The Good, The Bad, The Cancelled and The Surprising ... Our Take on Deluxe Dining!!

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Subscribing! We are currently debating whether or not to upgrade to Deluxe Dining, so this report should help! We already have the free dining from our bounce back, so I am trying to decide if I want to upgrade it to the Deluxe and pay the difference.

I look forward to reading more!
Loved your review of Fulton's. It is one of our favorites and has been for years. Never fails to impress. Really looking forward to your other reviews. We're going in April and have decided to splurge on Deluxe Dining.

I'm so glad to hear that about Fulton's - my biggest fear is that we will go back to all the places we loved this time and then be let down :eek: And I'm so jealous that you will be going in April; we were going to go in March for Spring Training but my husband is worried about the crowd levels and doesn't want to go now :sad1:

I am really enjoying your reviews. We are taking our first family trip to Disney in March and I love reading about your experiences. I totally agree with you and the steak thing...DH and I are both well done....his usual line is "well done and if your not sure leave it on a few more minutes". We went to Jeff Ruby's steakhouse (Louisville, KY) and they would not cook our filet well done. I look forward to reading more!


That's so funny about your husbands line about steak :laughing: I ran into a couple of places that really discouraged the well done (like Fulton's) and as long as I didn't like the meat I still enjoyed it :rotfl:

Super great reviews so far!!

Thank you so much :goodvibes

Subscribing! We are currently debating whether or not to upgrade to Deluxe Dining, so this report should help! We already have the free dining from our bounce back, so I am trying to decide if I want to upgrade it to the Deluxe and pay the difference.

I look forward to reading more!

Welcome :goodvibes One thing I would recommend is looking at the places you plan on eating at and seeing if you have enough credits to do it without upgrading or not :thumbsup2
The next morning we had to be up bright and early because we had breakfast reservations at


This was a must do on our list – it was where we started our first day on our honeymoon and we decided right then and there it would be tradition every time we came back. I know many people don’t think it’s worth the money but we had a great time last year and really enjoyed the food. This time our breakfast was going to be extra special because……

our reservation was BEFORE PARK OPENING!!! I was super excited about this as I had always heard everybody talk about how it was so exclusive and they always got pictures of an empty Main Street etc etc.

I have to say it was our experience that there really wasn’t anything that exclusive about it. When we got to the turnstiles we were simply asked if we had breakfast reservations and when we replied “yes” they told us to go on through. Wait…what? You don’t need to cross my name off a list or see my reservation printout that I went back to the room to get just in case I needed it? Uuummpphhhh :headache:! This bummed me out a little and I have to say it bummed me out even more when we heard not one or two but SEVERAL people talking about how easy it was to sneak into the park before it even opened just by lying about having a breakfast reservation.

Oh well, still going to take advantage of a semi-empty Main Street and take some pictures anyway



Oh darn, a lonely photopass photographer … we better make him work for his money :rotfl:


Ok, ok, I guess this shot doesn’t have that many people in it … I feel better now :lmao:

After stopping for all our pretty pictures we made our way up to the check in desk. They took our name and handed us our little card that indicated how many pictures we got with our package and then we were directed into the line right outside the castle doors. We only waited about three or four minutes before we were let inside and stood in line to take our picture with Cinderella. While we were standing in line we got to see the first family to be seated of the day. They had the cutest two little girls and did a special ceremony for them before they were led upstairs. Super cute! Right before it was our turn to have our picture taken I got super excited because I saw


So cute … and exactly why I love Disney … all the special little touches everywhere.

While I was taking pictures of my two favorite mice we were called up for our picture. Because there were only two of us in our party we received one photo package with the cost of our meal. I must admit that this Cinderella was a much better one than the one we had last year. She asked us what we were celebrating and then when we tried to stand on each side of her she lectured Candi telling him “a proper Prince always stands next to his Princess” - gosh I love her!

