The Newest-New Home of the SwanDolphin Cheerleaders -Where Friends Gather

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<font color=red>Still SSB's archrival!<br><font co
Sep 16, 1999
Just as surely as the sun rises in the East, the Cheerleader thread rises again. Indomitable, unstoppable, and unbeatable, the friendship and fellowship found here surpasses any obstacle.

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
/In good times and/in bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your new home.

(Darn it - Brisully beat me to the punch)
Thanks for the opening sentiments on the new thread Sue!

Hi Brisully, glad to see you here! And Towncrier, it's always a pleasure!!

And I'm going to hit submit now to be on the first page too ;) :)
I was always too shy to stop in before, but while this is on the 1st page I feel good enough to say hi to you all! :wave:
Wow, nice to see you in your new "home." Have been following this thread for forever - it seems - and am only an accasional poster but i love reading all the neat happenings. Welcome. Caroline
HI everyone!! Sue - what a nice intro.

I would just like to take the time to thank you all for welcoming me into your "family" and that I enjoyed spending time @ WDW in April with all of you. I am glad that I have had the chance to hang out with a great bunch of ladies and gents. I look forward to meeting up with Ann one day. :)

Much love to you all! :D
This is what I always like best about moving day for the Cheerleaders--we always get a lot of company dropping in to see the new house!
Please--everyone sit down and make yourself comfortable. I'm sure Bob will be along soon with some lemonade for all of us.
Brisully--you can use Cookie's LazyBoy since she (again) didn't show up to help with the move.

And I really, really hope no one ever feels to shy to join in the thread. We love it when people join in our fun.
:wave: Nice to see the newest, the latest, the best yet, cheerleader thread. A good day it was when that first one, the 'off-topic' one, was moved from Resorts over here to the CB. :bounce: A good day indeed. :sunny:
Yep Dan, that move was an upgrade ;) for sure hehehe

Now WHERE did I put my new 'Hot Apple Pie' Yankee Candle?and my matches? At least the doorknobs are least til DEBBIE gets here :rolleyes:
Debbie?? Yeah, right. She never shows up when it's time to move, either. :rolleyes:
Prob'ly off playing mini-golf or sumpin'. :)

And where's Bob?? I'm still waiting for the lemonade...sure would be good after all this hard work moving....:confused:
LOL - that reminds me - thanks for the Debbie golf link. :)

I hope that BT can jump in soon even if just to say hi. Hi BT wherever you are! :wave:
Well its about time....:mad: I been looking in here alllllll day.....and nuttin !! So I knew....since i had to go out this'd start it then :mad: I knew it :mad: I hope there's a room left for me......I want a whirlpool bath in my room and a king size heavenly bed and my own recliner :rolleyes: Did you save that for me?????

BTW...welcome all you new comers....don't ever be to shy to post here.... We welcome anyone....whether you're good at golf or not :p just look at Sue and we allow her :p
and I'll bet Ann thinks shes going to out post me here too ...
well I got news for you Ann;)
Well, excuuuuuuuuse me!!! :mad: Some of us had to work all day--and 4 hours late, even--then come here and do all of the moving!

And some of us don't have time to practice playing golf....sheesh!;)

Welcome, Debbie---BTW, I took your room with the Jacuzzi bath, the Heavenly Bed, and the massaging Lazy Boy.....and the handsome "Man Friday".

Thanks ;).
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