Surprising Little Miss -March '16 {NEW Update: 10/10} Quick Life Update 10/29

Good for you guys for getting such an early start. It is amazing how just a few minutes can make a big difference in traffic.

The reveal was too cute. It's funny how kids take a while to fully comprehend what's going on.

I'll guess you stayed at Pop Century in the '60's section with a pool view on the 2nd floor.

The first thing you did was go for a dip in the Hippy Dippy Pool.

Do I understand correctly that we are to guess the total amount of minutes you waited for 10 bus rides? I'll guess 72 minutes total.
Why does everyone want to hit me all the time?
What'd I do? I'm innocent! Innocent I sayz!
Aw! I'm so sorry. You ARE sensitive. Oh wait, you said innocent, not sensitive. Why yes, you are 100% innocent. You know we love you Ponzi!:love2:
Seems like a pretty smooth trip all-in-all - other than you forgetting your nebulizer and inhaler ... I hope that didn't turn out to be an issue!

I've been storing up the Connecting with Walt podcasts to save for my long flight to Hong Kong in a few weeks - so glad to see that worked out well for you trip

Looks like just too much to process for Little Miss after already having it understood that you weren't going to Disney ... at least she started to get it later in the drive
Happy to tag along on another trip with the sweet and adorable Little Miss.

Cute how she was not believing you about WDW until later in the car.

I have not read your pre-trip report, so I am probably going to be totally wrong but since everyone else says POP, I am going to say AoA Little Mermaid room. You are on the first floor near the Little Mermaid pool.

First thing you do is go to MK and see the princesses.

Total time on the buses 68 minutes
Joining-in!!! Love the family pic at the beginning of your TR; your guys look GREAT!!! Can't wait to hear about your adventures. Two Thumbs up :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 on no car sickness issues on the ride down!
I'd like to know that too!
:rotfl2: I'm afraid that's a mystery we women may never understand! LOL!

Wow, great job! :thumbsup2
Totally worth getting up so early! And a little Benadryl goes a long way in our case! :rotfl2:

Oh, no. Hope it wasn't an issue.
Luckily it wasn't. Going into this trip I thought with it being such a short trip the need for checklists wouldn't be as necessary. Clearly I was wrong. This won't be the only thing we realized we forgot! :rolleyes2

Those videos were hilarious! :rotfl: I could totally see us getting the same reaction if we tried that. Glad she finally believed you!
Poor thing STIll seems confused on where we went and stayed. Just this morning she asked if we were still going to Orlando! :rotfl2:

Thank Goodness! No forms of entertainment + Benadryl seems to have been the key.

Pop Century

Near Lady

Everything Pop

49 minutes

Great update, you guys made great time!
We did end up making great time. Especially when it took us 9 hours last time.

I emailed the travel center and put it in my Disney folder in my mailbox. You may or may not remember but we are in Gwinnett and we are headed down in June.
I had forgotten that. I want to say that its the 4th or 5th exit across the state line. Whichever exit it is, it's the one that advertises a Cinnabon and Subway. It took us about 4 hours to get there and then just under 3 to get to disney from there. I just looked it up on Google Earth. Its Exit 460 Jasper/Madison. If you look it up on street view you'll have to view it from the images on 75. The streetview right in front of it is dated and shows some old building that doesn't exist anymore.

She didn't believe you!! :rotfl2:Too funny!
My little oddball. :rolleyes2

Ugh, my earlier guesses were way off. This time: Pop Century, near Mowgli and the Hippy Dippy Pool, and Landscape of Flavors at AoA.

I lurked on the entire last TR, and am excited to follow this mini TR!
:welcome: Thanks for joining us:thumbsup2

I had forgotten that. I want to say that its the 4th or 5th exit across the state line. Whichever exit it is, it's the one that advertises a Cinnabon and Subway. It took us about 4 hours to get there and then just under 3 to get to disney from there. I just looked it up on Google Earth. Its Exit 460 Jasper/Madison. If you look it up on street view you'll have to view it from the images on 75. The streetview right in front of it is dated and shows some old building that doesn't exist anymore.
I'll mark it down, thanks! It may or may not work as a stop for us bc we are actually splitting the drive. Leaving Friday evening (so the boys sleep) and driving to Lake City, FL. Then the rest of the way the next morning. But I'll definitely look into this stop.
Amazing! My DH is an engineer and it amazes me how well he uses his Tetris skills when loading a car.
Must be an Engineer thing! :thumbsup2 DH is one as well.

