look into it when we do our next "just the two of us" trip. Somehow I knew one of Victoria's choices would be 50s. We really love that place too.

Glad to hear about your dad. I think of him often. He's really doing so well. It must make you feel good to know he's in a good place.

Glad you were able to spend more time with Thomas and Lara. One day I'll get to the MOA!

Please don't worry too much about the compromises you've had to make in your work outs due to your illness. You have made a permanent change to what you eat and how you move. That will not change. You just have to adjust a bit for your illness, but you'll be right back in the groove as soon as you're able. Just get the rest and heal up so you can kick your own butt with your lifting and exercising. Get those negative thoughts out of your head young lady! You are awesome! Take care, my friend!
Thanks for your insight on the driving during bad weather thing. I guess I want him to at least try to master GOOD weather driving first. We get our share of snow and ice in Maryland too...but probably not nearly as often. It's definitely something I want him to learn once I am sure he's comfortable with driving on regular roads.

Of course, the lesson we learned THIS weekend...was this:


Yep...how to handle the exchanging of information after an accident. The other driver was totally at fault, he turned right on red into the path of our vehicle and my son hit the brakes but there was nothing to do to avoid it unfortunately. It sucks. I have yet to make a payment on this car yet and now I'll spend the week dealing with insurance. The other guy totally admitted fault and we didn't involve police...and I'm second guessing that just from a CYA perspective because he IS a new and not fully licensed driver even though I was in the car with him and so was our youngest son. We were less than a mile from our house, so I did end up driving it home but it is not driveable now, so my son no longer has a vehicle to practice with unless he uses mine...which is why we bought this one to avoid that. Since we already have another vehicle in the shop as well...and mine is now the only one that can hold all five of us anywhere until that one is fixed...I'm not willing to risk it. I hate that he had to experience this so soon, I'm glad the other driver wasn't a jerk about it but until the insurance companies are involved and I know it is all being handled I'm still a bit of a wreck (bad word here) about the whole thing. The Civic wasn't worth a whole lot of money, and we did get a great deal on it, but depending on the damage if they end up deciding it can't be repaired then we have to start out hunt for vehicles all over again which I'm dreading. I loved this little car, it was perfect for him and I don't want to have to do the whole car search again. I'll know better soon I guess.

Anyway...hijacked this again for my issues but really love your upcoming trip plans. I think you may want to drop your second Wave reservation and maybe find something else...even if it is THAT good...but not having tried it yet I may not be the best expert opinion on it.

Glad you are feeling better!
I will end up pulling the girls out of school for a day this week - so they can spend one more day with them.

I don't think that would hurt them in the least - time with family (especially family you don't get to see very often) is extremely important.

His leg sores seem to be improving - VERY SLOWLY. Hopefully they continue to improve. He is in very good spirits though - so that helps.

That is good news about your dad! It seems like he's going in the right direction!

IMO - there is just too many breakfasts in this plan. LOL It's going to mean a lot of early mornings for V
I've seen some of the photos of V in the morning - I think you may be in for a rough ride! Good luck! :tongue:

I am so glad to know you are feeling better. It is just terrible being sick!

On a side note to kittylady1972 - I am so sorry to hear about the accident. I hope they don't have to total your car. Best of luck to you!
Have fun at the family party today

Thank you! We had a great time!

I'm glad you're feeling better. Have fun at the family party. It's too bad the V. will miss part of it since she's babysitting.
Yea, an onion allergy is no fun. Almost everything seems to have onions in it. One of the problems is that sometimes when I order and tell them that it's an allergy the don't believe me. I've had to have a lot of orders remade because of it. Disney is very good as we all know but up here I have to fight all the time. They seems to think that I just don't like onions. Surprizingily, Sheetz gas station gets my orders right everytime.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. It got to almost 70 but of course I worked a mid and didn't got off till 7.
Have a good day and have fun at the party.

I was surprised that V was done fairly early - so she did get a nice amount of time at the party.

That's terrible... At least there is one place that gets it right - but it's just too bad that you have to be so insistent about it - I hope you are doing better today.

Wow - 70°... I can't wait!

