The Good Ole Freap Chat ~ Sequel Part III ~

Arrrgh!! My DS13 left the freezer door open again! All my food is in Coleman coolers while I wait for my fridge fan to thaw out! :headache:I was all set to do some food shopping today too. Well, guess I can't avoid the yardwork anymore.

These boys! Again? Is this a very common occurrence?

Have you lost food before due to his inability to shut the freezer door?popcorn::

OMG! Maggie- I saw this news story on the news last night. People are now getting molds of their babies while it is still in the womb! I thought your 4D was high-tech!

The creepy thing was, they said it will give a chance for the parents to bond with the child before it is born. I'm sorry- what will they do? Carry it around??:eek: I think talking to one's tummy is all the bonding one needs before the baby is born:rotfl2:

Hey- FYI- If anyone is NOT a fan of Michael Jackson and is sick of seeing him all over the news. I have this very offensive vid from Youtube you might like. It pretty much is about the hypocrisy of the mourning of his death, b/c not long ago everyone wanted to hang him for being a child molester, now they can't get enough of him and what a "great guy" he was :sad2:

PM me and I will give you the link.;)
OMG! Maggie- I saw this news story on the news last night. People are now getting molds of their babies while it is still in the womb! I thought your 4D was high-tech!

The creepy thing was, they said it will give a chance for the parents to bond with the child before it is born. I'm sorry- what will they do? Carry it around??:eek: I think talking to one's tummy is all the bonding one needs before the baby is born:rotfl2:

That sounds like those nutso women who carry around the doll that look like dead babies and pretend they're real babies. Creepy.

Hey- FYI- If anyone is NOT a fan of Michael Jackson and is sick of seeing him all over the news. I have this very offensive vid from Youtube you might like. It pretty much is about the hypocrisy of the mourning of his death, b/c not long ago everyone wanted to hang him for being a child molester, now they can't get enough of him and what a "great guy" he was :sad2:

PM me and I will give you the link.;)

I don't have an opinion on Michael Jackson one way or the other, but I am always up for an offensive video. :)
That sounds like those nutso women who carry around the doll that look like dead babies and pretend they're real babies. Creepy.

I've seen those dolls! Those woman wait patiently for the their doll to be made. The one woman opened the box and was so upset b/c there was alittle chip in "her baby" and was heartbroken b/c she had to take it back and wait for another one:scared1:

I don't have an opinion on Michael Jackson one way or the other, but I am always up for an offensive video. :)

E-mailed ya!:thumbsup2
I feel that there is NO NEED for a mold of your baby while they are in the womb. Seriously-- what do you do with it? Either these people have too much money, or just too much time on their hands.

Madd-- email it to me too;)
I feel that there is NO NEED for a mold of your baby while they are in the womb. Seriously-- what do you do with it? Either these people have too much money, or just too much time on their hands.

Madd-- email it to me too;)

I feel that there is NO NEED for a mold of your baby while they are in the womb. Seriously-- what do you do with it? Either these people have too much money, or just too much time on their hands.

:rotfl: No, silly.

You use it to show that you're a much better parent than everyone else. Anyone can have a sonogram picture, but someone who really loves their child carries around a full scale model of the little darling.

:rotfl: No, silly.

You use it to show that you're a much better parent than everyone else. Anyone can have a sonogram picture, but someone who really loves their child carries around a full scale model of the little darling.


I think it is cute when people cast their bellies for art, etc- and I have to admit I love those naked pregnant pics everyone takes! But yeah, that is completely- utterly... weird. :confused:

BTW Maggie, he does look like Shane!! Any name updates for us?
:rotfl: No, silly.

You use it to show that you're a much better parent than everyone else. Anyone can have a sonogram picture, but someone who really loves their child carries around a full scale model of the little darling.




I think it is cute when people cast their bellies for art, etc- and I have to admit I love those naked pregnant pics everyone takes! But yeah, that is completely- utterly... weird. :confused:

BTW Maggie, he does look like Shane!! Any name updates for us?

Everyone else seems to think that he looks like him too. I think so as well. My neighbor things he favors me, but I don't see it. I kind of hope he comes out looking like his dad... for DHs sake anyway.

Updates... hmm. Well.. we haven't announced the name yet but I think we may have decided on one. A first one anyway-- I'm surprised we have come this far to be honest with you. Its taken way too long... and we are still at a complete loss for a middle name. I guess it will come with time.

I have a busy month... I have 2 showers back to back this month and another on the first of August. I have a feeling things will be crazy busy.

We are going on vacation next week. DH is taking me to Lake Lure, NC. This was a surprise trip that he planned for me. He knows Dirty Dancing is my fav. movie and he thought this might be our last trip alone for a while-- so he is taking me to stay at one of the locations that it was filmed. We are doing a dinner cruise and Dh is playing golf on the golf course that's in the movie... we are doing couples massages- that kind of thing. I'm hoping for a relaxing getaway. Anyone been there?

Ellie's legs are still giving her trouble. I took her to the vet a few weeks ago and they practically let me know that they didn't know what was wrong with her, her x-rays on that leg looked fine... but her bunny hop of a run makes them think it might be her hips although nothing comes up on x-ray. They told me to give her some natural osteopathic(!?) pills for 6wks. They said I wouldnt see a change overnight-- it would take at least 6wks to see anything. So.... we built her a ramp and have done all we know to do. I'm hoping this passes, at least before the baby comes. Id really like to have one less thing to worry about right now.

If any of you are coming to the Smoky Mtns this summer please let me know. Would love to meet up.
These boys! Again? Is this a very common occurrence?

