Marathon Weekend 2016

We too are planning our trip for 2016 already and since some of you are veterans at this thought I would ask a few questions here. So here goes our story we were originally going to plan a trip around the Tower of Terror 10 mile in 2015 (our plan was to knock out me running a Disney race and the not so scary Halloween party for our 3 year old in one shot) but then the RunDisney Calendar was released and of course no 2015 ToT race so then I got the brilliant idea of "hey why don't I run the Marathon" so alas planning begun for the occasion. Let me say that my wife and I are pretty knowledge in most things Disney but have never done a RunDisney event before so that part of it is where I have questions, our plan has now become: The Wife and I running the 5k together, Her running the 10k (a first at that distance for her), having the kiddo participate in the Kids Race then Me tackling the Full Marathon. My question is how to tackle registration should we attempt the 5k first (since it is most likely to sell out fastest in my estimation) then hit the 10K and kids race and finally the marathon for me (since I don't think it sold out for a few months last year) or should we go for the two races we know we want (10K and Marathon) and if we don't get into the 5k then oh well? or will we have plenty of time (at least a couple hours anyway) and im over thinking this for nothing....(I know the Disneyland 1/2 races sold out very quickly but ive heard Disneyland always sells faster than Dinseyworld) any advice is appreciated.......

I will say that for 2015, the marathon was the last official race to sell out. It was into summer before it sold out if I recall. Both the 5K and 10K sold out really quick, so I would go for those first, followed by the marathon. I did not even register my kids for the Mickey Mile until October.
So the question about registration made me wonder. Does acclaim charge more than runDisney for their bibs? Would there be any reason registering through runDisney would be preferable to registering through acclaim?
We too are planning our trip for 2016 already and since some of you are veterans at this thought I would ask a few questions here. So here goes our story we were originally going to plan a trip around the Tower of Terror 10 mile in 2015 (our plan was to knock out me running a Disney race and the not so scary Halloween party for our 3 year old in one shot) but then the RunDisney Calendar was released and of course no 2015 ToT race so then I got the brilliant idea of "hey why don't I run the Marathon" so alas planning begun for the occasion. Let me say that my wife and I are pretty knowledge in most things Disney but have never done a RunDisney event before so that part of it is where I have questions, our plan has now become: The Wife and I running the 5k together, Her running the 10k (a first at that distance for her), having the kiddo participate in the Kids Race then Me tackling the Full Marathon. My question is how to tackle registration should we attempt the 5k first (since it is most likely to sell out fastest in my estimation) then hit the 10K and kids race and finally the marathon for me (since I don't think it sold out for a few months last year) or should we go for the two races we know we want (10K and Marathon) and if we don't get into the 5k then oh well? or will we have plenty of time (at least a couple hours anyway) and im over thinking this for nothing....(I know the Disneyland 1/2 races sold out very quickly but ive heard Disneyland always sells faster than Dinseyworld) any advice is appreciated.......

I too was bummed the didn't keep ToT for 2015. Hopefully it will return in the future.

I don't think you're overthinking registration. IMO registering is more stressful than the actual race! From my research, I think you've got a couple of hours before the first race sells out, which will likely be the 10K or Dopey. Those have both sold out very quickly. The 5K and Half will probably follow an hour (+ or -) later. The Goofy and Full will probably be open for a few weeks if not, months. I was able to register three 5Ks, one 10K, a Full, and two Kids races within 90 minutes last year. Disneyland sells out faster due far less openings.

Register your races in this order:

- 10K
- 5K
- Kids
- Full

This year...oh boy, I've got 2-3 10Ks, 1-2 Half, possibly 2 5Ks, and 2-3 Kids races. So I'm already sweating registration day. But I plan to be seated at my computer at 11:45!
Thanks for the input everyone it makes me feel better that im not the only one obsessing over this, luckily I will be off on registration day and my wife will either register at work or take the day off, we will divide and conquer and hopefully not have to many issues as long as we have a couple hours then im not to worried as ill be ready to go at 11:45and with multiple devices! I have an account already so that should speed things up for us
I've read Dis a ton in the past for non-run vacations. My good friend will be running the full marathon in 2016 and I have decided to take the leap and go along for support and to run the 5k. I am not and have never been a runner, but I was a college athlete. I'm in my mid-30's, a mom, and although I look like I'm in shape...I'm really not. I've for the longest time read recaps of people doing these Disney runs and gotten emotional watching the pride on their faces in pictures as the cross the finish. So as soon as the frigid mid-west weather turns I have a couch to 5k plan and a support group at home to help me run some 5ks in Chicago leading up to the big Epcot event. I know 5k is nothing compared to 10k or half or marathon...but maybe I'll just work up to those in future years :)
I'm going to go read the 2015 thread between now and registration day and I'll be here looking for tips and moral support.
You are all my inspiration!
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I've read Dis a ton in the past for non-run vacations. My good friend will be running the full marathon in 2016 and I have decided to take the leap and go along for support and to run the 5k. I am not and have never been a runner, but I was a college athlete. I'm in my mid-30's, a mom, and although I look like I'm in shape...I'm really not. I've for the longest time read recaps of people doing these Disney runs and gotten emotional watching the pride on their faces in pictures as the cross the finish. So as soon as the frigid mid-west weather turns I have a couch to 5k plan and a support group at home to help me run some 5ks in Chicago leading up to the big Epcot event. I know 5k is nothing compared to 10k or half or marathon...but maybe I'll just work up to those in future years :)
I'm going to go read the 2015 thread between now and registration day and I'll be here looking for tips and moral support.
You are all my inspiration!

That is great that you have joined your friend, I highly recommend the Couch to 5k program (not sure wich one in particular you are using I used the one from its how I got started sometimes I still don't believe how far I've come. I will tell you there is no greater feeling in the world than crossing a finish line for something that you worked your tail off for weather its 5k,10k 13.1 or a Marathon its a journey of many miles and the finish line is the ultimate conclusion. and on another note never discount what you are doing, a 5k is a big deal especially if you start from no running at all, take your average joe of the street and plop them at the start line of a 5k and see how they do...Good luck on your runners journey and welcome to this crazy club
I've read Dis a ton in the past for non-run vacations. My good friend will be running the full marathon in 2016 and I have decided to take the leap and go along for support and to run the 5k. I am not and have never been a runner, but I was a college athlete. I'm in my mid-30's, a mom, and although I look like I'm in shape...I'm really not. I've for the longest time read recaps of people doing these Disney runs and gotten emotional watching the pride on their faces in pictures as the cross the finish. So as soon as the frigid mid-west weather turns I have a couch to 5k plan and a support group at home to help me run some 5ks in Chicago leading up to the big Epcot event. I know 5k is nothing compared to 10k or half or marathon...but maybe I'll just work up to those in future years :)
I'm going to go read the 2015 thread between now and registration day and I'll be here looking for tips and moral support.
You are all my inspiration!

First step - strike that thinking out of your mind! We ALL started somewhere when we began running, and for almost all of us, our first race was a 5K! Plus, just think - running that 5K and finishing will be more than so many people do athletically that day!

This is a great support group - and the Disney 5Ks are an awesome place to start your running journey. Why? Because they are "untimed", you don't have to worry about being swept or not keeping up the pace required to finish!

Be warned: After you finish your first race, you will become addicted to the adrenaline of racing and finishing.

Good luck! :D
Thanks everyone! I'm going to be proud of my 5k training and tackle it like a champ!

That's the spirit!!! Ill tell you when we started talking about this trip to my mom-in-law she actually said she wanted to do the 5k with us, took both my wife and I totally by surprise as she doesn't run AT ALL!!! its amazing what the Disney atmosphere does to people LOL
That's the spirit!!! Ill tell you when we started talking about this trip to my mom-in-law she actually said she wanted to do the 5k with us, took both my wife and I totally by surprise as she doesn't run AT ALL!!! its amazing what the Disney atmosphere does to people LOL

You nailed. I leave to it being, well...Disney. There are only two places you can run in Disney; Disneyland and Disney World. Sure there are thousands of 5Ks, 10Ks, HM, etc in the U.S. But to run at Disney, is a whole different place that cannot be duplicated. Very few race environments have that extreme uniqueness that runners can experience nowhere else, Disney is one of them.