Thanks - we had a good time, it's always fun to see family. :)

Your plans look very good so far. It's nice you have so much planned out already!

Have a nice time at the family party today!

Well - these are just tentative plans... I'll have to wait until hours are released (and then they'll get changed at the last minute) - but this is a rough idea of what I think it will look like. ::yes:: And it was really easy to plan... Like I said - V's trip is almost identical to Allison's. LOL

We had fun - thank you! :lovestruc

Have fun with your family today. I'm so glad you're feeling better!

Thanks!!! We had a lot of fun. :) I am much better - just cold type symptoms... My lungs are still a little raw - so I am skeptical about working out hard yet... But I will work out. :thumbsup2

D~, so glad you're feeling better. It seems to take so long to get back to 100%! Dan and I have been so fortunate to have stayed clear of illness. I've had some hip bursitis, but other than that, we're good.

I've never eaten at the Wave. Maybe we'll look into it when we do our next "just the two of us" trip. Somehow I knew one of Victoria's choices would be 50s. We really love that place too.

Glad to hear about your dad. I think of him often. He's really doing so well. It must make you feel good to know he's in a good place.

Glad you were able to spend more time with Thomas and Lara. One day I'll get to the MOA!

Please don't worry too much about the compromises you've had to make in your work outs due to your illness. You have made a permanent change to what you eat and how you move. That will not change. You just have to adjust a bit for your illness, but you'll be right back in the groove as soon as you're able. Just get the rest and heal up so you can kick your own butt with your lifting and exercising. Get those negative thoughts out of your head young lady! You are awesome! Take care, my friend!

Hi Lois! It's always so nice to hear from you! :lovestruc

Have your hips been doing better lately? Does the weather affect it at all?

I think you should give The Wave a try... It's hard to beat the price of the buffet in WDW and the food is excellent. Mmmm... Yes - we love the 50's too... So much fun. Hopefully we can get Auntie Rachel again? :scratchin

Yes - dad is doing good... He has his medical issues - but I feel like they are being addressed adequately for the time being. It's something I always need to have a pulse on though.

Yes - we will spend tomorrow with them... I am not sure how much more time we will get with them though while they are here. I am still behind in my sewing room - despite catching up. Just looking ahead at my week - my time in there will be limited and I'll be working the weekend for sure. It shouldn't take me long to catch up though.

I know - it's so hard though... Coming off of the 2 trips and Christmas... I look at pictures of myself from last spring - and I feel so disappointed... I am nowhere near where I was a year ago, and that terrifies me that I am potentially sliding backwards, when I am not moving forward. I need to figure this out and get my size loss going again. Thank you for the encouragement Lois - it truly means a lot to me. :lovestruc

I wish you were going in October - I'd really love to meet you and spend some time with you one day. ::yes::

Thanks for your insight on the driving during bad weather thing. I guess I want him to at least try to master GOOD weather driving first. We get our share of snow and ice in Maryland too...but probably not nearly as often. It's definitely something I want him to learn once I am sure he's comfortable with driving on regular roads.

Of course, the lesson we learned THIS weekend...was this:

View attachment 152577

Yep...how to handle the exchanging of information after an accident. The other driver was totally at fault, he turned right on red into the path of our vehicle and my son hit the brakes but there was nothing to do to avoid it unfortunately. It sucks. I have yet to make a payment on this car yet and now I'll spend the week dealing with insurance. The other guy totally admitted fault and we didn't involve police...and I'm second guessing that just from a CYA perspective because he IS a new and not fully licensed driver even though I was in the car with him and so was our youngest son. We were less than a mile from our house, so I did end up driving it home but it is not driveable now, so my son no longer has a vehicle to practice with unless he uses mine...which is why we bought this one to avoid that. Since we already have another vehicle in the shop as well...and mine is now the only one that can hold all five of us anywhere until that one is fixed...I'm not willing to risk it. I hate that he had to experience this so soon, I'm glad the other driver wasn't a jerk about it but until the insurance companies are involved and I know it is all being handled I'm still a bit of a wreck (bad word here) about the whole thing. The Civic wasn't worth a whole lot of money, and we did get a great deal on it, but depending on the damage if they end up deciding it can't be repaired then we have to start out hunt for vehicles all over again which I'm dreading. I loved this little car, it was perfect for him and I don't want to have to do the whole car search again. I'll know better soon I guess.