With pictures out of the way we were led upstairs to the main restaurant


I love how it’s like a red carpet leading your to the restaurant … yes, I really am that dorky

In the back of my mind I was hoping that we would be lucky enough to get the same seat as last year (window seat directly in the middle). We kept passing all the seats that weren’t by the window and my happy heart skip a little beat when we were headed in that direction. Well, we didn’t get THAT seat but we still got a window seat, it was just off to the side a little, and that was still enough to make me happy!


Here are a few pictures to give you an overall idea of what the restaurant looks like:




We were one of the first ones seated and within 30 seconds our waiter came over to go over the menu options and take our order. You have an option basically between healthy and fatty :rotfl2:. I believe one option is granola and fruit and things of that nature. We both chose the fatty option that had some fancy name I can’t remember … sorry.


You start out with fresh squeezed orange juice and a bowl of fruit. Both were delicious – the fruit was fresh and ripe and just juicy enough for both of our likings. I don’t like fresh blueberries (unless they are in my pancakes) or kiwi, but Candi said both were very good, especially the blueberries.


Next up was a plate of pastries and muffins. The cinnamon rolls type things were stale and neither of us finished those but I did eat one of the muffins and it was very good. Candi said the croissant was good as well – nice and flaky on the outside and warm and soft on the inside.


The main plate consists of eggs, bacon, sausage, cheesy potatoes and stuffed French toast topped with blueberries. I only had a small bite of the eggs because they make me sick if I eat them too early in the morning. Candi is not really a fan of scrambled eggs at all so we both gave them low marks. The bacon was very good – I would have preferred it to be slightly crispier but Candi thought it was perfect and we both thought it had good flavor. The sausage is something else I don’t care too much for and I let Candi have it all – he enjoyed it and thought it was just the right amount of pepper and spice. The cheesy potatoes were too die for – one of my favorite foods last trip and I spent an entire year craving them – they did not disappoint this year! Candi agrees and we both asked for more when they were gone. The stuffed French toast was the best thing by far – and yes I enjoy blueberries when they are turned into a “not so good for you” type of food hee, hee!

Of course, during the meal all of the Princesses come around. They do an entire announcement of each Princess and they come out one by one in the beginning and by the end all four are going around to all the tables. This year we got to meet:


Snow White – she was very cute and had many lines that completely fit her role.


Aurora – she was quick and stayed just long enough to take a picture before moving on.


Jasmine – she spent the most amount of time at the table and was the only one who insisted that she get a picture with Candi too. Maybe she noticed how he couldn’t stop looking at her :rolleyes1


I love how she posed here!!


Lastly was Belle – she also stayed at the table a good amount of time and had a great sense of humor. She asked if I nicknamed Candi “Beast” because of his scruffy face - loved it!

Towards the end of the meal they passed out swords to all the boys and wands to all the girls (they gave them to children and adults) and they did a wishing ceremony.


Candi and I were having a sword/wand fight like little kids and Belle came by and joined in on the fun – this turned me into a little kid because Belle is my absolute favorite – of course we kicked Candi’s butt!!

At the end of the meal – which, by the way, is all you can eat – the waiter brought by our picture and made sure we wanted to use our meal credits for this meal.


This is the package picture – it came in a folder with 1 – 8x10, 1 – 8x10 of the castle, and 4 – 6x8s of the same picture of us. There is also a number on the picture that you can pull up on photopass to see all versions of the picture that they took.

Overall, we quite enjoyed the meal and will definitely be back. We still want this to be our first breakfast each trip so we can follow it up with a day at Magic Kingdom.

Starting Credits

Snack – 30 total (15 each)
Meal – 48 total (24 each)

Credits Used vs Cost

Cinderella’s Once Upon a Breakfast – 4 meal credits used (2 for each person) - $79.98 including tax
Thanks so much for doing a review of CRT--I have brunch there in December and I was concerned abut some of it's reviews. I feel sooo much better about it now.
Hi! I'm in! Congrats on your marriage :)
I am trying to decide if I want to do DxDP for my anniversary, okay okay I am not even married yet, I will be in December, but these are things I ponder. Everything looks fabulous so far!
Thanks so much for doing a review of CRT--I have brunch there in December and I was concerned abut some of it's reviews. I feel sooo much better about it now.

