My Butt Feels Weird-September 2016 TR *Completed 1/19*

I'm sorry DS4 was not enjoying the party. I'm sure it was sad to have your mom and the 2 youngest leave but was probably for the best. Sounds like you and DS6 were enjoying yourselves together!
They both loved it, this is also where I got my TR title. While riding my mom said that DS6 told her the ride was making his butt feel weird:rotfl:. And just a few weeks ago we were discussing going on our next trip and going on ToT, and he said he didn’t want to do on the ride because it made his butt feel weird. Apparently this is a sentiment my child has about multiple rides:confused3.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Must be puckering a little bit on those zero gravity drops.

While riding the carousel, I noticed the Rapunzel had a short wait, and I knew my princess obsessed DS4 would love it. We saw Rapunzel first and DS4 was so excited. I was a little annoyed because she was the first of many comments about three princes, no princesses:headache:. I get that it might seem strange, but it’s just one of the things that I get annoyed about, like there is no reason to make a comment about it.
I don't know the context, but I kind of get it to a point. I mean, they see girls all day long. It might actually be kind of a nice change to see a group of boys who want to see them without the encouragement of a sister which is why they comment on it. Or not... again, I don't really know what the context was of the comments made.

As for the random lady commenting on the color pink... get a life.

He had been talking about Space for weeks leading up to the trip. I would never force my child to do something that they are truly scared of, but I really thought he was building up to be worse than it was. Now matter how hard I tried, he refused to go and even started crying when I got frustrated. Not my proudest mom moment, but now I really was annoyed. There’s one thing that is sure to calm the tension though, and that’s Peoplemover.
:sad2: I feel your pain on this. I have a feeling that we'll be dealing with this type of thing quite a bit next time when we go.

My mom texted me that both boys had fallen asleep by the time she had gotten to the monorail.
That's an awesome picture. :rotfl2:

Clearly DS4 had woken up
::yes:: And I saw a smile!

I asked Connor if he wanted anything and he said a water and cotton candy (he never touched either one),
Sounds familiar...
Bummer that the DS4 wasn't having much fun. Glad you and your oldest could spend some time together!
Yeah, I wish they could have stayed but DS6 and I had a great time just the same.

I'm sorry DS4 was not enjoying the party. I'm sure it was sad to have your mom and the 2 youngest leave but was probably for the best. Sounds like you and DS6 were enjoying yourselves together!
We did, we had so much fun just the two of us.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Must be puckering a little bit on those zero gravity drops.

I don't know the context, but I kind of get it to a point. I mean, they see girls all day long. It might actually be kind of a nice change to see a group of boys who want to see them without the encouragement of a sister which is why they comment on it. Or not... again, I don't really know what the context was of the comments made.
Very true, I don't think any harm was meant by it, but it's something that I still don't feel needed to be pointed out.

As for the random lady commenting on the color pink... get a life.
Oh I live in a very small, conservative town nobody has a life :rotfl:

:sad2: I feel your pain on this. I have a feeling that we'll be dealing with this type of thing quite a bit next time when we go.
One of the downfalls of being little kids I suppose.

That's an awesome picture. :rotfl2:
Some guy on the monorail wanted to take it for her, because he thought it was funny.

::yes:: And I saw a smile!
OH yeah, he was always happy back at the room. That boys could have spent the whole weekend in the room and been happy about it:rolleyes2

Sounds familiar...
Kids :sad2:
Day 2: Part 6

By the time we got over to the stage the crowds had built up, but I still feel like I got a pretty good spot.

The only problem was that even though I could see great, DS6 could not. I tried to tell him to look through the gaps in the people, but it wasn’t working. Since this was the thing he was most looking forward to for the party, there was no way I was going to let him miss the show, so I held him on my hip for almost the 20 minute show. I would put him down in between villains or whenever there was a little downtime in the show, but OMG don’t try this:crutches:. This kid weighs around 50 pounds, and by the end I was dying. For that reason I got VERY bad pictures, but here’s a glimpse of what we saw.

