Mother, Daughter and Sausage Dining Review! Final Meal - Complete 9/27!!

Tracy, the platter looks yummy and so does that lovely strawberry cupcake. I have such a weakness for strawberries. The pics are hilarious! Eilee is lovely as usual. I love that she has your infectious smile.

Eilee is a total goofball! I'm bummed that she was acting shy at the DISmeet because she is so not shy! I would definitely recommend that strawberry cupcake - it was great!

I love these pictures! This must be a mother/daughter thing. My DD have gone to the parks the past two years alone and both times at the end of the night in Epcot, when we were beyond exhausted and giddy we road Spaceship Earth over and over. We made such bizarre faces and laughed way too loud. I'm so happy to see we aren't the only people who do this. Makes feel less embarrassed when I have to stand there as my daughter points to our horrible pictures on the big screen. You are braver than me for posting the picture!

I now have to have the strawberry cupcake. It seems every review has had this recently and it looks so good.

The funny thing about the funny faces on Spaceship Earth is that neither of us told the other that we were going to make goofy faces and then when we saw the pictures at the end we laughed so hard! So no, you are not the only ones that do this! :rotfl2: As a matter of fact, I encourage everyone! :laughing:

I love the pictures of you two on SSE, as well as the pics of the creepy flower chairs! :rotfl: So sorry you missed out on the No Way Jose, but at least you were able to prepare a decent peanut butter sauce at home. :goodvibes

You just gave me an idea. When doing the ToT 10 miler they encourage you to dress up. I should be one of the creepy flower chairs!! :rotfl2: But then I'd have to run 10 miles with some sort of flower headband. I'll have to think about this.

I love those photos of us on SSE too - we laughed so hard when we saw them! I love that the one says "Welcome to your future"...that's a pretty scary looking future! :lmao:

Eilee cracks me UP. I just love that your meal plans changed because of a reference in the Avengers! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You're such an accommodating mom! The shawarma looks so good though!

That girl is a weirdo (but she knows it!) - I guess she gets it from her mom!:rotfl: And yes, just because Iron Man said something about shawarma I had to miss my No Way Jose. Thank goodness I really liked the shawarma or I'd have been ticked!
Just think of it as a "No Way Shawarma" :)

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao::laughing: That seriously made me laugh out loud!! I love it and from now on it's going to be No Way Shawarma!

I am home laid up in the bed after ankle surgery, so I was finally able to get caught up on your DR. I am enjoying it very much !! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I am so jealous of your Dismeet. We went to WDW that week AFTER you did and I missed meeting all of those great people !!

I'm so bummed that we just missed you! How fun would that have been? I hope you're starting to feel better. Get some rest while reading lots of dining reviews!

I totally agree w/ you on the texting FB thing.:rotfl::lmao:

Those chairs ARE creepy. :crazy:

Too bad for B&C. I hear they had a menu make over, maybe it'll be even better?:confused3

The platter looks good to me but it is VERY different to me. I have been eye ballin' it on the boards for a while now. :scratchin Do you know if they sell any in side portions?...Or I can check the! :blush:

Eww one other thing, while I'm writing this book. What a lovely view you had @ the BR.

I thought the shawarma platter was very different for me too because I'm not a very adventurous eater but I ended up liking it a lot! :thumbsup2 So much that I'd take a trip back to Tangierine just to get that. I would have to think that they would sell side portions but I'm not positive. It would be a nice way for you to try out a little bit! There were also some things on the menu that I've never heard of and I had no clue what it was! Thank goodness I'd seen the shawarma platter on the dining reviews before so I knew what to expect!

That strawberry cupcake from BW Bakery appears to be a popular one with our crowd! You are the 3rd or 4th person who got one that week!

What a mom!!! That shawarma plate looks quite tasty. One day I need to stop in and try that. I wonder if they have some of the same food at Marrakesh?? :confused3 Even though you sacrificed your NWJ, there's always next time!

Yay that you got stuck on two rides!! :banana: I want to be stuck on Pirates of the Caribbean - that's my personal goal! ;)

Now that I've tried shawarma and really liked it I'd like to try Marrakesh! I've already decided that the No Way Jose is on my MUST do list for next time.

