Take the 2 year old they said...It'll be fun they said...They were right!

Popcorn! Of course! DD1 always has a poop problem every time we go anywhere, I was wondering what I could do about it while in WDW and you just gave me the answer! :rotfl:

She's also going through a not eating anything phase, but I think in this instance it's because of a cold she's still trying to kick. Hopefully by the time we get to WDW she'll be back eating again. She was such a good eater, so it's so frustrating going from eating everything to nothing!

I'm really enjoying your TR, it's helping me prepare for what will probably happen - exiting rides before we get to ride them, leaving shows half way through, just general tantrums :lmao:
wow - that's a lot of spending money! I know if I had that when I was a kid I would have blown it all at the Lego store and not even made it to World of Disney :lmao:

Bummer the line at EoS was too long - but an afternoon of swimming and napping sounds good!
I'm loving your report so far! Your boys are so cute. Jackson reminds me a little of my son, probably because they are both blonde and have similar smiles.
I LOVE all the souvenirs...what a load. :goodvibes

I have that Dumbo ornament. Our Christmas tree has been a "Disney tree" for the last four or five years (nothing else goes on it except an ornament of our dog that we lost last October).

I love your idea of keeping a journal of your family trips. :thumbsup2
Just finding and getting caught up on your trip report!

You have a lovely family and two stinkin' cute boys! :)

I am glad we aren't the only family who has Disney meltdowns from time to time. :rotfl: Actually, I think the heat plays into it a lot! We do much better in the fall and winter! :laughing:

I can't wait to read your next update!
wow - that's a lot of spending money! I know if I had that when I was a kid I would have blown it all at the Lego store and not even made it to World of Disney :lmao:

Bummer the line at EoS was too long - but an afternoon of swimming and napping sounds good!

That journal idea is really cool - we usually do a "photo collage" to help remember but I am sure a lot of extra details could go in the journal

Great ornament! :thumbsup2
I love all of the toys and getting Brody to pose like that is priceless! I think the journal is an awesome idea. I wish I would have started one years ago. It would be great to go back and read it. Dumbo is so cute! Too bad you missed EoS. It is sounding pretty darn good to me right about now. :goodvibes
Hi all! I promise I'm going to catch up soon. I'm on vacation in Panama City Beach right now and haven't had a lot of free time yet. I'm hoping to post while my boys are napping later today. Fingers crossed!
Hope you are having a great time at the beach!

You poor thing! Things just weren't working out like you thought they would and you could do nothing but have a cry. Been there, done that too! It happens to the best of us. As you said, though, the tantrums and sad/bad times fade away and the best of times are what you remember the most.

Wow! Those kiddos of your's came away with some awesome souvenirs!
Popcorn! Of course! DD1 always has a poop problem every time we go anywhere, I was wondering what I could do about it while in WDW and you just gave me the answer! :rotfl:

It really is a great laxative! :thumbsup2 I hope it works as well for you as it did for us.

She's also going through a not eating anything phase, but I think in this instance it's because of a cold she's still trying to kick. Hopefully by the time we get to WDW she'll be back eating again. She was such a good eater, so it's so frustrating going from eating everything to nothing!

I completely understand the frustration of a "no-eating" phase. I feel like ours has been going on for months now. I hope she kicked her cold and is eating better now.

I'm really enjoying your TR, it's helping me prepare for what will probably happen - exiting rides before we get to ride them, leaving shows half way through, just general tantrums :lmao:

I'm glad it's been helpful. I know that people read TRs to feel the magic through other people but I feel like sometimes the truth of a situation is good to express. The good thing is that soon you'll see the better side of trip once he finally goes. Not that it was bad so far but it gets so much better!

wow - that's a lot of spending money! I know if I had that when I was a kid I would have blown it all at the Lego store and not even made it to World of Disney :lmao:

He would have done the same if we let him. We limited him to one lego item though.

Bummer the line at EoS was too long - but an afternoon of swimming and napping sounds good!

Yeah I was bummed about EoS. I had been planning to eat there for months. I LOVE it! There's always next time though. I knew that not doing it would make for happier children so it wasn't that big of a deal to skip it.

I'm loving your report so far! Your boys are so cute. Jackson reminds me a little of my son, probably because they are both blonde and have similar smiles.

I'm so glad you are enjoying it! I think they are pretty cute too. ;) The blonde hair on Jackson is awesome. We're on vacation at the beach right now and I swear it has lightened up even more since we got here. It's pretty white right now.

I LOVE all the souvenirs...what a load. :goodvibes

What's crazy is that it was all small stuff. So they got a lot but when I look at it and think "that was $200" it seems crazy. They love small cars, trains, action figures, etc.

I have that Dumbo ornament. Our Christmas tree has been a "Disney tree" for the last four or five years (nothing else goes on it except an ornament of our dog that we lost last October).

