The Newest-New Home of the SwanDolphin Cheerleaders -Where Friends Gather

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OOPS!! sorry about the ditch comment Sue

You have been busy

Funny, when I posted my last post I did not even see gails nor Sue's post there :confused: has anyone else ever done that?
I know I'm tired, still not well and not sleeping well with this cough :rolleyes:
I'm not going :( My schedule at work is already filling up for December :rolleyes:

DH and I need to take a trip this winter while his project is on winter shut-down, but he really doesn't want to do WDW again. I MIGHT be able to convince him that a few nights at the Dolphin plus a few nights over on the gulf coast would be cheaper than a week on the beach. He would like to do a week on a Carribean island but I hate being that much farther away from DD with things being so unsettled in the world these days. HAve to do my research. Other than that, unfortunately I think the coming year travel budget of $$ and time will be spent checking out colleges with DD.....then there will probably BE no travel budget :rolleyes:
Sorry Debbie and Ann that you can not go to DIS CON. :( I am unofficailly going - not to the official meets though. I will think of ya though while I am there.
college is exactly the reason I want to make an extra effort to go to WDW one more time....while I still have him home with us. We travel with our friends who are the parents of his girlfriend :rolleyes: and they have a son Justins everyone is happy. Jerry never cares where we vacation...whatever I want is OK with him as long as we're on vacation.
He did say he wanted to stay at the Dolphin the whole time. I wanted to do a split between there and the Poly but Jerry says why move? whatever...I don't care. Of course isn't it the Swan that will be finished with renovations early 2003 and the Dolphin not till later. I really wanted to try a renovated room. I wonder ifthe Dolphin will be finished by summer 2003 :rolleyes: Anyone know????
*beep beep beep beep* watch out, I am backing this thing up.....


Now where are the guys to load the furniture in? Do us ladies have to do everything? ;)
Originally posted by Mickeyfaniam
college is exactly the reason I want to make an extra effort to go to WDW one more time....while I still have him home with us.
hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm.............good point ! :)

:eek: lookout for that truck!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't wanna move :(
OH Pllllllllleeeaaaaassssseeeeeeeeee don't tell me Christine is driving that thing :eek:

we'll need ALL NEW furniture for sure :rolleyes:
Good morning....
hey, that's not a bad idea...the new furniture. Let's just leave the old stuff here, we've schlepped it around how many times now? I think we just should sell this place furnished as is....and get all NEW stuff in our NEW home!!!
YIKES, page 3?!?!
Is everyone packing?? STOP PACKING! We are getting ALL NEW STUFF on Sue's crdit cards hehehe:)
I have a big hello for everyone, especially to those i havent talked to in a while.

DW (Teri, Disfanatiks) is on her way home from the hospital.
Her dad has been off the vent since @9am today! Hopefully he will continue a rapid recovery, Saturday i saw him and whispered that if he gets out of here in a month we were going to take him and his wife (who has slept in the waiting room and not left the hospital for the first 2 weeks) to Disney with us on New Years!yes, i did get an emphatic head nod on that one. Today He asked about the trip, incredible, since i wasnt sure he was even coherent over the weekend. Anyway, hope everyone is well, looking forward to another meet soon. Thanks for all the prayers........George
Originally posted by Mickeyfaniam
OH Pllllllllleeeaaaaassssseeeeeeeeee don't tell me Christine is driving that thing :eek:

we'll need ALL NEW furniture for sure :rolleyes:

Hey, who told you that I drive crazy? LOL!! New stuff sounds great to me. No more packing - woohoo
George, I did not see your reply when I replied to Debbie.

First off hi George, nice to see you posting! Great news on Teri's dad. I am so happy for all of you. :) :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc I hope that he is home soon. I think the Disney magic must have helped him some too, hope he enjoys NYE there. :) Big {{{hugs}}} to all of you. :)
My prayers have been answered. Thanks for the update George. I have been thinking a lot about you and Teri and her dad this past week. I'm glad to hear that things are looking better.
Hi George, good to see you and bringing good news makes it even better.
We'll keep on praying....

and don't forget to come and post once in awhile George
George--Great to see you here and even better that you come bearing such great news! Give Teri {{{Happy Hugs}}} (thats the kind you squeal and bounce with) from Ky.

Uhhh, guys--better start that packing, again, if you're planning in furnishing any thing on my credit cards. Well, a doll house, maybe.... :(

Talk to my daughter, Michelle. She's got all of my money...and a new computer. :mad:

Maybe she'll buy new furniture. :rolleyes:

Hope you all had a good day, I had to work 12 hours, so, good is not the first word I would use to describe mine.

For what it's worth--there's some illness or sumpin' in the air around me and I seem to be " Hot, Hot, Hot " lately. :confused:
So, don't worry--I'll get the guys to do the moving while we all sit around eating bob-bons and drinking amaretto (or your drink of choice)

Have a good tomorrow, everyone!
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