~~~SEWING my way to POFQ ~ American Girl outfits & Custom Park Bags! ~~~

Yes, I said it... It's another machine.

Before you get all excited, it is not a Singer 401A... but it really was one of my top choices, as it was the one I really wanted before I wanted the 401A too. :rotfl2:

You all know about my sad trip to Goodwill a few weeks ago, to get the machine that I passed on initially, but then found out V wanted it, so when I went back, it was gone.

I thought I'd try my luck again... only this time I found a machine for me, and not for V. I feel super bad about it, but I've already decided that she gets to use this machine until I find the perfect machine for her... However, I will have to steal it for appliques, because that what I got it for. :lovestruc

Sooo, with out further ado... My nameless, 1961 Singer 503A otherwise known as the Rocketeer, or Singer's last great machine...

It's quite dirty... Needs lots of cleaning...




Not only did it come with all of these extra feet, all of her extra cams, her original manual, bobbins, lightbulb.... In the original box:

Check out the price I paid for it:

Oh and it also came with the sewing table -which I don't need and I've already found a home for.

Total price paid, including tax $10.31. D~ was a very happy girl yesterday! :lovestruc Now, to get it cleaned up... It's in bad need of cleaning, lubricating and oiling - because there are a few spots in her rotation that are really tight. I haven't dared to plug her in yet (the cords look fantastic though - so I don't think she needs to be rewired - I'll have Josh double check though), because I don't want to run her with out cleaning her and lubing her up. Although, she might be a he... not sure yet. :confused3

Absolutely love the Donald pin! What a great little home for him on your new bag!

I really wish I understood sewing machines ... but you seem awful excited about it, so I'm excited for you! :woohoo: What a great deal you got, too! I'm just happy and excited that you're happy and excited and that's all that matters! :goodvibes

But I will ask ... what's with the fascination of the older machines versus the newer ones? I mean ... I know absolutely nothing about machines, sewing, or anything of that sort ... so I am genuinely curious. Edjumacate us!
Thanks everyone for being excited for me. :thumbsup2

Absolutely love the Donald pin! What a great little home for him on your new bag!

I really wish I understood sewing machines ... but you seem awful excited about it, so I'm excited for you! :woohoo: What a great deal you got, too! I'm just happy and excited that you're happy and excited and that's all that matters! :goodvibes

But I will ask ... what's with the fascination of the older machines versus the newer ones? I mean ... I know absolutely nothing about machines, sewing, or anything of that sort ... so I am genuinely curious. Edjumacate us!

Well.... Let me start off by saying, everyone has their own preferences, and as long as you enjoy the art of sewing - I really don't care what you sew on...

But - I love vintage machines.

One of the reasons I love them, is because they just don't make 'em like that anymore. Pretty much, any machine purchased in the last 30 years is made of plastic. Plastic is not made to last forever. Also, I feel that the manufacturers have taken away from the basic seamstress, the ability to care for and troubleshoot problems with her own machine, by making everything so computerized that you just can't open the machine up and find the problem.

I also love the nostalgic feel of them. I take comfort that 50+ years ago, someone was sewing on this same machine, making garments for her children and decorating her home... maybe even teaching her daughter to sew on this same machine.


I love the brute force of the motors... there is never a hesitation. I can sew through anything, and I never have to second guess it.


Patience's stitch is stright as a board, no wobble ever. The fact that she is a straight stitch only machine has a lot to do with this, however there are other machines out there (1965 and older) that do a magnificant straight stitch.


I love that I took Patience down to her bones, and I know how every single part works, I know that no part of her can break (because she is made of iron.. Steel...) and any part that can break - I can fix her right here. I will never have to take her to a shop. I know that when I sit down, I will be able to sew, and sew all day long, I have never once had a problem with her.


I love the simplicity and everything about these machines - I just love how they look when they are threaded...


I don't know how else to explain it. There is just something vintage and wholesome about sewing on a machine that someone's grandmother or great grandmother sewed on, and provided for her family with... it brings my joy of sewing to a whole different level - and it makes it fun.


And I just love staring at all these pictures, it brings you back to another time, when things were simple and wholesome, and just the basic necssities were what mattered most.

Does any of this make sense?

