Sistah Twistah - A January Dining Review- Updated- 6/25 - COMPLETE!!!

:sad2: First of all, Eric is MY lovey-dovey!

Of course, I kid. When The Little Mermaid first came out, my boyfriend's name was Erik and he had black hair. I had long red hair at the time. The Little Mermaid was my JAM back then.

I am glad you enjoyed Landscape of Flavors Create your own Pasta! My friends had a fresh pasta station during their wedding reception and it was amazing (though it was also 110F in late July in a landmark building with no AC - I could barely eat any of it).

That Butterfinger cookie looks amazing!
:sad2: First of all, Eric is MY lovey-dovey!

Of course, I kid. When The Little Mermaid first came out, my boyfriend's name was Erik and he had black hair. I had long red hair at the time. The Little Mermaid was my JAM back then.

I am glad you enjoyed Landscape of Flavors Create your own Pasta! My friends had a fresh pasta station during their wedding reception and it was amazing (though it was also 110F in late July in a landmark building with no AC - I could barely eat any of it).

That Butterfinger cookie looks amazing!
Wowwww do you have a picture of you guys? :love: Sounds amazing to see you both together like that :D
And you can have Eric if you want. I'm keeping Tarzan! And Quasimodo! (Don't ask...)
Sounds dangerous to have food out in the heat like that :scared: (My next big dream is a Disney wedding, BTW. Not that there are any contenders at this point :rolleyes: )
Wowwww do you have a picture of you guys? :love: Sounds amazing to see you both together like that :D
And you can have Eric if you want. I'm keeping Tarzan! And Quasimodo! (Don't ask...)
Sounds dangerous to have food out in the heat like that :scared: (My next big dream is a Disney wedding, BTW. Not that there are any contenders at this point :rolleyes: )
Unfortunately, I no longer have pictures of us since I did the ex-boyfriend purge when I moved out to WA after I met my husband (though I do still have one piece of jewelry from that particular boyfriend because it is classic and lovely).

The food was inside, but it was just so hot outside and with no AC, just bleargh.

I hope you get to have your Disney wedding! We had a very small courthouse wedding with 18 guests, then we went to the tavern my husband worked at for a toast - where our friends surprised us with a light saber arch and the Ewok Celebration song (Yub nub) from the original Return of the Jedi! It was hilarious! Last year, we had a vow renewal at the KISS chapel in Las Vegas. Just the two of us and a Gene Simmons impersonator to do the ceremony. He had us sing Kiss song lyrics as our vows. My wedding(s) were both lots of laughs!
We may have to make it over to AoA in August. We just did make-your-own pasta at Riverside Mill at POR, and it was awesome too.....but man that garlic bread looks good! The bread we got at Riverside was more like a bread stick.
Your pasta dish and the cheesy bread look SO DELISH!!!!!
And even though I will be staying at AoA, since my dining schedule is so full and I am not planning on resort breaks, unfortunately I will not be able to partake. I'll just eat vicariously through you.
Can't wait to get my own photo with Ursula!
Yay, you're back!!! OMG, that pasta dish looks & sounds amazing. We're staying at POFQ on our upcoming trip, and I know Riverside has a create your own pasta bar. I wonder if they do gluten free pasta. I'm going to have to enquire!
probably my least favorite meal from our trip, but that butterfinger cookie- OMG!
I think my awesome sister said it all... :flower3:
Shira, we're coming up on some much better meals- stay tuned ;)

Unfortunately, I no longer have pictures of us since I did the ex-boyfriend purge when I moved out to WA after I met my husband (though I do still have one piece of jewelry from that particular boyfriend because it is classic and lovely).

The food was inside, but it was just so hot outside and with no AC, just bleargh.

I hope you get to have your Disney wedding! We had a very small courthouse wedding with 18 guests, then we went to the tavern my husband worked at for a toast - where our friends surprised us with a light saber arch and the Ewok Celebration song (Yub nub) from the original Return of the Jedi! It was hilarious! Last year, we had a vow renewal at the KISS chapel in Las Vegas. Just the two of us and a Gene Simmons impersonator to do the ceremony. He had us sing Kiss song lyrics as our vows. My wedding(s) were both lots of laughs!
Makes sense to purge when you're in a serious relationship with someone :-) I'll just have to imagine you guys together :teeth:
You and your husband (and your friends!!!) sound awesome!! And the vow renewal sounds like a hoot :rotfl:

We may have to make it over to AoA in August. We just did make-your-own pasta at Riverside Mill at POR, and it was awesome too.....but man that garlic bread looks good! The bread we got at Riverside was more like a bread stick.
You should definitely check it out! They also have a make-your-own-burger and make-your-own-salad station!

Your pasta dish and the cheesy bread look SO DELISH!!!!!
And even though I will be staying at AoA, since my dining schedule is so full and I am not planning on resort breaks, unfortunately I will not be able to partake. I'll just eat vicariously through you.
Can't wait to get my own photo with Ursula!
Ah yes, the full dining schedule problem :scratchin Well, I'll be happy to keep eating for you ::yes::
Can't wait to see your trip (and dining) report when you get back!