About halfway through the show and women moved right in front of us with her iphone and I had to watch the show through it. I was so mad, one because I was killing myself to be considerate by not putting DS6 on my shoulders and blocking other people. And two, WTH it just so freaking rude. It’s times like this I wish I was a more confrontational person, but luckily only lasted a few minutes, I mean not lucky but it could have been worse I suppose. After the show, I was ready to get the heck out of there and sit down, so we went in search of a ride. We saw the Winnie the Pooh characters out for a meet and went to get in line, but were told they were done for the night. We did get a cute honey pot with their signatures on it though.

In lieu of the meet, we decided to go on the ride. I have never been in the regular queue, so I let DS6 play some of the games.

After our trip through the Hundred Acre Woods, we decided to go on a spin on the Mad Tea Party.

The night was quickly coming to a close, but I knew DS6 wanted to go on the Tomorrowland Speedway, and it hadn’t planned on it for this trip, so now was our chance. He was so excited to drive.

How is it that when DH or I drive it’s super hard and I’m all over the place, but a six-year-old drives and he does great? Seriously, he never ran into the center rail once and didn’t think it was hard. Please tell me DH and I aren’t the only people who can’t drive these cars:car:.

With time for one final ride, there’s really only one ride I like to close out the night with…


I was very sad, because the last time we rode this together in May his feet couldn’t reach the other seat or the ground.

With the party officially over, I remembered that I didn’t get the party merch that I had wanted. Unlike regular nights, they seem to close the shops soon after park closing on party nights, so I was unsure if we would make it. We got to the emporium and I was looking for the Hocus Pocus shirt and a pin from the night. I was able to get both.

We got our final pictures on Main Street before heading out.

We opted to take the boat, because it was less crowded, but not before a final picture.

When we got back to the room, everyone was asleep, so we snuck in and got ready quickly before going to sleep ourselves.

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Aw, sorry to hear DS4 wasn't enjoying the party. As a parent, it's so difficult to keep a good attitude when you have to stop doing something you've really looked forward to for so long because of a situation out of your control. You probably did the best thing, though, by sending him and your youngest back to the room.
And, as a side note, I think it's awesome that you spent some time in the MK with DS2 for his haircut and then attended the rest of the party with just your DS6. As a mom of two, I understand how rare those one-on-one interactions are, and I think spending some time in the parks alone with each kid would be really fun.
Glad you were able to get your party merchandise!

I'm sure the Haunted Mansion foreshadowing won't lead to good things...

Love your explanation on the PeopleMover photo. It's crazy to think how fast kids grow up. And it's little things like their feet touching the ground that hits you the most.
I feel your pain on the miserable kid. My son was 15 on our last trip and the first 3 days were difficult. He shaped up after that but it really put a damper on the trip.
I'm glad you got to see the Hocus Pocus show! And great that you could get on a bunch of rides before calling it a night. Sounds like a really fun end of the evening.
I am worried my DD (just turned 1) will be like that, she is very tough at times. I'm sorry your son was not having fun, that really puts a damper on everyone! How nice you got some time with DS2 though before the party and then time with DS6 during it! And DS4 got that awesome birthday surprise, that's really sweet. Great your mom could step in and take them back and you could enjoy the party some more.
Aw, sorry to hear DS4 wasn't enjoying the party. As a parent, it's so difficult to keep a good attitude when you have to stop doing something you've really looked forward to for so long because of a situation out of your control. You probably did the best thing, though, by sending him and your youngest back to the room.
And, as a side note, I think it's awesome that you spent some time in the MK with DS2 for his haircut and then attended the rest of the party with just your DS6. As a mom of two, I understand how rare those one-on-one interactions are, and I think spending some time in the parks alone with each kid would be really fun.
Yeah, it was definitely a big letdown. I really enjoyed the time I got to spend alone with those two, kind of feel bad that I didn't get to do that with DS4 though.

