Take the 2 year old they said...It'll be fun they said...They were right!

lol @ the huge roll of film.. when we went in 2012 I heard kids say "look, a giant battery!"
Yeah for Mickey Mouse!

They look like they had a blast on the playground. And you are right, they will never know what in the heck Honey I Shrunk the Kids is. What a shame.

Jackson got 100 on TSMM. I want to ride with him so I can win! :lmao: Just kidding. I do beat John and Dawson occasionally. I plan on beating you if we both get to go for the school trip! :rotfl:

Pizza Planet sounds good to me. I love their kids meal. You can keep that nasty salad! ;)
Sounds like a nice evening - and not too stressful. And hey, on most tests a score of 100 is a perfect score!

I think passing up your favorite ride so your child can enjoy a swim is the pretty darn good parenting :thumbsup2
Am absolutely LOVING your TR! We are bringing our 2 sons (they will be 3.5 and 1.5) next June so I am making lots of notes! We brought our eldest when he was 14 months but its a whole different ball game with two so I'm doing my homework ;) I got all teary eyed reading about when you asked your DH if he felt the magic - its amazing when it hits you like that! Our first day in MK with DS1 was the part I had been looking forward to for months, I had really bad PND after he was born amd that thought got me through some scary times, just thè thought of seeing his face and feeling that magic. Well as luck would have it he decided to throw a full fledged tantrum (my little man had the opposite "pooh" problem to your youngest so we had lots of delightful nappies and a very sore rear end!!) I swear I wss so close to tears and thought the whole trip would be a fiasco but when we went back a few days later we had one of those magical days and your experience brought that back! :goodvibes

Really love that journal you got in DTD!! I have to get one of those, I did a scrapbook of DS1s first trip but one of those bound journals seems ideal!!

Can't wait to
What a wonderful evening! And I was getting teary-eyed as you described the "getting it" with the magic. You can see everyone was having a good time. I love the pictures at the Honey I Shrunk the Kids and the pictures with Mickey are priceless.

I got teary-eyed when I wrote it. It was the most amazing (and oddly calming) feeling ever! Obviously I've felt the magic before or I wouldn't go back all the time but feeling it the first time with kids is priceless.

The only thing I question is your judgment on Pizza Planet! Seriously I don't know how anyone can eat pizza at Disney or in Florida for that matter. :lmao::lmao:

Haha! I knew someone would reject my love of Pizza Planet. :rotfl:I don't know why I like it so much but I do.

I can't wait to hear how the next day goes.

It's going to be great!

No dissing Pizza Planet. We loved it last year and it is only one of two that are a repeat this year. We hate Disneyland's Pizza Port. Now that is bad pizza.

Yay! Another Pizza Planet lover! I've never been to DL so I can't comment on their pizza but I do love me some WDW pizza!

Sounds like an absolutely beautiful evening! Good dinner, good character interaction, good rides -- just a magical evening.

It was such an amazing night! The next night is going to be even better though! Stay tuned! popcorn::

lol @ the huge roll of film.. when we went in 2012 I heard kids say "look, a giant battery!"

Haha! They'll probably never get it. It's like an 8-trak to me. :rotfl2:

Yeah for Mickey Mouse!


They look like they had a blast on the playground. And you are right, they will never know what in the heck Honey I Shrunk the Kids is. What a shame.

They had so much fun. You're right, they won't know what that movie is. I didn't think of that. I was thinking more about the fact that they won't know what a roll of film is. haha!

Jackson got 100 on TSMM. I want to ride with him so I can win! :lmao: Just kidding. I do beat John and Dawson occasionally. I plan on beating you if we both get to go for the school trip! :rotfl:

You're going down!

Pizza Planet sounds good to me. I love their kids meal. You can keep that nasty salad! ;)

I will. It is delish!

Sounds like a nice evening - and not too stressful. And hey, on most tests a score of 100 is a perfect score!

That is an excellent point! I'm a teacher and didn't even think of that!

I think passing up your favorite ride so your child can enjoy a swim is the pretty darn good parenting :thumbsup2

I have my moments! :lmao: It really wasn't anything to pass it up. I'm not much for riding rides alone and I've ridden it a million times before.

Am absolutely LOVING your TR! We are bringing our 2 sons (they will be 3.5 and 1.5) next June so I am making lots of notes! We brought our eldest when he was 14 months but its a whole different ball game with two so I'm doing my homework ;)

I hope that some of the things I talk about help. Following their lead is the best advice I can give. And be willing to throw any plan out the window.