Anyway...hijacked this again for my issues but really love your upcoming trip plans. I think you may want to drop your second Wave reservation and maybe find something else...even if it is THAT good...but not having tried it yet I may not be the best expert opinion on it.

Glad you are feeling better!

Oh no!!! This is terrible!!! I am sure glad everyone is OK! :hug: Hopefully everything will turn out OK with the car too - and you won't have to shop for another one. I am not looking forward to that day of car shopping - or helping the girls car shop, when the time comes... Maybe one of the reasons we are making car sharing work? :scratchin

Again - I am just so thankful and relieved that you all are OK. :grouphug:

I don't think that would hurt them in the least - time with family (especially family you don't get to see very often) is extremely important.

That is good news about your dad! It seems like he's going in the right direction!

I've seen some of the photos of V in the morning - I think you may be in for a rough ride! Good luck! :tongue:

I am so glad to know you are feeling better. It is just terrible being sick!

On a side note to kittylady1972 - I am so sorry to hear about the accident. I hope they don't have to total your car. Best of luck to you!

I don't think it will hurt them either - it's just always so hard to catch up - and Allison has missed SO MUCH school over the last month +, and even though her grades continue to remain quite good, I still hate to have her miss. But - it's important that they get to spend some time together too - so I understand, and I am happy to do it.

He is going in the right direction - slowly - hopefully it continues to go that way. I am just happy that he is in good spirits - sometimes that's half the battle. :lovestruc

Hahahaha... Yes - V is not a picnic in the morning , that's for sure! :scratchin She will do almost anything in Disney - at least for a day or two - but after that, all bets are off. LOL Thankfully - she is not one to spend a lot of time getting ready - so I can let her sleep in until right before we have to leave... That will help some.

I am doing better - not quite 100% - my lungs are still a bit raw... but much better for sure. I'll probably take it a bit easy working out for the next day or two - then I'll be back to full force.

I hope you are doing well too... Recovering from your trip OK? Are you planning to do a TR?


Yesterday was an exciting day...

I went with V to church in the morning... Her good friend/mentor/2nd mom was doing the sermon... It was amazing and beautiful... I am not usually too over emotional in a church setting - but her testimony did bring me to tears... It was very moving, and a wonderful experience. I am so happy that I went and I was able to experience that with V. :lovestruc

After - I dropped her off at babysitting, then I came home and I worked for a while. I was able to get a lot done - which was a huge relief.

Allison and I had a quick little lunch, and then we left to go to the family party.

Josh and V joined us an hour or so later.

It was a great time - it was wonderful to see so many family. We didn't see them at Christmas time, because they delayed getting together then for this event now.

Sadly - Brian was not feeling well yesterday morning, still. So he went into the clinic - they gave him antibiotics for strep. Thomas is doing much better. And Lara is now sick. It's so sad that their entire vacation has been one after another being sick. Praying this is the last of it and they are all feeling better soon.

While we were at the party yesterday - Josh's mom gave me a pile of old pictures from Josh's childhood... This gem was in there. :lovestruc There are very few pictures of Josh at this age, and this was one I had never seen before... He was so YOUNG and skinny! There were lots of other great ones in there - but like I said, there are very few pictures of him at this age, it's fun to see!


We enjoyed our family time, and came home a little after dinner. I sat in the recliner all night - and watched the 2nd to last episode of Downton Abbey... I am so sad that this show is almost over... The characters truly melt my heart.... I hope that they come out with some sort of similar period drama soon. :lovestruc

Today... I will be working out... I am almost back to normal - my lungs are still a bit raw and I have cold symptoms. So, I will take it a little bit easy, but not much. ::yes:: Summer and shorts weather is right around the corner and I need to be able to wear shorts this year. :scratchin Hopefully I can get this extra size off and deal with my head space a little better. It's been a rough few weeks for me.