I feel your pain on the miserable kid. My son was 15 on our last trip and the first 3 days were difficult. He shaped up after that but it really put a damper on the trip.
Oh geez I'm sorry, teenagers can be just as bad as little kids.

I'm glad you got to see the Hocus Pocus show! And great that you could get on a bunch of rides before calling it a night. Sounds like a really fun end of the evening.
It was, I am so glad we got to stay.

I am worried my DD (just turned 1) will be like that, she is very tough at times. I'm sorry your son was not having fun, that really puts a damper on everyone! How nice you got some time with DS2 though before the party and then time with DS6 during it! And DS4 got that awesome birthday surprise, that's really sweet. Great your mom could step in and take them back and you could enjoy the party some more.
I hope DD1 is better for you. DS4 has been difficult all his life too, so I understand. My mom was a lifesaver this trip, and she really enjoyed relaxing the room with the two little ones so it was a win-win.
Day 3: Part 1

The next morning came much too quickly after a one am bed time, but alas DSs didn’t care. We let them watch some Disney Junior and fed them pop tarts I had brought from home. I went out to the balcony to enjoy the beautiful view.

The boys had to join me too.

After about an hour of relaxing, we decided to go to the pool. We stayed exclusively at the splash area, because it is easier to keep track of everybody. My mom went to get us some coffee from the coffee stand near Kona. She came back after a long time and said her magic band would not work. Up until that point, she had been using cash, but she had no cash on her and went to use the band and she couldn’t. Her band still worked for the room, just not to charge. We decided to not worry about it just then and enjoy the pool.

After a while, DS2 was having a hard time. This is where tantrums got pretty bad. He wanted to go on the slide, fine. We pretty much had it too ourselves so no problem, but when he had to wait for someone else, he got mad.

Okay fine, we’ll play around in the shallow water. Well it was not shallow enough, maybe 1.5 or 2 feet and he wanted to swim in it and the life vest caused him to be suck face first and thankfully I was there so he didn’t drown:sad2:. Then he got mad because he wanted to go up to where his brother were, and I wouldn’t let him, this was the result.

After about an hour and a half in the pool, I decided to take him back to the room, which he protested VERY loudly. Shortly after, my mom and the other two showed up because it had started to rain. We got dressed and ready for the day.

Before heading to the parks, we went to Capt Cooks for lunch. It was right around 12 and I quickly realized a downside to staying here. Capt Cook’s is so small. There had to have been only 20 tables there, which seems ridiculous to me. Of course there was nowhere to sit but outside, which would have been fine except it was pouring. We ended up sitting outside anyway, and were mostly covered by the umbrella. Thankfully, after only five minutes the rain stopped, which was before our food even got there. My mom came out after ordering and told me that women had used her last three dining credits on our meals, so my mom got almost everything for free. Thanks generous lady:thumbsup2.

I got the Pan Asian Noodles and Vegetables with Chicken, which I did not like. It had way too much ginger in it, and I don’t like ginger at all, otherwise it would have been good.

No picture of the rest, but kids got hotdogs and my mom got a flatbread I think. After lunch, we had to stop at the frint desk to figure out the magic band situation. It turns out that they had my mom in there as a child and that's why she couldn't charge anything. We quickly got it sorted and then were on our way. These pictures came from somewhere, I think maybe my mom had to go to the bathroom, so we stopped here before getting on the monorail:confused3.

