Surprising Little Miss -March '16 {NEW Update: 10/10} Quick Life Update 10/29

Joining in! Your family photo is great! Can't wait to hear how your trip went!
Excited to follow along!

~ What time did we get on the road? Hmm, I'd say 5am

~How many stops did we have to make? 3 stops

~How many (If any) times did we end up needing to use the emergency just incase supplies? Hmm, 1.
ay, you've started! I'm here eating lunch, so will guess later when I can type without food in between me and the keyboard.

Page 1! Back later to comment.

Whoo hoo! I'm here. So I can't remember when you were supposed to leave, so I am going to wing my guesses here.

I am thinking you got on the road about 5am (edited!)


And being very optimistic emergency supplies were used (because you were prepared for it of course)

Also wanted to mention that the wedding picture is beautiful!
THanks! I think that is a new favorite family photo!

Ok I'll play since I'm here from the beginning this time.

Time on road was 5:15. Stops: 4. Emergency supplies: 1.

Yah! So excited for the TR!
Excited to have you along.

joining in ... you all look great dressed up all fancy like!
:welcome: I was pleased with how everything came together!

Lookit you guys all gussied up. Great picture!
:thanks: Its a new favorite for sure!

Gasp! :eek:

I know!

Did not know that.
Learn something new every day!



I'm hoping not more than... 1

What a beautiful family photo. I can't wait to hear how it went.




Beautiful family!

Anxious to hear all about your trip! We are pondering staying a few days at a Value Resort on our next trip then moving to a deluxe to surprise the family for 2 nights at AKL and possibly 2 nights at our go-to resort Boardwalk Villas. Curious to see how you like the value resorts!
Glad to be able to give you some input in that arena. We are more used to the Moderate rooms ourselves.

Yey I found your TR! Can't wait to read more.

Following along! Can't wait to read more.

Okay, I'm back! First off, great family photo in your wedding attire!
:thanks: I was so pleased with how well that came together. We even got a few oohs and ahhs as we walked out to the car.




Joining in!

1) 6
2) 3
3) 1

I'm in! Loved your last trip report!

The family photo at the wedding is lovely!

From the photo near the partners statue, it appears it was very crowded while you were there. Yikes!

I'll guess you were on the road at 4:45 with 3 stops and had to use the emergency supplies 2 times.

Joining in. Looking forward to reading about the trip

Joining in!




Ok... the way things usually work, if you're not prepared for something bad, it will happen. If you are prepared, it won't. And since I really hope you won't need it, I'll go with 0.

yay I'm on board!

Read your last report, and onboard for this one :) can't wait to read more
Excited to follow along! I loved your last TR. My guesses

1. 10:35 am
2. 4
3. 1

Joining in! Your family photo is great! Can't wait to hear how your trip went!

Joining in!! Im so looking forward to your trip report. You guys looked so nice!!!

Excited to follow along!

~ What time did we get on the road? Hmm, I'd say 5am

~How many stops did we have to make? 3 stops

~How many (If any) times did we end up needing to use the emergency just incase supplies? Hmm, 1.

Hitting The Road, Otherwise known as the boring one with no pictures in it (Day 1 – 3/17/16)

Our trip down started the night before. After coaxing Little Miss into bed and getting DH to pack :rolleyes2 {Please tell me why it's so hard for a man to get his bag packed more than an hour before it needs to be loaded into the car!:confused3:rotfl2:} We dragged the bags down to the car and got it all ready so that all that would need to go in would be the last minute things.

DH showed his true car packing guru knowledge and got the whole car packed in 30 minutes. No windows were blocked. Though the Jogging Stroller took up quite a bit of space. As soon as we could we crawled into bed and turned out the lights. We knew we were in for an early wakeup call the next morning. Our strategy was to hit the road as early as possible to make the driving through Georgia as painless as possible.

As some of y’all may recall on our trip in May we had the same strategy and thought that leaving at 5am would be plenty fine only to discover that we were wrong. This time we had a goal of getting out the door as close to 4am as possible with a hard deadline of no later than 4:30.

3am and DH’s alarm was going off and we started to wake up. DH hoped in the shower and after getting dressed I mindlessly watched some tv to try to wake myself up a bit. Promptly at 4am DH was creeping into Little Miss’s room armed with a syringe of Benadryl to hopefully prevent car sick issues and to get her to sleep better in the car.

