Something About Nothing............ #14

I forgot to add

Thank you for all the congratulations on the new job! I'm excited to start. It was a long time to get to this point, but that was the plan when I went back to college 3 yrs ago. It was part of my game plan. We have a new hospital that just opened here, with new Dr's arriving in the coming years with new departments and more services offered locally. So it was my plan to upgrade and get hired within the healthcare field. I know it's not for everyone...but for is becoming more clear it's a good choice for me.

The best things are worth waiting for Pumpkin. You’ll do great there.

Scrooged won tonight, such a funny movie…….

And not as cold tonight, still around zero, but warmer than it has been for us.
Nacho dinner. Our kind. Nothing other than lean ground sirloin, fresh salsa, and cheese. Got fresh made chips from the store. Yum.

At dinner, heavy sounding rain. Now more quiet. All are saying we need the rain, and all are more than happy it was not snow.

Yay, Friday is here, and it’s still raining. Oh well.

Almost bedtime for me. Alarm is off, but know will be up early anyway.

Hope all have a very good night’s sleep.
Hello everyone. I'm either posting very late for Thursday or getting a very early start on Friday. I should be sleeping, but I am wide awake. Today I am 55. I don't have any big plans for the day. I need to take Caspian for a nail trim later this morning and then B and I are going shopping. She still needs to get a gift for her dad. I'm also going to stop by the new bundt cake store that just opened. They sent me an email to get a free mini cake for my birthday.

It feels good to get all the Christmas shopping done,, doesn't it? I finally have mine done, plus my son's birthday party next week right before Christmas! He was due on Valentines Day and was 7 weeks early. Now he is 6'1" and healthy, LOL. I heard that preemies usually get pretty big when they do grow. I didn't plan to have a birthday right before Christmas, oh well.
Happy early birthday to your son. My husband and and I both have birthdays near Christmas. His is Christmas Eve.
A friend of mine has a "little" brother who was a premie. He is now around 6' 4". Last I heard he was working security at a children's hospital.
Don`t laugh......a rough equivalent, we are paying $8.75/$9 a gallon for fuel.....
Yow! It just dropped to 2.99 here.
It is definitely a good feeling to have it done. I will be done here shortly! I am usually done earlier,
I usually have everything purchased and wrapped long before now. I'm using school as an excuse for being behind this year.

Guess I should try to get some sleep now.
Agree that rain is better than having snow

It`s so much better, but looking out this morning the driveway is glistening and everything looks white with frost, still going to be a cold one for us. Real feel for us is -7. Cold.

Hello everyone. I'm either posting very late for Thursday or getting a very early start on Friday. I should be sleeping, but I am wide awake. Today I am 55. I don't have any big plans for the day. I need to take Caspian for a nail trim later this morning and then B and I are going shopping. She still needs to get a gift for her dad. I'm also going to stop by the new bundt cake store that just opened. They sent me an email to get a free mini cake for my birthday.

Happy early birthday to your son. My husband and and I both have birthdays near Christmas. His is Christmas Eve.
A friend of mine has a "little" brother who was a premie. He is now around 6' 4". Last I heard he was working security at a children's hospital.

Yow! It just dropped to 2.99 here.

I usually have everything purchased and wrapped long before now. I'm using school as an excuse for being behind this year.

Guess I should try to get some sleep now.



Hope you have a lovely birthday Charade.........55 is a good age, I hit it in September..... ☺️

Yep another freezing cold day for us today. We are going out this morning after all, will be well wrapped up for sure. I`m rethinking my outfit for our Christmas night out with friends tomorrow.....I had planned a sparkly dress and shoes, but now thinking a sparkly top with dressy trousers and boots underneath.......might be warmer, although the restaurant is always warm as we sit in the area with the real fire.....very nice.

Spicy fruity curry tonight for dinner, Madras style, it`ll be nice I`m sure. Made the sauce last night, will let it simmer away this afternoon with chicken and red peppers.

No idea for lunch, will be a warm one I think. Will get last of my cards posted away this morning, all local-ish so they should get them.

Hope Janet and family are all still having a wonderful trip in Orlando and hope @Sue M is doing well and her husband is getting better too.