I will also be working in my sewing room all day today... I am hoping to finish last week's custom order. Maybe get a start on this week's? But that's doubtful. We'll see.

I am tempted to start my Whole30 again... Not sure on that? I'll have to look at my grocery situation and see if there is anything I can do for meal prep... Even if I don't do a full Whole30 and just do my best over the next few days - and start again next week... Something is better than nothing. ::yes::

I hope you all have an amazing day and an amazing week! :grouphug:

Glad that you're feeling better D!!! I'm so sad that Downton Abbey is ending. Great picture of Josh. Have a great day!
So glad you're feeling better! That's a shame that Brian is still sick and now Lara has it too! It's so hard to get rid of the germs as it's being passed around the family like that. Hopefully they'll be better quickly!

I know what you mean about vacations and holidays setting you back. The same thing happened to me. No, the weather doesn't affect my bursitis. Sitting and sewing does though! I sit quite a bit, but am trying to move around more. I think I remember you got a fitbit? If so, could you tell me how you like it and why? Dan has been encouraging me to get one and I just don't understand the point. But if it's helpful, I would get one.

We used to go to Disney in October quite a bit, but it got busier than we like, so September is our favorite time to go. For instance, our trip with Moriah is 9/12 to 9/16 and the biggest overall crowd level we will have is 3; most are 1s and 2s. The heat is intense, but that's what the pool and AC is for, right? Anyway, I, too, hope we can meet up one day. It's on my short list of must do items!!

Hope you're able to get a lot of work done today on your orders. And that you could do your workout that you wanted to. Keep getting better!!
I'm glad you had a good time with the family yesterday. Sounds like a good idea to start the Whole30 again. Is Allison also starting on it again?
Nice old picture of Josh. How fun that you got many old pictures from Josh's mom.
Good morning D - just stopping in to see what all you were to. So glad to hear you are feeling a lot better; don't be so hard on yourself, you know how to keep eating well and you will get back to working out when your body is ready. It's a lifetime journey, so just hang in there. Has Allison given up on the Whole 30 as well? It is easier to have someone do it with you.

Glad you were able to see a lot of family yesterday. Goodness, every one getting sick is not good. Hope they all get better before their flight this weekend.

I think of your Dad often and say a prayer over him every day. Have you had your foster parents stepped in like they offered?

I always love to see your plans for your V trip; oh Lord D I feel your pain on waking up V early. You do not wake up Shane unless you want a grumpy, uncooperative person all morning, even on vacation.

Good luck with your sewing jobs this week! Take care of yourself!!
Glad you are feeling better! Just finished your TR for Allison's trip and it almost brought me to tears, it's just so beautiful to see your dreams for your children come true. I would love to do a graduation trip for each of my kids but as a mother of four I am not sure it's possible, I'll have to see what dh thinks. My oldest DD starts high school next year and that combined with seeing your kids growing up just really struck a chord with me. Anyway thanks for sharing your trips and PTR with us.
On another note, try, as hard as it may be, not to be so hard on yourself. Like you said workout, but maybe not so hardcore. I myself have been sick too (its going around, especially with 4 kids brings all the cooties home) so I did Jillian Michaels yoga meltdown, instead of one of her killer body workouts which have been more of my normal routine. I still feel like I've exercised properly, but I haven't over extended myself like Itend to feel more compelled to do with most of her workouts. I will work my way back up to really pushing myself more as I get rid of this cough more! Yucko, being sick is the pits!
I have also read your finding a healthier me and that was another fabulous update to admit to when you stumble but to keep on trying and not ever go back to our old ways, just wonderful!
Can't wait to hear more about Victoria's trip sounds like more fun! Loving the PTR and TRS oh and seeing all of your wonderful bags you create!
Sorry the family is not feeling well. It's good to hear you had a nice time at the party. Nice picture of your DH, it's always fun to see old pictures! Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day!
So glad you are feeling better!!

Did you book your flights this week? I was tempted but held off. I'm hoping for cheaper tickets in a couple of months.

Also, did you see they're shutting down one of the October FB groups? They may have already done it but I'm okay with it. Now I'll only have 2 to follow.


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