I got all teary eyed reading about when you asked your DH if he felt the magic - its amazing when it hits you like that! Our first day in MK with DS1 was the part I had been looking forward to for months, I had really bad PND after he was born amd that thought got me through some scary times, just thè thought of seeing his face and feeling that magic. Well as luck would have it he decided to throw a full fledged tantrum (my little man had the opposite "pooh" problem to your youngest so we had lots of delightful nappies and a very sore rear end!!) I swear I wss so close to tears and thought the whole trip would be a fiasco but when we went back a few days later we had one of those magical days and your experience brought that back! :goodvibes

I SO feel your pain! It's a little tough when the moment you thought would be amazing turns out not to be but it makes the unexpected, awesome moments so much more special. I'm glad you were brought back to your magical experience and I hope you have so many more on your next trip!

Really love that journal you got in DTD!! I have to get one of those, I did a scrapbook of DS1s first trip but one of those bound journals seems ideal!!

I'm so in love with it. I just need to start writing in it. I figured I'd finish up the TR first and then dive in to it.

Can't wait to

The next day is going to be great!
It was going to be hard to top the previous night but Brody's 5th birthday was the next day (Thursday, 6/19) and I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of having an incredibly magical day!

As fate would have it, Brody's birthday was an early EMH day at MK! :banana: We had plans to be there bright and early. We made such good time getting there that we got a front row parking spot! Woohoo! The bag check line was pretty long by the time we got off the monorail arrived at the MK. I took the boys through the no bag line and DH took the bags through. I thought this was perfect time to take the first birthday pick of my little man!


Our plan this morning was to focus on New Fantasyland but of course we had a pitstop or two on the way. We first rode Buzz Lightyear and the boys loved it. I didn't take a single picture though. :headache: I was too busy trying to beat DHs score. No surprise though...he won. What is it with men and video games?! I should be able to beat him. I've ridden the thing a bajillion times!!!

After Buzz we headed over to celebrate Brody's birthday at the tea cups - or rather the rest of us celebrated our un-Birthdays!

Couldn't pick between those two pics!

Not a bad mid-spin picture. Jackson kept getting a bit wobbly on the ride. It's kind of hard to tell a two year old not to look out of the of the teacup so that he doesn't get dizzy.

Not the best mid-spin pic but still cute.

After our fun time on the teacups we decided it was time for a little snack. I'd read many great things about the cinnamon roll at Gaston's Tavern so that's where we were off too. Brody LOVES apple juice so we ordered him a LeFou's Brew. Turns out...he doesn't love frozen apple juice. I also thought it was gross so DH drank it. We ate the huge cinnamon roll in minutes. We ate it so quick that as I was taking the last bite, I thought..."I didn't take a picture!" I'm really going to be more prepared with food photos next time. To be fair, this TR was not planned so next time I'll have even more pics of everything.

After our snack stop we walked past the Little Mermaid ride and Brody wanted to ride it. Jackson was not in the mood so much but we walked right on to a clam mobile and he was pretty content once we were on the go. Because of that though I didn't get pictures...again. :sad2:

*continued in next post*
After our ride on the Little Mermaid we headed down to our next stop which I knew the boys would love...DUMBO!!! This is a continuous favorite in our household, in fact I just got a Dumbo pillow pal for DS2 at the store the other day for 50% off!!! :thumbsup2 He loves it!

Anyway, so we get to the ride and there is no wait at all because it is only about 9:30 at this point. We walked right on but of course that required us to walk right past the new play area. We promised the boys we'd go back and play there after the ride. I don't know what they liked more, the ride or the play area. I really wish Disney would use this idea for more rides. It's GENIUS!

Jackson stayed in that car for the whole time we played in there.

After our fun times at Dumbo, we made our way to Casey Jr.'s Splash-n-Soak Station. Brody had been going on and on about wanting to play in the water but I know how much he hates to be wet and cold. We made sure to bring extra clothes for both boys. Jackson on the other hand was all about it. He looks a little unhappy in some of the pictures but I think he was just squinting due to the water splashing in his face and we never took smiling pictures at the right time.

Anyone else have a kid like this? If there is a ledge is MUST be walked on!

And that's when he decided it was time to change clothes. Notice that he's not even that wet. :lmao:

After a quick wardrobe change we decided to try our luck at a couple more character photos. Donald and goofy were around the corner so we headed to them with the promise of a special treat from the big top concession stand if they were good.