Wow! I'm tired already.
You know, it wasn't that bad. And it was well worth it getting up so early.

When in doubt, drug the child.:rotfl2:


Oh no! I hope this doesn't cause any problems.
Fortunately it didn't however this wouldn't be the only thing we forgot. This is what I get for not making a list.

Oh, the anticipation!

Well that was a bit of a let down. She is just the cutest thing though.

No entertainment to look down at + Benadryl seems to have done the trick.


60's. Bottom floor. Near Mowgli and Baloo.

Landscape of Flavors


It would have surprised me if he didn't notice!

Those videos were great. I fear that's how my girls will act when they finally know lol. (Although I pray not).
:rotfl: Poor thing is still confused! She asked again just this morning if we were still going to Orlando! :rotfl2:

I'm so glad you had a whole car trip without car sickness. Both of my girls get car sick and it's horrible! That's why we drive at night so much. I can't wait to read more.
The key we have found, No entertainment that causes her to look down. a movie on a tablet that is attached to the back of a seat and encourages her to look up is doable in needed situations however we feel its better to just give her nothing. Benadryl also helped.

Oh, I forgot the how many minutes did we wait question. I'm going with 52.
A necessary evil.

Not all men are like that.
Take the population of the planet, currently about 7 billion.
about half are men. 3.5 billion
about 1/3 is of an age where they'd pack themselves. 1 billion
about 1/4 are actually able to travel. 250,000,000
about 1/4 are allowed to travel. 62,500,000
about 15% are handicapped of which about 50% can't physically pack. Leaves about 60,000,000
And out of those 60 million men, about 75% are married. 45 million.
45 million able bodied married men able and allowed to travel and pack themselves.
1% are rich enough that someone else packs for them.
5% their wives pack for them for various reasons.
42 million men.
And of those 42 million men, the number that pack more than an hour before it needs to be loaded is!...

Big reveal coming.

And how many of those 7 are that way without a spouse nagging them? :rotfl::rotfl2:

Does that make up for him not being one of the seven?
*Sigh* I suppose

It's been too long. Georgia's that bad?
Rush Hour Can be. Traffic starts getting heavy around 5:30am. a 30 minute drive can easily turn into a 2 hour ordeal if you leave at the wrong time.

:laughing: Now I have kids, so I know exactly what that means.
But to some, I'm sure that's going to come across as "You gave her a needle???"

Huh. Never thought of that. Smart.
moment of brilliance I guess. :rotfl2:

Did they fly??
:rotfl::rotfl2: Thats what I thought!

I think we tend to forget the dull stuff. They probably remember it as being "relatively" quick.
"So... maybe an hour?" Without actually doing the math.
And I'm pretty sure this is what happened. She also tried to tell me that they had changed the height requirement at Big Thunder to 44":rolleyes2

Next time, try packing less than an hour before you need to load it into the car.

That's the tricky thing about the nebulizer. Its one of those things that just can't be packed till the last minute. unfortunately since this was a short trip I thought we could make due without my stack of lists to make sure we had what we needed. Turns out all those lists aren't excessive after all. This wasn't the only thing we ended up forgetting.

I understand your fear.
Don't disturb the peace.

Dang it!
But it did make for a fun reveal.

"I don't believe you."
Pretty much.

Those videos were hysterical!
Poor thing is still confused. She asked again just this morning if we were still going to Orlando! :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

Yep. This was clearly an oversight on your part.

There you go! You must've breathed a sigh of relief there.

Nothing like a little Benadryl and no entertainment to look down at.

Preferred pool view. 60s 2nd floor.

