Just need to get this out (Female stuff... update pg14)

Oh Sweetie, I am so glad your honey went with you.. GIANT GIANT hugs and good thoughts to you. Nothing but positive everything. I am so sorry for everything you are going through. XOXO
I'm glad that your husband was able to go with you. I hope everything goes okay for you.
I was thinking about you this morning - hope you are having a great week. Take care of yourself and remember to do a little extra self-care. We are all here for you!:butterfly
Hi Everyone! Thank you for the continued well wishes and thoughts and the love you are sending. It is so appreciated.

I had my biopsy this morning. *Insert non friendly words here*

I like to think I'm pretty hearty and can handle some pain and I'd been good with the one thing or the other but combined I was not happy.

So this morning the doctor did a biopsy of my endometrial lining which is way up in your uterus. He had to cut pieces for testing but before that started
he and I are chatting while he is doing his business and I hear him say "I'm going to need rearrange" and I'm thinking he meant his wrist maybe the way he was sitting
or even the speculum. He says "breathe, Tina and get to your happy place" and I"m saying "huh" then boom I'm breathing breathing breathing because he is rearranging my uterus.
He says "it's crooked" and I'm telling him, I don't go in and rearrange your shelves why are you messing with mine! Then let the cutting biopsy begin!

However ya'll should appreciate the fact that we were talking disney vacations while he is doing his business because he is taking his pretty family on vacation soon. He starts snipping and I"m trying to breathe and he says "kick Christina if you need to" and I'm telling him I'm going to kick you in the face as you're the one snipping and clipping.

So I'm home now having a make me feel better small french fry and diet dr pepper and then I'm going to lay down and not move. The doctor told me he will call me next week even if the results come back not in my favor. So on positive thought, I'm scheduled for at least cyst removal 12May. Guess the waiting game is on.

Thank you all again for your well wishes..here's to thinking thick and lumpy :-)
Ouch! I remember my endometrial biopsy even though it was a couple decades ago. ;) But they didn't have to rearrange anything! I'm so glad that's over for you. I hope it helps them get things figured out for you soon.
Oh Tina, you poor thing . If I were there you'd be eating a LARGE fry and a full flavor Dr Pepper! Fingers X'd for good results. Keep updating us, we're all here for you Lynn
I hadn't seen this thread previously--I'm so sorry to hear you have been dealing with all this. Kudos to you for making it through that procedure today--you deserve a medal or something. I believe I would have had to be sedated...I can barely tolerate regular obgyn checks. I hope you have a restful rest of your week.
Okay, so I guess you can rest easy this afternoon knowing your uterus is no longer crooked? Holy cow! I think you deserve something a little stronger than a diet Dr. Pepper!

Thinking more thick and lumpy and feeling better thoughts for you. ((hugs))
I have been following this but haven't said anything. Please know you are in my prayers, and I also hope everything goes the right way.
Sorry, I know it wasn't funny, but I had to laugh at your description of the appointment. You definitely deserve to spoil yourself after that. Hoping for good results for you.
We need a "Hugs and commiseration" button!
Feel better soon and good wishes :hug:
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oh OUCH! But at least it is done and you have something on the schedule. May 12 is not too far off.
More hugs and good thoughts from my direction
Continued good thoughts..........I would not have been in a happy place either. Ouch!
Motrin and hot water bottles are your friends. (Have had a couple of these biopsies too!) Hang in there.
OMG:scared::crazy2::scared1::faint:!!!!!! I think I'd need a serious cocktail after that and some chocolate. Maybe I'd just combine the 2 into a chocolate martini. Thinking positive thoughts that all will turn out well. Hang in there.
Sounds like a not fun way to spend a day for sure. I thought I was happy to be rid of my uterus 15 years ago, I just might be a lot happier it's long gone after reading what you went through today. Hope you are able to feel much more comfortable in a hurry and get a very much good news call next week.


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