I miss

I know this sounds biased but why does it seem harder for females to leave their children than Men. It never seemed to bother dh as much when he had to be away. Men at better at keeping softer emotions at bay I guess It's fine during work.. too busy to think...

I think it's because we give birth to the children and, by nature, we are the nurturers. I know when DD first went away to college, I was totally lost. And, in my case, it never got any easier. I was thrilled when she finally received her Master's degree and came back to Southern Florida.

Planning a Disney trip sounds like a terrific idea :)
Originally posted by Ziggie
I think it's because we give birth to the children and, by nature, we are the nurturers.

I know you didn't mean to say it that way, but not all of us mothers have given birth to our children.

The ties are just as strong, even though not biological...
{{{HUGS}}} sweetie. I don't know if I could have stood being away from Travis six whole months.

Can't they visit you? Sorry you are missing your babies :(


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