We never can seem to get a picture of all of us looking in the same direction at the same time.

Let's try again...nope!

Yay!! We did it!!!

As promised we went to the big top to get some treats and spoil their lunch. Let's be honest...it's not like they were going to eat anyway AND it was a birthday!

Brody picked out the plainest shortbread cookie. Wouldn't be my pick but it was perfect for his picky palette.

Jackson on the other hand went all out for an M&M and chocolate covered marshmallow wand which would ultimately prompt another wardrobe change later.

Look at that thing though!!!

He literally just picked off all of the M&Ms and didn't eat the marshmallows! It would have been cheaper and less messy to just buy a bag of M&Ms but where is the fun in that!!

It was time to go back and take naps so we boarded the WDW RR and rode it to the front of the park. Since we had a great parking spot and knew we were coming back to MK later that night we decided to take the bus back to the resort. That ended up being a bad idea. The boys had plenty of time to eat their snacks because it took 40 MINUTES for a bus to show up! Seriously...40 MINUTES!!! And we couldn't leave because we kept thinking, "it's been a while, surely a bus will be here in a minute and if we leave one will show up." Luckily the boys were happy with their snacks and then ok just hanging out and didn't get antsy or fussy at all.

We got back to the hotel and ate lunch at the food court again. I think we may have let Brody swim a little but I really can't remember. So far it was a great morning though. We were at the MK for 3 hours from 8-11 am and during that time accomplished: Buzz, Teacups, Little Mermaid, Dumbo, Splash Station, 2 character meets, and a ride on the RR! That's a good morning in my book!

UP NEXT: One of top 5 nights of my LIFE!!!!
Loving your trip report! It's totally fun to pick the m&m's off something. I pick the chocolate chips out of my trail mix all the time mwahahaha :rotfl:
Happy Birthday Brody! At least in trip report time ... in real life he is already a pro at being 5 ;)

sounds like a fun morning and yeah for no lines! I agree that the pay area at Dumbo is a great idea but it is weird at times to be like calling to your kids: "Stop playing! We need to go on a ride and have different fun!"

Casey Jr. Splash area is great - but the kids can really get soaked there!

My kids are the same way with ledges - and rocks, and basically anything that is higher than group level - must be climbed and walked on

That M&M marshmallow thing is huge!

40 mins for a bus! That sucks! glad the kids were content with the candy though
First...your comment to me about going down on TSMM? I don't think so...going to kick your bottom! ;)

You got a lot of great pics on his birthday! I love the one with both of the kids in Dumbo. It's excellent!

They do all have to climb when it is possible. Guess they are born with that just like all kids wait to talk til you get on the phone. :lmao:

I'm glad that the kids had food to eat to keep them happy while waiting on the bus. 40 minutes is uncalled for! :eek:
Beautiful start to a birthday! You guys got quite a bit done for the morning. What a wait for a bus, though!
Wow, you got so much done in a short amount of time!

I agree about the Dumbo waiting area - so smart!!

And 40 minutes for a bus is crazy.
Yay for the birthday boy spending his birthday at the Magic Kingdom! What wonderful memories that you'll have. Well, except for the 40 wait for a bus. :eek:
Loving your trip report! It's totally fun to pick the m&m's off something. I pick the chocolate chips out of my trail mix all the time mwahahaha :rotfl:

Thanks! I agree! M&Ms any way you can take them are great! I pick out the M&Ms from my trail mix too...though that's usually because the boys want them. Haha!

Happy Birthday Brody! At least in trip report time ... in real life he is already a pro at being 5 ;)

That he is! Though after being home all summer with his 2 year old brother, I think he's reverted back at times. :lmao: He is so ready to go back to school though so it should improve soon. He told me yesterday he was tired of hanging out with me everyday. Not in a bad way though.

sounds like a fun morning and yeah for no lines! I agree that the pay area at Dumbo is a great idea but it is weird at times to be like calling to your kids: "Stop playing! We need to go on a ride and have different fun!"

I totally agree! I'm sure there are many meltdowns that happen in the tent everyday.

Casey Jr. Splash area is great - but the kids can really get soaked there!

I was so happy I brought extra clothes that day. But then I was sad that I put Jackson in that black Mickey shirt because I love it and he only got to wear it for a couple hours.

My kids are the same way with ledges - and rocks, and basically anything that is higher than group level - must be climbed and walked on

Same here! It's constant! He'll even try to walk when there are bushes with thorny leaves. He usually gives up on those quickly though.

