Is Coronavirus affecting your travel plans?

Not too much, still planning on going to Disneyland with my friend next month and a work trip to another state the following month, both flying.

My husband had some colleagues who were just in China at a conference (he wasn't there) and his company brought them all home early and is requiring them to work from home for a couple weeks. His company is a large multinational organization with offices in China and a lot of employees from China, some who are currently there for the Lunar New Year, and they just released a coronavirus policy last night that addresses all these groups.

He travels quite a bit for work, but his group has all expressed a desire to stay put right now while this is still in early stages, and the higher ups have been accommodating.
I don't have any international or big city plans yet. We are taking an RV trip to Savannah in April and probably another one to the Alabama coast in May. The good thing about a RV is it is only your germs. Just got back from WDW on Sat. and I currently have the Disney funk (you know the yuck you get even if you wash your hands all the time) but I'm not worried about it. If I did have any bigger plans I wouldn't cancel them, as my wise old Grand daddy used to say "you are going live til you die".
Hopefully not. I'm scheduled to fly to the Philippines in 3 weeks with an overnight stay in Tokyo on the way there and on the way back (because I wanted to take advantage of a nice long layover in Japan). I'm not panicking but I am mildly concerned
Our spring break trip to WDW is all booked for mid-March. My husband definitely wants us to reschedule the trip to the summer. We will see what happens in February. So disappointing especially for the kids, if we have to cancel.
The airline stocks have been diving since this started. The idea is that people will avoid air travel if they can. Remember the airports after 9/11? They were pretty empty when I flew for business.
I flew for the first and only time on 9/11/2002. Airports certainly were empty on that day. I was prepared arriving to Pittsburgh Int. early expecting massive security. I was the only one there! Security glanced at my ticket and I was at the gate in a matter of minutes for my LONG wait.
We flew home from Orlando yesterday.....emptiest plane I have seen in years.

No travel plan changes for us
Family flying in next week for a visit, week after that we are flying to Fl or a week. Later in March we are headed to Vegas for a week.
I have had two medical professionals tell me that the masks do nothing, and the best way to prepare yourself to ward off any germs is simply to wash your hands and not touch your face. And that many more people will most likely die from Flu than this virus.
Then they yelled at me for having not gotten a flu shot! No reason I haven't, just never got around to it. It's not to late (I don't hink), so I might need to do that.
I will admit that I started wiping down my plane armrests & seat table and areas with lysol wipes about two years ago, and will continue to do so "just in case"! It's no fun to go away and get sick while trying to enjoy a vacation.
And that many more people will most likely die from Flu than this virus.
More as in numbers but mortality rate this new virus is much higher than the flu.

One could consider that a glass half empty/half full

On the one hand you're, presently speaking, less likely to get this new virus but if you do get it there's a higher mortality rate. On the other hand you're more likely to get the flu but if you do get it there's a less mortality rate.
I am monitoring. We have a trip planned for Tokyo in July (for the Olympics). I haven't given it a lot of thought, but definitely will continue to follow this story.
We have a Vegas trip in April. It's not impacting our plans now. There is a suspected case in my state quite close to me those test results will still be days away. I hope it's not it but the patient did just travel from Wuhan.

In any case more or less a monitoring situation. We don't plan on traveling to Asia--we briefly considered Thailand as in that's a place my sister-in-law has been dying to go to, but that is something that wasn't seriously being looked at for this year prior to the virus anyways.
I am monitoring. We have a trip planned for Tokyo in July (for the Olympics). I haven't given it a lot of thought, but definitely will continue to follow this story.
We were just talking about they Olympics last night. It's still months away but it will be interesting if it impacts anything.
More as in numbers but mortality rate this new virus is much higher than the flu.

One could consider that a glass half empty/half full

On the one hand you're, presently speaking, less likely to get this new virus but if you do get it there's a higher mortality rate. On the other hand you're more likely to get the flu but if you do get it there's a less mortality rate.

While I agree that the mortality rate appears to be higher, I do not completely trust the numbers coming out of China. Results for the testing seem to be slow and i am guessing there are many more people impacted that they are telling us about. And they really have not told us if those that died are from more fragile health groups like the elderly or have their immunity compromised in some way.
We returned from an Universal/WDW trip Friday. I was pretty careful about washing my hands every time I thought of it not to mention wiping down all surfaces in the hotel rooms. We only have one future trip scheduled to fly to WDW for a long stay before Christmas to meet friends from upstate NY. Otherwise we are planning a number of driving trips to see our younger daughter, chill at the beach, etc. We were thinking of booking a trip to Manhattan to visit our older daughter late spring early summer but we will wait to commit. Manhattan will still be there when we feel more at ease.
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No, but I also don't have any plans for the near future. We just got back from California last week and probably won't be flying again until we go out to visit DD for fall break in October. I am kind of glad we postponed our Asian trip, though logically I know this will all have blown over long before we'd have been leaving (in June - we postponed until next year because we didn't want to be in Japan during the Olympics). But if we were still planning to go, I'm not sure this would have changed anything for me.
While I agree that the mortality rate appears to be higher, I do not completely trust the numbers coming out of China. Results for the testing seem to be slow and i am guessing there are many more people impacted that they are telling us about. And they really have not told us if those that died are from more fragile health groups like the elderly or have their immunity compromised in some way.
Totally valid IMO. I know with the suspected case near me they haven't given any identifiers like age, health at the time of contracting it, when they contracted it and how long it's been since they've been back from Wuhan (especially given the 1-14 days incubation period), etc other than they came from Wuhan. Maybe some of that is to protect privacy but if it turns out they have it I would want to know some of that information especially if they have direct contact with the University (my alma mater) that is in that town.
At this time, no change to plans. My next vacation is a drive trip to visit family, so lower risk. My next Disney trip is May. By that time we should hopefully be past the peak of the spread of the virus, or we will have more knowledge about whether cancellation is the best option. It reminds me a lot of the big Ebola scare a few years back, which also required caution but didn’t change my travel plans.
I’m going to LA next month. I’m not canceling my plans.

The International Terminal at LAX is separate from domestic. This is unlike ATL, where they’re all connected by a train. I’m going to both next month. Fingers crossed.

I do expect the number of confirmed cases to continue to grow. I doubt it will peak by the time I fly.

Just so you know, not all flights arriving from international locations use the international terminal at LAX. All domestic airlines flying international routes land and depart at their own terminals. My husband arrived on a flight from Tokyo to American airlines, terminal 4, just a month ago.


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