Have a wonderful Friday 🎄
And we are still raining. Thankfully warm, so ice not an issue this early morning. 44 says the outside temperature on my thermometer near our front door. Probably one of the warmer spots in our home, as our home faces mostly East.

A3C48BCE-2539-4DEB-AC45-BF990568A143.jpegWoot! Happy birthday to Charade. Still in the 50’s club with me, Schumi and other homies. Turned 2 years older than you, this year. Enjoy shopping with B. Hope you find what you are going for.

And up early anyway. Oh well. A long hot shower and some tea. Nice start to another day of wet. But at least a movie one for me, lazy start of a bonus three day weekend. And rain should stop while we are watching the movie. And even nicer? Final baking and chocolate making items this weekend. Sweet times ahead.

Fabulous Friday! Woot, holiday weekend coming up. Robo’s countdown is less than 10 now. Oh my goodness. Still have to say a little shocking that Christmas 🎄 is next Sunday. What a year this has been.
Don`t laugh......a rough equivalent, we are paying $8.75/$9 a gallon for fuel.......I know you can`t really compare our two countries, but it makes us laugh when the guys and gals at the rental car desk ask us if we want something mor no!!!! Give us the biggest gas guzzler you have.......our cars at home are pretty big gas guzzlers too, but, it is what it is.

I`m not a big cheese eater either, except I love a nice creamy Brie, Philadelphia cream cheese or a wensleydale with cranberries.....I very rarely cook with cheese unless it`s chicken mac n cheese if it`s for Kyle. I have never heard of crumbling up ritz crackers to cook with, that`s a new one!! We have them with chicken noodle soup or with philly cheese. But, we stopped buying them as they made them "healthier".....less taste now!!

I love cooking though......real cooking is always fun, not just throwing something into a pot, hearing what some folks call dinner is hilarious at times!!! But, I still love eating out too.....far too often to be truthful!! Although not this week......all the Wednesday lunch gang cried off yesterday as it was too`re wimps!! I doubt I`d last long where you live.....I think apart from Canada you win the coldest temps out of all of can be like a competition at times, but I win!! 9 inches of snow is intense!!! Yes, staying in is so cosy at times like that.

Oh bless him, that was an early baby, glad to hear he turned into a big strapping lad!!! Kyle was two weeks late, he was due New Years Eve, he was too party before Christmas sounds like fun though!!!

Yes, walking in the cold is not something I`d normally do, but I was glad she kinda forced me to go, she is an outdoor gal, and she was right, I did feel better after our walk, she`s a good listener too :hug:

Good to see you Ruth ☺️

Yes, dinner was lovely, mushrooms are something I`ve missed over the last few years, but reintroducing them has been a success I think. Shame it doesn`t work with onions!!! Well, I`m ok with scallions and the green part of leeks.

Had some heavy rain this afternoon, washed away all the snow, but it`s freezing again tonight so hoping it warms up a little by morning for the roads.

Got some little jobs done today which was nice and watched an old black and white movie, then we had a snooze on the big sofa....woke up and it was 5pm! It was lovely though as we just had the light from the fire and the Christmas Tree lights on, oh and a candle, very cosy.

Think we may venture out tomorrow......I`ve thought on a couple of gifts I can buy and realised I`ve forgotten one of my Godchildren...oops!!!

Movie time.....still to decide which Christmas one to watch........The Grinch maybe or Scrooged.......we`ll see.

I knew you would get a laugh out of my dinner, LOL. I admit I am not a very good cook, but I try. Gotta get points for that. And the casserole was delicious, but a little salty. We still have the salted Ritz crackers here.

Your gas prices are outrageous. No wonder you don't balk at our prices. But we drive A LOT. I'm into town at least 4 times a week and it's a 20 plus round trip. Mygrand son and family lives in Duluth, Mn, and it is over 3 hours away from us. My other grandson lives in Fargo, N. Dakota which is about 2 1/2 hours away. It seems nothing is close to us. Minneapolis is about 5 hours away from us because we live in the far north of Mn. I guess I do win some of the cold awards - awaiting those, LOL.