That M&M marshmallow thing is huge!

It really was. He loved eating it! The best part is that it was on a Mickey straw that is now added to our collection of swirly straws!

40 mins for a bus! That sucks! glad the kids were content with the candy though

I've never waited so long for one before. It definitely made me happy that we weren't using the buses regularly. That's not the end of our bus troubles for the day though.

First...your comment to me about going down on TSMM? I don't think so...going to kick your bottom! ;)


You got a lot of great pics on his birthday! I love the one with both of the kids in Dumbo. It's excellent!

I do too! Lucas was trying to hide and pop up to get them to smile but I thought it was awesome to keep him in the picture and show that interaction.

They do all have to climb when it is possible. Guess they are born with that just like all kids wait to talk til you get on the phone. :lmao:

So true!! You would know that about my kids more than anyone!

I'm glad that the kids had food to eat to keep them happy while waiting on the bus. 40 minutes is uncalled for! :eek:

Me too! I know right?!

Beautiful start to a birthday! You guys got quite a bit done for the morning. What a wait for a bus, though!

It was such a great morning! The afternoon/evening is even better!

Wow, you got so much done in a short amount of time!

This was my first time ever doing RD. I can't believe I never did it before.

I agree about the Dumbo waiting area - so smart!!

It really is. And it was easy to keep an eye on them since there weren't many other kids in there.

And 40 minutes for a bus is crazy.

I couldn't believe it! I think 20 is about the most I waited before that.

Yay for the birthday boy spending his birthday at the Magic Kingdom! What wonderful memories that you'll have. Well, except for the 40 wait for a bus. :eek:

It was the best birthday ever. I don't think we'll ever be able to top it!
After our long wait for the bus, we finally found our way back to the resort. We ate lunch at the food court, let Brody have a little birthday swim while Jackson was going down for his nap, and then DH and I just hung out for a bit. I was getting board in the room so I went out to roam and take in the day. I was very antsy this day. After all, it was my first born's 5th birthday...I wanted to keep celebrating!

After naps, we got the boys ready. I believe that Jackson had so much chocolate on him from his treat earlier that he had to have another wardrobe change. After our long bus wait earlier, I was happy that we only had to wait a couple of minutes for the MK bus to come around. However, that doesn't mean it didn't make for an interesting bus ride. As we were rolling along on our way the bus suddenly started to shake and rattle a bit. After a few seconds it stopped and we continued along as normal. Then it started happening again but this time it didn't stop immediately and the bus driver had to pull the bus over into the grass on the side of the road. :confused3 And then there was this weird smell - like burnt hair. There was only one other family on the bus with us and the bus driver just sat there. He didn't turn around and talk to any of us or even get out of the bus at all. He sat there and didn't move for about 3 minutes and then started the bus up again and we went on our way. It was a very odd experience but I was happy that we made it to the MK and didn't have to wait on a replacement bus.

So cue the MK music...we have arrived again! Here is one of the best things of the day. True Disney MAGIC!! All week long, the weather forecast for this day was cloudy with a 90% chance of thunderstorms! While the boys were napping there was a little cloud cover and a few rumbles of thunder but it never rained. When we arrived at the MK this is what is looked like...

And it stayed looking like that! It was the most perfectly beautiful day! I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure we were going to be rained out but we got some pixie dust that day! pixiedust:

Before I go on about the rides and fun, I need to warn you all that the pictures from this afternoon are a bit lacking. I think it is because were were having the best time ever and just didn't take many.

Our first stop was the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train!! We had a coveted FP for 4:15 and it was finally time to ride it. I did take a few pictures on this ride but later deleted them because they turned out horrible. Brody and I rode it together and we both loved it. I think it is a perfect addition to Fantasyland. After we got off, my DH and Brody went back to ride it again thanks to rider swap. Jackson and I shared some ice cream while they were off riding the ride. They came back and were both thrilled with it. Our next FP wasn't until 6:30 so we had some time to kill.

We decided to head over to Mickey's Philharmagic which is one of my personal favorites. I made sure that the boys were familiar with all of the featured movies so that they could enjoy it as well. (Who doesn't love a good reason to watch a Disney classic or two or five!) Both boys loved it. Brody did the classic reach for the jewels during the Little Mermaid part which almost made me cry and Jackson successfully sat through a show!! :woohoo:

It was around 5:30 at this time so we decided to eat early before places started filling up. We went over to Pinocchio's Village Haus to eat. There was no wait which was very nice! I was disappointed when I had learned that they switched out their pizzas for flatbreads but ended up LOVING the flatbread! I want one now actually! If memory serves we even got Jackson to eat a little bit of food which was fantastic! We really enjoyed our dinner and enjoyed watching the Small World boats go by.