By the time we actually got into the Magic Kingdom it was 2:15, and I was worried about getting a spot for the parade. We had a fastpass for Jungle Cruise and I didn’t think we could ride it and still get a good shaded spot for the parade. I told my mom to take the two older boys and I would find us a spot. I am really glad I did this because I got one of the last shaded spots in Frontierland, right outside Country Bear Jamboree. On the walk over DS2 had fallen asleep, so I occupied my time looking at my phone. A family of three came and stood behind me, and I heard the mom tell the dad that the CM told her the parade would start in two minutes. This was at 2:43, I laughed to myself, it doesn’t start until three:rotfl:. Two minutes later, trumpets are blaring and the Festival of Fantasy music starts up:confused:. Apparently, on this day the parade started at 2:45, not 3:00. I don’t know if this is a new thing, because when we were there in May we sat in exactly the same location but across the street and the parade definitely started at 3:00. My mom and the boys had just gotten on the Jungle Cruise, there must have been a problem because even with a FP they waited 30 minutes, and I knew they would never be able to get to me at that point. I offered my front row seats next to me to the family of three behind me, and settled in to enjoy the parade by myself. And now, FoF spam, because I love it:lovestruc.

The parade was fantastic as usual. There was a very obvious CM in the crowd across from us who was dancing and singing along as if she was in it, so my guess is that she is typically a performer, and she was just as entertaining as the parade.

Afterward, I was trying to find everyone else, and we finally met up near Aladdin. The boys wanted to go on the ride, but DS2 was still napping. I told my mom to take them and I would find someone to relax.

At this point DS4 was already complaining and wanting to go back to the hotel. Not going to lie, at his point I was over it. I was disappointed that all of the boys missed the parade, because I knew it was something they would have enjoyed, DS’s complaining was getting to me, and the crowds and the heat were starting to get to me as well. I found a spot to sit and tried to cheer myself up with a selfie.

It didn’t work. So then I called DH to complain to him:rotfl2:. I think most of all, I was upset because even though I was excited for this weekend getaway, it being ruined wasn't too bad, because it’s just a weekend. But I was more worried for our trip in January, which is a whole week, much more expensive, and non-refundable because we rented DVC points. We considered taking another adult only vacation, yeah right:rolleyes2. Or maybe one with just DS6, tempting, but no. The only thing we could do was hope and pray they were better in January. DH was back to his fun boys weekend, and I was stuck at MK, what’s wrong with this picture:sad2:. Not to let this section of my TR be a total downer, as I was sitting there a family with two little girls probably two or three sat down next to me. One of the girls told her parents that she had to go potty, and we were right across from the bathrooms. Instead her parents, who were clearly very new to the potty training journey, pulled out a potty seat and got the little girl naked in the middle of the park and sat her down so she could poo:scared:. I was out of there so fast, I might have left a streak behind me. I was tempted to let a CM know, because that’s got to break some kind of sanitation law or something, but I got distracted when my mom called to meet up.

Once we met back up, we tried to figure out what to do next. The park was really crowded, Touring Plans put it at a 10 for that day. Of course all I’ve heard about Labor Day weekend was that it’s so dead, and the predicted crowd level was a five, so I guess the word is out. Having never experienced more than moderate crowds, I was at a loss. We decided to head over to TL, because there are a lot of attractions with little to no line usually. Monster’s Inc had a 50-minute wait, Buzz was crazy too. We hopped in line for the TTA, just to be able to do something.

After our ride, we had a FP for Buzz, but of course with the high crowds we still had a bit of a wait, thankfully mostly air conditioned.

Connor had to ride with my mom, because he said I won't let him win. :lmao:

After a ride on Buzz and the longer than anticipated wait, we needed to rush over to the castle stage to watch the new show. It being DS4 birthday trip, there were very few things he requested to do; Buzz, PPF, meet Anna and Elsa, and see the new show. Since he was having a hard time being able to enjoy this trip, I was determined to do the things that were important to him, but now we were missing the show and when we got off of Buzz, we couldn’t find the stroller:mad:. We walked all over TL looking at every stroller parking and couldn’t find it, mind you it’s about 96 degrees and I’m holding DS2. Finally, my mom said she would take DS6 to look and I could take the two little ones to see the show.

Of course we didn’t get a good view and the show was at the finale, but I perched them up on the flower area, to watch the end.