I'm so in love with the Dumbo ornament. I think it's my favorite from the past few years. I'm fearful that one day my DH is going to look at me and say that we can't fit them all on the tree. That will be a sad day but I'll still find a way to make them all fit.

I love your idea of keeping a journal of your family trips. :thumbsup2

Thanks. Now I just have to commit to doing it. I've been doing the TR on here and haven't written a thing in the journal yet.

Just finding and getting caught up on your trip report!

You have a lovely family and two stinkin' cute boys! :)

I am glad we aren't the only family who has Disney meltdowns from time to time. :rotfl: Actually, I think the heat plays into it a lot! We do much better in the fall and winter! :laughing:

I can't wait to read your next update!

:welcome: Glad you're here to join in! I agree that I think the heat plays a really big role. We were lucky enough to plan to be out of the heat during the hottest times of the day every day but we certainly didn't completely skip the heat. We're thinking about making the next family trip in October. I've always wanted to go then. I just have to figure out how to make it work with my teaching.

That journal idea is really cool - we usually do a "photo collage" to help remember but I am sure a lot of extra details could go in the journal

Great ornament! :thumbsup2

Thanks! Luckily I'll have this TR to look back on for the details once I start writing in the journal. I did make a photo book on snapfish also. The boys love looking at it. I hope they'll love reading the journal when they are older. Even if they don't, I know I will.

Joining in! Your boys are just too cute! I'm loving all the pictures.

:welcome: Thanks for following along! I've got so much more to share. I should be updating regularly again once we get back from vacation.

I love all of the toys and getting Brody to pose like that is priceless! I think the journal is an awesome idea. I wish I would have started one years ago. It would be great to go back and read it. Dumbo is so cute! Too bad you missed EoS. It is sounding pretty darn good to me right about now. :goodvibes

I didn't think I was going to get that pose to happen. You know Brody, he's not a ham for photos at all. A kid will do a lot when you tell them they can't play with the toys until pictures are taken though.

You can get some EoS for me when you go at Christmas. I'll live vicariously through you. :)

Hope you are having a great time at the beach!

We are having such a great time! Thank you!

You poor thing! Things just weren't working out like you thought they would and you could do nothing but have a cry. Been there, done that too! It happens to the best of us. As you said, though, the tantrums and sad/bad times fade away and the best of times are what you remember the most.

I really think it's so true. I already have a hard time remembering the not-so-fun moments of trip which is just fine with me!

Wow! Those kiddos of your's came away with some awesome souvenirs!

Too many souvenirs! They've been playing with them all the time though so it was money well spent. I've always been happy that my boys aren't the kind of kids that play with a toy for a day and then forget about it. They regularly play with all their stuff. It does make it difficult at Christmas though. We make them pick out toys that they don't play with to "give to Santa" for other girls and boys but there are so many that they legitimately play with that it is hard to really dwindle the pile down. It's a good lesson in sharing and purging though.
Hi all! I'm back! Sorry it's been a while since my last post. Our vacation here in FL has been taking up all available time...which it should. I'll be able to do this post and then will get back on schedule of regularly updating once we get back. I have to go back to work for teacher workdays on August 18. My plan is to have this TR completed by then because I know once the school year starts, I'm done for.

So when we last left off, the family and I had a good morning at DTD and got a lot of shopping done. After realizing that EoS wasn't going to happen we loaded up in the car and headed back to the hotel for lunch, swimming, and naps.

We ate our lunch first. I have NO recollection of what I ate for lunch that day. I know that DS5 had a grilled cheese instead of a PB&J for the first time...score! My guess is that I can't remember lunch because my amazing dinner sticks out in my memory too much. In the future I have to remember to take pictures of food so that I remember this stuff. I love food at Disney too much to want to forget it. I can't tell you how often I go to disneyfoodblog.com and drool over food!

Before we headed to the pool we gave the boys a special snack to eat while we were getting ready...

SO GOOD! Who can come to Disney and not get one of these (or four in our case)?!

After our yummy snack, we went for a dip in the pool before naps. The boys had a blast. It was beautiful outside and we really enjoyed a couple hours of playing in the pool.

I thought I had more pool pics from this day but I guess not...oh well.

The boys went down for naps afterwards without any problems. DH and I played some rummy while they were sleeping and then started to get ready for our dinner ADR at Kona Cafe. I had never eaten at Kona before and was VERY excited it. I'd been planning what I wanted to eat for a couple months but kept changing my mind every day.

We let the boys sleep until the last possible moment and then drove down to Poly. I was sad that Poly was going under so much construction at the time but since I had never been there, I didn't know what to compare it to. I still found the resort to be lovely. I'd love to stay there one day but on a teacher salary, I don't know if a deluxe resort is ever in the cards for us. I've also never really been convinced that it is worth it to pay that much more for a room that I'm not going to spend much time in. We'll see what the future holds.