After dinner it was time to head over to Peter Pan for our 6:30 FP. Once again, I didn't take any good pictures! :( We did enjoy the ride though. I will say that I forgot how short the ride was. I really don't understand why people stand in line so long for it. It is nostalgic and cute though.

We then hopped over to ride IASW again. I know why I don't have pictures this time though. While standing in line, Brody lost the arm off of his Woody figure that he'd been carrying around. It was a little Woody that came with one of those parachutes attached to him. The parachute worked once before it had to be cut off but Brody was in love with the little figure (even though he had 3 more Woody's at home). Losing the arm was a fiasco! I looked like a complete idiot walking up and down the cue after the ride was over, looking for a piece of an arm that was probably about 1 inch in length! We did not find it but we did promise Brody we'd look for another one in the gift shop. It was only a $7 toy and I was not going to let $7 get between a great birthday and a sad birthday. Good news...we found another and all was ok!

After IASW we headed off in different directions. DH and Brody headed over to Splash Mountain where DH, like always, took NO pictures! And Jackson and I had a FP for the Magic Carpets again. I did get some cute pics though.

"I'm sorry, can you stop kissing me, I've got carpets to look at!"


That's all for now. Jackson just woke up screaming from his nap.

UP NEXT: All my "wishes" come true!!
Ashley, I'm so sorry I missed the previous update (rough week).

I love the pics of the boys on Dumbo. I think the problem with having a play area in every section is that you would NEVER get on any rides. The splash area is adorable and smart on bringing extra clothes. Your oldest DS cracks me up with not liking being wet. And THEY all climb on those things...even the big kids. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

What an AWESOME picture of all of you with Donald Duck!

I want one of those cookies right now, please!

And how adorable is the youngest DS with his M&M's and marshmellow. Who wants boring M&M's when you can eat them off a stick?

That is absolutely horrible about the 40 minute wait for the bus! :furious:

Yay for pixie dust and blue skies and no rain for the birthday celebration.

Those pictures of you and the little one are absolutely precious by the carpet ride.
Great updates. So special to have a birthday at WDW! Sounds like you had a great time. We love the flatbreads at Pinocchio's. Again we were surprised because we hadn't read very good reviews of the place, but we loved it.

I am going to try to find the marshmallow treat thing that Jackson had. It looked like something I would enjoy!

Well, I am glad that whatever happened on the bus was an easy trick to fix and didn't require to switch out a bus.

Have a great weekend.
It really did turn out to be a beautiful day. Gotta love the 90% and then it not happen! :banana:

Wonder what in the heck was up with the bus. You know me, I would have asked. hehe

I'll bet that was cute with Brody trying to catch the jewels. And Jackson sat still and watched it. Win-win. :goodvibes

PVH....I can't wait to go so I can eat a meatball sandwich. Yummm I hate dieting! These trip reports are killing me!
Ashley, I'm so sorry I missed the previous update (rough week).

No need to apologize! I hope you are feeling better!

I love the pics of the boys on Dumbo. I think the problem with having a play area in every section is that you would NEVER get on any rides. The splash area is adorable and smart on bringing extra clothes. Your oldest DS cracks me up with not liking being wet. And THEY all climb on those things...even the big kids. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

The funny thing is that he wouldn't stop talking about wanting to play in the splash area before we went but I knew as soon as he got a little wet and cold he'd be done quickly.

What an AWESOME picture of all of you with Donald Duck!

It is one of my favorite from the trip. We somehow managed to all look at the camera at the same time!

I want one of those cookies right now, please!

Brody enjoyed it very much! I thought it looked a little bland but definitely cute.

And how adorable is the youngest DS with his M&M's and marshmellow. Who wants boring M&M's when you can eat them off a stick?

You are so right!

That is absolutely horrible about the 40 minute wait for the bus! :furious:

Hopefully that was just a fluke and won't happen again. They must have just been having all kinds of bus trouble that day!

Yay for pixie dust and blue skies and no rain for the birthday celebration.

I was so thrilled that it never rained! I had been worried about it all week.

Those pictures of you and the little one are absolutely precious by the carpet ride.