I wouldn't mind getting stuck on PotC either!! I'm just glad we weren't stuck on It's a Small World!!:rotfl2:

Or no No Way Jose :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: You are all cracking me up today!! So now I've got the No Way Shawarma and the No No Way Jose!:lmao:

The ladies of the UK are on a roll today! :lmao:

I agree! They are making me laugh out loud today!
Our amazing trip was coming to an end :( I think this was our best vacation ever. It was so much fun and we spent so much time laughing! I can't wait until our next vacation in June!:)

I woke up fairly early on Saturday morning so I got up, got ready and was surprised to see that even Eilee was up early! We went down to the Boardwalk Bakery around 8:30 am and just as we were about to walk out, mousekeeping was knocking on our door. I opened the door and told them that we were going to get breakfast and we weren't ready to check out yet. And we walked down to get something to eat! Eilee chose to wait outside as the bakery was pretty packed. I asked her what she wanted and she said to just pick something for her.

So I got this for me - a ham and egg croissant sandwich

I got a yogurt parfait for Eilee. This is what she usually gets when we go out for breakfast (either that or oatmeal). Notice the blue bag on the side of the picture chocolateminnie!

And I got this for us to split!

An oreo cupcake!

Well, Eilee decided that she wanted the croissant breakfast sandwich after she tried a bite so I traded with her. She said that the yogurt tasted weird and after I traded with her I realized that she was right. I can't put my finger on it but it had an almost medicinal taste. :crazy2: So she was nice and shared her croissant with me! :rotfl2: and we split the cupcake. I was so hungry this morning that I chowed down on my half of the oreo cupcake and it was great. I was able to finish my quest for three different cupcakes on this trip and believe it or not, my favorite one was just the plain chocolate cupcake with white frosting from Main Street Confectionery! :confused3I know, I know, I'm the odd man out here but sometimes it's nice to just keep it simple!

After this we went back to the room to start packing up as the ME was picking us up at 10:30. And as soon as we got back mousekeeping was knocking on the door again! And even though I told them we'd be out by 10:30 they knocked AGAIN a short time later. :confused3 What was up with that? Finally we left shortly before 10:30 and as always there was that sad feeling on the way back to the airport.:sad: We had a layover in Cincinnati and while we were waiting for our final flight home Eilee started feeling ill. I'm so glad that she held off until that final day! Whew!! She was sick for an entire day but thankfully I never got it and I know it wasn't something she ate because I think I tried everything that she had!

I was so lucky to be able to meet Joh, Vicki and Brenda! They are such wonderful women and I hope I have the chance to meet them again! And eating at restaurants that we'd never tried before was a great experience for us. Eilee didn't get her favorite Le Cellier but I think we made up for it! I feel like I might have been to optimistic and happy about all of our experiences but that's just how I roll! I'm not too hard to please and I honestly enjoyed all of our meals but it may have been my goofball company as well. ;) No really, I love food and I pretty much enjoyed everything!

Thank you all for joining in my dining review! Eilee, the sausage and I had an amazing time and I can't wait to go back next year for the ToT 10 Miler! I've already got my restaurant list going and I'm definitely going to Jiko (thanks DDW)! I also plan to write a trip report/dining review of our Disney Mediterranean cruise so hopefully you'll join me again! In the meantime I can't wait to read all of the other wonderful reviews from The World!
Wonderful report! You mentioned that you laughed a lot on this trip, and it definitely showed - the reviews were super entertaining. :goodvibes

Sorry that Eilee became sick on the last day - hopefully she wasn't too uncomfortable while you were traveling, as that can be a huge pain.
Great job, Tracy! I loved reading about your trip and look forward to your next one. Oh, and thank you so much for being one of our first Live Reporters. I'll be featuring you, Brenda, Vicki, and Becky on the first page of our new Live Update thread. With all the reporters that are at WDW right now (5 as of today) I've been too busy to finish up those first few posts. :lmao: But I will get to it soon! ;)
Thanks for sharing your wonderful report! It sounds like you had a lot of fun and the DISmeet was perfect!