Pictures are terrible sorry, but they loved it. They got to see all of their favorite and they didn’t even know that they missed most of the show. With that success, I was feeling my spirits lifted and when I saw my mom walking toward me with the double stroller, they lifted more:teeth:. I was terrified of losing it since it was a rental and only being a short trip, I didn’t get the insurance. No worries though, the stroller was found, and we had a dinner to get to.

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Aw I'm sorry it was such a rough day, between all the misses and high crowds and attitudes :( that is too bad. I hope your January trip goes much smoother and DS4 is in a better mood. Good idea to plan that nice free morning though with the pool time. Your lunch at Captain Cook's looks good, but I love ginger lol. Amazing DS2 slept through the parade, I don't think either of my kids has managed to stay asleep once it gets loud (and BTW, in all my trips I can't remember once it starting at 2:45!!).
Wow, how nice that you were able to get your lunch for free!

You know, the first time I ever watched FoF was in Frontierland and the parade did start at 2:45. That was the only time I've seen it happen. It's weird!

I'm sorry this was such a rough day :( It can be such a downer when the plans start to fall apart and you're not feeling the magic.
Hi Ashley! I am here and all caught up! I didn't' even know you started a new TR! I am loving the TR so and downs, all of it! It just a dose of reality mixed in with Disney! You are very brave to take your 3 kids down without your DH. At least you had your mom. My other sisters who have 2 kids each have not done any theme park. They are just not up for the challenge. Next summer will be our first friends and family trip with about 7 kids and so it will be crazy. Disney newbies, summer heat, crowds, meltdowns...I'm really looking forward to planning that trip. :rotfl:But like you said you had your moments where it made it all worth it so I'm looking forward to showing my nieces and nephew the magic of Disney, and hopefully their parents too! I know a few of them are not ready for characters yet either. I hope they get over it by next summer. On my recent trip when meeting Elsa I facetimed my niece who loves Frozen...and she ran away when she saw Elsa. Hahaha.
Your sons are adorable and look like they each have a distinct personality. I love DS2's haircut! So cute!

Looking forward to more!
Oh, gosh, I feel for you. My oldest (now almost 10) is my sensitive, high-strung kid-- he has been that way since birth. When we first started going to Disney when he was 3.5, it was HARD. I remember standing in line for Peter Pan on our special mm/son Kindergarten trip near tears because he would NOT go see the Christmas fireworks/parade-- we HAD to wait for Peter Pan. I will say, it got MUCH easier around 2nd grade, and now he's a delight to travel with. I wish you much pixie dust in January! (We are going t be there Jan 7-14-- will wave and say hi if we spot you, even if you don't know who we are!:rotfl2: And I will say-- the Peoplemover cures almost nothing that ails you! It's our go-to family mood-lifter!
Aw I'm sorry it was such a rough day, between all the misses and high crowds and attitudes :( that is too bad. I hope your January trip goes much smoother and DS4 is in a better mood. Good idea to plan that nice free morning though with the pool time. Your lunch at Captain Cook's looks good, but I love ginger lol. Amazing DS2 slept through the parade, I don't think either of my kids has managed to stay asleep once it gets loud (and BTW, in all my trips I can't remember once it starting at 2:45!!).
It was very nice to relax that morning. I was surprised about the parade, but now know to plan accordingly from now on.

Wow, how nice that you were able to get your lunch for free!
It was such an awesome surprise.

You know, the first time I ever watched FoF was in Frontierland and the parade did start at 2:45. That was the only time I've seen it happen. It's weird!
Weird, at least I know it's something to look out for in the future.

I'm sorry this was such a rough day :( It can be such a downer when the plans start to fall apart and you're not feeling the magic.
Yeah, I was disappointed for sure, but we did have some good times too.

