Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Fun fact - my BFF has a cat named Rufio.

I really liked Hook when it came out (I was...still in school but not 10), but I've found I like it less with each rewatch, to a point where I watch the parts with Maggie Smith and ignore the rest.
Ok, I have to step in and stick up for Pocahontas. My mom threw me the coolest Pocahontas birthday party ever, complete with a scavenger hunt ending at "Mother Willow."

Fun fact: Mother Willow was going to be Old Man River and Gregory Peck was cast. He thought the role should be more of a female character and basically quit the movie and they made the change.
I've been watching far too many "Down to Disness" you-tubes during my lunch breaks. Turning into a fun-facts machine.

Fun fact - my BFF has a cat named Rufio.

I really liked Hook when it came out (I was...still in school but not 10), but I've found I like it less with each rewatch, to a point where I watch the parts with Maggie Smith and ignore the rest.

Maggie Smith is pretty much awesome and apparently the same exact age in Hook and Downton Abbey!

And, Robin Williams was WAY too old to play Pan.

Walking away now before somebody kills me - or bans me from her thread. :tiptoe:

Not if you do this...
Oh man I've been away from the dis for too long! So much entertainment packed into one training journal! :dogdance:
First of all I have to insert myself into the whole beyonce thing and say I made the great parenting move of turning the Grammys on to watch as a family. My kids are really into Twenty One Pilots so I thought it would be fun . . . Until Beyonce came out! I'm a huge Beyonce fan, but that costume was not exactly kid friendly and my 11 year old said, "Um, Mom that is not appropriate you need to fast forward right now." Later that night I was laughing with my hubs that I thought the Grammys would be good viewing for an 11 year old, 8 year old, and 5 year old :rotfl2:
And @ZellyB you look super fab in Queen Bey's outfit! That photoshop work was seriously great!

And Hook! I love it! So my childhood right there (though I was super grossed out by the food fight as a kid and still am now)

And lastly, good job on your 8! It's so fun to see you tackle new mileage- you're doing awesome!! :cheer2:
I can't even remember the last time I saw Hook. I kinda don't even really remember it. I should probably rewatch it (I think I have it on VHS somewhere ... I just have to figure out if I can hook up my VCR to my fancy TV).

Also ... I saw those Tink medals ... I kinda want to see the half medal before I make a decision. The picture seems kinda like it's bad lighting. I think I will like it.

PS - Since this is a place where we sometimes talk about food ... the coffee place I went to this morning gives you a "free" chocolate with your coffee. I love Israel. I think American coffee places should implement this.
Hey! I'm still here and reading I've just been terrible at commenting lately! LONDON LIFE IS BUSY YALL!

I must comment on Pocahontas though, I loved it as a kid and was obsessed with her but I put it on for the first time in YEARS on the flight to Orlando in August (me and Rachel always watch a Disney movie with earphone splitters on the plane ride over lol) and Rachel was NOT impressed. I still liked it... it's not my favourite though...

Tink weekend is getting so close.. you must be so excited?! I really want to make it to Disneyland one day...
Oh man I've been away from the dis for too long! So much entertainment packed into one training journal! :dogdance:
First of all I have to insert myself into the whole beyonce thing and say I made the great parenting move of turning the Grammys on to watch as a family. My kids are really into Twenty One Pilots so I thought it would be fun . . . Until Beyonce came out! I'm a huge Beyonce fan, but that costume was not exactly kid friendly and my 11 year old said, "Um, Mom that is not appropriate you need to fast forward right now." Later that night I was laughing with my hubs that I thought the Grammys would be good viewing for an 11 year old, 8 year old, and 5 year old :rotfl2:
And @ZellyB you look super fab in Queen Bey's outfit! That photoshop work was seriously great!

And Hook! I love it! So my childhood right there (though I was super grossed out by the food fight as a kid and still am now)

And lastly, good job on your 8! It's so fun to see you tackle new mileage- you're doing awesome!! :cheer2:

Hi!! I'm glad you think my journal is entertaining and not crazy (ok, maybe you still think it's crazy) :)
Yeah, I was tucking kiddo in during Beyonce, she seemed to care zero about the grammy's being on.
I agree on food fights...why would you want to waste all the delicious neverfood???

I'm with you @ZellyB, I didn't care for Hook...:upsidedow

Have a fabulous run this weekend in the crazy warm temps! I'll be on the other side of the lake running in short sleeves and enjoying every minute of it!