So anyway, we arrived at Kona Cafe on time and were given a buzzer. We wandered off to take a few photos before dinner.

Minnie getting a nose picking that she wasn't expecting. :)

I wish we would have asked someone to take a family photo of all of us. We were really bad at that. I really think that I'm going to invest in Memory Maker next time so that I know we'll have plenty of family group photo.

Our buzzer went off within minutes and we were seated. We had a wonderful waitress. I wish I could remember her name. Because we knew there was nothing on the menu that DS2 would eat, we fed him before we got to the restaurant. So I did what I normally would not do but have realized works great when you want to have a nice dinner on vacation with a 2 year old. I gave him the iPhone and loaded up Dumbo and he was in heaven.

The kids menu didn't have anything that DS5 was really interested in either but our waitress said that she could get some macaroni and cheese from another restaurant. Normally DS5 only eats Kraft mac and cheese so we knew we were taking a chance but he said he wanted to eat it. When the food came out, he took one bite and then refused to take another and moped the entire rest of the evening. We tried desperately to get him to eat it. Even ordered some ice cream to bribe him into it but it wasn't going to happen. DS2 enjoyed the ice cream though so all was not lost.

DH ordered the lamb chops which he enjoyed but wasn't over the moon about. I didn't get a picture of them. I was too focused on getting a picture of this...

I ordered the crab rangoon sushi. It was AMAZING!!! Some of the best sushi I've ever had. I think I mentioned before that I have a deep love of sushi. I know it's not for everyone but if I could eat it every day without getting mercury poisoning I would! This was SO SO SO GOOD! I can't wait to have it again one day! I don't think I'll ever be able to order something else at Kona.

We were too stuffed to enjoy a full dessert and DS5s whining was getting the best of us. We headed back to the hotel to have an early night going to bed. Earlier in the day the boys' mickey hats had been delivered and they both refused to put them on for a picture. After they went to bed, I told DH that there was no way that we were leaving WDW without a mickey ear picture. Thus, this beautiful pic, which has turned out to be one of my favorites, was created...

The hats were a little small, especially for DH's large head, but it turned out pretty cute.

That takes us to the half way point of our trip. It's only going to keep getting better!

UP NEXT: EPCOT round 2
I know this has nothing to do with my TR but I can't help but show off some pics from our current vacation. They're just too cute to keep to myself.

Me and my dad...or Papa as he is affectionately known here.

Jackson with my 14 year old little brother.

Brody and Papa paddle boarding!

Time for some frozen yogurt!!!

He's going to be a little lady killer in high school this year!

The restaurant we ate at last night makes me wish we were at Epcot again!

If you've never vacationed in Panama City Beach, FL I highly recommend it. It's so beautiful! I miss living here so much sometimes.
Love the picture with the Mickey ears!

And I am drooling over that sushi. It's only 11am, but I think I need to go eat my lunch now!
ah, gotta love the Mickey rice krispy pops

Loved the sushi I got at Kona last time there - was a different one from you, but they have really good sushi there. Maybe not quite as good at Cali Grill, but really good

That is a great picture of you two int he mickey hats! :goodvibes
Love Love Love the hat picture it is perfect!

Your beach vacation looks like it was a ton of fun! Maybe one day we will make it to the beach, we always tend to go to Mountains instead:confused3 I think a beach maybe somewhere in out near future!
I love the Gulf beaches! So fun. The boys are growing!

We had a great time! They really are getting bigger. It's all happening too fast.

Wonderful beach pictures! You are right, they are too cute not to show them off. :thumbsup2

Thanks! We had a blast visiting for the week. I'm happy to be back at home and normal life again though.

Love the picture with the Mickey ears!

And I am drooling over that sushi. It's only 11am, but I think I need to go eat my lunch now!

It took a bit to talk my DH into taking the picture but I'm glad we did it.

That sushi was so good! Some of the best ever! I almost didn't get that roll. I usually prefer my sushi with as much raw fish as possible and this had none of that. I'm so glad that this is what I went with though. This roll was recommended by more than one waitress at the restaurant and they were SO right about how good it was. I can't imagine myself ever ordering something else there.

ah, gotta love the Mickey rice krispy pops

We ate multiple on our trip. They are just so yummy!

Loved the sushi I got at Kona last time there - was a different one from you, but they have really good sushi there. Maybe not quite as good at Cali Grill, but really good

What roll did you get? As I stated above, I don't know if I can imagine ordering a different roll but if you've got a good recommendation, I'll certainly consider it. I have dreams of making it to Cali Grill one day. It needs to be with just my DH and I or the kids need to be much older before I go there though.