Once she was loaded into the car, we tucked her in with her lovies and a blanket and slipped her sunglasses on her face. Even though it was still dark out we have discovered that when riding in the car, her sunglasses help her sleep better and help prevent light shining on her and waking her up. We were out of the neighborhood and on the highway by 4:16am. By 4:20 she was dead to the world. The roads were completely clear. It was glorious!

Once we were settled on to the highway DH started my playlist of the Connecting with Walt series. This turned out to be the perfect series to listen too while driving. With each segment taking about an hour not only was the content very interesting to listen to it also helped me keep aware of time without having to constantly check a watch or something.

Some may also remember me mentioning that my neighbor told me that the week before we went down, it had only taken them an hour to get past Macon Ga on their way to Disney. DH and I are both baffled at how that was possible. I will freely admit that I kept between 80 – 90 mph pretty much the whole time and it still took us 2 hours to get near Macon.

I drove as long as I could trying to keep Little Miss asleep as long as possible. It was at about the 3 and half hour mark that I realized that I had left both my nebulizer and my inhaler at home.:scared1: Seeing as we were about in Valdosta at the time I knew there was nothing I could do but call my pharmacy if I felt I needed a replacement once we got down there.

Eventually the car needed gas, and I desperately needed a Potty break. We hated to stop because DH and I knew the moment that we slowed down and got off the exit she would wake up.

At about 8:30 I decided that I could push no further and that it was time to switch drivers. Sure enough as soon as we got on the exit ramp Little Miss’s eyes popped open. We pulled into the Travel Center and decided now was as good a time as any to go ahead and finally reveal to Little Miss just where we were staying.

After fueling up the car and dealing with the potty and getting Little Missed Dressed for the day we spotted a Cinnabon inside the Travel center. { FYI for those driving on 75, This was the Travel Center on exit 470 I think. (I may be wrong by a few exits but it’s the only exit around that advertises a Cinnabon) This Travel Center gets High rankings for potty stop cleanliness from me. We also found it easy to get to and easy to get back on 75 from there.}

Once seated with our Cinnabons DH came in with the wrapped Magicband box and we tried for the reveal.



After a few more minutes of letting Little Miss play with her Magicband I tried again:

At this point we gave up, cleaned up our stuff and headed back out. This time with DH behind the wheel with strict instructions not kill the awesome lead time on our ETA that I had achieved.

About 10 am DH and I got the texts and email alerts that our room was ready. After taking a quick glance at our notes I figured out that our room was right where we were hoping it would be. A few minutes later I realized that I had forgotten to get Little Miss’s and My Mickey Ears out and put them on.


Apparently I should have done this from the get go because a few minutes after putting them on this happened:

By 11:30am we were exiting off I-4 and driving under this wonderful site:


We had officially made it a full Road Trip without a Car Sickness issue.

- Bonus Time! -

~Which Resort are we staying at?

~Where is our Room? (Most accurate will get most points)

~ Where do we head first?

For 100 points: In @pkondz style I too timed out the total wait time for all our wait times this trip.

5 days, 10 buses: How many minutes total did we wait?
@pkondz : 35pts; 5pts for suggesting Mini Golf; 30pts for catching Little Miss’s real name

@afwdwfan : 35pts ;5 pts for stroller suggestions, 5 catching mistake in the plans,20 Closest Departure guess, 5 no emergency stops

@jandlinz : 40pts ;5pts for audio book suggestions, 30pts for catching Little Miss’s real name, 5 no emergency stops

@cajunfan : 5pts ;no emergency stops

@Dugette : 5pts; no emergency stops


jandlinz : 40pts

afwdwfan : 35pts

Pkonds : 35pts

Cajunfan : 5

Dugette : 5pts
Please tell me why it's so hard for a man to get his bag packed more than an hour before it needs to be loaded into the car!:confused3:rotfl2:
I'd like to know that too!

We were out of the neighborhood and on the highway by 4:16am. By 4:20 she was dead to the world. The roads were completely clear. It was glorious!
Wow, great job! :thumbsup2

It was at about the 3 and half hour mark that I realized that I had left both my nebulizer and my inhaler at home.:scared1: Seeing as we were about in Valdosta at the time I knew there was nothing I could do but call my pharmacy if I felt I needed a replacement once we got down there.
Oh, no. Hope it wasn't an issue.