Now, you are making me feel very guilty that I have three vintage machines in the studio and none of them are even working! (and I am not counting the treadle)

Of them, only one I care about. It was my Mom's machine and when she got her new one in the early 60's she gave me her old one. It is what I learned to sew on. All I know is it is a Singer and came in a wooden box. (even the electrical connections were made of wood.)

I know it will need to be re-wired for starters, and I know the timing was off the last time I used it (maybe 30 years ago) but I have no idea what else it will need.

Maybe I will take it out of its hiding place and look at it a little closer.

I had planned on taking the old Kenmore and set it up with a ruffle attachment, but I haven't been able to find one that will fit it. so it sits under a table in the studio....

Yes, I feel bad...maybe I can at least get down today and do a bit of sewing. Other than my sewing student, I haven't done anything all day... and I still have 3 King Size quilts to get out in the next month!

So happy you like your little Donald and yes that is the perfect place for him :) he told me he needed to go live with his bestie D~ :goodvibes

wow $9.99 for a sewing machine :worship: you are the godess of finding great deals on them :worship:
since you called it the Rocketeer....how about calling him/her "Rocky". enjoy getting it all cleaned up and running smoothly!
Thanks everyone for being excited for me. :thumbsup2

Well.... Let me start off by saying, everyone has their own preferences, and as long as you enjoy the art of sewing - I really don't care what you sew on...

But - I love vintage machines.

One of the reasons I love them, is because they just don't make 'em like that anymore. Pretty much, any machine purchased in the last 30 years is made of plastic. Plastic is not made to last forever. Also, I feel that the manufacturers have taken away from the basic seamstress, the ability to care for and troubleshoot problems with her own machine, by making everything so computerized that you just can't open the machine up and find the problem.

I also love the nostalgic feel of them. I take comfort that 50+ years ago, someone was sewing on this same machine, making garments for her children and decorating her home... maybe even teaching her daughter to sew on this same machine.


I love the brute force of the motors... there is never a hesitation. I can sew through anything, and I never have to second guess it.


Patience's stitch is stright as a board, no wobble ever. The fact that she is a straight stitch only machine has a lot to do with this, however there are other machines out there (1965 and older) that do a magnificant straight stitch.


I love that I took Patience down to her bones, and I know how every single part works, I know that no part of her can break (because she is made of iron.. Steel...) and any part that can break - I can fix her right here. I will never have to take her to a shop. I know that when I sit down, I will be able to sew, and sew all day long, I have never once had a problem with her.


I love the simplicity and everything about these machines - I just love how they look when they are threaded...


I don't know how else to explain it. There is just something vintage and wholesome about sewing on a machine that someone's grandmother or great grandmother sewed on, and provided for her family with... it brings my joy of sewing to a whole different level - and it makes it fun.


And I just love staring at all these pictures, it brings you back to another time, when things were simple and wholesome, and just the basic necssities were what mattered most.

Does any of this make sense?


It makes absolute sense. Very touching, to be honest. I can totally see why you prefer the older machines. I just didn't know your reason behind it. (I know everyone has their own reasons.)

It would just seem like it would be easier on a newer one with presets and the like (yes, I did wander over to the aisle at Target that held a couple of machines) ... but the durability does make a lot of sense. :cloud9:
Love the new machine!

I love vintage machines too! You got such a great deal! They are never that cheap when I go to goodwill! Lucky Duck! :goodvibes
I love the Donald outfit. it is fabulous.

Thanks! :thumbsup2

THanks! :lovestruc

Congrats a on a new machine! And your outfit is amazing!!

Thanks! ;)

I'm going VERA shopping tonight!

Sooo... which one did you get? Oh - I should prob go read your PTR, see if you put it in there. :thumbsup2

I love the custom Donald! You are amazing. I only can wish I even had half your talent and skill. Donald is going to go nuts when he sees you in this outfit.

Thanks... I hope he does - D~ would be in Duck heaven. :lovestruc :rotfl2:

Yeah for the new machine. Can't wait to see what you got.

Super excited about it too.

congrats on your new machine....so what are you going to name this one ?