The snow has finally stopped and we have about 10 inches or more on the ground, not counting the drifts. So glad that's over with for now. Going to go eat my gourmet lunch of an apple sliced, cheese, and Club crackers with a diet coke, That's my diet lunch I've been eating for a while and now I crave it??!!! Happy Eating and just be glad I'm not cooking for you:)

I knew you would get a laugh out of my dinner, LOL. I admit I am not a very good cook, but I try. Gotta get points for that. And the casserole was delicious, but a little salty. We still have the salted Ritz crackers here.

Your gas prices are outrageous. No wonder you don't balk at our prices. But we drive A LOT. I'm into town at least 4 times a week and it's a 20 plus round trip. Mygrand son and family lives in Duluth, Mn, and it is over 3 hours away from us. My other grandson lives in Fargo, N. Dakota which is about 2 1/2 hours away. It seems nothing is close to us. Minneapolis is about 5 hours away from us because we live in the far north of Mn. I guess I do win some of the cold awards - awaiting those, LOL.

The snow has finally stopped and we have about 10 inches or more on the ground, not counting the drifts. So glad that's over with for now. Going to go eat my gourmet lunch of an apple sliced, cheese, and Club crackers with a diet coke, That's my diet lunch I've been eating for a while and now I crave it??!!! Happy Eating and just be glad I'm not cooking for you:)

lol.....I do envy you the salty crackers!!! This healthy option is rubbish!! Yes, as long as you have fun with cooking, all good.

You do have some long journey`s for family visits! That`s the downside of living far away from things I guess. Oh yes, you absolutely win the coldest in America award!!! That is a lot of snow......think of how soon you`ll be in Orlando!!! lunch sounds like, you enjoy it, you certainly don`t look like you need to diet!! Mine will start January 3rd and I really, really need that :blush:

Yep, Friday night is wine night.......well any night is wine night here!!! But, something about a Friday is always rather nice, even though I haven`t worked in years, through choice, I still get that "weekend" feeling.

Ended up going out for lunch today with some friends who aren`t coming out for dinner tomorrow night, it was nice and it was rather a long lunch!! The restaurant didn`t mind though as we kept buying drinks afterwards. Managed to share all our gifts for each other too, we all did rather well. Food was lovely, some went for the Christmas menu of turkey or roast beef, but Tom and I and four others went for steak, we all got the filet which was beautifully cooked. It really was a lovely lunch and afternoon with good friends.

So, one of my Godsons popped round as we got home with his fiancee, so they left with their Christmas gifts and the curry I made for tonight, we won`t be hungry at all, except maybe for a little bowl of potato chips with the movie. I do want my Le Creuset dish back, he is known for being forgetful with things like that!!

Pot of tea before we have wine and movie later.......Scrooged was good last night, might be The Grinch or Christmas Vacation maybe......🍷


lol.....I do envy you the salty crackers!!! This healthy option is rubbish!! Yes, as long as you have fun with cooking, all good.

You do have some long journey`s for family visits! That`s the downside of living far away from things I guess. Oh yes, you absolutely win the coldest in America award!!! That is a lot of snow......think of how soon you`ll be in Orlando!!! lunch sounds like, you enjoy it, you certainly don`t look like you need to diet!! Mine will start January 3rd and I really, really need that :blush:

Yep, Friday night is wine night.......well any night is wine night here!!! But, something about a Friday is always rather nice, even though I haven`t worked in years, through choice, I still get that "weekend" feeling.

Ended up going out for lunch today with some friends who aren`t coming out for dinner tomorrow night, it was nice and it was rather a long lunch!! The restaurant didn`t mind though as we kept buying drinks afterwards. Managed to share all our gifts for each other too, we all did rather well. Food was lovely, some went for the Christmas menu of turkey or roast beef, but Tom and I and four others went for steak, we all got the filet which was beautifully cooked. It really was a lovely lunch and afternoon with good friends.

So, one of my Godsons popped round as we got home with his fiancee, so they left with their Christmas gifts and the curry I made for tonight, we won`t be hungry at all, except maybe for a little bowl of potato chips with the movie. I do want my Le Creuset dish back, he is known for being forgetful with things like that!!

