The Good, The Bad, The Cancelled and The Surprising ... Our Take on Deluxe Dining!!

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Wow - great review of Fulton's.

It's someplace I always wanted to try but my mom is allergic to crab and when she's with me, I get a little paraniod. I know there are other things to eat there but it's cross contamination I worry about.

Your review is making me want to book it for my solo trip in December though. Mmmmm, crab dip.

Thank you! I completely understand about being worried for your Mom, but if you ever get the chance you should definitely try Fulton's. I was not even that excited about eating there and now I can't stop talking about it :thumbsup2

Joinin' in and lovin' it!! Your review of Fulton's is making me want to add it as an OOP meal on our upcoming trip!!! I've never read a bad review of Fulton's so it's tempting!!! So much food, never enough time! LOL

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks :goodvibes I would almost be willing to bet that anyone who ate there would love it!! I know what you mean about too little time for all the food. There are still places I am dying to try and yet I hate to let go of my favorites :rotfl:
Subbing can't wait to

Thank you very much :)

Oh my goodness, does that sound yummy!!! :goodvibes

And truly, if you compare the prices around Disney, $88 isn't that bad for a meal there. Its not something you'd do every day, but its not like eating at Victoria and Alberts either!

(which is something I dearly want to do, but have to find someone who is an adventurous eater first!)

I must admit that I am not brave enough to try Victoria & Alberts, but the atmosphere sounds like heaven :cloud9:

I am so glad we tried Fulton's and we ended up paying less for the meal than we had planned which is always nice :thumbsup2

Definitely along for this one! You and your DH are adorable and your pics in your signature are FAB!:goodvibes Can't wait for morepopcorn::

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for such a sweet compliment :hug:

Love your review of one of my favorite places!!!! We enjoyed Fulton's so much on our last trip we canceled another ADR to go back there again. We plan to have lunch there as soon as we arrive next week! Looking forward to the rest of your reviews!:thumbsup2

I must agree with you .... Fulton's is now one of my favorites as well :thumbsup2

I am enjoying your review. It would have killed me to pay out of pocket when you already have the DxDDP! (I'm just frugal that way!) You must really love that guy!

To be honest it was killing me to pay OOP ... that is, until I took the first bite of steak :rotfl2: I'm normally what one would refer to as "cheap" but this trip I promised myself that I would let loose and just enjoy myself ;)

cant wait for more! :goodvibes

Thank you!!!
Between your and MickeyNikki's reviews of Fultons, I am definatly going to have to try and fit it in next year.
Hey everyone!! I'm so excited to have so many readers - it makes me feel like this report serves an actual purpose :rotfl: Sorry to have left ya'll hanging for a couple of days, work has sent us into overload with all this state stuff coming up :surfweb:


After our AMAZING first meal of the trip we decided to wander around Downtown Disney for a while so we could let all of our food settle. Now, if you recall we did not order dessert at dinner. This is not because we are crazies who dislike dessert it's because we HAD to go to Goofy's Candy Company ;)

I had read so much about the create your own treat stuff that I just knew I had to make one for myself. Originally Candi said he was just going to get a plain 'ol caramel apple - his favorite guilty pleasure - but after we got there he said he felt left out :rotfl2: Needless to say, he joined in on all the ooey gooey sugary fun!!

It was crazy crowded in there, I'm guessing this is normal :confused3 and when we placed our orders we counted 15 ahead of ours :scared1: We decided to take the time to roam around and check out all the yumminess <-- that's a real word just so ya know :lmao:

After a little while we headed back over to the little create your own station to watch them make everybody's treats. Soon enough they got to ours


No no no, not the girl actually making something - the girl on the OTHER side reading the order - the poor thing got told off so bad right after this because they don't dip their apples in caramel at the time of the order :sad2: No worries, I promise we were not the ones who yelled at her.

After letting everything soak up all the chocolate one piece of food could possibly soak up, they boxed it up for us to take back to the hotel.


MMMMMM, yummy little treat that I wish I could have right now!!

We took them around to the cash register to pay and were told that neither one qualified as a snack credit. WHAT :eek: I mean, I knew the apple wouldn't count because it costs like, a bazillion dollars. But, I could have sworn that every report I ever read said that my treat counted. Oh well, here's some more money for ya Disney :lmao:

When we got back to the room we popped in a movie and enjoyed the best dessert ever


Mine - three pretzels rods dipped in milk chocolate, coated in peanut butter chips and drizzled with more milk chocolate - $3.50.

This was absolutely divine. It was the perfect combination of salty and sweet which is exactly what I was hoping for and the peanut butter chips gave it that little something extra. Candi also tried a bite and said it was good but that it had too much chocolate :scared1:. I wasn't able to finish them all that night but I did wrap up the remaining two and finish those another night!

Candi's - red caramel apple dipped in white chocolate (the only kind of chocolate he will eat), coated in nuts and drizzled with more white chocolate - $8.95.

He said he was actually nervous to taste this because he was afraid he had ruined a perfectly good caramel apple :rotfl: In the end he said it was very good but that he still prefers the original. I had a bite and thought it was just ok, but then again I don't like white chocolate.

Overall, I would most definitely go back to Goofy's Candy Company for more treats. Candi said he would try something different or just buy a plain old caramel apple but I really want to do a rice krispy treat and marshmallows and a gingerbread man - ok, ok, I really want to try one of everything :rotfl2:. Even though they didn't count as a snack credit I still really enjoyed it and didn't mind paying for it out of pocket.

Total Spent: $14.33 after tax. After they rung us up I found out that they charged me $1.00 for an extra topping :confused3 I'm not sure why but since it was only $1.00 I didn't say anything about it.

No snack credits were used since neither counted as a snack. I guess it only counts if you get one pretzel rod or the marshmallows. Somebody please correct me if this is wrong.

** Completely off topic, but can somebody explain to me how I can put links on my front page to where I can put the name of the restaurant but that is the link for the page where you can read the review? Thanks so much :goodvibes
We have the deluxe plan for December and I have been worrying that this might be to much.Can't wait to read the rest of your posts .Thanks so much for doing this.By the way, we loved the carrots and celery too.After a while, we just wanted some vegetables!I think our favorite meal was the Greek salad at Pop Century. Of course we WERE sick with colds and the vinegar felt soooooooo good on our sore throats. We are hoping we will stay well this next trip. Being sick at Disney stinks! Congrats on your steak. I ate overcooked shoe leather steak until I was about 20. (that's how my mother cooked it) I met a man who cooked for a steak house and he would not let me get it well done...Now I eat my steak rarer than him! :flower3:
this is so much fun, and so excruciatingly tantalizing. I just got home from work late, too late to feel like cooking dinner, and you are making me hungry:thumbsup2. Guess I'll grab that snickers bar in the back of the fridge.
Awesome reviews. I can't wait to hear if you think DxDDP was worth it b/c I'm still going back and forth with it. We want to eat a Fulton too so I'm still not sure if DxDDP but we do love room service so it might be worht it for that since we usually order a couple of room service during our trip
Great reviews! Can't wait to hear more. Thanks for the reviews of Fulton's, we're considering places for our rehearsal dinner and that could be a contender.

I thought those pretzels were a snack credit. Generally anything under $4 is.
Great reviews. I think the DxDP would be too much food for us too, we're just doing the regular DDP next time. But reading about your experience with it is interesting. I'm off to read your other reports now....
So excited to read about your experiences! Great job so far :) We didn't end up making it to Goofy's Candy Company when we went in Sept! It looks like we really missed out. And my hubby is drooling over Fulton's now!
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