Hi Ashley! I am here and all caught up! I didn't' even know you started a new TR! I am loving the TR so and downs, all of it! It just a dose of reality mixed in with Disney! You are very brave to take your 3 kids down without your DH. At least you had your mom. My other sisters who have 2 kids each have not done any theme park. They are just not up for the challenge. Next summer will be our first friends and family trip with about 7 kids and so it will be crazy. Disney newbies, summer heat, crowds, meltdowns...I'm really looking forward to planning that trip. :rotfl:But like you said you had your moments where it made it all worth it so I'm looking forward to showing my nieces and nephew the magic of Disney, and hopefully their parents too! I know a few of them are not ready for characters yet either. I hope they get over it by next summer. On my recent trip when meeting Elsa I facetimed my niece who loves Frozen...and she ran away when she saw Elsa. Hahaha.
Your sons are adorable and look like they each have a distinct personality. I love DS2's haircut! So cute!

Looking forward to more!
Yay, so glad you're here. I will be checking out your TR soon. excited to hear about your DL trip. I hope you have a great time with all your family, it sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to read that TR :rotfl2:

Oh, gosh, I feel for you. My oldest (now almost 10) is my sensitive, high-strung kid-- he has been that way since birth. When we first started going to Disney when he was 3.5, it was HARD. I remember standing in line for Peter Pan on our special mm/son Kindergarten trip near tears because he would NOT go see the Christmas fireworks/parade-- we HAD to wait for Peter Pan. I will say, it got MUCH easier around 2nd grade, and now he's a delight to travel with. I wish you much pixie dust in January! (We are going t be there Jan 7-14-- will wave and say hi if we spot you, even if you don't know who we are!:rotfl2: And I will say-- the Peoplemover cures almost nothing that ails you! It's our go-to family mood-lifter!
I'm glad to see there will be a light at the end of the tunnel even if it's years off :rotfl2:. I realized my ticker is off :eek: we actually aren't going until the 21st, but I hope you guys have a great trip. Peoplemover is our go-to too, we love it. :thumbsup2
:rainbow:Happy New Year!:rainbow:

Day 3: Part 2

We checked in at the Crystal Palace and the boys were so happy to have some cold, refreshing water.

After less than ten minutes, we were being seated and I was so grateful for the AC in there. DS4 was very happy that there was confetti on the table. I had made sure to remind the host that we were celebrating. I had put that on all of our reservations, but I guess since DS4 wouldn’t actually wear the button, they didn’t acknowledge it.

Nicholas was enjoying putting on my ears.

I don’t remember much about the food here and I didn’t get any pictures, but I do know everybody ate and at this point I was happy about that:thumbsup2.

First Piglet come over, and he played peek-a-boo with the boys around the pole.

Next we had Tigger, who DS6 loves to bounce with.

Then Eyeore.

And finally, my favorite, Pooh.

After we met all of the characters, they did their parade around the restaurant, which DS6 joined. DS4 who is much more shy clapped and danced along at our table.

We got our desserts then and everybody was very happy with their ice cream.

While we were finishing up, I noticed a woman coming back from the buffet who was not wearing any shoes:crazy2:. Because apparently WDW is the place where you lose all sense of decency, this was now the second time I had to witness guests’ nasty behavior.

DS6 told me he had to go to the bathroom, and knowing that the only way out was past us, I let him go by himself for the first time ever. Everybody continued to enjoy their desserts, until about 5 minutes go by and he’s still not back. I of course start panicking, so my mom goes to investigate. She comes back with him and thankfully he’s fine, but he says he feels sick. I was confused, because with his cold medicine and Motrin he had been doing fine since the other morning, and he acting not sick at all:confused3. I told him that I at least wanted to take DS4 on PPF, since he requested it and we had a FP for it, and he said he would be fine for one more ride.

When we left CP, we heard the exit music for Move it, Shake it and since this is the only way you can see the Zootopia characters, I left my mom and DS6 and ran over to Main Street to try and catch them for the two little ones. I have absolutely zero pictures, because we were just in the moment. But the boys were dancing and got so much love from the characters on the floats and the CMs kept coming up to them and giving them high fives. Even though this was a very, very short interaction it kind of made me think differently about this trip. I had been so hung up on the things that the boys, particularly DS4 was hating, that I was not recognizing the things they did. Every time there was a character, whether in a show or for a meet, the two littlest were having the time of their lives. It was then that I decided to let go of what I had hoped this trip would be, and just enjoy what I could. We met back up with DS6 and my mom, DS6 was suddenly feeling much better. Since the littlest were having so much fun, I decided to let them dance on the hub grass, until we needed to get over to FL for our FP.