As for the mousekeeping constantly checking to see if you were gone.. I have heard that in several reports! Very odd that they can't wait till you are actually gone to clean your room! I'm tempted to put a post-it on the door saying we will be leaving at 11am sharp! LOL!
I don't want it to be over! Your daughter is so pretty, and even though a teen still remembers to let go and have fun. I really enjoyed your sharing your experience and thank you for reminding me my DD16 isn't too old to love being a princess. We will definitely be eating at the castle next year when we go on our mom and DD trip next summer.
Oh no!! It's over already?? I need to pick up the pace with my DR!!!

Glad that you had a wonderful trip and even better that I was actually able to meet you and Eilee. Oh, and I'm honored to have met your trusty traveling companion - the sausage!!! :lmao: I would love a "next time" - you never know! :goodvibes

Your BW Bakery breakfast experience sounded familiar.... :p

And I'm sure there's something going on with BW mousekeeping... we got the same knock on our door, twice.

So is there a PTR/PTD in your future for your ToT 10 miler??
I really enjoyed your report and so glad that you had such a wonderful time with your daughter.
Wonderful report! You mentioned that you laughed a lot on this trip, and it definitely showed - the reviews were super entertaining. :goodvibes

Sorry that Eilee became sick on the last day - hopefully she wasn't too uncomfortable while you were traveling, as that can be a huge pain.

Thank you for joining me! We had so much fun. Eilee is so silly and goofy and I'm bummed that she was a bump on a log when everyone finally got to meet us. Figures! :rotfl: By the way, my supervisor is at WDW right now and I made all of her ADRs for her. She ate at Jiko last night and I can't wait to get a full report!

Great job, Tracy! I loved reading about your trip and look forward to your next one. Oh, and thank you so much for being one of our first Live Reporters. I'll be featuring you, Brenda, Vicki, and Becky on the first page of our new Live Update thread. With all the reporters that are at WDW right now (5 as of today) I've been too busy to finish up those first few posts. :lmao: But I will get to it soon! ;)

I'm so glad that I got to know you more through your report as well as the live reports. I'm going to say that we will meet someday! I know it!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful report! It sounds like you had a lot of fun and the DISmeet was perfect!

As for the mousekeeping constantly checking to see if you were gone.. I have heard that in several reports! Very odd that they can't wait till you are actually gone to clean your room! I'm tempted to put a post-it on the door saying we will be leaving at 11am sharp! LOL!

I'm so glad that you have followed along with my report. WE really did have a fun time and the DISmeet was super fun too. But I do like your idea about the post it note...I'm going to bring some with me next time!

What a lovely report, Tracy! Thank you so much for taking us along with you and Eilee.

Thanks so much!! I'm more than excited to see all of the photos from your trip! :hyper:

glad the bag made it to boardwalk :) can't believe this is the end of your pics - loved seeing them.

Oh yes, that bag goes with her every day! Thanks for reading my report and I can't wait to hear all about YOUR upcoming trip!!

Really enjoyed your reviews [caught up on your sister trip too] and hoping you'll do another one soon!
Wow - you even read about the sister and sausage trip! Thanks for that! :thumbsup2 I can't wait to write another report about our Med cruise and the ToT 10 Mile run!
I don't want it to be over! Your daughter is so pretty, and even though a teen still remembers to let go and have fun. I really enjoyed your sharing your experience and thank you for reminding me my DD16 isn't too old to love being a princess. We will definitely be eating at the castle next year when we go on our mom and DD trip next summer.

Your DD will have a fabulous time! It was just so sweet that she'd link arms with me or put her head on my shoulder and tell me how much fun she was having. She's usually too cool for stuff like that but WDW is just magical I guess! I'm really glad that we got to spend that time together. I can't wait to hear about your trip! ;) Meaning "I hope you do a trip report!!"

Oh no!! It's over already?? I need to pick up the pace with my DR!!!