Hey, we're not all like that. I usually try to pack, especially for Disney, a few days ahead. Partly because I don't necessarily enjoy packing, but I like to have it out of the way so I don't have to deal with it right before we have to leave.
If only DH took that point of view! :rotfl:

If in doubt drug up the kid! :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

You're off to a great start!

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Well, I guess if you're driving 180 mph you could do it.

Uh oh... I hope this doesn't become a bigger problem.
Thankfully it didn't. But this isn't the only time my lack of making check lists to go through ment we forgot something.

Good to know!
:thumbsup2 Always good to know the good potty spots.

I love how her eyes just lit up at the sight of the wrapped box... even if the realization was a little slow.
What little girl doesn't light up at the idea of getting a present?

Heck yeah! Gotta stay ahead of the GPS' time to beat.

It was so nice not having to deal with that on arrival!

Pop 60's Hippy Dippy Pool view. I'll say first floor so you can walk right out to the pool.

Um... Little Miss isn't going to let you go anywhere other than that pool once she sees it.

52 minutes.
Sure... Hit the nose on the head. Get it?

Why does everyone want to hit me all the time?
What'd I do? I'm innocent! Innocent I sayz!
Uh huh! Suurrrreee! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Good for you guys for getting such an early start. It is amazing how just a few minutes can make a big difference in traffic.
It was a wonderful way to get things going.

The reveal was too cute. It's funny how kids take a while to fully comprehend what's going on.
Poor thing. She's still confused. Asked just this morning if we were still going to Orlando. :rotfl2:

I'll guess you stayed at Pop Century in the '60's section with a pool view on the 2nd floor.

The first thing you did was go for a dip in the Hippy Dippy Pool.

Do I understand correctly that we are to guess the total amount of minutes you waited for 10 bus rides? I'll guess 72 minutes total.
::yes:: yup you understand correctly. And noted.

Seems like a pretty smooth trip all-in-all - other than you forgetting your nebulizer and inhaler ... I hope that didn't turn out to be an issue!
Thankfully there were no issues however this isn't the only time my lack of detailed list making bites us in the butt.

I've been storing up the Connecting with Walt podcasts to save for my long flight to Hong Kong in a few weeks - so glad to see that worked out well for you trip
It was wonderful for passing time.

Looks like just too much to process for Little Miss after already having it understood that you weren't going to Disney ... at least she started to get it later in the drive
::yes:: Poor thing she actually asked this morning if we were still going to Orlando. :rotfl:

Happy to tag along on another trip with the sweet and adorable Little Miss.
Happy to have you! :welcome:

Cute how she was not believing you about WDW until later in the car.
Poor thing she actually asked this morning if we were still going to Orlando. :rotfl:

I have not read your pre-trip report, so I am probably going to be totally wrong but since everyone else says POP, I am going to say AoA Little Mermaid room. You are on the first floor near the Little Mermaid pool.

First thing you do is go to MK and see the princesses.

Total time on the buses 68 minutes


Love the family pic at the beginning of your TR; your guys look GREAT!!!
:thanks: I still can't believe how well that one turned out!

Can't wait to hear about your adventures. Two Thumbs up :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 on no car sickness issues on the ride down!
Nothing like a little Benadryl to help in that regard.

Tagging along! Those videos are too cute!
:welcome: Poor thing she actually asked this morning if we were still going to Orlando. :rotfl:

I'll mark it down, thanks! It may or may not work as a stop for us bc we are actually splitting the drive. Leaving Friday evening (so the boys sleep) and driving to Lake City, FL. Then the rest of the way the next morning. But I'll definitely look into this stop.
FYI... There are still points up for grabs for where we went first. Our floor has yet been guessed either.
And how many of those 7 are that way without a spouse nagging them? :rotfl::rotfl2:

2. But their mom nags them.

Rush Hour Can be. Traffic starts getting heavy around 5:30am. a 30 minute drive can easily turn into a 2 hour ordeal if you leave at the wrong time.


This wasn't the only thing we ended up forgetting.

Uh oh.

Poor thing is still confused. She asked again just this morning if we were still going to Orlando! :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:


FYI... There are still points up for grabs for where we went first. Our floor has yet been guessed either.

3rd floor then


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