Our delicious Deluxe Dining Adventures! Lots of pics! Final thoughts - All Done!!

Sorry your experience at CG wasn't all you had hoped it to be. Yeah, the fireworks out on the balcony...you pretty much have to be out there no less than 15 minutes prior to Wishes starting if you want a spot where you can see from. The server definitely makes a huge difference in the experience too. We found a waiter there years ago that we adore and we ask for him on every visit and they always accomodate us-definitely ensures a great time. As far as the length of the meal, we have learned that we cannot possibly get out of there in less than 2 hours if we want to partake in apps, entrees and desserts. They are pretty laid back and try to give you time to enjoy your meal. We normally allow 2-3 hours for dining there. We actually like that they aren't trying to turn tables at record speed. This probably doesn't bother us because we have the opportunity to go to Disney many times during the year, so we don't feel that we have to maximize our park time. I totally understand your disappointment though. I'd definitely give it another chance some time in the future. Our first experience at CG was actually pretty horrific, but we gave it a 2nd chance and have been dazzled ever since. Its our must do restaurant on every trip. Can't wait to hear about your breakfast at Kona...we have never had a bad one there. DH loves the Big Kahuna and I'm a Tonga Toast addict. ::yes::
DH and I were thrilled to try CG on our last trip as well . . . or at least I was! Dh doesn't really get into food the way I do! LOL! We had somewhat of a similar experience. Our server wasn't necessarily slow, but more icy/stuffy I guess I could say and that really had a huge impact on our meal. The food was all wonderful except for the dessert we chose which we found to be very dry, but wow! I'm still craving that wonderful pork tenderloin with goat cheese polenta and the california rolls!! YUM!!

Anyway, I'm sorry you had such bad service. I know how disappointing it is when you have such high expectations and they are nowhere near met . . .
Sorry to read about CG :sad2: We had a disappointing start at Citricos on Christmas Day - but luckily it did improve. As you say, the server does make all the difference. When we were at CG they brought the wine waiter accross when my DF asked what would be best - pity you didn't get the same opportunity as he was really knowledgeable.

Looking forwar to the next installment :thumbsup2
Thank you so much for your Cali Grill review! Sorry the server was an airhead but I am glad to hear the food was soooo yummy! Planning on eating there in Oct for the first time
When I went to the Sci-Fi diner we got the onion rings too they are so crispy and delicious!!!!!
I wondre if we had the same waitress.:sad2:

We had been twice beofre and had a wonderful time with fantastic waiters who made us feel special - which really they should at the prices you are paying I suppose, but we were thrilled with the whole experience.

I really looked forward to our next visit, last December. We had the very best seats, and I sat just looking out at the castle - I loved it.

However, our waitress seemed like she would be better off at somewhere much less 'signature'. Whe kept wandering past, just bobbing down to ask if all was ok in a way that you knew she didn't really mean. Bread didn't come till after we had finished our starter. I was beginning to think they had taken it off the menu. She knew nothing about the wines. She just didn't have that something wait staff should have up there. She wasn't interested at all.

However, she did redeem herself when we paid(also took ages like you), and we asked if we could sit for a while and watch Wishes and she said 'of course, we don't push you out here'.

The magic has gone now though.
OH no I hope we have better luck at CG for our anniversary. I'm sorry your meal didn't go as planned :(
The food sounded perfect, so it's disappointing the the service was lacking. We went to CG with a party of 12 and I thought my mom would burst a gasket :scared: due to the slooooooow pace...my brother and SIL actually left with the kids before the adults had dessert. :sad2:

Can't wait to read your next review!
The food at CG looked great, but the service? UGH! And that blurry pic she took! grrrr. So I'm wondering if you would go back after that experience? I am excited to try it when DD is a little older, but I don't know if I'd go back if our first time is that yucky!

Oh my. :sad2: Even I can do better than that!