Glad that you had a wonderful trip and even better that I was actually able to meet you and Eilee. Oh, and I'm honored to have met your trusty traveling companion - the sausage!!! :lmao: I would love a "next time" - you never know! :goodvibes

Your BW Bakery breakfast experience sounded familiar.... :p

And I'm sure there's something going on with BW mousekeeping... we got the same knock on our door, twice.

So is there a PTR/PTD in your future for your ToT 10 miler??

I think there will definitely be a PTR or a PDR in the future for both the Med Cruise and the ToT 10 Miler!! I have a friend that may be going with me and I told her that I've already got restaurants in mind for us!

I'm so glad that I was able to meet you and your family. You were all so sweet. I do hope we get to meet again! And the sausage was honored to meet you as well!:laughing:

My report is done but I'm so happy that I can continue to read yours!

I really enjoyed your report and so glad that you had such a wonderful time with your daughter.

Thank you for joining me! It was so nice to have this time, just Eilee and me.I definitely think that we need another mother/daughter trip! ;)
I'm so glad that I got to know you more through your report as well as the live reports. I'm going to say that we will meet someday! I know it!

You are most definitely on my List of DISers that I must meet! :goodvibes
When I saw the word "complete" on your thread today, I decided to read all your reviews. I'd read your Les Chefs post before - since that's where I booked my candlelight processional package, I'm super interested in those reviews.

Your cat Pedro in the cheesehat and jersey is so cute. I wish my cat Lurch would let me do something like that to him, but I'm pretty sure he'd try to claw my hand off. The picture of Eilee with the turkey leg and then the post of her texting both made me laugh. And the DISmeet looked like it was so much fun. I need to add Olivia's and R&C to my list of places to try. Thanks for sharing about your trip!
You are most definitely on my List of DISers that I must meet! :goodvibes
It might take a while but we can make that happen! ;)

When I saw the word "complete" on your thread today, I decided to read all your reviews. I'd read your Les Chefs post before - since that's where I booked my candlelight processional package, I'm super interested in those reviews.

Your cat Pedro in the cheesehat and jersey is so cute. I wish my cat Lurch would let me do something like that to him, but I'm pretty sure he'd try to claw my hand off. The picture of Eilee with the turkey leg and then the post of her texting both made me laugh. And the DISmeet looked like it was so much fun. I need to add Olivia's and R&C to my list of places to try. Thanks for sharing about your trip!

I'm glad you liked the picture of Pedro! He's a very tolerant kitty that's for sure! We dress him up seasonally and make a calendar every year for Christmas presents. LOL!

I would definitely recommend Olivia's and R&C - all our meals seemed to be excellent on this trip. I'm so happy that we enjoyed everything but then again, we aren't picky people. I also asked for the recipe for those Olivia's potatoes and it turns out that they sent me the recipe for the breakfast potatoes. So I think I'll experiment and try to figure out the recipe on my own!
Tracy: I've now read your Dream cruise TR! Are you still pals with the gal and her DD??? Your trip sounded absolutely delightful and what great memories you are building with Eilee!! Now to read your sisterhood TR! :)

Oh and congrats on your 5K! What was your time? I probably shouldn't ask since I'm old and slow but my average non competitive time is a very mediocre 34 minutes. (told you I was slow.):)
Tracy: I've now read your Dream cruise TR! Are you still pals with the gal and her DD??? Your trip sounded absolutely delightful and what great memories you are building with Eilee!! Now to read your sisterhood TR! :)

Oh and congrats on your 5K! What was your time? I probably shouldn't ask since I'm old and slow but my average non competitive time is a very mediocre 34 minutes. (told you I was slow.):)

Actually no, we're not really friends with the woman and her DD anymore! If I see them we are pleasant for sure, but we certainly don't hang out with them. I've learned my lesson about traveling with people that you "kind of" know! I certainly didn't know they'd only eat pizza and chicken fingers! LOL!

I had so much fun doing the 5K!! It was an alumni run at the college that I went to and there were only about 50 people there so I certainly wasn't at the front of the pack but I also wasn't the very last person like I thought I might be! My time was 28 minutes 15 seconds. I've timed myself before just running on my own and I've never come close to 28 minutes so the competition must have made me kick it into gear! :confused3:

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