"I Want To Go Back!!!"....a Sept 2010 PTR(upd 10/12-TR Started!)

Great little WDW facts! Love the one about Mr. Pot. head ;)

You are leaving SOOOO soon!!! Lucky you!! Can't wait to read all about it---seems like it will be an amazing vacation. Hope you get the room you want :goodvibes

Will you be updating on facebook from WDW? I hope so!
Aww, congratulations to Madison! That's just terrific!!
AHH, so exciting-- I'm sure the next four days are going to FLY!
What, Tony doesn't have his outfits already picked out and coordinated with you and Madison? ;)
Congrat's to Madison!!

Sounds like a fun EPCOT day. I love Illuminations. It's prob my favorite show and music. Actually DS has a video and we are watching it right now. It ends with the complete showing of Illuminations!

I think we are planning on meatball subs for dinner and the game :) Yummy!!


We really love Epcot and having 2 back to back days there is going to be wonderful. IllumiNations is just spectacular in my opinion. When we watched it in the rain last year, it seemed even more magical.

Mmm...I love meatball subs! I just put our turkey tenderloin in the oven and it already smells awesome. Go Bills!

Hey Meghan! :goodvibes Just wanted to pop in and wish you a safe and happy trip while I had the chance!!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up much lately, but as you know things have been crazy busy around here. :upsidedow Your trip sounds fabulous!

Have a great time!! :wizard::cool1:

Thanks Shelly!

I know how busy you've been...don't we all get that way sometimes?

Great little WDW facts! Love the one about Mr. Pot. head ;)

You are leaving SOOOO soon!!! Lucky you!! Can't wait to read all about it---seems like it will be an amazing vacation. Hope you get the room you want :goodvibes

Will you be updating on facebook from WDW? I hope so!

I will have to pay more attention to Mr. Potato Head this time. We use FP a lot for TSMM, so we don't always get to walk by him.

3 more days!!! :cool1: I'm hoping for a refurbed room as well, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I don't know yet about FB updates. Tony has a blackberry, so I always could if I wanted to.

Aww, congratulations to Madison! That's just terrific!!
AHH, so exciting-- I'm sure the next four days are going to FLY!
What, Tony doesn't have his outfits already picked out and coordinated with you and Madison? ;)

Thanks! She was so awesome yesterday.

These next days will fly by for sure.

Haha...no. Tony won't be coordinating his outfits to our parks/ADR's. Maybe someday!!!!

I'll be back with my "One Week" post later today. Gotta support my Bills and then I need to run a few quick errands!
Congrats to Madison! That's very exciting!

It's too bad they can't figure out a better way to cover up the construction.
Congrats to Madison! That's very exciting!

It's too bad they can't figure out a better way to cover up the construction.

We were so excited for her yesterday!

I know. I'm fine with the Fantasyland Expansion walls, but all the tarps are a bit much. One of my favorite things is walking down Main Street and looking at all the shops. The tarps just totally ruin it. :sad1:
party: :cool1: :banana: :dance3: :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2::jumping1:

As you can expect, I'm beyond excited! We have lots of stuff to keep us occupied these next few days. Let's start with our countdown fact and then I'll recap our plans.

Day 3- Expedition Everest opened on April 7, 2006.

I then added....Are you ready to take a ride through the Forbidden Mountain?? Madison's response...NO!

One Week from Today, we'll be waking up early for our ADR at Crystal Palace at 8:15am. I just adore walking down a nearly empty Main Street with the other breakfast goers. It's such an awesome sight. This breakfast was the big request from Madison and Tony for this trip. We absolutely loved it back in Jan 09 and couldn't wait to go back. We love the buffet and the super cuddly characters.

After breakfast, we might hang out at MK for a bit then we'll head back to Pop to swim/nap. We will need our rest because we're going back to MK for EMH that evening. The park is open until 10pm, so that means EMH goes until 1am!!! No, we don't intend on staying the whole time. We have another early day the next morning.