I am really not sure yet... I know it's NOT going to be Cherrryl though - one of those is enough in my house. :rotfl2:

Grats on the new machine! Can't wait to hear more about it!

And I so want that Donald outfit! :eek: It's awesome! :woohoo:


I can't wait to see your new machine. I haven't even pulled my new one out of the box (yes, the girl who gave it to me has it in the original box!). I have been busy cleaning :(

OK Andrea... Did I miss the fact that you got a new machine? I haven't been on the Disbou thread in a few days - I've had a super busy week. I should probably go stalk it today and catch up.

Oh - and get that machine out of it's box.... What good does it do in there???? :sick:

Wow! Such a cute outfit! Since this is my first "D report" and I have to admit, I didn't read ALL of it, I have never seen one of your adult things. Love it! Do you make any Chip n Dale stuff? Thats all my son cares about and you never see their stuff, always the fab 5 or princesses.

Thanks! I have not done any C & D items... I've thought about doing them many times (in dolly size), but I just haven't yet.

how perfect!!


D that machine is fabulous. Can't wait to see what you do with her.

Thanks - I am kind of excited about it! I ripped it apart and cleaned it up a bit yesterday... I plan on doing a bit more with it today. With any luck - I hope to have it up and running by the end of the weekend. :lovestruc But knowing me, it will be a couple of weeks yet. popcorn::

Now, you are making me feel very guilty that I have three vintage machines in the studio and none of them are even working! (and I am not counting the treadle)

Didn't mean to make you feel guilty Nini. Sorry. I was just excited.

Of them, only one I care about. It was my Mom's machine and when she got her new one in the early 60's she gave me her old one. It is what I learned to sew on. All I know is it is a Singer and came in a wooden box. (even the electrical connections were made of wood.)

I've been dying to see this machine since you first told me about it....

I know it will need to be re-wired for starters, and I know the timing was off the last time I used it (maybe 30 years ago) but I have no idea what else it will need.

Yes, I think that's a safe assumption. LOL Timing might not be as hard to fix as you'd think. I haven't had any machines with timing issues yet (knock on wood) - but I have seen quite a few tutorials out there about fixing that issue - so I know it can be done. Check the needle first - I thought one of my machines had a timing issue (one of the Brothers), and my needle was just bent ever so slightly.

Maybe I will take it out of its hiding place and look at it a little closer.

Yes, snap a few pictures for me, while you are at it. :lovestruc

I had planned on taking the old Kenmore and set it up with a ruffle attachment, but I haven't been able to find one that will fit it. so it sits under a table in the studio....

That is a bummer... You could probably sell the machine then???

Yes, I feel bad...maybe I can at least get down today and do a bit of sewing. Other than my sewing student, I haven't done anything all day... and I still have 3 King Size quilts to get out in the next month!


ACK!!! Get to work!

So happy you like your little Donald and yes that is the perfect place for him :) he told me he needed to go live with his bestie D~ :goodvibes

Awww... see.... I just knew he loved me. :lovestruc

wow $9.99 for a sewing machine :worship: you are the godess of finding great deals on them :worship:
since you called it the Rocketeer....how about calling him/her "Rocky". enjoy getting it all cleaned up and running smoothly!

Yup - I only need to find one more good deal on a machine for Victoria, and then I will have bought all the vintage machines I am ever going to buy. However, then I will have to break down and get a computerized embroidery machine... I wish those came in "vintage".

I'm thinking about "Mr. Rocket" LOL... Let's just see if he lives up to that name first. :rotfl2:

It makes absolute sense. Very touching, to be honest. I can totally see why you prefer the older machines. I just didn't know your reason behind it. (I know everyone has their own reasons.)

It would just seem like it would be easier on a newer one with presets and the like (yes, I did wander over to the aisle at Target that held a couple of machines) ... but the durability does make a lot of sense. :cloud9:

I can see your line of thinking... I just think that all the presets would confuse me?

Love the new machine!