Pot of tea before we have wine and movie later.......Scrooged was good last night, might be The Grinch or Christmas Vacation maybe......🍷

Your movie night sounds like fun.
I was curious as to which Christmas movies are your favorites?
We are watching A Christmas Carol tonight - the old one with Alistair Sim. We love that one.
We have watched The Muppets Christmas, always a laugh - love Rizzo!
Let's see: HOme Alone
Miracle on 34th Street (the one with Natalie Wood in black and white)
It's a wonderful Life with James stewart

I know there are more but can't think of them now.

I guess the township finally plowed our country road (it's been 3 days) and we can get out of our house now. Really need groceries, especially those Gala apples. I am an apple snob and will only eat Gala, LOL.
I did lose 10 pounds on this diet, but my big weight loss came after having covid with complications. I lost 30 pounds then. I am trying not to gain it back again, but it is a struggle as I love to eat!

Have a fun movie night:)'s Friday :cool1: I have a few papers on my desk today, but nothing that I can't spread out to keep me busy all day.

I am working a long day tomorrow and that will probably be one of my last weekend shifts at TJX. I see that I have no shifts between Xmas and New Years I get the message loud and clear from the scheduling manager that he doesn't like it when people enforce boundaries about corp ignoring availability, with his scheduling. Since I talked with him and submitted my availability form with notes about my availability, he has scheduled me for very few shifts 🤷‍♀️ I loose respect for managers who are passive agressive like that...and be sickingly nice to you face, but then do that :rolleyes: I got my schedule for the new job, and one weekend shift will pay more than a whole month of me working short shifts there so I consider that a big win.

We are supposed to have Dh's work Christmas party tonight. He is not sure if he wants to go. So it will be a last minute decision to attend. It has been a long stressful week for both of us, and we could just settle in with a blanket, movie and some popcorn for the night. I could pass on an indoor golf simulator night, making small talk with people I really don't know. I'm happiest when I am at home or off traveling doing new and fun things.

Today I am 55.
:bday: Happy happy happy birthday to you!!!!! It is hard having a birthday near Christmas. My birthday is early Jan and it sucks just as much to have it after as well. I have two kiddos who have birthdays shortly after xmas - one is Jan and the other is Feb. Looking back now, I wished we would have celebrated them 6 months later as a half birthday. It might have been a little easier. Oh well. It seems most of our family birthdays land between Dec - March for some reason.
I`m rethinking my outfit for our Christmas night out with friends tomorrow.....I had planned a sparkly dress and shoes, but now thinking a sparkly top with dressy trousers and boots underneath.......might be warmer, although the restaurant is always warm as we sit in the area with the real fire.....very nice.
Both outfits sound amazing! I don't have the pizzaz to pull off the sparkly look. I LOVE love LOVE it...but I know I can't pull it off like other women can. Both sound lovely.
And we are still raining. Thankfully warm, so ice not an issue this early morning. 44 says the outside temperature on my thermometer near our front door. Probably one of the warmer spots in our home, as our home faces mostly East.
Rain is definitely better than snow. Enjoy that warm spot in the house.
The snow has finally stopped and we have about 10 inches or more on the ground, not counting the drifts. So glad that's over with for now.
Yikes! That's a big dump! We were supposed to get a huge dump next week, but it has changed now to just cold. I would rather have the cold going into the holidays, than worry about road conditions with a huge dump of snow.
Ended up going out for lunch today with some friends who aren`t coming out for dinner tomorrow night, it was nice and it was rather a long lunch!! The restaurant didn`t mind though as we kept buying drinks afterwards. Managed to share all our gifts for each other too, we all did rather well. Food was lovely, some went for the Christmas menu of turkey or roast beef, but Tom and I and four others went for steak, we all got the filet which was beautifully cooked. It really was a lovely lunch and afternoon with good friends.
That sounds like it was a lovely lunch! It's always great to have those special meals with friends.

Well, I should shuffle more papers around.

Have a great day everyone!
Your movie night sounds like fun.
I was curious as to which Christmas movies are your favorites?
We are watching A Christmas Carol tonight - the old one with Alistair Sim. We love that one.
We have watched The Muppets Christmas, always a laugh - love Rizzo!
Let's see: HOme Alone
Miracle on 34th Street (the one with Natalie Wood in black and white)
It's a wonderful Life with James stewart

I know there are more but can't think of them now.