On the agenda for the evening is Wishes at 8pm and I MUST watch it from the very middle of Main Street. It's just the most magnificent view. After that, we'll stake out a spot for the MSEP. I'm very excited that they extended this parade!

We will definately ride BTMRR because it's so different at night. I've heard that the Jungle Cruise is fun at night too and we've never done that. Not sure what else is on the agenda, but we'll just do whatever we want. :thumbsup2

I've accomplished quite a few things on my to do list the past few days. Like I said, Tony faxed in our room requests on Friday and I also ordered a case of water from Costco. They said it typically takes 2-3 buisness days to arrive, so I went with Friday. I got an email yesterday saying that it shipped already and should arrive on Tuesday. For our address, I put our ressie # and arrival date as my last name (whole name is under the first name line). They'll just hold it in luggage services until we arrive.

Let's see...what else have I done. I preordered our Photopass today! Yea! I just got back from Walmart where I picked up some sinus meds (gotta have them just in case!). While at Walmart, I put our pics from last year's WDW vacation onto a photo disc. It was only $3!!! So, I came home and emptied my memory card. I hated deleting all those photos, but I know they are safe and sound. I also washed my VB hipster on Friday so it would have time to dry. Gotta get it all spiffy for vacation!

Tonight, we plan on rolling all of Madison's coins she's been collecting. We'll add it all up so we know how much money to transfer from our account into hers. Then, we'll keep the quarters and pennies for our pressed pennies and Tony will take the nickels and dimes to the bank and deposit those into our account (or something like that). Tomorrow, I'll bring all of our bottles and cans to the store to turn them in. That money is also Madison's. We're going to hold onto all of her dollar bills and use those for our Mousekeeping envelopes. Don't worry, we'll be sure she has the right amount of $ in her account for vacation.

I know I've mentioned that I use the "rolling" technique when I pack, so I took pics of my step by step directions for all of you.


First, lay your shirt flat


Fold the sleeves/sides in like you normally would


You can start rolling from the top or bottom of the shirt, but I always start from the bottom


Finished product...you just place your rolled clothing next to one another in your suitcase. It stacks well on top of each other too! It's is the only way I pack for long vacations.

For shorts, I typically just fold them in half and roll starting at the waist band. When we unpack, I just unroll and then fold in half. I highly recommend it!!!

I got my Mickey tye dye tank in the mail on Friday, so here's a pic!

I absolutely LOVE it!!! The colors are so bright and beautiful. I think I'm going to wear it on our first full day at the parks. So, I'll be wearing it to the MK for AM EMH and also to Chef Mickey's. I hope Mickey likes it!

Let's recap what's left on my To Do List:
-Return bottles/cans
-Paint toenails
-Put $ into Mousekeeping envelopes
-Get quarters and pennies organized
-$ into Madison's account
-Online check-in
-Charge camera and ipod
-Do Southwest check-in at 6:25am on Tuesday (yuck!)

Not too bad, right? I'll probably do laundry either later tonight or tomorrow evening. My update on Tuesday will inclued my One Week facts for 9/28 and 9/29. Stay tuned and thank you So much for reading!!
YAY!!!! Thanks for the book recommendations!! I order two books and I can't wait to get them! I also bought Vera accessories and thought of you when I bought them LOL!!!

OOOH an empty Main Street is awesome!!! Crystal Palace is so yummy!! Hope you guys have a great meal together!!!

Thanks for showing the rolling method, with me flying this time around I'm going to have to try something new to get all my choices into my suitcases and I just might have to try that way!!
YAY!!!! Thanks for the book recommendations!! I order two books and I can't wait to get them! I also bought Vera accessories and thought of you when I bought them LOL!!!

OOOH an empty Main Street is awesome!!! Crystal Palace is so yummy!! Hope you guys have a great meal together!!!

Thanks for showing the rolling method, with me flying this time around I'm going to have to try something new to get all my choices into my suitcases and I just might have to try that way!!