He is just too cute! I know I'm partial but I find myself thinking it on almost a daily basis. I know that I don't need to have more kids because I can't top the two I've already got!

Great updates. So special to have a birthday at WDW! Sounds like you had a great time. We love the flatbreads at Pinocchio's. Again we were surprised because we hadn't read very good reviews of the place, but we loved it.

It was so much better than I expected. I just got the pepperoni but I wish I would have been a little more adventurous and try another. I plan to in March when I go back.

I am going to try to find the marshmallow treat thing that Jackson had. It looked like something I would enjoy!

They had all different kinds. Some with M&Ms, some with sprinkles, and even some that looked like Olaf! Marshmallows are a common treat in our house so I knew that he would enjoy it.

Well, I am glad that whatever happened on the bus was an easy trick to fix and didn't require to switch out a bus.

Me too! :drive:

Have a great weekend.

Hope you had a great one too!

It really did turn out to be a beautiful day. Gotta love the 90% and then it not happen! :banana:

It was the best ever!

Wonder what in the heck was up with the bus. You know me, I would have asked. hehe

I was too interested in getting on with my day and asking about it wouldn't have changed anything about it so I just left it alone. :)

I'll bet that was cute with Brody trying to catch the jewels. And Jackson sat still and watched it. Win-win. :goodvibes

It was really great! I want to watch it again now!

PVH....I can't wait to go so I can eat a meatball sandwich. Yummm I hate dieting! These trip reports are killing me!

I'm hoping we can eat there when we go back in March too! Lindsay is SUPER picky and it will limit our options but I think she can handle flatbread.
Hi all! I'm getting closer to the end of our trip which saddens me but on the other hand it's probably for the best because I had to go back to work this week. It's time to get back to teaching again! :teacher: Teaching is up there with WDW and Justin Timberlake for me! I can't wait for the kids to come back. I do try to bring a little Disney magic into the classroom though. Here is my new bulletin board I made today! I'm so excited about it!

Back to the evening at hand. So far we had been having a wonderful birthday for Brody at the MK and it was only going to get better. After riding Splash Mountain and the Flying Carpets we decided it was time to head to Main Street to find ourselves a spot for the Electrical Parade and Wishes. The prime seats for the parade were already taken but I was able to find us a spot just behind another family. This is the part where I was beginning to get nervous because it would involve having both boys sit and behave themselves for about an hour as we were approaching our normal bed time. We got some popcorn and that worked for a little while but then Jackson started to get a little cranky. A very loud and boisterous Irish family packed in next to us like we were a can of sardines which caused the situation to be a little more uncomfortable. Fortunately, they helped to alleviate the situation by giving both boys Mickey suckers which successfully kept Jackson and Brody occupied until the parade started.

Once the parade started I had to hold Brody because he couldn't see well over the family that was in front of us. Due to this I didn't get many pictures. I also just wanted to enjoy the moment and not focus on pictures.

There was a lot of screaming and cheering over this train!

After the parade ended and the crowd thinned a bit, I decided that we needed to move a little closer to the castle and get a better view. We went down Main St. a bit and landed right in front of the new Starbucks. We had a prime viewing spot in my opinion. We watched "Celebrate the Magic," which the boys both loved but I was on pins and needles waiting for the fireworks to start!

I usually wait until my last night to watch "Wishes" but there was rain in the forecast for our last night and since this was Brody's birthday, it seemed like the perfect night to do it. DH was holding Jackson the whole time and because of the Brody wanted to be held too. I happily told him that I would. Watching "Wishes" while holding my new 5 year old in my arms was one of the most magical moments I've ever had in my entire life. Behind giving birth to my kids and marrying my husband, it is the single most amazing experience of my life. I had been looking forward to this moment since before I had children. I was able to get a few pictures in (which didn't turn out too bad considering they were taken with my iPhone) but I eventually had to stop and make sure that I just took in the moment. By the end of the fireworks, I was crying. This is not new, "Wishes" always makes me shed a tear, but this wasn't a single tear situation, this was a full on blubbering mess of a cry in which I had to compose myself afterwards so that I didn't look like an idiot as we walked back down Main St. I could almost start crying again as I type this, especially because as I type this it is two months to the minute from that moment. I can't wait to experience it again but I don't know if it will ever be the same. Here are the few pictures that I did capture...

Testing the view.

Eyes watering...

Single tear...

Blubbering mess!

What a night and we have one more left!

UP NEXT: Fossil hunting we go!


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