I guess the township finally plowed our country road (it's been 3 days) and we can get out of our house now. Really need groceries, especially those Gala apples. I am an apple snob and will only eat Gala, LOL.
I did lose 10 pounds on this diet, but my big weight loss came after having covid with complications. I lost 30 pounds then. I am trying not to gain it back again, but it is a struggle as I love to eat!

Have a fun movie night:)

This is roughly our list....all of these are our favourites and yes, every year we watch them. Not sure if we have a favourite of the comedies as they are all classics.

Trading Places
Love Actually
Christmas Chronicles 1&2
Muppet Christmas Carol
Home Alone 1&2
Christmas Vacation
The Grinch (Jim Carrey)
A Christmas Carol (1938)
A Christmas Carol (1984)
Die Hard 1&2
The Ghost Breakers and The Cat and the Canary....both Bob hope classics and a Sunday afternoon double.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone.
Bridget Jones Diary if we have time.
Wizard of Oz

Scrooge with Alastair Sim and White Christmas are always our last two movies, usually Christmas Eve unless we go to Scotland, then it`s the day before we leave.

The 1951 Alastair Sim version is the quintessential Christmas Carol version for us, a complete classic and very like the way he is represented in the book, our absolute favourite. He is Ebenezer Scrooge. I have many copies of the book too as it`s my favourite Dickens book out of all of them. I read it every December, a different one every year. This year I`m reading one I bought in the New York Public Library, it`s almost a miniature one, but so cute.

We`re odd, neither of us like It`s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th St, the original one is my go to movie if I want to

Being healthy isn`t easy, especially this time of year. You`ll do fine......that`s our problem too, we like food and drink, but good food and decent drinks, and we seem to be very good to ourselves!!

Thank you, we will....have a lovely Friday night too......'s Friday :cool1: I have a few papers on my desk today, but nothing that I can't spread out to keep me busy all day.

I am working a long day tomorrow and that will probably be one of my last weekend shifts at TJX. I see that I have no shifts between Xmas and New Years I get the message loud and clear from the scheduling manager that he doesn't like it when people enforce boundaries about corp ignoring availability, with his scheduling. Since I talked with him and submitted my availability form with notes about my availability, he has scheduled me for very few shifts 🤷‍♀️ I loose respect for managers who are passive agressive like that...and be sickingly nice to you face, but then do that :rolleyes: I got my schedule for the new job, and one weekend shift will pay more than a whole month of me working short shifts there so I consider that a big win.

We are supposed to have Dh's work Christmas party tonight. He is not sure if he wants to go. So it will be a last minute decision to attend. It has been a long stressful week for both of us, and we could just settle in with a blanket, movie and some popcorn for the night. I could pass on an indoor golf simulator night, making small talk with people I really don't know. I'm happiest when I am at home or off traveling doing new and fun things.

:bday: Happy happy happy birthday to you!!!!! It is hard having a birthday near Christmas. My birthday is early Jan and it sucks just as much to have it after as well. I have two kiddos who have birthdays shortly after xmas - one is Jan and the other is Feb. Looking back now, I wished we would have celebrated them 6 months later as a half birthday. It might have been a little easier. Oh well. It seems most of our family birthdays land between Dec - March for some reason.

Both outfits sound amazing! I don't have the pizzaz to pull off the sparkly look. I LOVE love LOVE it...but I know I can't pull it off like other women can. Both sound lovely.

Rain is definitely better than snow. Enjoy that warm spot in the house.

Yikes! That's a big dump! We were supposed to get a huge dump next week, but it has changed now to just cold. I would rather have the cold going into the holidays, than worry about road conditions with a huge dump of snow.

That sounds like it was a lovely lunch! It's always great to have those special meals with friends.

Well, I should shuffle more papers around.

Have a great day everyone!
Stuff him`ll soon be off and yes, that is a win for you!! You deserve it, good things come to those who wait.