No problem! Both books look great and I can't wait to read them. I'm trying really hard to wait until Wednesday, but I might break down and start one of them. Yea for Vera!!! So funny that you thought of me!

An empty Main Street and breakfast at CP makes for a great start to the day. I hope we get a table by the window again!

No problem! The rolling technique is wonderful...you can fit so much more in the suitcase (in my opinion). Tony and Madison share our biggest suitcase because her clothes are so small. I get one all to myself...lots of flip flops to pack (no, I'm not bringing all of them). Then, our 3rd one will be for our snacks, beach towels, etc. That one will be nearly empty when we come home, so that makes room for all the souvies! :goodvibes
No problem! Both books look great and I can't wait to read them. I'm trying really hard to wait until Wednesday, but I might break down and start one of them. Yea for Vera!!! So funny that you thought of me!

An empty Main Street and breakfast at CP makes for a great start to the day. I hope we get a table by the window again!

No problem! The rolling technique is wonderful...you can fit so much more in the suitcase (in my opinion). Tony and Madison share our biggest suitcase because her clothes are so small. I get one all to myself...lots of flip flops to pack (no, I'm not bringing all of them). Then, our 3rd one will be for our snacks, beach towels, etc. That one will be nearly empty when we come home, so that makes room for all the souvies! :goodvibes

I'm going to try to getaway with packing in just one suitcase and keeping the other one empty to bring home souvies LOL!! We'll see how that goes! With going in January I have to plan on layers LOL!!
LOVE the tank, ADORABLE!! I went to see if I could get one after we chatted and they were sold out, so cute though, you'll be adorable and I'm sure that Mickey will love it!!;)

You're getting there with your list! YAY!!!:thumbsup2

Thanks for posting the step by step for the rolling for packing, will try it on my stuff!!:thumbsup2

This is THE week! We're going to DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance3:
Hey Meghan! I'm way way wayyyy behind but I do know that you leave superrrr soon and you have to be freaking out! :banana:

If I don't get a chance to get over here again before you leave, have an magical, safe, fun, wonderful trip! I will totally be along for the TR :goodvibes
I'm going to try to getaway with packing in just one suitcase and keeping the other one empty to bring home souvies LOL!! We'll see how that goes! With going in January I have to plan on layers LOL!!

That is a great idea Jen! Very true with the layers in January though.

LOVE the tank, ADORABLE!! I went to see if I could get one after we chatted and they were sold out, so cute though, you'll be adorable and I'm sure that Mickey will love it!!;)

You're getting there with your list! YAY!!!:thumbsup2

Thanks for posting the step by step for the rolling for packing, will try it on my stuff!!:thumbsup2

This is THE week! We're going to DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance3:

Thanks! I just love the Mickey tank. It seems that we always have pics of Madison with the characters, but I'd like that to change on this trip.

I am getting stuff crossed of my list. We just rolled our coins!

No problem! Glad that I could help you out. Definately give the rolling technique a try!

Isn't it awesome to say we're going to WDW THIS WEEK!!!

Hey Meghan! I'm way way wayyyy behind but I do know that you leave superrrr soon and you have to be freaking out! :banana:

If I don't get a chance to get over here again before you leave, have an magical, safe, fun, wonderful trip! I will totally be along for the TR :goodvibes

No problem. I've been updating like crazy lately. I am totally freaking out!!!

Thanks! I'm sure we're going to have a great time!
The jungle cruise at night is fun! I did that last year. And I loooove BTMRR at night too.

I was thinking of rolling my clothes when I pack. It definitely seems like the best way to go. Especially now that my sister informed me she wants me to pack the air mattress so she can use it while she's there!
The jungle cruise at night is fun! I did that last year. And I loooove BTMRR at night too.

I was thinking of rolling my clothes when I pack. It definitely seems like the best way to go. Especially now that my sister informed me she wants me to pack the air mattress so she can use it while she's there!

Glad to hear you liked the Jungle Cruise at night. We'll have to give it a try! Madison adored BTMRR at night, so that is a must do for us from now on.

