It's Back-January Trip-A-Day Contest!

This morning I got the messages saying there has been an error try again. Instead of starting over I just hit verify again and then thank you for entering came up. Not sure what that's all about but I feel like my entry went in...
This morning I got the messages saying there has been an error try again. Instead of starting over I just hit verify again and then thank you for entering came up. Not sure what that's all about but I feel like my entry went in...

I tried the same thing this am, but got the maximum entry message.....I am so sick of this glitch. It's crazy that we have to feel like we "won" something just because we were able to enter.
Yes so frustrating another day with "maximum submissions" even when i have not entered.. Its a plot to control submissions!!
Pixie Dust here! pixiedust:

I just wish it was in the form of a win confirmation instead of just being able to enter on the first try. Then again, at least no frustration entering is something.

I'm having a virtual trip this week. A friend of mine and her husband landed in Orlando at about 8:30 last night. They are staying at POP. I'm happy for them.
I just had this sad thought. If I don't get an email or phone call confirming my win, and I don't schedule a vacation, What link will I follow to keep my Disney obsession taken care of. pout

I guess I can always follow a winner's link if they are kind enough to have one. Or I can pretend I'm going and follow that months link. :rotfl2:

Or I can actually get a life. :lmao:

Have a great day everyone!
I guess I can always follow a winner's link if they are kind enough to have one. Or I can pretend I'm going and follow that months link. :rotfl2:

Have a great day everyone!

When I win I promise to blog or trip report about my experience. I feel like this should be a requirement for winning!
OMG - I am beyond frustrated with this contest.

Today I tried to get on the site via Firefox and I got a server error message. I got out and tried again and this time got no enter button.

I went through google chrome and tried and enter button.

I cleared the cookies and everything but nope nothing!

Seriously this is freaking nuts!
Today I was sitting and readin, relaxing after work. Phone started ringing, it was an unknown number from FLORIDA! I gasped and yelled and answered excitedly...........

It was a telemarketer!!!!!!!!!!!!


Most people are saying that the call will come from a 212 number in NYC. The company that handles this contest is located there. Plus, nobody knows if there will actually be a call or if it will be an email.
Anyone else stalking this post in hopes of seeing a winner? I told my DH that we WILL WIN and should be notified this week :rotfl2: I told him it was a guarantee and asked him to go ahead and choose a resort...:goodvibes
There's a new sweepstakes over at Disney Movie Rewards for a trip to London. I entered that one, but I'm not as excited as this one! Lol

I keep stalking this page in hopes of someone winning or someone hearing SOMETHING.

Maybe because the sweepstakes people are back at work today, following a holiday, they will draw and call tomorrow??? Yeah,that's it.....
Got the "error please try again" msg. So I did. And it went through! :goodvibes
I don't know, someone posted earlier about the million entries per day and that totally put things into perspective and got me down in the dumps lol Now, I'm not as hopeful, still entering, but my "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" mentality is pretty much gone. Previous years were not as stressful as this year so adding the complications of entering with no news from any winners, ugh!
I do hope the case is they had to pause on picking winners to deal with the error problems :scratchin
I hope getting the notification of a win isn't as glitchy as entering the darn contest! :lmao: :sad:

I got an error today, refreshed & it went through & said I had entered. I've missed about 4 days total so far.
Anyone else stalking this post in hopes of seeing a winner? I told my DH that we WILL WIN and should be notified this week :rotfl2: I told him it was a guarantee and asked him to go ahead and choose a resort...:goodvibes

I think however many people are subscribed to this thread would whole-heartedly answer yes to this question :rotfl:

I think we'd all agree that if we don't win we'd at least like to hear about other people on the Disboards winning and filling us in on all the amazing details! I mean we'd all be insanely jealous of that person but happy at the same time!!

My DH won't even entertain my discussions about winning and planning anything. He's the pessimist who has already said we won't win...I'm a realist in that I know the odds are probably 1 in a million but I'm optimistic because I know someone has to win so why not me! Actually 31 people will win so why can't I be one of those 31 :lmao:

I am sure Disney does this competition every year because it pays off for them in the end. I mean think about all the people who enter and already start planning a trip around the hopes of winning. Then assume even 1/10th of those people are so excited about their Disney vacation that even if they don't win they go and book a trip for that year. I would imagine even with the cost of the 31 free trips that it pays off big time for them!!


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