Once seated with our Cinnabons DH came in with the wrapped Magicband box and we tried for the reveal.
Those videos were hilarious! :rotfl: I could totally see us getting the same reaction if we tried that. Glad she finally believed you!

We had officially made it a full Road Trip without a Car Sickness issue.

~Which Resort are we staying at?
Pop Century

~Where is our Room? (Most accurate will get most points)
Near Lady

~ Where do we head first?
Everything Pop

5 days, 10 buses: How many minutes total did we wait?
49 minutes
Great update, you guys made great time! I emailed the travel center and put it in my Disney folder in my mailbox. You may or may not remember but we are in Gwinnett and we are headed down in June.

She didn't believe you!! :rotfl2:Too funny!

Ugh, my earlier guesses were way off. This time: Pop Century, near Mowgli and the Hippy Dippy Pool, and Landscape of Flavors at AoA.
DH showed his true car packing guru knowledge and got the whole car packed in 30 minutes. No windows were blocked.
Amazing! My DH is an engineer and it amazes me how well he uses his Tetris skills when loading a car.

This time we had a goal of getting out the door as close to 4am as possible with a hard deadline of no later than 4:30.
Wow! I'm tired already.

Promptly at 4am DH was creeping into Little Miss’s room armed with a syringe of Benadryl to hopefully prevent car sick issues and to get her to sleep better in the car.
When in doubt, drug the child.:rotfl2:

By 4:20 she was dead to the world. The roads were completely clear. It was glorious!

It was at about the 3 and half hour mark that I realized that I had left both my nebulizer and my inhaler at home.:scared1:
Oh no! I hope this doesn't cause any problems.

We pulled into the Travel Center and decided now was as good a time as any to go ahead and finally reveal to Little Miss just where we were staying.
Oh, the anticipation!

Once seated with our Cinnabons DH came in with the wrapped Magicband box and we tried for the reveal.
Well that was a bit of a let down. She is just the cutest thing though.

We had officially made it a full Road Trip without a Car Sickness issue.

Which Resort are we staying at?

Where is our Room? (Most accurate will get most points)
60's. Bottom floor. Near Mowgli and Baloo.

Where do we head first?
Landscape of Flavors

How many minutes total did we wait?

@pkondz : 35pts; 5pts for suggesting Mini Golf; 30pts for catching Little Miss’s real name
It would have surprised me if he didn't notice!
Those videos were great. I fear that's how my girls will act when they finally know lol. (Although I pray not). I'm so glad you had a whole car trip without car sickness. Both of my girls get car sick and it's horrible! That's why we drive at night so much. I can't wait to read more.
Hitting The Road, Otherwise known as the boring one with no pictures in it (Day 1 – 3/17/16)

A necessary evil.

{Please tell me why it's so hard for a man to get his bag packed more than an hour before it needs to be loaded into the car!:confused3:rotfl2:}

Not all men are like that.
Take the population of the planet, currently about 7 billion.
about half are men. 3.5 billion
about 1/3 is of an age where they'd pack themselves. 1 billion
about 1/4 are actually able to travel. 250,000,000
about 1/4 are allowed to travel. 62,500,000
about 15% are handicapped of which about 50% can't physically pack. Leaves about 60,000,000
And out of those 60 million men, about 75% are married. 45 million.
45 million able bodied married men able and allowed to travel and pack themselves.
1% are rich enough that someone else packs for them.
5% their wives pack for them for various reasons.
42 million men.
And of those 42 million men, the number that pack more than an hour before it needs to be loaded is!...

Big reveal coming.


DH showed his true car packing guru knowledge and got the whole car packed in 30 minutes.

Does that make up for him not being one of the seven?

Our strategy was to hit the road as early as possible to make the driving through Georgia as painless as possible.

It's been too long. Georgia's that bad?

Promptly at 4am DH was creeping into Little Miss’s room armed with a syringe of Benadryl

:laughing: Now I have kids, so I know exactly what that means.
But to some, I'm sure that's going to come across as "You gave her a needle???"

Even though it was still dark out we have discovered that when riding in the car, her sunglasses help her sleep better and help prevent light shining on her and waking her up.