Indoor Golf simulations???? Er no, I`d rather be at home too.....enjoy whatever you do. I don`t miss going to corporate events or parties with folks I didn`t know, and usually it was no alcohol due to where the business was based, so not much fun if our usual gang weren`t over with us. Yes, meals out just spending time with friends is always priceless.

I love sparkles.....I have a sparkly red blouse and a purple kind of sparkly dress to choose from. I`ll see what I feel like and see what the other ladies are wearing, no snow forecast so I might get away with the dress and shoes......I don`t get my hair done till Tuesday, but will do my best with what I have right now!! Might put it up as it is quite long now, even with a mid colour cut several weeks ago.

Have a great night.
A big welcome :welcome: to DisneyMom. Stay around we really do talk a lot about something about nothing. Well, weather and food mostly. LoL.

Movie was actually good. There was a total of 10 people in the theater, and we were 3 of that total. Very quiet theater thankfully. Was way too long, Hehe, little one asked if it would be over soon. Looked at my watch. Nope another hour or so to go. We ate like so quick after getting out of the theater, as we rarely get food to eat while watching a movie. There’s a burger place in the mall complex the movie theater is in, so was a good time to eat, as we beat the lunchtime and early dinner crowds. We’re back home, all like beached whales. Any dinner will be late, or may just we all snack when hungry later tonight.

Rain has left the area. So glad we are slowly drying out. Thought roads were still mostly wet when we came home. Tomorrow, a high weather system sets up shop. Full day of sun tomorrow. I think we all are really for those sunglasses needed days.
Hello and thank you for all of the birthday wishes. It has been a fairly quiet day. B and I braved the mall today. It wasn't bad. She got dh's Christmas gift and also a new winter coat for herself. I ended up buying a couple of new shirts and a winter hat and gloves. I was going to do some laundry when I got home, but took a nap instead.

The snow has finally stopped and we have about 10 inches or more on the ground,
Wow, that's more snow than I want to see. Our forecast has been hinting at possible snow next week. I hope it isn't too much. We have travel plans.

you certainly don`t look like you need to diet!! Mine will start January 3rd and I really, really need that :blush:
I'll be joining you. I really need to drop quite a few pounds.

We are supposed to have Dh's work Christmas party tonight. He is not sure if he wants to go. So it will be a last minute decision to attend. It has been a long stressful week for both of us, and we could just settle in with a blanket, movie and some popcorn for the night. I could pass on an indoor golf simulator night, making small talk with people I really don't know. I'm happiest when I am at home or off traveling doing new and fun things.
I am fortunate that my dh's office parties don't include spouses or significant others. An indoor golf simulator is an interesting theme for a party.

Happy happy happy birthday to you!!!!! It is hard having a birthday near Christmas. My birthday is early Jan and it sucks just as much to have it after as well. I have two kiddos who have birthdays shortly after xmas - one is Jan and the other is Feb. Looking back now, I wished we would have celebrated them 6 months later as a half birthday. It might have been a little easier.
Yes, a December birthday can be a challenge, but at least it's not the 24th like dh. His grandparents used to say that his parents should have celebrated on his adoption day instead. My sister and niece both have January birthdays - Jan 11 and 18.

We`re odd, neither of us like It`s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th St, the original one is my go to movie if I want to
Those were both one and done for me. I'm glad I watched them, but they are not repeat movies for me.

New over here!

Time for dinner. I decided to keep it simple and go to my favorite Chinese restaurant.
New over here!

:welcome: along Michelle.......nice to see you here!!

Hello and thank you for all of the birthday wishes. It has been a fairly quiet day. B and I braved the mall today. It wasn't bad. She got dh's Christmas gift and also a new winter coat for herself. I ended up buying a couple of new shirts and a winter hat and gloves. I was going to do some laundry when I got home, but took a nap instead.

Wow, that's more snow than I want to see. Our forecast has been hinting at possible snow next week. I hope it isn't too much. We have travel plans.

I'll be joining you. I really need to drop quite a few pounds.

I am fortunate that my dh's office parties don't include spouses or significant others. An indoor golf simulator is an interesting theme for a party.

Yes, a December birthday can be a challenge, but at least it's not the 24th like dh. His grandparents used to say that his parents should have celebrated on his adoption day instead. My sister and niece both have January birthdays - Jan 11 and 18.