My SIL & SMIL ran/walked their first 5K at this year's Marathon Weekend and are setting their sights on the 10K next year. My MIL is also considering participating in the 5K in 2016 too! My wife will return to her 10K or do the Half with myself and our boys will do the mile and 400m! Its become a family event and I love it.
@Neoflynn or anyone else.... Do you have a favorite couch to 5k type app? I am curious to see if anyone has experience with one that worked well for them. I have heard about a Zombie's Run, but I am not that interested in zombie stuff. (maybe someone should make a happy sunshine disney version of that?)
So I've been toying with the idea of running a marathon and have almost decided to do Disney 2016. I think I'm more nervous about the long training days more then the race itself. I know if I'm prepared that the atmosphere of a Disney race always gives me a boost.

But either way I thought I'd join in here and say hello.
So I've been toying with the idea of running a marathon and have almost decided to do Disney 2016. I think I'm more nervous about the long training days more then the race itself. I know if I'm prepared that the atmosphere of a Disney race always gives me a boost.

But either way I thought I'd join in here and say hello.

My first marathon 3 years ago was at Disney and it was also my first race ever,like no 5K's,10K's or halfs before and those 26.2 miles were a lot easier than any of my long training runs,10,14,18 miles.Just the whole experience at Disney and all the other runners out there in costumes and characters is a unique experience.
@Neoflynn or anyone else.... Do you have a favorite couch to 5k type app? I am curious to see if anyone has experience with one that worked well for them. I have heard about a Zombie's Run, but I am not that interested in zombie stuff. (maybe someone should make a happy sunshine disney version of that?)

When I started Couch to 5k, I used the RunDouble app - Android users can get a free two-week Couch-to-5k trial for both distance-based and time-based runs. I liked it a lot since I could customize a lot of settings. I ended up getting the full version for free when they sent me a promo - all I had to do was create a free account with AchieveMint. I completed the program with this app.

I am currently using RunKeeper, which is free for both Androids and iPhones. Although I like it overall, I wish that there was an option for vibrate notifications (to let me know when to switch between running and walking). I run outside on residential streets, don't listen to music for safety reasons, and find that the beeps are often hard to hear over the street noises. I might have to suck up and pay for the RunDouble app on my new phone since I liked that one a lot. However, the RunKeeper program does send encouraging emails - when I have a new record for speed, distance, overall time, etc. I am competitive with myself, so the emails help motivate me to improve from my previous bests.

Cheering you on! :cheer2:

I would love to hear what others use as a running app since I don't really want to buy a running watch!
I just booked CR and now waiting for registration day! This will be my 2nd WDW Marathon and 6th overall. I agree with what others have said, the experience is incredible and its very cool walking through the parks with your medal(s) and having other guests and CM's congratulate you on your accomplishment.

I can't wait for this thread to be about 100 pages! Good luck everyone on your training!
@Neoflynn or anyone else.... Do you have a favorite couch to 5k type app? I am curious to see if anyone has experience with one that worked well for them. I have heard about a Zombie's Run, but I am not that interested in zombie stuff. (maybe someone should make a happy sunshine disney version of that?)

when I first started I used the Couch to 5k from ( I liked it because it worked with my phone and I could change the coaches if I got bored with one and the program really eases you into it I never felt as if it asked me to do anything that my body wasn't ready for but if you do feel that way you can just repeat a week and then go from there, I now use the Nike Run app to track all my runs though I will say if you plan on doing a run/walk interval method the Nike app is probably not a good one as it doesn't have anything built in for that although you can set up things that mimic it, I have also used the Run, Zombies app and its fun to use every once in awhile though I think I would get bored with it if I did it every run. I also use Charity Miles on top of the Nike one which gives donations to charities (you get to choose which one from a list of about 20 or so) for how many miles you run/walk or bike I think its a great thing to do since im running anyway

I just booked CR and now waiting for registration day! This will be my 2nd WDW Marathon and 6th overall. I agree with what others have said, the experience is incredible and its very cool walking through the parks with your medal(s) and having other guests and CM's congratulate you on your accomplishment.

I can't wait for this thread to be about 100 pages! Good luck everyone on your training!