I really like rolling my clothes. It really saves a lot of space. I'll be sure to take pics when I'm packing on Tuesday to show everyone. Wow...an air mattress!!!
Thanks for posting pics of the rolling technique!!

I think I'm going to try that. I really haven't organized our clothes yet, so I'm not sure how much room we have, but I'm sure the rolling will help!

Wow- I can't believe you have 3 more days! We only have 5 more! I'm so not ready. :rotfl:
Thanks for posting pics of the rolling technique!!

I think I'm going to try that. I really haven't organized our clothes yet, so I'm not sure how much room we have, but I'm sure the rolling will help!

Wow- I can't believe you have 3 more days! We only have 5 more! I'm so not ready. :rotfl:

No problem! I swear by that technique...saves a lot of room.

Now I'm at 2 more days! :woohoo:
2 more days!!! :woohoo:

I am very excited and really wish I didn't have to work today. The list for today seems like a mile long, but I know I'll get it done.

Day 2- Chef Mickey's serves 4,000 eggs, 1700 Mickey-shaped waffles and 1500 pancakes every day at breakfast.

I'll be eating there on Thursday...can you believe it?! I'm really looking forward to it.

Ok. One week from today we'll be waking up early to get to AK for EMH. We'll probably head straight to KS because we love riding it first thing in the morning. I'm sure we'll take a few rides on EE and Dinosaur, but I don't know what else. We hope to see FOTLK on our arrival day, so maybe we'll stop and see Nemo. We'd like to see Mickey and his friends at Camp Minnie-Mickey this trip as well...I love their safari outfits!

After we get our fill of AK, we'll either head back to Pop or go to DTD. I really want to take the boat over to POFQ to get beignets!!! I guess everything depends on how quickly we get through everything we want at AK.

I'd like to be at DHS by 3pm this afternoon. We'll use our 2nd GAD voucher for FP's (it will be used for lots of rides on TSMM). We have an ADR at 50's PTC for 4:20pm..yum! There is EMH at DHS this evening until 10pm so we'll hang out as long as we want.

Well, gotta finish getting ready for work!!!
Hey Meghan, can you explain how the GAD vouchers can be exchanged for FPs and how many FP you get and how to use them? If you want to explain when you get back that's fine! I know you're busy these next few days! We'll have 1 voucher to use because DH and I already used ours on our May trip for park tickets. I figure we'll use my mom's for FPs but don't know how to do that.

I hope you get lots done today!!!!
First of all, Congratulations to Madison on her first place!! :thumbsup2 My DD, Mackenzie, is currently in her 12th year of Irish. We have never done any competitions though. I can't believe that you are leaving so soon. I am jealous! As you can see, we have 10 months until we go!!!!! If I don't get a chance to post again, :dance3:Have the best time ever!!!!! :dance3:Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!popcorn::

Hey Meghan, can you explain how the GAD vouchers can be exchanged for FPs and how many FP you get and how to use them? If you want to explain when you get back that's fine! I know you're busy these next few days! We'll have 1 voucher to use because DH and I already used ours on our May trip for park tickets. I figure we'll use my mom's for FPs but don't know how to do that.

I hope you get lots done today!!!!

Here is a link that explains it very well:


Scroll down about 3/4 down the page and it says "What is a Birthday/Give A Day FASTPASS Exchange Card?"

I'm sure I'll get a lot done today, just wish work didn't have to get in the way! :laughing:

First of all, Congratulations to Madison on her first place!! :thumbsup2 My DD, Mackenzie, is currently in her 12th year of Irish. We have never done any competitions though. I can't believe that you are leaving so soon. I am jealous! As you can see, we have 10 months until we go!!!!! If I don't get a chance to post again, :dance3:Have the best time ever!!!!! :dance3:Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!popcorn::


Thanks! Madison has been dancing for 2 full years now and is entering into her 3rd year. We LOVE going to all of the competitions and so does she.

I can't believe I leave so soon either!!!


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