I love vintage machines too! You got such a great deal! They are never that cheap when I go to goodwill! Lucky Duck! :goodvibes

Thanks! Yah - I couldn't believe the Goodwill guy, because there were 3 machines there (SUPER EXCITED)... The one has been there for weeks - don't want it, not even interested. The second one, I didn't have any interest in either. But as I was trying to lift the second one out of the table to get a look at it, the Goodwill Guy came over to me and told me about the other one that just came in that day, he said it "worked" - which means nothing to anyone that doesn't sew. People see the needle go up and down and they think it "works" - but does it actually "Sew"??? That's kind of why I am in a hurry to get this done, because I have 7 days to return it if it doesn't work. And I am going to have to order a few parts for it - which I don't necessarily need to order before I test it out - it definately needs a new bobbin winder tire. I should have it fixed up enough today that I'll be able to see if I am keeping it or not.

OK... I had a dream again last night... You all know what my dreams mean... I've come up with an idea, and I need some help.

I need a tester!

Requirements: Must be a female child between the ages of 5 & 12 (walking in the park with out a stroller age), must like princesses and getting autographs, and must be going to Disney in the next few weeks...

If you fit this criteria - please send me a PM.

Lisa, maybe Megan and DLR??? (ETA: I think I already found a tester).

Oh - and just so you all don't think I am lazy... I am working on an actual sewing project, which I am almost finished with. But I can't post pictures, because even though this person knows I am working on this project (Marianne) - she is willing to be surprised when it shows up in the mail... So, I can't post pictures until she receives it. :lovestruc

I just found out yesterday, due to Target's new idiotic "opening at midnight on black friday" - I am the fortunate recipient of an 8 hour shift on Thanksgiving Day! Yes, Target is not open on Thanksgiving - so the general public is led to believe that all the employees get to spend the day with their families... Oh no, it has now become a mandatory day of work and a mandatory 8 hour shift! :headache: Target's distribution centers are sending out trucks to be accepted by the stores on TGD... So, all employees have to go in and stock shelves... Totally idiotic! This is something - that if the company thought ahead - they could have sent the trucks a day earlier and we could stock shelves on Wednesday... Oh no, not Target.

Sorry, I should not be complaining... As I know many people work on holidays. I am just still really upset about it, because no one was made aware of this until yesterday. I wouldn't be nearly as mad, but black friday is also a mandatory day of work... I would feel much better if it was one or the other.

So, my Thanksgiving schedule is as follows... Get up at Midnight on TGD... Work from 2am until 10am... Come home... Try to sleep... Guests come at 2pm... Then try to enjoy my day... (Maybe get another half nights sleep) Get up at 10pm and work from 12am until 6am. Oh, and did I mention... BIL and SIL are coming from The Netherlands to celebrate her very first Thanksgiving in America - at our house! Also, Josh's dad and step-mom are flying in from LA.

I am very angry at Target right now... because I am sure there are 300k other employees in the exact same situation that I am in. Bad, bad Target~!

Vent away!

Having a husband in law enforcement I can totally relate. Back in the other century (when I worked retail) I hated holidays of any kind. I always try to be a bit nicer to the employees that have to work around that time.

For us, it seems the guys with no families are the ones that get the holidays off. (and most of them end up at my house!) It is really strange to have hubby working and a couple of his guys having Turkey at our house...

Yesterday I din't get a chance to go down to look at my baby, so I will try to get down there today...although I am supposed to be cleaning house. I really need to clean the studio as well, but I doubt too many of our Turkey day guests will really care if the fabric is all nicely folded or not! LOL!

I am all too familiar with timing issues...my quilter has to be timed at least once a year...and it takes me a couple of weeks of trying to get it just 'right'. It actually could use a good timing right now, but it is too big and clumsy to get off the rails...and my neck will not go in the position I need it to in order to get to the part to time it...so I have to wait for my hubby to owe me big time! LOL!!

Just a small machine update...

I cleaned out the rest of it this morning, oiled and greased it, movement seemed good with the handwheel. I plugged it in, and the motor made noise - but didn't move anything. :( So, I went outside to tell Josh, he said he would look at it "later". So, 5 minutes later (to my delight), he was sitting at it, pressing the petal and the machine was sewing. It's definately a MAN.