And you both looked so nice...I think.
Sorry your experience at CG wasn't all you had hoped it to be. Yeah, the fireworks out on the balcony...you pretty much have to be out there no less than 15 minutes prior to Wishes starting if you want a spot where you can see from. The server definitely makes a huge difference in the experience too. We found a waiter there years ago that we adore and we ask for him on every visit and they always accomodate us-definitely ensures a great time. As far as the length of the meal, we have learned that we cannot possibly get out of there in less than 2 hours if we want to partake in apps, entrees and desserts. They are pretty laid back and try to give you time to enjoy your meal. We normally allow 2-3 hours for dining there. We actually like that they aren't trying to turn tables at record speed. This probably doesn't bother us because we have the opportunity to go to Disney many times during the year, so we don't feel that we have to maximize our park time. I totally understand your disappointment though. I'd definitely give it another chance some time in the future. Our first experience at CG was actually pretty horrific, but we gave it a 2nd chance and have been dazzled ever since. Its our must do restaurant on every trip. Can't wait to hear about your breakfast at Kona...we have never had a bad one there. DH loves the Big Kahuna and I'm a Tonga Toast addict. ::yes::

Thanks for your nice comments! It wasn't a disasterous meal at California Grill - as I said, the food was great! Never mind! Our Kona review will be coming up soon!! :thumbsup2

DH and I were thrilled to try CG on our last trip as well . . . or at least I was! Dh doesn't really get into food the way I do! LOL! We had somewhat of a similar experience. Our server wasn't necessarily slow, but more icy/stuffy I guess I could say and that really had a huge impact on our meal. The food was all wonderful except for the dessert we chose which we found to be very dry, but wow! I'm still craving that wonderful pork tenderloin with goat cheese polenta and the california rolls!! YUM!! Anyway, I'm sorry you had such bad service. I know how disappointing it is when you have such high expectations and they are nowhere near met . . .

Sorry to hear about your experience at California Grill too. I've heard some excellent stories about great servers, and a few about not-so-great servers too. But as long as the food was good!

Sorry to read about CG :sad2: We had a disappointing start at Citricos on Christmas Day - but luckily it did improve. As you say, the server does make all the difference. When we were at CG they brought the wine waiter accross when my DF asked what would be best - pity you didn't get the same opportunity as he was really knowledgeable. Looking forwar to the next installment :thumbsup2

I didn't know there was a wine waiter! That would have been great to get to chat to them! Next installment coming up soon!

Thank you so much for your Cali Grill review! Sorry the server was an airhead but I am glad to hear the food was soooo yummy! Planning on eating there in Oct for the first time

Oooh, I hope you have a great time in October! Hopefully you won't get our server, hehee!!

When I went to the Sci-Fi diner we got the onion rings too they are so crispy and delicious!!!!!

Yay, onion rings!! :cheer2:

love the reviews!!...now im starving!!...thanks so much for sharing

Glad you're enjoying the reviews! I hope you found something yummy to fill you up!

OH no I hope we have better luck at CG for our anniversary. I'm sorry your meal didn't go as planned :(

I'm sure you'll have better luck than us, don't worry! I've heard so many great stories about other excellent servers. Have fun!!

I wondre if we had the same waitress.:sad2:
We had been twice beofre and had a wonderful time with fantastic waiters who made us feel special - which really they should at the prices you are paying I suppose, but we were thrilled with the whole experience.
I really looked forward to our next visit, last December. We had the very best seats, and I sat just looking out at the castle - I loved it.
However, our waitress seemed like she would be better off at somewhere much less 'signature'. Whe kept wandering past, just bobbing down to ask if all was ok in a way that you knew she didn't really mean. Bread didn't come till after we had finished our starter. I was beginning to think they had taken it off the menu. She knew nothing about the wines. She just didn't have that something wait staff should have up there. She wasn't interested at all.
However, she did redeem herself when we paid(also took ages like you), and we asked if we could sit for a while and watch Wishes and she said 'of course, we don't push you out here'.
The magic has gone now though.

She does sound like the same server! We commented to each other that our server seemed like she would have been better at Whispering Canyon Cafe. Hehehee! Sorry you had a bad experience too.

The food at CG looked great, but the service? UGH! And that blurry pic she took! grrrr. So I'm wondering if you would go back after that experience? I am excited to try it when DD is a little older, but I don't know if I'd go back if our first time is that yucky!

I'm not sure if we would go back again... We didn't really love the atmosphere of the restaurant either, and we enjoyed the food at other places better. So probably not! There are so many other yummy places to eat at Disney... But that's not to say that other people shouldn't try it! Of course you should! Everybody has different tastes (and servers!). :thumbsup2
The food sounded perfect, so it's disappointing the the service was lacking. We went to CG with a party of 12 and I thought my mom would burst a gasket :scared: due to the slooooooow pace...my brother and SIL actually left with the kids before the adults had dessert. :sad2: Can't wait to read your next review!