After our little dance break, we let DS6 sit in the stroller to rest and DS4 and I took a nice stroller through the castle.


They had been begging me for two days straight to try and pull the sword, so I let them each have a go.

Sadly, no one was chosen. We finally made our way over to PPF for our FP. We parked the stroller by the carousel, and as soon as we got past Philharmagic, DS2 starts freaking out. It was like he had a memory of this place, which is pretty much impossible, and he was saying no and crying, like he was scared. We were trying to quiet him and assure him that it was fine, but once we got in line he just got more upset. I have absolutely no idea, what was wrong. I assumed that once we got on the ride and up in the air, he would calm down and have fun. My mom took the two older kids and I took DS2. This is the only picture I got of the ride.

Because, he screamed…loudly, the entire ride. I really don’t understand it, but I felt terrible for upsetting him. I honestly did believe he would like it since he knows Peter Pan and crew more than other characters we’d seen this trip. After having thoroughly scared my child, we decided to try something easy that everyone would enjoy, the carousel. DS4 had so much fun dancing to the music when we got in the queue.

We had to wait through a couple cycles and DS6 and 4 started their new tradition of annoying each other in line:headache:. DS2 was also still pretty cranky, but my mom got him to calm down.

Once we got on the carousel, I made the fatal mistake of putting DS4 on the wrong horse which resulted in this.

Thank goodness for savior grandma:rolleyes2, who got him on the right horse and there were smiles all around.

Continued below
After our ride, I was at a loss of what to do. There weren’t really any fastpasses left and most of them wouldn't become active until 8 or later. Lines were still really long, and even though DS6 was miraculously better, the other two were having a rough time. My mom had said she would get them each a little light up toy. The two older boys picked out the Little Mermaid bubbles wands and DS2 picked out a spinning light up Minnie. We were just across the way from Philharmagic and with only a 20 minutes wait, which sounds bad but not compared to everything else, we got in line.

The boys absolute loved this as usual and it was a nice way to get the two little ones in a calmer state. We then need everyone to have a potty break and you know what that means if you in that section of the park.

The prettiest bathrooms in all the world.

I’m have no idea what prompted the next decision, but we ended up at Dumbo next. I pretty sure there was another DS2 tantrum in there, but I’ll spare you the details. Dumbo had a 30-minute wait, but the boys would finally get to play in the play area, so it was fine. DS 6&4 went off to play while I tried to wrangle DS2 still trantruming over the Minnie I believe and wanting to go with the big boys. I finally got him to stay in one area and he just kept going up and down the slide.

This was a big workout for me, because everywhere he would go, I followed. I one point I smacked my head HARD on something, and had to switch out with my mom for a bit. I finally convinced him to play in the little kid area and got to sit down for a break.

Once our buzzer rang it was a whole other ordeal to get them out. Finally though, we were on the ride.

After Dumbo, I think everyone had pretty much had it. DS 4 & 6 were asking to go back to the hotel, DS2 was just cranky and had hit his limited. My mom had been such a trooper, but I know the heat has too much for her, and even though she never complained I know her well enough to know she’d had enough. So with a heavy heart, we headed toward the entrance of the park. The whole way out my mom is trying to convince me to stay for a solo evening. She knew how much I wanted to stay to watch MSEP, since this would be the last time I could see it. First, I felt bad leaving her with all the kids, especially since she had done it the night before. Second, as badly as I wanted to stay, the weekend had been pretty crappy and I felt like spending the evening alone would make me feel worse. We got to the train station and my mom said she wanted to get a drink before heading out. She kept trying to tell me to stay, and I finally agreed. I tried to get one of the kids to stay with me, but they wanted to leave.So we parted ways at the train station.