Ditto, I was starting to wonder if was worth the double credits. You have made feel at ease with my decision to try it. Thanks
Welcome :goodvibes My husband's favorites are Jasmine and Ariel ... I'm sure this has nothing to do with their choice in clothing :rolleyes1:lmao:

Joining in because we have our DH's fav in common, lol. BTW, it has everything to do with the princesses' costumes(or lack of....:lmao:)
Great review of CRT! I'd love to do the breakfast there some day. It sounds a lot better than the dinner!

Thanks so much for doing a review of CRT--I have brunch there in December and I was concerned abut some of it's reviews. I feel sooo much better about it now.

I was super worried about trying CRT for the first time also, but as I said we love it :thumbsup2 Is it the best food you'll ever have? Nope! But, is it the worst food ever? Definitely not! We always have a great time and I hope you do as well.

Great reviews so far. You look 15 years old.


Thank you! And thanks to the age comment :rotfl: I get that all the time and I'm sure the older I get the more I'll appreciate it ;)

Hi! I'm in! Congrats on your marriage :)

Thanks so much for joining :goodvibes Congratulations on your marriage as well, you were a beautiful bride!!!!

I am trying to decide if I want to do DxDP for my anniversary, okay okay I am not even married yet, I will be in December, but these are things I ponder. Everything looks fabulous so far!

An overplanner I see :rotfl2: We will get along quite well! I think I have our anniversaries planned out for the next 5 years :rotfl:

Ditto, I was starting to wonder if was worth the double credits. You have made feel at ease with my decision to try it. Thanks

No problem! I only hope you enjoy it as much as we do! My best advice is just relax and let the kid in you come out and you are bound to have a great time :thumbsup2

Joining in because we have our DH's fav in common, lol. BTW, it has everything to do with the princesses' costumes(or lack of....:lmao:)

I'm starting to think they must be all men's favorite princesses' ;):lmao:

Great review of CRT! I'd love to do the breakfast there some day. It sounds a lot better than the dinner!


I've never really been sold on the dinner and I love the stuffed french toast too much not to do the breakfast :goodvibes

Joining in. Love the reviews so far.

Thank you!!!

Great reviews!

Thanks so much :)
Great reviews. Can't wait for more. I know how you feel about the celery and carrots. That is how I feel about the grapes in the plastic bowls. I just love them. They are always so refreshing.
Nice reviews so far...especially love the cost/benefit analysis. We're doing Deluxe in February and I can't imagine it not being worth it.

I remember going to CRT back when I was a little girl and it was magical. We've passed for this trip becase the menus doesn't really appeal, but if I had a daughter, it would be a magical place to take her to...
Great reviews. Can't wait for more. I know how you feel about the celery and carrots. That is how I feel about the grapes in the plastic bowls. I just love them. They are always so refreshing.

Thank you so much :goodvibes Sometimes admist all the grease and sugar I just need something that is, as you said, "refreshing" :thumbsup2

Nice reviews so far...especially love the cost/benefit analysis. We're doing Deluxe in February and I can't imagine it not being worth it.

I remember going to CRT back when I was a little girl and it was magical. We've passed for this trip becase the menus doesn't really appeal, but if I had a daughter, it would be a magical place to take her to...

Thank you!! I can't wait until I have a daughter to take to CRT ... how magical to have gone as a little girl :cloud9:
** Somewhere during the day we each used a snack credit for a bottle of water for Candi and a bottle of Sprite for me. Each of these were one snack credit and would have been $2.50 each without the dining plan.

Tonight was a dinner I had been waiting for since we started planning this trip; we were going to be eating at Narcoossees and I was pumped!! Nevermind the fact that I couldn’t even pronounce the name of the restaurant :laughing: all I cared about was that we got a reservation during the fireworks!!