Have you lost food before due to his inability to shut the freezer door?popcorn::
4th time this has happened. We have the freezer drawer on the bottom, and it will bounce back and not seal if you close it with too much force. This usually happens while getting ice cream at night, and by morning the freezer is at 34 and the fridge is at 56 degrees. We have a freezer in the basement, so the thawing stuff ends up there. I don't end up tossing too much- mostly what is left after I fill the coolers up. The boys will eat the ice cream when it re-freezes- I refuse to buy more 'till it's gone! After 24 hours I can plug the fridge back in and all is well, and for the next month or two I'll faithfully check the freezer door to make sure it's closed. On the bright side, the inside of my fridge is pristine since I wash it down when I empty it. ;)
Madd- I have never given a second thought to anything in your siggy, but that new cat is seriously freaky.....:laughing:.
Tinker- Thought of you when I found this searching for freebies:

Thank you so much! I will check it out.. I think I may have hit on something yesterday... :idea:

He already has a potty chart, and a big jar full of "gummies" from the candy store in his bathroom to bribe him-- which works about 2 times a day, but I want him to go every time.

Well (and forgive me bc this is not usually my parenting style, but I am desperate!).. yesterday I went to WM and bought some Huggies Pure and Natural DIAPERS in a size 5. Wes asked, "Are those for Maggie?" and I said- "No, they are for you." he said, "But I wear Pull ups." and I said, "No, you wear big boy underwear, and if you don't want to wear them you can wear a baby diaper." He said, "I dont want to wear baby diapers." I said, "Then Pee in your potty and you wont have to." And- he went like 4 times yesterday after that! So.. yes, I know it is horrible that I am belittling him, but I swear I have tried everything I know! I will let him have his pull ups back when he gets it down, of course (I am thinking of WDW) but I think they are slowing me down right now!

:scared1: :scared1: My child is a genius and I can't get him to pee on the potty! :scared1: :scared1:
:scared1: :scared1: My child is a genius and I can't get him to pee on the potty! :scared1: :scared1:

Believe it or not, being slow to potty train is a sign of intelligence.

Carly was nearly 4 before she was potty trained. I never stressed about it though. All those years of childcare experience will do that to you. I've seen dozens of kids through potty training, and the one thing I can tell you for certain is that not a single one of them was trained a second sooner than they were ready to be.

The best piece of advice I can give is to not use a potty chair. If you have them use a regular toilet from the beginning, you won't have to retrain them later.

ETA: Also, only use pull ups at night. Go ahead and put him in big boy underwear during the day (you can use the rubber pants over them if you want.) Pull ups feel too much like diapers and it doesn't feel like a transition for them.
Thank you so much! I will check it out.. I think I may have hit on something yesterday... :idea:

He already has a potty chart, and a big jar full of "gummies" from the candy store in his bathroom to bribe him-- which works about 2 times a day, but I want him to go every time.

Well (and forgive me bc this is not usually my parenting style, but I am desperate!).. yesterday I went to WM and bought some Huggies Pure and Natural DIAPERS in a size 5. Wes asked, "Are those for Maggie?" and I said- "No, they are for you." he said, "But I wear Pull ups." and I said, "No, you wear big boy underwear, and if you don't want to wear them you can wear a baby diaper." He said, "I dont want to wear baby diapers." I said, "Then Pee in your potty and you wont have to." And- he went like 4 times yesterday after that! So.. yes, I know it is horrible that I am belittling him, but I swear I have tried everything I know! I will let him have his pull ups back when he gets it down, of course (I am thinking of WDW) but I think they are slowing me down right now!

:scared1: :scared1: My child is a genius and I can't get him to pee on the potty! :scared1: :scared1:

I like your style!! LOL. Poor Wes. I think you will have him potty trained sooner than you think! Did you get the pull-ups potty training DVD in the mail? Have you used it? I got it a while back and stashed it away for years down the road. I was wondering what was on it.
Alesia- thank you sooo much- that makes me feel better! I think the reason I am so worried about it is bc my parents are giving me a really hard time. But, you know- my parents and I have completely different parenting styles! In fact, part of me just wants to be like-WES- stay in pull ups so I have an excuse to homeschool! hahahaha. Literally, he is three, can read all of his letters, numbers, read basic words like "stop"- can tell you every dino name and pronounce it properly.. but he could care less about peeing in a potty! He has one of those expensive musical pottys, but I recently got a Cars fold up potty cover for the big potty, and he likes it a lot.

Maggie- I dont think I have that DVD, but I do have the book! Which he reads (has memorized.. pretends to read to me)! Do you like how he automatically thought the baby diapers were for you?? hahahaha!
My oldest took so long to toilet train. And, looking back, I think most of it was I did make an issue of it, and he figured out pretty quick that I had no control over it. So, do what feels right to you, you know Wes best, and what will motivate him. :hug:
Now a question for the gardening freaps- is it ok to trim hedges in the middle of summer, or do I have to wait for fall? I am such a hit or miss gardener, and am really trying to devote an hour a day to my overgrown yard- but I know in the past I heard something about fall or spring only cutting? Anyone know for sure? These are evergreen type hedges I'm wondering about. Thanks!:thumbsup2
Madd- I have never given a second thought to anything in your siggy, but that new cat is seriously freaky.....:laughing:.

:lmao: Aprille on the LOLcats thread posted it espcially for ME a while back!:snooty: :banana::banana:

I wonder why that evil little thing reminded her of me!?:scratchin


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