Yay, you're back!!! OMG, that pasta dish looks & sounds amazing. We're staying at POFQ on our upcoming trip, and I know Riverside has a create your own pasta bar. I wonder if they do gluten free pasta. I'm going to have to enquire!
Hi there! I'll really do my best to update more frequently now :-)
I don't remember seeing gluten free at AoA but I know they had whole-wheat. So maybe you'll be in luck! (Maybe if you order ahead?)
Ugh, that pasta looks sooooo good. Mainly because I love shrimp. I love alfredo. And I love pasta. YUM! I love the swapping out a drink for your snack. My fiance didn't fully understand that and I was trying to get him to do it but we ended up with a juice instead. I kept thinking "I could be eating dessert right now!!!!"

I have had my eye on that cheesy pesto bread too.. really Landscape of Flavors is a great place!
Ugh, that pasta looks sooooo good. Mainly because I love shrimp. I love alfredo. And I love pasta. YUM! I love the swapping out a drink for your snack. My fiance didn't fully understand that and I was trying to get him to do it but we ended up with a juice instead. I kept thinking "I could be eating dessert right now!!!!"

I have had my eye on that cheesy pesto bread too.. really Landscape of Flavors is a great place!
LOL! Mainly because you love shrimp. And alfredo. And pasta. :rotfl2:
Next time you go you gotta explain the rules to your DF! No drinks unless it's an emergency! :rolleyes:
I'm so full right now but I'd still have room for that pasta dish ::yes::
So I'm being a good girl and updating again! Woohoo! (Aren't you proud of me?)

We excitedly checked in at the Contemporary that Saturday and I believe my first reaction to our room was just standing around in disbelieving shock.
Listen, if you're spending the money to stay at such an expensive resort, you might as well go all out and get a theme park view room. Oh. My. God.

This was the view from my bed:

Contemp view (1).JPG

Luckily silly Shira was so excited to grab the bed in front of the TV, I didn't have to fight anyone for this view!

It was hard falling asleep at night, let me tell you. I eventually had to close the curtains (*sob*) because I just kept watching, mesmerized.

We could see the fireworks and everything!

CR (1).jpg

But I'm getting ahead of myself. It's still afternoon. I had my yummy pasta for lunch but Shira didn't really eat much at AoA so she went down to the Contempo Cafe for some food.
She ordered and had them pack it up for her so she could eat in our room.

I don't have any notes on this meal but I'll write what I remember.

14.5 Contempo Cafe (2).jpg

Ok, so this was penne with meatballs and marinara sauce. I couldn't find it on the current menu. It was supposed to have cheese on it but she asked to get it without.
Came with garlic bread as you can see. I don't think this was too inspired. Shira will be here eventually to comment but if I remember correctly it was just meh.

14.5 Contempo Cafe (1).jpg

This was her drink replacement. Some filled cone of some sort. Not memorable. I think she might have not liked it.

14.5 Contempo Cafe (3).jpg

And this is cool because it's Star Wars. We both tasted it and couldn't really figure out what flavor it was supposed to be. The frosting was bright orange (and January is not supposed to be pumpkin season, right?)
And the cupcake itself was filled with some cream or frosting. Again not sure of the flavor. I don't think she finished it but it made for a cool picture. And I believe she saved the little plastic Star Wars piece.
All in all, too much sweet stuff and everything was just ok, not great.

I hadn't eaten there yet at this point but I'll already say that I preferred Everything Pop to the Contempo Cafe. It had more of a selection and I liked being able to see the food I was ordering.
I'm guessing the Contempo is supposed to be fancier because the resort is deluxe and they make the food to order instead of having it sit out for guests to choose from. I still prefer Pop o_O

Up next is finally... Chef Mickey's!!!! pixiedust: :mickeyjum:goofy::donald:

This was the view from my bed:


Oh, WOW :love::worship:
Yay, glad to read your reviews! Your view is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! :love:

I definitely need to try the make your own pasta dish at AoA sometime. My husband and I are planning a December trip and will likely stay at Pop, so we'll have to walk over for a meal. Also I'll want to visit Ursula...I have a very similar pic to the one you linked! :)

Funny story if you like Ursula...I was wearing a shirt with her on it at Epcot over the weekend (boooooo, why am I home and not still there?!?!?) and a CM in one of the F&G booths told me she is planning to get a full calf tattoo of Ursula with her tentacles wrapped around the leg. I told her it sounded amazing!

I'm absolutely loving your view :)
Me too!!! I miss it!!! :cloud9:

Yay, glad to read your reviews! Your view is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! :love:

I definitely need to try the make your own pasta dish at AoA sometime. My husband and I are planning a December trip and will likely stay at Pop, so we'll have to walk over for a meal. Also I'll want to visit Ursula...I have a very similar pic to the one you linked! :)

Funny story if you like Ursula...I was wearing a shirt with her on it at Epcot over the weekend (boooooo, why am I home and not still there?!?!?) and a CM in one of the F&G booths told me she is planning to get a full calf tattoo of Ursula with her tentacles wrapped around the leg. I told her it sounded amazing!
If you stay at Pop you have absolutely no excuses! You gotta get yourself over to AoA :-)
And that's so cool about the CM. I didn't think they'd share something so personal, especially since they're not supposed to show any tats!

that is a view and a half - love Contempo Café especially their cakes ;)
Ooooh I had one really yummy cake there! But I won't spoil it- it was one of our last meals there I think :-)
That view! Oh man, I can understand why you didn't want to close the curtains at night.
Omg, your pasta from AOA looks amazing!! Now I'm regretting not trying it when we stayed there a couple of years ago!

I had the Star Wars cupcake from contempo too- I had in my notes that the filling was cookies n cream flavor. Good but sweet!


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