I am going to run upstairs and wind a bobbin for it, and we will see if it actuallly SEWs... if so - it's a keeper. :)

Josh did say, if we keep it, he will replace the plug - the rest of the wiring looks good. :)

I just found out yesterday, due to Target's new idiotic "opening at midnight on black friday" - I am the fortunate recipient of an 8 hour shift on Thanksgiving Day! Yes, Target is not open on Thanksgiving - so the general public is led to believe that all the employees get to spend the day with their families... Oh no, it has now become a mandatory day of work and a mandatory 8 hour shift! :headache: Target's distribution centers are sending out trucks to be accepted by the stores on TGD... So, all employees have to go in and stock shelves... Totally idiotic! This is something - that if the company thought ahead - they could have sent the trucks a day earlier and we could stock shelves on Wednesday... Oh no, not Target.

Sorry, I should not be complaining... As I know many people work on holidays. I am just still really upset about it, because no one was made aware of this until yesterday. I wouldn't be nearly as mad, but black friday is also a mandatory day of work... I would feel much better if it was one or the other.

So, my Thanksgiving schedule is as follows... Get up at Midnight on TGD... Work from 2am until 10am... Come home... Try to sleep... Guests come at 2pm... Then try to enjoy my day... (Maybe get another half nights sleep) Get up at 10pm and work from 12am until 6am. Oh, and did I mention... BIL and SIL are coming from The Netherlands to celebrate her very first Thanksgiving in America - at our house! Also, Josh's dad and step-mom are flying in from LA.

I am very angry at Target right now... because I am sure there are 300k other employees in the exact same situation that I am in. Bad, bad Target~!


:hug::hug: Vent away -- it is your thread afterall! :thumbsup2 We'll listen and grumble along with you.

I'm sorry that you're being forced to work on TGD and BF. Didn't you just recently tell us that you wouldn't be in town for TGD? :rolleyes1 :lmao::rotfl2:

I agree that Target should have done better planning on their part so families could spend more time together over the holiday. If it makes you feel any better, I won't go to Target for BF anymore after last year. :flower3: (Not that it helps you anyway. :lmao:)

Just wondering...

Did anyone see my request for a Tester in this post? I promise, it won't cost you any $$ and you'll have the opportunity to try out a SerendipiD~ original. :lovestruc

Liddy... Thanks... I won't be shopping BF at Target either - I'll be sleeping. :rolleyes1

Unfortunately...I meet all the requirements for a tester except one...I won't be in the 'World' until next year some time.....

One more machine update... It does SEW... I just need to do a bit of research yet... the motor seems a bit heistant to start...

OK... I had a dream again last night... You all know what my dreams mean... I've come up with an idea, and I need some help.

I need a tester!

Requirements: Must be a female child between the ages of 5 & 12 (walking in the park with out a stroller age), must like princesses and getting autographs, and must be going to Disney in the next few weeks...

If you fit this criteria - please send me a PM.

Lisa, maybe Megan and DLR???

Oh - and just so you all don't think I am lazy... I am working on an actual sewing project, which I am almost finished with. But I can't post pictures, because even though this person knows I am working on this project (Marianne) - she is willing to be surprised when it shows up in the mail... So, I can't post pictures until she receives it. :lovestruc


My DD is 5...loves princesses & autographs. We can go to Disney pretty much whenever....always looking for an excuse to go :woohoo:.

Thanks - I am kind of excited about it! I ripped it apart and cleaned it up a bit yesterday... I plan on doing a bit more with it today. With any luck - I hope to have it up and running by the end of the weekend. :lovestruc But knowing me, it will be a couple of weeks yet. popcorn::

Thanks! Yah - I couldn't believe the Goodwill guy, because there were 3 machines there (SUPER EXCITED)... The one has been there for weeks - don't want it, not even interested. The second one, I didn't have any interest in either. But as I was trying to lift the second one out of the table to get a look at it, the Goodwill Guy came over to me and told me about the other one that just came in that day, he said it "worked" - which means nothing to anyone that doesn't sew. People see the needle go up and down and they think it "works" - but does it actually "Sew"??? That's kind of why I am in a hurry to get this done, because I have 7 days to return it if it doesn't work. And I am going to have to order a few parts for it - which I don't necessarily need to order before I test it out - it definately needs a new bobbin winder tire. I should have it fixed up enough today that I'll be able to see if I am keeping it or not.

OK... I had a dream again last night... You all know what my dreams mean... I've come up with an idea, and I need some help.