Huh. Never thought of that. Smart.

The roads were completely clear. It was glorious!


Some may also remember me mentioning that my neighbor told me that the week before we went down, it had only taken them an hour to get past Macon Ga on their way to Disney. DH and I are both baffled at how that was possible. I will freely admit that I kept between 80 – 90 mph pretty much the whole time and it still took us 2 hours to get near Macon.

Did they fly??
I think we tend to forget the dull stuff. They probably remember it as being "relatively" quick.
"So... maybe an hour?" Without actually doing the math.

It was at about the 3 and half hour mark that I realized that I had left both my nebulizer and my inhaler at home.:scared1:

Next time, try packing less than an hour before you need to load it into the car.


We hated to stop because DH and I knew the moment that we slowed down and got off the exit she would wake up.

I understand your fear.

Sure enough as soon as we got on the exit ramp Little Miss’s eyes popped open.

Dang it!
But it did make for a fun reveal.

"I don't believe you."

At this point we gave up, cleaned up our stuff and headed back out.

Those videos were hysterical!

A few minutes later I realized that I had forgotten to get Little Miss’s and My Mickey Ears out and put them on.

Yep. This was clearly an oversight on your part.

Apparently I should have done this from the get go because a few minutes after putting them on this happened:

There you go! You must've breathed a sigh of relief there.

We had officially made it a full Road Trip without a Car Sickness issue.


~Which Resort are we staying at?

~Where is our Room? (Most accurate will get most points)

~ Where do we head first?

5 days, 10 buses: How many minutes total did we wait?

Preferred pool view. 60s 2nd floor.

It would have surprised me if he didn't notice!

Because I'm nosy, right?
{Please tell me why it's so hard for a man to get his bag packed more than an hour before it needs to be loaded into the car!:confused3:rotfl2:}
Hey, we're not all like that. I usually try to pack, especially for Disney, a few days ahead. Partly because I don't necessarily enjoy packing, but I like to have it out of the way so I don't have to deal with it right before we have to leave.

Promptly at 4am DH was creeping into Little Miss’s room armed with a syringe of Benadryl to hopefully prevent car sick issues and to get her to sleep better in the car.

We were out of the neighborhood and on the highway by 4:16am. By 4:20 she was dead to the world. The roads were completely clear. It was glorious!
You're off to a great start!

Some may also remember me mentioning that my neighbor told me that the week before we went down, it had only taken them an hour to get past Macon Ga on their way to Disney. DH and I are both baffled at how that was possible. I will freely admit that I kept between 80 – 90 mph pretty much the whole time and it still took us 2 hours to get near Macon.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Well, I guess if you're driving 180 mph you could do it.

I drove as long as I could trying to keep Little Miss asleep as long as possible. It was at about the 3 and half hour mark that I realized that I had left both my nebulizer and my inhaler at home.:scared1:
Uh oh... I hope this doesn't become a bigger problem.

After fueling up the car and dealing with the potty and getting Little Missed Dressed for the day we spotted a Cinnabon inside the Travel center. { FYI for those driving on 75, This was the Travel Center on exit 470 I think. (I may be wrong by a few exits but it’s the only exit around that advertises a Cinnabon) This Travel Center gets High rankings for potty stop cleanliness from me. We also found it easy to get to and easy to get back on 75 from there.}
Good to know!

Once seated with our Cinnabons DH came in with the wrapped Magicband box and we tried for the reveal.
I love how her eyes just lit up at the sight of the wrapped box... even if the realization was a little slow.

At this point we gave up, cleaned up our stuff and headed back out. This time with DH behind the wheel with strict instructions not kill the awesome lead time on our ETA that I had achieved.
Heck yeah! Gotta stay ahead of the GPS' time to beat.

Apparently I should have done this from the get go because a few minutes after putting them on this happened:
:rotfl: :thumbsup2

We had officially made it a full Road Trip without a Car Sickness issue.

~Which Resort are we staying at?

~Where is our Room? (Most accurate will get most points)
60's Hippy Dippy Pool view. I'll say first floor so you can walk right out to the pool.

~ Where do we head first?
Um... Little Miss isn't going to let you go anywhere other than that pool once she sees it.

5 days, 10 buses: How many minutes total did we wait?
52 minutes.


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