so in that case do we need to go ahead and rename this as the "OFFCIAL" Marathon 2016 thread?
I'm a 50 year old that needs to get moving. Since August I walk daily between 2.5 mi - 5 mi a day ( this is through the course of my day not all at one time) Good news is my slightly elevated blood pressure is no longer elevated. I have thought about getting in shape for a 5k (I am overweight) since I walk almost that far every day. Being the DVC/AP/TiW Disney enthusiast that I am I thought maybe using Disney as my incentive. Is there anyone out there, that has been this route? Am I fooling myself that a 50yo, overweight who only walks can stay the course and maybe do the 5k next winter? I downloaded the couch to 5k app. There are some really great reviews. Can anyone tell me how fast you have to maintain not to get swept. I would die if that happened to me, I know that sounds silly but, for me, I don't want that. Currently I'm at about 18.5 minute mile but that is only walking and not challenging myself at all. I'm sorry if this has been answered in other threads but I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for. Lastly, how late can you register without it being closed? I would hate to make my plans before I'm sure I can do this. The whole thing intimidates me a bit. Thanks for any info.
I'm a 50 year old that needs to get moving. Since August I walk daily between 2.5 mi - 5 mi a day ( this is through the course of my day not all at one time) Good news is my slightly elevated blood pressure is no longer elevated. I have thought about getting in shape for a 5k (I am overweight) since I walk almost that far every day. Being the DVC/AP/TiW Disney enthusiast that I am I thought maybe using Disney as my incentive.

1. Is there anyone out there, that has been this route? Am I fooling myself that a 50yo, overweight who only walks can stay the course and maybe do the 5k next winter? I downloaded the couch to 5k app. There are some really great reviews.
2. Can anyone tell me how fast you have to maintain not to get swept. I would die if that happened to me, I know that sounds silly but, for me, I don't want that. Currently I'm at about 18.5 minute mile but that is only walking and not challenging myself at all. I'm sorry if this has been answered in other threads but I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for.
3. Lastly, how late can you register without it being closed? I would hate to make my plans before I'm sure I can do this. The whole thing intimidates me a bit. Thanks for any info.

1. You can definitely train and participate in a 5k much sooner than next winter. I'm not 50, but I am 60 lbs overweight and am also using Disney as an incentive to run. I am a graduate of the Couch to 5k program and highly recommend it; I started in early September 2014 and was able to run 5k without stopping at the end of November (took 13 weeks to complete the 10 week program). The fact that you are already walking the distance on most days will be an advantage.

2. Disney says that you have to maintain a 16:00 min/mi pace or else you run the risk of being swept. The timer for the 16:00 min/mi pace does not start until the last runner crosses the start line. Jeff Galloway's run/walk/run method is very popular to prevent injuries and maintain speed.

3. I think that most runDisney races sell out on the first day of registration opening. I signed up for the Disneyland 10k in September, which seemed to have sold out within 1 hour (or less). Registration for WDW Marathon Weekend races opens on April 28, 2015 (noon EST).
Pamster, thank you so much for all that great information. That was a huge help and even more great incentive. Thank you again! I appreciate your time and information.
I'm a 50 year old that needs to get moving. Since August I walk daily between 2.5 mi - 5 mi a day ( this is through the course of my day not all at one time) Good news is my slightly elevated blood pressure is no longer elevated. I have thought about getting in shape for a 5k (I am overweight) since I walk almost that far every day. Being the DVC/AP/TiW Disney enthusiast that I am I thought maybe using Disney as my incentive. Is there anyone out there, that has been this route? Am I fooling myself that a 50yo, overweight who only walks can stay the course and maybe do the 5k next winter? I downloaded the couch to 5k app. There are some really great reviews. Can anyone tell me how fast you have to maintain not to get swept. I would die if that happened to me, I know that sounds silly but, for me, I don't want that. Currently I'm at about 18.5 minute mile but that is only walking and not challenging myself at all. I'm sorry if this has been answered in other threads but I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for. Lastly, how late can you register without it being closed? I would hate to make my plans before I'm sure I can do this. The whole thing intimidates me a bit. Thanks for any info.

Go for it! I began running again about 2 years ago. 20+ years ago i was a pretty good runner. I got busy and stopped, years and too many pounds later I decided to recommit. I ran my first marathon this past January as part of the Goofy Challenge. Today I ran a new PR in my half marathon time and I am so excited to return next year and try the Dopey Challenge. I started with a couch to 5K, I couldn't even run a mile. I took my time, but stuck with it. A big motivator for me was to run a RunDisney Race. Sounds like you are a big Disney fan so use that as motivation! What better reason to get out and run than to prepare for a race in Disney and then play in the parks! :)

RunDisney does a great job and I was motivated by the positivity of the organizers, volunteers and other runners. I have not run a 5K at Disney but my understanding is that they do not sweep people in the 5K. The registration for the Marathon weekend is 4/28. I wish you lots of luck and hope to see you there!


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