Those were both one and done for me. I'm glad I watched them, but they are not repeat movies for me.


Time for dinner. I decided to keep it simple and go to my favorite Chinese restaurant.

Yes, I think dieting will be a popular pastime in January! Hope you enjoyed Chinese of my favourite types of food.

Ho Ho Ho.......just over a week till Christmas Day and it feels like it. Lots of activities in our village this coming week and saw our lights on the other night around the village, all the shops have really done us proud this year again and our tree looks fabulous. We have two churches and one has a beautiful star in the steeple and we can see it from up here at night, lovely.

Heavy rain this morning for us, but seems to be clearing, might walk into the village and see the Fisherman`s Choir doing their Carol Service, if rain stays on we`ll give it a miss. They`re repeating the show during the week in the evening too. I think come Tuesday this extremely cold blast (for us) will be over and it`ll just be cold.

Bacon for breakfast this morning, light lunch and then out for a group Christmas dinner tonight, very excited for that one as it`s in our favourite place, cosy pub restaurant that has real fires and we always book our tables in one of those areas. If it`s just us for a family visit or groups of us, we like that one area. It`s a Christmas menu tonight and we have all already chosen our options for dinner so no surprises there. Lots of bubbly will be enjoyed for sure!

Few little bits and bobs today to do but will be a lazy one, rain isn`t going off anytime soon so think we`ll give the choir a miss. Time for another pot of tea.......




Have a wonderful Saturday and weekend 🎄
Super happy Saturday to all. Yep, next Saturday, Christmas Eve. And tomorrow, first candle will be lit for Hanukkah at sundown. Menorah will be ready in our home tomorrow.

Baking and chocolate making day. Warned little one, I want to leave much earlier than last weekend when we started. We shall see if that happens. Good thing, I think that favorite coffee shop is open at 7 am. I am already up and ready, but I do have to make a store payment, and that store does not open until 8 am. I want to pay it early, as due today, and I know we will be late into day before we finish, probably closer to when that store closes. And since that store is directly on the way to my sister’s, where we do all our fun sweet makings, makes sense to drop off that payment on our way up. And a drive up there too, so will do both. Hoping not as busy in those early open hours today.

Weather. Ah yes, with that sky clearing in the wee hours, we are going to have a glorious sunrise in a clear sky. Two degrees higher than freezing. Cool start. And with the high 41, and some clouds around later in the afternoon, cool enough feeling day. But those clouds are not rain filled. Just those puffy white ones that may be blowing across the afternoon sky.

And will the wet, crappy weather to end the week day routines, I had planned to commute my last day of week day routines for over a week. But changed it to this Tuesday, as no wet, and predicted to be sunny and cool. Monday’s high temp is 4 degrees above freezing. And both Tuesday and Wednesday’s high temps are not even in the 40’s either. 39 degrees the high they are saying for both days. Lightweight winter jacket and sunglasses 😎. Yes. Good weather days for later in December. And then the rest of our 7 day forecast. Rainy thirsty Thursday, kinda fitting as we (I think) still need the wet to fill our water table. Stormy Fabulous Friday, and then Christmas weekend. Two cold and wall to wall sunshine and clear nights days. Santa should have no issues seeing all those chimneys. And you know he will be bundled up. 21 degrees the high on Saturday, with a warmer 22 degrees on Sunday. Hehe, this weekend May break out my winter jacket. The heavier one than my lightweight one. Got a new one to try out.

But hoping that stormy Friday is clear in the evening, as we have the little zoo’s lights to see that evening. I will say, with that wet weather the other day, the zoo closed and said tickets could be used another day. They are closed this weekend, but I’m sure both little one and I are fine next week, to see those lights, if they close this Friday night for bad weather. They go until the next Friday.

And so, that alarm mom will give little one is nearing. She needs at least almost an hour to get ready. She says she will be ready in like 10 minutes. Yes. Sure. I have never seen her meet that quick ready time. Sigh. Both my kids clearly did not get that early bird gene.

Good morning all.

Hope Schumi’s dinner is delicious this evening, and hope the rain goes away soon.


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