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Hugs! I'm sorry it was another tough evening. I'm glad no one was sick, just a long day. I'm really glad you decided to stay! As a fellow mom of 3, sometimes that quiet time is so necessary!
Just read the whole thing in one shot - sorry I've been so far behind!

The lady was getting our tickets and bags sorted and I think she could see how much of a handful my kids were, and suddenly her hands were no longer tied, because she says you know I can give you a gate pass:confused3. I mean really? I was too grateful to be annoyed though. :worship::worship::worship:
Wow, I guess I'm glad she finally gave you the pass, but wow! :sad2:

All seemed to be good, when suddenly my mom says I don’t feel well I have to get off this bus and she takes off.
:scared: Glad she made it back okay.

I literally had tears in my eyes, because it was so awesome to see all of my boys enjoying this. The love didn’t stop, because we very quickly saw Mickey and Minnie as well.
Aw, really sweet character meets! :lovestruc

Wow, impressive stroller! And impressive wrangling of 5 kids...and 3 for you...1 is usually plenty for me! :rotfl: I don't know how you moms of 3 do it! :worship:

I was in love with the view. You could actually hear the train whistle if you stood out on the balcony.

That's an amazing view! :love:

They both loved it, this is also where I got my TR title. While riding my mom said that DS6 told her the ride was making his butt feel weird:rotfl:. And just a few weeks ago we were discussing going on our next trip and going on ToT, and he said he didn’t want to do on the ride because it made his butt feel weird. Apparently this is a sentiment my child has about multiple rides:confused3.
:lmao: I was going to say I could see that on the Mine Train with the molded seats, but not sure about ToT - maybe that you're floating off the seat at points? :confused3

We walked over to Storybrook Circus for my mom and DS4 FP for Barnstormer. Of course by the time we walked all the way there, he informs us that he won’t being going on it. He had kind of told me a week or so before that trip that he didn’t want to do any fast rides, and while I had hoped he had changed his mind, he in fact did not. Slightly annoyed, we then made our way over to Space Mountain for mine and DS6’s FP. Now when we get there DS6 tells me he won’t ride that:mad:.
:headache: And the planner inside all of us just died a little...:sad1:

Yeah the happy faces didn’t last long because James got so freaked out when we went through Space Mountain that he scared DS2. I could slowly see my perfect trip slipping from my grasp. No fast rides, no dark rides leaves very little else to do.
Yeah, that's rough.

Since this was the thing he was most looking forward to for the party, there was no way I was going to let him miss the show, so I held him on my hip for almost the 20 minute show. I would put him down in between villains or whenever there was a little downtime in the show, but OMG don’t try this:crutches:. This kid weighs around 50 pounds, and by the end I was dying.
That's some serious mom devotion there! :thumbsup2

Please tell me DH and I aren’t the only people who can’t drive these cars:car:.
I did okay on this last trip, but I've always had trouble with them, so you're not alone!

My mom came out after ordering and told me that women had used her last three dining credits on our meals, so my mom got almost everything for free. Thanks generous lady:thumbsup2.
Love the pixie dust! pixiedust:

Not to let this section of my TR be a total downer, as I was sitting there a family with two little girls probably two or three sat down next to me. One of the girls told her parents that she had to go potty, and we were right across from the bathrooms. Instead her parents, who were clearly very new to the potty training journey, pulled out a potty seat and got the little girl naked in the middle of the park and sat her down so she could poo:scared:. I was out of there so fast, I might have left a streak behind me. I was tempted to let a CM know, because that’s got to break some kind of sanitation law or something, but I got distracted when my mom called to meet up.
:crazy2: What are people thinking? :confused3

While we were finishing up, I noticed a woman coming back from the buffet who was not wearing any shoes:crazy2:. Because apparently WDW is the place where you lose all sense of decency, this was now the second time I had to witness guests’ nasty behavior.
Geez, what is up with people? :sad2:


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