That is a great picture of you two int he mickey hats! :goodvibes

Thanks! I like it too!

Love Love Love the hat picture it is perfect!


Your beach vacation looks like it was a ton of fun! Maybe one day we will make it to the beach, we always tend to go to Mountains instead:confused3 I think a beach maybe somewhere in out near future!

It was so much fun. I even talked DH into staying an extra day which was great! You've got to get to the beach. Second to Disney, it's my favorite place ever! :beach:
Hi all! I'm happy to say that we made it home from our beach vacation safely. It was a bumpy start as my husband's Tahoe wouldn't start due to a dead battery but after that it was smooth sailing (or smooth driving for 10 hours if you'd rather). I'm happy to get back to regularly updating the TR and catching up on others as well.

When we last left off we had a eaten a wonderful "off" day by visiting DTD and hitting the souvenir jackpot and having a great dinner Kona Cafe. I had promised my DH that we would have one "off" day in the middle of our vacation. I would have rather been at a park but it ended up being a fun day and we enjoyed the relaxing.

We got up bright and early the next morning. This is never hard with my boys. They wake up at 6 am EVERY MORNING!!! I figure that one day they will be teenagers that will want to sleep until 1 pm so I can get over the early times now. I was very excited about our plans this morning. We were going to Epcot and planned to be there for RD. We arrived in plenty of time and stood patiently in line waiting to be let in.

I had a complete plan in mind...DH and DS5 were going to go straight to Test Track since we had no FPs (they were reserved for later in the evening) and we didn't get to ride it on our first day. We were then going to explore Innoventions, get some pics at the Character Spot, hit up Maelstrom and Mexico for lunch and then ride Spaceship Earth on our way out. Perfect, flawless plan, right?! Well the Disney gods wouldn't have it that way. Out of all of those plans we only completed one of those items. :confused3 That's not to say we didn't have fun. There was never a truer moment on our vacation where taking the kids' lead was more important. I'm getting ahead of myself though so let's back up a little...

When the gates opened, we, and tons of others, bee-lined for Test Track. DH and DS5 went to get in line and DS2 and I took the time to run around and explore a little since it wasn't too hot outside yet. After about 15 minutes I saw DH and DS5 walking back towards me. The only problem was that they never rode the ride. We did the quintessential bad move - we forgot to take DS5 to go potty before putting him in line and you know kids once they have to pee they have to pee!! DH hadn't ridden Test Track since it was revamped and was a little frustrated with his current situation. This might be where you start thinking, "but Ashley...you got there at RD, surely your son can pee and then they can hop right back in line." Unfortunately, at the same time that they left the line, the ride broke down. By the time we were done in the restroom the line was backed up and already at 80 minutes! :sad:

So TT was off the list. DS2 was starting to get antsy. Keep in mind he STILL had not used the restroom! (SPOILER ALERT: this will change later on this day!!!) We decided to let the boys run around Innoventions East for a bit. They loved having the ability to run around (in AC) and explore. So now you know which of the items on the list made the cut. We spent about an hour in Innoventions and they loved every second of it.

After Innoventions I wanted to head over to Character Spot but DS5 was not in the mood to meet characters. I thought it best to follow his lead and not push it. No one wants a picture of a screaming child with the gang.

World Showcase still wasn't open yet so I asked the boys what they wanted to do. Brody said he wanted to see the purple dinosaur...no not Barney (that's never even been on in our house), but Figment! I quickly explained that he was a dragon and not a dinosaur. There was no line and we walked right on. Both boys ended up loving this guy!

After our Journey, the boys said they wanted to ride Nemo again. I honestly think they would ride in a continuous loop for hours if they could. The ride has caused a resurgence of the movie in our house again. I'm not complaining though.

Notice the little Figment in his hands. He now hangs out proudly on our fridge next to Stitch.

After the ride we found the real deal...

After Nemo, World Showcase was open. I love WS and couldn't wait to get back there but DS2 and his attitude had a different idea. We thought we should try to get lunch and wandered over to the Electric Umbrella but never made it in. I don't remember why exactly. Maybe they didn't have something on the menu that DS5 would eat. All in all, we didn't make it to WS and didn't ride Spaceship Earth on our way out. We wouldn't make it back to Epcot before the end of our trip. It's the first time I've never made it to WS but you win some and lose some. I really wasn't too torn up about it. It'll still be there in March when I go back.

We left and went back to the resort. We ate lunch in the food court...again. I have no recollection of what we ate again but I know it was good. Everything in that food court was good. After lunch we went back for naps. Since DS2 was still a little grumpy I took DS5 down to the baseball themed pool for about 30 minutes to let the little guy get to sleep.

UP NEXT: What could have me running full speed down Hollywood Boulevard at DHS?


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