I need a tester!

Requirements: Must be a female child between the ages of 5 & 12 (walking in the park with out a stroller age), must like princesses and getting autographs, and must be going to Disney in the next few weeks...

If you fit this criteria - please send me a PM.

Oh - and just so you all don't think I am lazy... I am working on an actual sewing project, which I am almost finished with. But I can't post pictures, because even though this person knows I am working on this project (Marianne) - she is willing to be surprised when it shows up in the mail... So, I can't post pictures until she receives it. :lovestruc


We aren't going until Christmas

I just found out yesterday, due to Target's new idiotic "opening at midnight on black friday" - I am the fortunate recipient of an 8 hour shift on Thanksgiving Day! Yes, Target is not open on Thanksgiving - so the general public is led to believe that all the employees get to spend the day with their families... Oh no, it has now become a mandatory day of work and a mandatory 8 hour shift! :headache: Target's distribution centers are sending out trucks to be accepted by the stores on TGD... So, all employees have to go in and stock shelves... Totally idiotic! This is something - that if the company thought ahead - they could have sent the trucks a day earlier and we could stock shelves on Wednesday... Oh no, not Target.

Sorry, I should not be complaining... As I know many people work on holidays. I am just still really upset about it, because no one was made aware of this until yesterday. I wouldn't be nearly as mad, but black friday is also a mandatory day of work... I would feel much better if it was one or the other.

So, my Thanksgiving schedule is as follows... Get up at Midnight on TGD... Work from 2am until 10am... Come home... Try to sleep... Guests come at 2pm... Then try to enjoy my day... (Maybe get another half nights sleep) Get up at 10pm and work from 12am until 6am. Oh, and did I mention... BIL and SIL are coming from The Netherlands to celebrate her very first Thanksgiving in America - at our house! Also, Josh's dad and step-mom are flying in from LA.

I am very angry at Target right now... because I am sure there are 300k other employees in the exact same situation that I am in. Bad, bad Target~!


That totally sucks

Vent away!

Having a husband in law enforcement I can totally relate. Back in the other century (when I worked retail) I hated holidays of any kind. I always try to be a bit nicer to the employees that have to work around that time.

For us, it seems the guys with no families are the ones that get the holidays off. (and most of them end up at my house!) It is really strange to have hubby working and a couple of his guys having Turkey at our house...

Yesterday I din't get a chance to go down to look at my baby, so I will try to get down there today...although I am supposed to be cleaning house. I really need to clean the studio as well, but I doubt too many of our Turkey day guests will really care if the fabric is all nicely folded or not! LOL!

I am all too familiar with timing issues...my quilter has to be timed at least once a year...and it takes me a couple of weeks of trying to get it just 'right'. It actually could use a good timing right now, but it is too big and clumsy to get off the rails...and my neck will not go in the position I need it to in order to get to the part to time it...so I have to wait for my hubby to owe me big time! LOL!!


I hear you. Only in the past 2 or 3 years does DH have off holidays. There were many years when I had no husband for the holidays.

Just a small machine update...

I cleaned out the rest of it this morning, oiled and greased it, movement seemed good with the handwheel. I plugged it in, and the motor made noise - but didn't move anything. :( So, I went outside to tell Josh, he said he would look at it "later". So, 5 minutes later (to my delight), he was sitting at it, pressing the petal and the machine was sewing. It's definately a MAN.

I am going to run upstairs and wind a bobbin for it, and we will see if it actuallly SEWs... if so - it's a keeper. :)

Josh did say, if we keep it, he will replace the plug - the rest of the wiring looks good. :)


Oh I hope you figure it all out
My DD is 5...loves princesses & autographs. We can go to Disney pretty much whenever....always looking for an excuse to go :woohoo:.

PMd ya back. :)

Oh I hope you figure it all out

I think I figured it out... :thumbsup2

Mr Rocket is all moved into my sewing room... I've spend the morning working on him, and haven't done any actual sewing... so now I am headed up there to finish a project...

Posting pictures first:


Cover before:

Then all the befores and afters:





Tension before and after:


Cover after:

All moved into my sewing room: :)


And one more of the tension, because it just fascinates me... :confused3



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