We got there extremely early – this would be an ongoing habit for the first half of the trip – and decided to walk around and check things out.



I absolutely adore how the restaurant is its very own private building!!

We went down to the dock and checked out the Magic Kingdom from afar – I couldn’t wait to see the fireworks from here!

While we were sitting around a very nice gentleman offered to take our picture


It’s one of my favorites of the whole trip.

But, you aren’t reading this to see pictures of us …. on to the food


On our way to check-in Candi stopped to check out the menu … umm yeah babe – this is what I was asking you to do when we planned this trip – it’s too late to throw in your opinion now :lmao: kidding … sorta ;)

We checked in with the hostess and were told it would be a few minutes so we went outside to catch part of the Electrical Parade while we waited. Soon enough our buzzer went off and we headed to our table.

Once again I was secretly hoping for a window seat … and we got it! I would soon realize that this would not do me any good for the fireworks :sad2:

Our waitress came by after a few minutes and seemed very rushed and not all that interested in being a waitress … uh-oh, please don’t let this be sign of things to come :rolleyes1 She took our drink order and rushed off before we had a chance to tell her that we were ready to order appetizers, oh well, no real biggy. It seemed to be about 5-10 minutes before she arrived with our drinks and then try to take off again without asking if we were ready to order. Candi quickly caught her and told her we were ready and she sighed rather loudly before asking what we wanted.

Candi started with the crab cakes - $13.00


He had never had crab cakes before so he has nothing to compare them to but he absolutely loved them! As promised I tried a bite and I must admit that I thought they were rather tasty as well. I’m starting to think I like crab just not crab legs?!? I didn’t particularly care for the cole slaw type stuff on the bottom but loved the sauce on the top. Candi on the other hand thought it tasted fabulous all together. They appear somewhat small but he thought they were quite filling as far as appetizers go. You know, not too full for dinner but not so small you feel it wasn’t enough?

As my starter I had the green goddess salad - $11.00


I was a little worried as many of the items in the salad were slightly outside my comfort zone. My overall thoughts – loved the avocado dressing and the cucumbers were crisp and delicious. As for the rest of the salad – eeehhh – didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. I can tell you after eating this salad that I do not like hearts of palm – but I give myself credit for trying it! Candi tried the salad as well and gave it two big thumbs down. Now, keep in mind that he is not a salad man anyway, but he said the dressing was “funky” and the rest was just “bland.”

Now, I hate to be a complainer but I have to tell you I was starting to get quite irked at our waitress – I am not going to give her name because she may have just been having an off night. But, this was a bad night that slowly got worse. The entire time we were eating our appetizers we never saw her, not even when our glasses were empty – not even when our appetizers were finished. Finally, Candi saw her at another table and politely waved her over. She just sort of came over and was like “yeah” to which we said we would like some refills and to check on our entrée order. Without a word she took our glasses and left. This time she was back within a minute with our refills and our entrees.

As his main course, Candi had the surf and turf – a complete no brainer choice for him - $58.00


Oh my goodness, it looked and smelled delicious! His first comment was about how glad he was that we weren't worrying about prices because otherwise he wouldn't have ordered it. He said his filet mignon was fabulous – thought not quite as good as the one I had at Fultons. He said it wasn’t “melt in our mouth delicious” but it was still a two thumbs up steak. Now, he has had lobster tail on previous occasions but he thought this one was way better than any he had had before. I know many people say it is just the frozen kind, but he enjoyed it all the same. And considering au gratin potatoes are his favorite side dish ever – he was in complete heaven! I didn’t try his steak because that’s what I ordered as my main, but I did try the lobster and I nearly stole it from him. Who would have thought a seafood hater would start to become a lover on this trip. Lobster is now in my top favorite foods list!!