If I wave really big across the lake, do you think you will be able to see me? Maybe I should wear something shiny?

If she didn't ban us for the Dopey stuff, I think you're okay.

Speaking of Dopey, it's still open...... :)

I thought Dopey was supposed to sell out super fast this year? Obviously rundisney needs to hire you to recruit people (since you may as well get paid per post at this point, amirite?)

Also I believe the races have too much saturated fat now. Or did I mis-read that other thread?

I can't even remember the last time I saw Hook. I kinda don't even really remember it. I should probably rewatch it (I think I have it on VHS somewhere ... I just have to figure out if I can hook up my VCR to my fancy TV).

Also ... I saw those Tink medals ... I kinda want to see the half medal before I make a decision. The picture seems kinda like it's bad lighting. I think I will like it.

PS - Since this is a place where we sometimes talk about food ... the coffee place I went to this morning gives you a "free" chocolate with your coffee. I love Israel. I think American coffee places should implement this.

The picture quality isn't the best...seeing as they couldn't photograph her eyes correctly. Too much glare. So at least I know it will be really shiny! And I like shiny!
AND YES CHOCOLATE AT ALL stores, hardware stores, post chocolate!

Hey! I'm still here and reading I've just been terrible at commenting lately! LONDON LIFE IS BUSY YALL!

I must comment on Pocahontas though, I loved it as a kid and was obsessed with her but I put it on for the first time in YEARS on the flight to Orlando in August (me and Rachel always watch a Disney movie with earphone splitters on the plane ride over lol) and Rachel was NOT impressed. I still liked it... it's not my favourite though...

Tink weekend is getting so close.. you must be so excited?! I really want to make it to Disneyland one day...

Hi!!!! Watching a Disney movie with your sister sounds like an excellent use of you air miles time. My sis and I will share one stop of our return flight home from DL so maybe I will propose the same thing. It's been since 2004ish that I've been to any Disney park with my sis, so I'm super stoked for that. I'm sure we will divert into our teenage selfs going on junk food benders and staying up too late. Probably not the best thing for a race weekend, but YOLO (do kids still say this?)
PS I ran last night on the treadmill. 3 miles at EA pace which is 12:03 My final average came out to like 12:07 per Strava...I was on the 5.0 mph button but I take a few seconds to ramp up from 0.

I got the HGTV tv at the I blankly stared at the Property Brothers putting on a new roof until I realized I had not yet turned my music on and I just had headphones in my ears doing nothing. Doh. So then I put on dance music and the roof building got CRAAAAZZZY. Not really. Spoiler alert, there was Mold!

I did notice on Wed. nights there are way more treadmills available and the bikes and weights area was slammed. This is the opposite of Tuesdays. Thinking the world all cross-trains on Wednesdays? Probably something to that.
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Hi!!!! Watching a Disney movie with your sister sounds like an excellent use of you air miles time. My sis and I will share one stop of our return flight home from DL so maybe I will propose the same thing. It's been since 2004ish that I've been to any Disney park with my sis, so I'm super stoked for that. I'm sure we will divert into our teenage selfs going on junk food benders and staying up too late. Probably not the best thing for a race weekend, but YOLO (do kids still say this?)

Aladdin is our favourite in flight movie... all the upbeat songs get me all excited!
It's going to be so much fun going with your sister! BAH I'M SO JEALOUS!!!!

Hahaha YOLO... I don't think the kids do... probably because we do haha
Totally off topic, but I just saw that Wilderness Lodge has a new large outdoor bar and grill called "Geyser Point." It's open for breakfast, lunch and dinner and the menu has kids stuff on it too. So I'm hoping we have nice weather for our fall trip because this type of place is right up our alley for times we just want to grab a relaxing bite at the hotel.

Doesn't that look lovely?
Looking forward to people trying it so I can read reviews.
I guess there is a counter service window as well. And they have pie! Very interesting! Looking forward to trying it out in 8+ months :)
Obviously there has been a lot going on in this training journal, and I feel like I am jumping in on a "private" conversation, but I would really like to follow your journey from this point, if that's ok.
Obviously there has been a lot going on in this training journal, and I feel like I am jumping in on a "private" conversation, but I would really like to follow your journey from this point, if that's ok.

Welcome aboard!!! You can start by telling me if I need to spend a boatload of money on a race weekend purse or not. :teeth:


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