Hehee, I expected us to be there for a while. I just didn't expect to have to wait 15 minutes to get a menu, for example! Thanks for reading!!

Oh my. :sad2: Even I can do better than that!
And you both looked so nice...I think.

Of course you could do better than that! You take great photos. I mean, we all take a bad photo now and then, but that photo just topped off a bad night from our server. Hehee.

It's my birthday tomorrow! Woohoo!! I'm going out for a family birthday dinner tonight, but I should have our Kona breakfast review up later today. Thanks for reading along, everybody!! :wave2:
i've never eaten at the plaza - looks yummy! and don't worry about dessert. i'm always too full to order dessert and i like to save room sometimes for yummy treats elsewhere in the parks.

by the way, how did you like WL?
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! :cake: pixiedust:

Thank you Mich!!! :goodvibes

i've never eaten at the plaza - looks yummy! and don't worry about dessert. i'm always too full to order dessert and i like to save room sometimes for yummy treats elsewhere in the parks.
by the way, how did you like WL?

Hi Dawn!! :wave2:
Thanks for popping over to my dining reviews!
We loved the Wilderness Lodge! It was all so pretty and relaxed. We stayed at Pop last time, and WL was just so much more relaxing! That being said, we liked Pop too. I think it's fun to try lots of different resorts, so who knows where we might stay next!?


Thank you!! A cake and everything!! Yahoooo!! :cheer2:

I'm about to write the next review now!
The next morning we dragged ourselves out of bed for another early breakfast. Whew, we were tiiiiiired! We'd been on the go since we'd arrived at Disney World, and today was another big day - we were off to Islands of Adventure, at Universal Studios. Fun, but exhausting!

Nevertheless, we got dressed and ready, and drove to the Polynesian, for our 7.30am breakfast at... Kona!


I'd read so much about Kona, and knew we just had to try it! We were actually coming back for dinner later in our stay too. But we had to go to breakfast too, so I could try that Tonga Toast I'd heard so much about!!

So we were seated, met our server (who I can't remember at all!!!), and ordered some drinks. DH chose a smoothie, which I think was an orange-passionfruit smoothie, although it doesn't look anything like it, does it? Hmmm. I ordered the Lilikoi Juice - which I think is really the same juice they serve at 'Ohana and Boma too! It's great, whatever it is. :thumbsup2


DH decided to order the Ham & Cheese Omelette, which was served with breakfast potatoes and a biscuit...


This was gobbled up very quickly, which tells me that yep, it was good!! DH loves omelettes and this was no exception. Nice and light and fluffy! And lots and lots of cheese on top!!

I, of course, had the Tonga Toast, with bacon. Woohooooooo!!!


And here's the inside...


So the verdict on my Tonga Toast!? :thumbsup2

YUM! It was warm, soft and sugary. What's not to love!? Plus, there was fruit, so it was healthy too. Phhht! Yeah, right.

It was also MASSIVE!! There's no way I could eat all of that! I think I ended up eating around half. Basically, it tasted like a warm cinammon donut with banana squashed into it. It was kind of exactly how I expected it to taste. Which is good! Just as I'd expected!!

Ooh, we were also given some butter and syrup and other exciting stuff!


The back plate was butter and ketchup, and in the front little jugs are syrup and strawberry goopy stuff for my Tonga Toast, which I only tried a little bit of. I just thought my Tonga Toast was better off without it! There were already so many flavours - banana, cinammon and sugar - it really didn't need anything else.

We enjoyed our Kona breakfast! It was simple, easy and quick. After our previous debacle at California Grill the night before, this was a welcome change!

The actual restaurant was pretty quiet when we were there, but it was very early. It didn't have any amazing theming or characters to meet, but it was just a nice, relaxing, laid-back place to eat. No mess, no fuss!! We'd go back there again, for sure.

We gave our breakfast at Kona 4 out of 5! :) :) :) :)

Next up... Lunch at Islands of Adventure, then dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe!
Wow...that sure is ALOT of cheese on that omelette! By the looks of both plates, I'm sure you were full for a pretty long time!
YUM! Thanks for the review of Kona...I will definitely add that to my breakfast list! Your description of the Tonga toast was awesome--people keep mentioning it, but I had no idea what it was...until now. Thanks! :)
is today your birthday or am i late and it was yesterday? well, regardless....

:flower3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:flower3:

breakfast at 7:30? :faint: i don't know if i could roll myself outta bed that early! :rotfl:

TONGA TOAST....:worship:


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