For my main course I had the filet mignon - $41.00


My overall thoughts – loved the beans, they are my absolute favorites! The steak was very good, but the choron sauce became too much after a while. It wasn’t that it tasted bad, it’s just that it became overbearing about halfway through the meal. I loved the au gratin potatoes – they tasted different than the ones Candi had on his plate – better actually!

Towards the end of our main courses the fireworks show began. In all honesty it is one of the main reasons I booked a reservation here – to see Wishes from a different angle. We realized that everyone goes onto the balcony area to watch the show so it didn’t really matter that we had a window seat. No big deal, we just got up and went outside to join them.




This is my favorite fireworks show EVER – I love the Wishes song and I cannot lie – I started to cry a little.

Now back to the food –

When we came back in we saw our waitress at another table smiling and laughing and thought maybe she was in a better mood – WRONG!

It took her 20 minutes before she came around to our table to get our dessert order. In that time we saw her go to 4 or 5 other tables offering to take pictures for them and even offered a couple there for their anniversary some free champagne. Now, I don’t EXPECT a waitress to do any of those things but I DO expect to be treated the same as any other paying guest. By this point I was so irritated I started to cry out of frustration :headache:. She had basically ignored us all night, had an attitude every time we made a request and then I watch her treat every other table like actual guests.

Finally, she came to our table to get our dessert order.

Candi ordered the key lime crème brulee - $7.00


He ate a few bites and declared it too “limey.” I on the other hand thought it was spectacular, in my opinion nothing could every be too “limey” or too “lemony” for that matter :cutie: In the end we traded desserts.

For my dessert I order the almond-crusted cheesecake. I was so super excited about this and then our waitress came back to the table and literally threw the dessert menu in front of me and said “ you have to choose something else, we’re out of cheesecake.” So I ordered the strawberry shortcake - $7.00


My initial reaction – “it’s so pretty.” Geez, I can be such a girl sometimes :rotfl:. After taking the first bite I almost forgot it wasn’t what I had wanted – yes, it was THAT good. The strawberries were perfectly ripe and sweet and the whipped part was perfect. However, Candi clearly wasn’t enjoying his crème brulee so I offered a trade. This was definitely his type of dessert and he all but licked his plate clean :rotfl2:. Nope, I didn’t even get another single bite – well, he did give me the chocolate pieces, but he hates chocolate so it doesn’t count ;) Needless to say, he LOVED the strawberry shortcake.

For the first time all night our waitress came by before we had finished eating and left the bill. When she returned with our ticket to sign she made sure to point out the different options for leaving a tip and then disappeared for the rest of the night.

Our overall thoughts on Narcoossees:

Obviously we were very irritated with the service we received and this caused quite a downer on the night. I realize that we could have asked for a Manager and said something about it, but I didn’t want my attitude to come out on the wrong person and, at the time, felt it would just put me in a worse mood. Looking back I do wish we would have said something, only because I hate the thought of knowing she could have ruined someone else’s night as well. Anwhooooo….. Candi enjoyed every part of his meal – except his crème brulee which was easily fixed by trading. I didn’t love my salad and the main course became too much with the sauce after a while, but both desserts were delicious. Watching the fireworks from here was truly magical and almost made up for the lack of service – at any rate it kept us in better moods. Will we be back? Yes, I always believe in second chances and am sure we would have better service next time. However, I’m not sure we will put it on our must do list for our very next trip. I believe in forgive and forget – I just don’t know that I can forget that quickly :confused3

Starting Credits:

Snack: 30 total (15 each)

Meal: 42 total (21 each)

Credits Used vs Cost:

1 water and 1 sprite - 2 snack credits total - $5.00

1 tea, 1 diet coke, crab cakes, salad, steak & lobster, filet mignon, crème brulee and strawberry shortcake – 4 meal credits (2 for each adult) - $160.79 with tax not including tip (we still tipped just not as highly as we normally would for such a nice restaurant)

Wishes View – Priceless :cloud9:
Sorry about the bad sevice. Your meal looks lovely though! I can't wait to eat there!!
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